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宾阳县初中毕业班学业水平测试(一)英 语本试卷分第I卷和第II卷,满分120分,考试时间120分钟.注意:答案一律填写在答题卡上,在试题卷上作答无效。考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷(共85分)听力某些(一至四题)一、听句子,选画面。(共5题,每题1 分,共5分)你将听到5个句子,请在下列六幅图中选出与你所听句子内容相符图片,并在答题卡上按规定作答。每个句子读一遍。 A B C D E F1 2. 3. 4. 5. 二、听对话,选用最佳答案。(共10题,每题1分,共10分)你将听到3段对话,请根据对话内容,选出每个问题最佳答案,并在答题卡上按规定作答。(每段对话读两遍)请听第1段对话,回答第68 小题。6. Whose birthday is it?A. Fathers. B. Mothers. C. Grandmas7. When will the birthday be?A. Today. B. This Tuesday. C. Next Tuesday. 8. What is she going to buy?A. A dress. B. A handbag. C. A hat.请听第2段对话,回答第911小题。9. Whats wrong with Bob? A. He had a toothache B. He stayed up last night.C. He was ill. 10. Whats the date today? A. March 30th. B. April 1st. C. April 2nd 11. How is Bob feeling now? A. He wants to sleep. B. He is angry. C. He feels worse.请听第3段对话,回答第1215小题。12Where are the speakers?A. At a hotel. B. In a shop. C. In a school.13How many bags does the woman have?A. Two B. Five C. Six14On Which floor does the woman stay?A. On the second floor. B. On the third floor. C. On the fourth floor.15What does the man give the woman at last? A. Her bags. B. Her car. C. Her key.三、短文理解。(共5小题,每题2分,共10分)你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,选出每个问题最佳答案,并在答题卡上按规定作答。短文读两遍。16. Who did the class help?A. An old woman B. An old man C. A sick woman17. What did they do first?A. They swept the floor. B. They painted the house. C. They cleaned the house.18. Where did they plant the flowers?A. In the garden B. In the back yard C. In the front yard.19. How long did they work?A. Three days B. Three weeks C. Three hours20. Why were they happy?A. Because they were paid B. Because they made friends.C. Because they helped someone.四、听短文,填信息。(共5小题, 每题1分,共5分)你将听到一篇短文, 请根据短文内容,将所缺信息填入答题卡相应横线上,每空一词。 短文读两遍。A Trip to SydneyTimeLast (21)_ vacationWeather(22) _all the timeActivitiesVisited places of interestMet many (23) _people.Ate all kinds of fruits and delicious (24)_ .Went to the seaside,took photos,swam in the sea.Feeling (25) _ but happy 五、单项选用。(共10小题,每题1分,共10分)从下列每题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处最佳答案,并在答题卷上按规定作答。26. Could you help me fix up my bike?_.A. Thank you B. With pleasure C. It doesnt matter D. Thats all right. 27. Dont forget to _the light when you leave the classroom.A. turn down B. turn on C. turn off D. turn up28. The _of the house is very high. He cant afford it at all.A. color B. price C. size D. room 29. My uncle _the army two year ago. A. joined B. join C. will join D. was joining30. Lilys ipad is_than yours.A. expensiver B. more expensive C. expensive D. most expensive31. Would you like _ to eat?A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything32. My mother was ill,so I _ look after her. A. might B. had to C. will D. could33. Can you see our English teacher_ the classroom? A. to enter B. enters C. entered D. enter34. Ten years _ a long time.A. was B. are C. is D. were35. Do you know the man _ is watering the flowers? A. which B. when C. where D. who六、完形填空。(共15小题,每题1分,共15分)阅读下面两篇短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上按规定作答。AAfter his parents meeting,Wang Jiaming,14,from Beijing knows that he will face invisible(看不见)“enemies”“other excellent students”.“Look at other students. You and they are taught by the same teachers. Why couldnt you be as 36 as them?” his mother would say.Many students hear 37 words from their parents. After the parents meeting,their parents begin to 38 them with other students ,especially those who are praised by teachers .“I want to encourage my child to 39 them ,”explained Li Shulan,a mother of a 14-year-old boy from Xian ,Shanxi . However,many children,like Wang,don t like it.