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关于20岁青春的英语美文:英语美文短篇 青春关于20岁青春的英语美文关于20岁青春的英语美文 青春是有限的,智慧是无穷的,趁短的青春,去学习无穷的智慧。本 文是关于20岁青春的英语美文,有帮助! 关于20岁青春的英语美文:Youth Youth is a lively , youth is a mature turning.We have been or are embrace the youth, we will lose our youth.Youth is like a gust of d blog, leaving only the dusty back.I want to stay young, however, time is merciless.I do think about the chastity words to record the regretless youth.Some people say that youth is a scrap of paper, of no use.Every attempt nothing and acplish nothing, only know to eat, drink, play, mus, do not know how to study hard, do not know how parents bitterness, do not understand the meaning of life.Also some people, although they are unknown to the publ, but they cherish their youth, cherish their own every second.They are studying hard, hard work.Youth is a song, sing the life the most memorable fragment; youth is a painting, draw the outline of the most wonderful scene; youth is a poem, to praise the most beautiful moment in life; youth is the only way whh must be passed to each of us in our life, it plays a signifant role.As a new era of college students, should cherish the youth, to seize every minute to learn.We must hold to our youth, do not waste ones life.On the road of grog up, do every thing, each reading a good book, learn every bit of knowledge.We should not idle about all day, abandoned their studies.We want to make sure that the goal of life for themselves, to pursue the ideal of life.This is the youth: full power, full of epectations, voluntary, full of knowledge and the struggle of ambition.Youth, revealed a deep a quality suggestive of poetry or painting; youth, emitting a faint fragrance lovingly.The pace of youth will not s because of diffulty, the melody of youth is not obstructed by d and rain and.Youth is the sun, is a sign of confidence; let us raise the youth sailing, let youth where flying, let youth in here! 青春 青春是一个活泼的话题, 青春是一个成熟的转折。 我们曾经或者正在拥抱青春,我们也将失去我们的青春。 青春像一 阵风吹过,后面只留下尘土飞扬。我想留住青春 ,然而岁月是无情的。我竭尽 思索着想用最朴实无华的字眼来记录这段无悔的青春。 有的人把青春当作是废 弃的纸,一无所用。天天无所作为,只知道吃、喝、玩、乐,不懂得好好学习,不懂得父母的辛酸,不懂得人生的意义。 也有些人,他们虽然默默无闻,但是他们却珍惜着自己的青春,珍惜 自己所拥有的每一分每一秒。他们正在努力地学习,努力地工作。 青春是一首 歌,唱出人生最值得回忆的片段;青春是一幅画,勾勒出人生最精彩的一幕;青春 是一首小诗,赞美人生最美 的一刻;青春是我们每个人的必经之路,它对我们的 人生起着重大的作用。 作为一名新时代的大学生,应该要好好珍惜青春,要抓住每一分每一 秒来学习。我们要紧握青春,不虚度年华。在成长的道路上,做好每一件事,读 好每一本书,学好每一点知识。我们不应该整天游手好闲,荒废学业。我们要为 自己确定人生的目的,努力地去追求人生的理想。这就是青春:充满着力量,充 满了期待、志愿,充满着求知和斗争的志向。 青春,流露着浓浓的诗情画意;青春,散发出淡淡的幽香含情。青春 的步伐不会因困难而停顿,青春的旋律不会因风雨而阻挠。青春是阳光,是自信 的标志;让我们扬起青春的风帆,让青春在这里飞扬,让青春在这里启航吧! 关于20岁青春的英语美文:关于青春和年龄 About Youth and Age This year, there are many movies about in honor of peoples fading youth, the movies are very popular by the audience.Suddenly the about youth bees a hot , many people collect the symbol things whh stand for their youth, they are remembering their youth.For the young, they you enjoying the beautiful lifetime, while for the old, they are just recalling it.On my opinion, youth is nothing to do with the age, we can enjoy the youth all the time.The movies recall peoples memory, if people are active, they can be young forever, there is no need to look back on the memory.When people get older, they can live as the young, they dont have to be act as the old, people get old when they think they are old.There is a famous song Forever Young, it reminds people to keep young at heart.今年,有很多电影关于纪念人们的逝去的青春,这些电影很受观众的 欢迎。突然间关于青春的话题成为了热点,很多人搜集象征他们青春的东西来纪 念青春。对于年轻人来说,他们正在享受着美妙年华,对于老人家来说,他们在 回忆。在我看来,青春和年纪无关,我们可以一直年轻。电影唤起了人们的记忆, 假设人们活泼,他们可以永远年轻,没有必要去回望记忆。当人们变老时,他们 也可以像年轻人那样活着,没有必要像老人家那样,当人们觉得老了,他们就老 了。有一首知名的歌叫“永远年轻”,它提醒人们保持心理年轻。 关于20岁青春的英语美文:Being Young Is GoodLast night, I went to my friends birthday party, I made some friends.We talked hily, one of my new friends showed us the ptures of the places he had been visited.We were so envious, all of us had the dream to go travel to many places, but none of us took the action.He told us that we were so young and had the energy to see the world.He told us to carry out the plan once we had the idea.What he told us is right, we are young and it is good to be young.In the old peoples eyes, we are so free and can go where we want.But most of the young people havent realized the right they have, they waste their youth and dare not to do what they want.译文:昨晚,我去了朋友的生日派对,结交了一些新朋友。我们聊得 很愉快,其中一个新朋友向我们展示了他去过地方的照片。我们很羡慕,我们都 有梦想过要去旅游很多地方,但是没有人采取行动。他告诉我们说我们是如此的 年轻,有精力去看看这个世界。他告诉我们一旦我们有想法就要去施行。他对我 们说的话是对的,我们正年轻,年轻就是好。在老人家的眼里,我们很自由,可 以去任何地方那个。但是大部分年轻人都没有意识到他们拥有的权利,他们浪费 了自己的青春,不敢做自己想做的事情。第 4 页 共 4 页


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