2020届高三英语一轮复习 Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year阅读案(无答案)外研版选修7

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2020届高三英语一轮复习 Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year阅读案(无答案)外研版选修7_第1页
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2020届高三英语一轮复习 Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year阅读案(无答案)外研版选修7_第2页
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2020届高三英语一轮复习 Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year阅读案(无答案)外研版选修7_第3页
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Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year话题了解美国高中生的生活日常,课外活动。重点知识Suit; Its a great pity that主语从句; elect; consider; 词形变化阅读导学案使用方法:自主阅读完成下面的练习。作完后,自行查阅教材P16-17进行答案校对。: 七选五Highlights of My Senior Yearby Joanna SykesI can hardly believe it, but my school life is almost over. _1_ Its a good thing that the exams are finished. I feel too excited to think clearly. It seems strange to think that in a few days time Ill be walking out of the school gates forever. The first thing Im going to do is to take a long vacation!Meanwhile, _2_. Ive decided to write them down so that one day, years from now, when I reread them, the memories will come back.Theres so much to remember. One of the best things about this year has been working as an arts editor for this newspaper. Ive so enjoyed it! _3_.Other things Im pleased about getting good grades on my final exams, and receiving the senior prize for English Literature. _4_. And of course, Ill never forget being elected to the student council. I really enjoyed meeting the teachers and telling them how we, the students, feel about things, and what we think should happen in the school!All these things have been wonderful. _5_. Daniel, a boy in my English class, asked me to go to the prom with him, and I was so pleased Id been hoping he would ask me. Daniel and I danced most of the dances together. But the big surprise of the evening was when I was elected prom queen! This was so unexpected, and I cant tell you how good this made me feel! It was a perfect ending to a perfect school year.A. It took two hours but it was worth it.B. I love writing, and working on this paper is my first step towards becoming a journalist, so this has been a real success for meC. But I have to say, the highlight of the year was the senior prom.D. Prom night has come and gone, and Ive received my high school diploma at last.E. I find myself looking back at my senior year, and thinking about all the wonderful things that have happened.F. I was given a car by my parents so Ive been able to drive to school, which is brilliant.G. Its clear that this kind of work can really help people.: 语法填空_1_(compete) sports, for example, baseball, are _2_(probable) the most popular of all the after-school activities. This is _3_, for many American parents, it is important that their children, particularly boys, learn how to compete successfully. Young people _4_(encourage) to take part in team sports such as football and basketball, since these games teach you to have the “winning spirit”. For some students and _5_ parents, high school sport is considered more important than academic _6_(achieve).During the long summer holidays, _7_ is a custom for American children to spend several weeks at summer camps. There are thousands of camps, and they can be found all over the country. _8_ these camps offer is an opportunity to take part in many different kinds of outdoor activities, for example, horse riding and water skiing. Older teenagers are more likely _9_(get) summer jobs or go camping with _10_ group of friends. Many go backpacking in the mountains of the west.III. 课文重点句型翻译:1. 同时,我发觉自己在回顾自己高中最后一年的时光,追忆所有发生过的美好往事。2. 我找到一件非常适合我的晚礼服。3. 这花了我两小时,不过很值得。4. 不过,那晚的大惊喜还是我当选为舞会的女皇。5. 通过参加这些活动,学生们展示自己的特殊才能、领导能力和与他人相处的能力。6. 这些营地所提供的就是参加诸如骑马、划水这样的各种各样的户外活动机会。7. 有一个植物学老师让我初次领略到了我对花和植物的激情8. 当拉拉队队员在美国被认为如此重要,以至于好几部电影都是以它为题材而拍摄的!


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