“I feel very 40 and sometimes even hate those students,” Wang said.Parents have good intentions(意图),but in fact they couldhurt children s self-esteem(自尊). If children feel hurt ,they should let parents know it ,said Lin Ying ,a psychological(心理)teacher at Xiamen Hubin Middle School in Fujian .36. A. right B.good C.bad D. new37. A. same B. important C. familiar D. similar 38. A. compare B.connect C.expect D. encourage39. A. care for B. learn from C. agree with D. turn to40. A. pleased B.surprised C. amazed D. angryBThree small fish lived in the sea. When they were very young,their parents died. They had to _41_ each other day after day. Finally,they grew up and dared to swim 42 and further.One morning,the three fish were _43_ to a shallow(浅滩) water by a big wave. A small boat was taken there,too. It was hard for the fish to go back to the sea because the boat was right in front of them. The largest fish realized that they were _44_ and said they had to find a way to leave there as fast as possible. The second largest fish _45_ with his elder brother,but the youngest one did not. He said that there was much_46_ for their activities,so he would not worry at all and still swam around _47_. At last,the largest fish returned to the _48_ by jumping over the lowest part of the boat. The second largest fish also succeeded in _49_ his elder brother in the other side of water. But the youngest one didnt follow them and still swam joyfully.Two hours later,when the _50_ rose up,the water in the small shallow corner dried up. The fish who did not try to return to the sea died of lack(缺少) of water.41.Alisten to Blook after Ctalk with Dworry about42.Adeeper Bbigger Chigher Dsmaller43.Aallowed Bgiven Cinvited Dtaken44.Ain safety Bin doubt Cin danger Din peace45.Aagreed Btalked Ccompared Ddiscussed46. Amoney Bfood Cwater Dair47. Aslowly Bsadly Cluckily Dhappily48. Asea Briver Clake Dpond49. Acatching Bjoining Ctaking Dtelling50. Astorm Bstars Cmoon Dsun七、阅读理解(共20小题5165每题1分。6670每题2分,共25分)APeople want to know how fish can hear sounds without ears. But the fact is that fish do have ears. We cannot see the ears because they are inside their bodies,and they hear very well with them. Their listening is actually much better than mans. Many water animals make noises while they are doing something. Sounds are real words for them. By sounds,they know where they are and which way to go. When they face danger or they find food,they always make sounds to tell others the news. A new field in science is to learn the meanings of underwater sounds. People use the same skill that they have used in learning the secrets of birds calls. But this method is more difficult to use in the sea because many of the sea animals cannot be easily followed and studied. We have not any other way to study the sounds in the sea. Perhaps the meaning of the calls of the sea animals will be known more clearly someday. It will be useful for us to learn the secrets of the sounds in the sea.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,对旳为“T”,错误为“F”,并在答题卡上把“T”或“F”涂黑。51. Fish have ears outside their bodies.52. Studying fish sounds is more difficult than that of birds.53. Fish can make sounds to tell others the danger they meet.54. It will be useless to learn the secrets of the sounds in the sea.55. The passage is mainly about how to study the sounds on the land.BA Telephone MessageFrom:Ren Xue To:Yu WeiDate:May 23 Time:16:00Message:She says that you must put on your sports shoes,your hat and sunglasses,bring some food and drinks,and ride a bike to meet her at the school gate at 8:00 tomorrow.Tel:84676352. Taken by Mother.FoundApril 16,An MP5 was found in the library on the morning of April 16 th. Will the owner please call at 87058344 or come to Class 1,Grade 9 to get it? Lin XiangSunshine ClubFOR YOUNG PEOPLEFROM 12 TO 18 YEARS OLDEvery Saturday 6:30 Pm9:30pmLondon Street 2887539682/87539683Just 5 yuan a timeGames,music,dancing and lots more根据方框内短文内容,选用最佳答案,并在答题卡上按规定作答。