一年级上册英语教案- Unit 6 Fruitlesson 1 人教新起点

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课题Unit 6 Fruit姓名 年级一(3)学校 教材 Teaching Material Analysis本节课是一节水果类单词课。通过圣诞老人给小朋友送礼物这一条主线,学习单词:apple orange pear以及复习已学banana,在学习每个单词时,穿插多个游戏操练,从而鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,从而激发学生的学习积极性。StudentsAnalysis一年级学生没有英语基础,由于年龄小,又加上生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、画画感兴趣。但是通过一段时间的培养,大部分学生学习习惯较好,有较高的求知欲和表现欲,他们对师设计的游戏有浓厚的兴趣,课堂积极参与各项活动,但也有小部分学生胆小不自信,课堂上默默无闻。Teaching Aims and Demand知识目标: 1、学生能掌握本单元核心单词和句型。 2、会听懂教师的指令语Show me,并作出相应的动作。能力目标: 1、能够跟随录音大胆模仿读单词。 2、学生能够小组合作学习、相互协作,体会学习的快乐。情感目标: 了解自己和朋友的爱好,多吃水果,有益健康。Teaching Key Points能够听懂、会说四种水果的英文名字。Teaching Difficult Points能够听懂、会说四种水果的英文名字,并能听懂课堂简短的指令。Teaching Methods1、多媒体辅助,直观教学。2、游戏教学。Teaching Aidscards/pictures/tape/PPTTeaching time40 minutesTeaching ProceduresStepsTeaching ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesDesign PurposeTime PlanningStep 1 Free talkT: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you. How are you?Do you like dogs/blueSs: Hello. Nice to see you! Im fine. (Let Ss ask and answer)日常会话,锻炼学生口语能力。2Step 2 Warm -up1.Chant T:Follow me, boys and girls 2.I say, you do. T:Show me your hand. Touch your Close your3.Have a PK T: Introduce the PK rules1.Ss chant together. 2.According To the teachers instructions, the Ss do the actions.朗朗上口的chant快速将学生带入英语学习氛围,为下一环节做铺垫。竞争机制,鼓励学生主动参与,激发学习积极性131Step 3 Presentation1.T:Today, we have a new friend. First, Lets watch the video. What gifts he brings to us? 2.Lets guess. T:Whats in the box? 3.Teach: apple T:Do you like apples? Show me an apple. 4.T:What else is in the box?Who wants to touch it? 5.Teach: pear 6.T;Lets “go home.”7.T opens the gift box. Teach: orange 8.T;Santa Claus takes much fruit to us, we should sayI also take a gift to you.1.Ss watch the video, then answer the question. 2.Let some Ss guess it. 3.Play a game. 1).Magic finger. 2)Say hello to apple. Ss answer it, and do it. 4.One student touches the box.5.Play a game. 1).Pose, pose, pose 2).Little train. 6.Play a game. (Practice apple and pear) 7.Ss say three two one, T open the box. 1).Ss try to read the orange 2).Play a game. Pass the card. 8.Review : banana有趣的视频引发学生的思考,让学生更有带入感。 结合学生的好奇心,开展猜猜的游戏,激发学习兴趣。 为接下来的I say,you do 做铺垫有趣的游戏中操练,让学生在玩中学,学中玩。及时操练刚学的两个单词,加以巩固。 复习已经学过的单词,完整本节课。22312312Step4Practice1.Listen and repeat. 2.T shows some pictures about fruit. 3.Game: up and down1.Listen and repeat. 2.Play a guessing game. 3.Eg.Group1 is apple Group2 is orange Group3 is pear. Group4 is banana Apple down, apple down, apple up banana down培养与锻炼学生听力。集体操练,全员参与222Step 5 Production1.T;So much fruit on your desk, please show me an apple2.Pair work. 3.Lets sing a song. 1. According to the teachers instructions, the Ss do . (T says, Ss do.) 2.Work in pairs. 3.Sing a song.在我说你做中操练单词。 培养学生的合作能力222 Step 5 Wrap-upAn apple a day, keeps a doctor away. We should eat much fruitAn apple a day, keeps a doctor away. We should eat much fruit.情感渗透,提醒学生多吃水果,不挑食。1Homework1.Read the new words after class.2.Eat much fruit. Keep healthy及时巩固,学以致用Black- Board Design Unit6 Fruit Apple pear Orange banana G1 G2 G3 G4 Reflections本节课是一节单词课,通过圣诞老人给小朋友送礼物这一条主线,学习单词:apple orange pear以及复习已学banana。在操练单词时设计了多个游戏,游戏新颖有趣,学生参与度很高。各环节语言点清楚,而且各个活动设的目的性强,但是活动缺少趣味性,连贯性,没有情景感,导致整节课没什么起伏感,很平淡。另外板书设计直观有趣,有竞争机制 6 / 6


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