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补全对话十大话题必背句型一购物:1. Can I help you ? -Yes ,please.2 . I want to buy a shirt for my son. I would like a pair of trousers. Im looking for some flowers for my mom3.What color do you want ?What sizes do you want ?How many do you want ?4. What / How this one?/ Is this one all right? / This one is OK?5.I think its too large. Are there any smaller ones? / Do you have smaller ones? / I want a small one6 What does it cost?/ How much is it are they?7. Its too expensive.Do you have any cheaper ones?8. Can I try it on ? May I try it on ? -Of course. Sure , you can.9.-What is made offrom? -It is made of silk.10.-Where is it made ?-It is made in China.11.Ill take itthem.12.What kind of flowers would you like ? Id like some roses.13.Thank you . You re welcome.二问路: 1. Thank you all the same./Thank you. 2Excuse me, where is the nearest hospital, please? 或How can I get to the nearest hospital? 或Which is the way to the nearest hospital, please? 或Can you tell me the way to the nearest hospital? 或Could you tell me how I can get to the nearest hospital, please?3 -How far is it from here? -It is about an hours walk.4 Is it far from here?5-How can we get there?-You can take No. 5 bus.6. Which bus shall/should I take7. It will take me more time to walk there/ I want to get there quickly. / I dont have much time. 8. why do you want to go there9. Can/Could you (please) help me /Can you go with me10.Go straight Go down . Turn rightleft11.Can I ride a bike there ?三打电话1. May I speak to Danny ? 2. Is that Danny (speaking) 3.This is Jim ( speaking ). 4. Whos that(speaking) 5 . I cant follow you 6. When/ What time will it began 7. Pardon / Would you say it again/ Please say it again 8. Can I take leave a message ? 9. Whats your flight number?10 can you meet me(at the airport)tomorrow?11 . Please tell me what he looks like./What does he look like?12. Hold onHold the line. 13 .Sorry,he isnt herein now.14. Please tell him to call me back when he comes back.15. Does he know your phone number?16. Im sorry to hear that.17. Whats your telephone number18. Bye/See you四 看医生:1. Whats wrong /the matter / the trouble with you?2. I have a fever ( a headache).3. About two days (three days / a week. etc.) ago.4. But I have been very busy ( But I havent finished my work until this morning. etc.).5. Is it serious, doctor ?6. How long have you been like this?7. What did you have for breakfast this morning?8. Have you taken your temperature?9. I want to take your temperature./ Ill take your temperature / let me take your temperature.10. -How often should I take the medicine? -Three times a day.11 .Youve a high fever, but dont worry. It is nothing serious. Just a little cold.12. What shall I do?13. You must take some medicine, and have a good rest.14 . How many times should I take the medicine a day ?15. Three times .Youd better drink more water and stay in bed. Youll be all right soon.五天气:1. Whats the weather like ?Hows the weather ?2. Its sunnyrainycloudywindysnowy3. Which season do you like best?4. I like Spring SummerAutumnWinter.六假期,周末活动:1. How was your weekend?2. what did you do on weekends?3. What are you going to do on weekend ?What are you going to do for vacation? where would you go on vacation?4. I am going to .5. When will you leave ?When are you going?6. How will you get there?7. How long did you stay there? 8. Who did you go there with ?9. When shall we meet?10. Where shall we meet?11.Did you hav a good time?12. That s a good idea . That sounds good .13.Have a good time !Enjoy yourself.七学习:1 .You look unhappy.Whats wrong /the matter / the trouble with you?2 .I didnt pass the English exam again. 3. Im sorry to hear that / Sorry to hear that.4. How do you learn English? / Whats your way (of learning English / to learn English?) / Can / Could you tell me how you learn English? 5. I think thats not good./ Thats not a good way./ Thats not good. 6.How do you study for a test ?How do you learn English ?7.I study byl listening to the tapes .8.Whats your favorite subject ?- My favorite subject is 9 .Do you take notes in English class?10.You should write down the important things that the teacher tells you.11.OK. Ill do as you tell me.九。谈论故事和作者旳话题1.You are reading the novel again.2. Ill never be tired of it.3. How many times have you read it?4 。Three times. Every time I read it, I can always learn something new.5. Who wrote it? Who was the writer? Whom was the novel written by?6. Charles Dickens. I think he is a great English writer. What about you? 7 .He is also my favourite foreign writer. Please let me have a look at it.8 .What do you think of this novel?9 . It s exciting/ wonderful / great.10 .I have not seen such a novel for long. Where did you buy it?11. I dont know where it is. .12. Im going there to get one, too. Thank you!B: Youre welcome!十其她句型:1.What does he do ?what do you do ?2.What do you want to be ?3.Where does he work ?4.What is he doing ? what are you doing ?5.Whats your hobby ?6.Whos your favorite actor ?7.How old are you ? How old is he ?8.Whats your name ? Whats her name?9.Where do you live ? Where does he live ?10.Where are you from ?Where do you come from?11.What language do you speak? What language does he speak ?12.When were you born? When is he born ?13.What does he look like ? Whats your phone number ?14.How are you ?


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