56. Yu Wei will meet Ren Xue at the school gate _. A. at 8:00,on May 23 B. at 8:00,on May 24 C. at 16:00,on May 23 D. at 16:00,on May 2457. Tomorrow Yu Wei and Ren Xue will probably _. A. go hiking B. go to a party C. go to the movies D. join the Sunshine Club58. Which number can Maria call at if her MP5 is lost? A. 84676352. B. 87539683. C. 87539682. D. 87058344.59. Which of the following people is allowed to join the club? A. A 10-year-old kid. B. A 14-year-old boy. C. A 19-year-old student. D. A 30-year-old parent.60. We can know that the club_. A. is on Land Street B. costs 35 yuan a week C. opens once a week D. is open for four hours a weekC Different weather makes people feel different. It influences health,intelligence(智力) and feelings.In August,it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States. People there have heart trouble and other kinds of health problems during this month. In the Northeast and the Middle West,it is very hot at some times and very cold at other times. People in these states(州) have more heart trouble after the weather changes in February or March. The weather can also influence intelligence. For example,in a 1983 report by scientists,IQ(智商) of a group of students was very high when a very strong wind came,but after the strong wind,their IQ was 10% lower. The wind can help people have more intelligence. Very hot weather,on the other hand,can make it lower. Students in many schools of the United States often get worse on exams in the hot months of the year (July and August).Weather also has a strong influence on peoples feelings. Winter may be a bad time for thin people. They usually feel cold during these months. They might feel unhappy during cold weather. But fat people may have a hard time in hot summer. At about 18,people become stronger.Low air pressure(气压) may make people forgetful(健忘). People leave more bags on buses and in shops on low-pressure days. People feel best at a temperature of about 18.Are you feeling sad,tired,forgetful,or unhappy today?It may be the weathers problem.根据短文内容,选用最佳答案,并在答题卡上按规定作答。 61.What can cause problems on health?A. Hot and wet weather B. A strong wind C. Warm weather D. Low air pressure 62. A report shows that people may have more intelligence when _ comes.A. rain B. a strong wind C. very hot weather D. low air pressure63. According to(根据) the writer,fat people may feel bad in _ weather.A. cold B. cool C. warm D. hot64. The writer wants to tell us that _.A. hot and cold weather influences all people in the same wayB. weather influences peoples behaviorC. IQ changes when weather changesD. people feel good on low pressure days65. Which is the best title(标题) for this passage?A. Hot Weather Causes Health ProblemsB. Different Weather Makes People Feel BadC. Weather Influences FeelingsD. Weather Influences Health,Intelligence and FeelingsDJessie felt her life so boring one summer day. She was tired of watching TV,she read all her books, and her friends were on vacation. She wanted something different to do. Suddenly,she saw the lawn mower(割草机) sitting in the yard. “Mom,” she shouted,“I think I will mow the lawn.” Her mom ran into the yard and said,“Oh no, you dont. Youre too young to mow the lawn.” “Im fourteen years old and know how to do it,” Jessie said. “Besides,it would help Dad out,and he wont have to worry about it over the weekend.” Mom thought for a while and then decided to let Jessie give it a try. After all,she was at home and would keep an eye on her. Jessie already knew how to start the lawn mower from watching her dad. Jessie checked the gas(汽油) to make sure it was full,and put on her gardening gloves to protect her hands. Mom watched from the kitchen window. Jessie really does know how to mow the lawn. She was very careful around the flowers and trees. When she finished,she felt so good,but she was so hot. Mom brought her some ice tea and said,“You sure did a great job. Dad will be very surprised.” Later that day,Dad came home and said to Jessies mom,“You didnt have to mow the lawn. I was going to do it on Saturday. It looks great. Thanks.” “I didnt mow it. Jessie did.” “Wow,our little girl is growing up!” Dad told Jessie what a great job she had done. “It was fun,and I will do it again next week,” said Jessie. The neighbor next door came by and asked Jessie if she wanted to mow his lawn and make some money. “Sure!” said Jessie. Jessie began mowing his lawn. Two other neighbors asked so,then another three. Jessie was now mowing lawns for them all and making some money. She was no longer bored!“I wont have time to spend my money,” she laughed to herself. 根据短文内容,选用最佳答案,并在答题卡上按规定作答。66. In order to do something different,Jessie decide to _.A. read books B. travel C. mow the lawn D. watch TV67. What does “keep an eye on” mean?A. 保护 B. 注视 C. 培养 D. 瞄准68. Before Jessie mowed the lawn,she _.A. washed her hands B. bought some gasC. read some instructions D. put on her gloves69. How did Jessies father feel when he knew Jessie had mowed the lawn?A. Proud. B. Angry. C. Relaxed. D. Worried.70. What does the text mainly tell us?A. Neighbors should learn to help each other.B. Mowing the lawn is a good way to make money.C. Doing something helpful can make people happy.D. Children should help their parents at an early age.八、情量交际(共5小题。每题l分共5分)A. Why not do something to help her?B. He is from America.C. But she was ill last month and was away from school for seven days.D. When shall we start?E. Yes. I saw her this morning.F. She didnt pass the math exam last week.G. Yes,I did.根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出五个恰当句子补全对话,并在答题卷上按规定作答。其中有两项是多余。M:Have you seen Lucy today,Alice?W: 71 M:Do you think she looks upset these days? Whats the matter with her?W: 72 M:Really?I thought she was good at math?W:Yes,73 . When she was well and back to school,she has missed too many classes.M:Im sorry to hear that, 74 .W:Good idea!Lets go to her home after school. And remember to take our notebooks so that she can copy our notes and we can answer her questions.M:OK. 75 .W:Lets start today.第II卷(共35分)注意:用黑色水性笔直接答在答题卡上。在试题卷上作答无效。九、单词分类(共5小题,每题2分,共10分)请根据所给句子意思,从下面方框中选出可以填入句子中单词,并将其字母标号填在答题卡相应位置。A. monkeys B. exciting C. in D. already E. invite F. on G. ever H. pandas I. ask J. interesting76. His favorite animal is_/_. 77. Why does Zhang Lei look unhappy?Because her best friend didnt _/_her to have a party.78. When and where were you born? I was born _October 1 st,1995_Nanning.79. The film we saw last night was very _/ _.80. The girl has _/ _ visited the Great Wall.十、补全对话。(共5小题,每题1分,共5分)请根据对话内容,在下面空白处填入恰当词,使对话完整与对旳,并将答案填在答题卷相应横线上。每空一词。M:What 81 weather!It is raining again.W:Dont worry!The weather report says it will be cloudy tomorrow and from May 4th,it will be sunny.M:Really?Thats good 82 .W:Would you like to go camping with us tomorrow,Peter?M:sorry,Ill have to look after my sick sister. Why not 83 Sam to go camping with you?W:Oh,he has to study 84 his English exam.M:Amy is free. You can ask 85 .W:Ok. I will call her later.十一、选词填空。(共10小题,每题1分,共10分)请根据所给句子内容,从下面方框中选出恰当词,并用其对旳形式填在答题卷相应横线上。每词限用一次。arrive have help write hard Germany twelve she become heavy 86. Its so quiet here!I can _ believe were in the city centre.87. The bike is mine. _ is over there.88. Last term,our teachers gave us many_ books.89. We decide not to go hiking because it was raining _.90. Nanning has _ a very famous city.91. My father bought a football for me on my _ birthday.92. Our head teacher said that two _ would visit our school tomorrow.93. I have read ten books that were _ by Moyan.94. We are looking forward to _ the school-leavers party.95. Well go to play basketball as soon as LiLei_ here.十二、书面体现(10分)每个人在成长过程中都应学会感恩。感恩让我们幸福快乐;感恩使社会和谐美好。请根据提示,以“Learn to Be Thankful”为题写一篇议论文,可以恰当发挥,字数80左右。感恩对象父母学校同窗教师 感恩理由悉心照顾学习环境互相协助提示词:take good care oflearning environment help each other with studyto be a real person


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