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word2018年中考英语专题训练词汇检测1its good to have a健康的 eating habit2His father always鼓励him to face the failure bravely3John is interested in化学4The Blacks are going to have their garden浇水 this weekend5Reading is important,for it can open up an未知的world to us6Sue always has great勇气to face difficulties and thats why we all respect her7Be polite,HenryIts rude to指向 at others like that8To my surprise,the 3yearold boy can spell all those words正确地9With the development of science and technology,more and more机器人are used in factories10Drinking tea is a传统的 custom in China11Everest is a natural奇迹Many people expect to explore it12There are three months in spring,including March,April and五月13Most drivers in Suqian are礼貌的 enough to let people walk across the street first14All my classmates went to the old peoples home除了Enic because he was ill15Researchers say temperatures in North Africa will continue 上升this summer16When was the new crosssea 桥in Lianyungang pleted?In April,201617e on,SandyEverybody will be lucky or 成功的 sometime in their lifeThanks,Ill try again18Flight 846 降落 safely ten minutes ago with 300passengers19On his way back home,Frank lost his wallet because of his 粗心20Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they look very真实的21Each different part of China has its own special forms of传统的art22Mrs Wang,a new顾客of our shop,has bee my friend23Lily is proud that she was born in a city with a long历史24We all know that the earth is not the中心 of the universe25They were激动地discussing the plan for the ing May Day holiday26I could feel my heart跳动 fast when I heard the news27The floor will feel even光滑的 after it is mopped by me28Dont drink the 污染 waterIt will make you ill29To my parents,my health要紧more to them than anything else30All建议 are welePlease give them to us at anytime31Something must be done to stop the virus 扩散32The little boy his head when he heard what his mother said垂下33I think these cameras are those导演Please look after them34The Shanghai Disney Resort which opens in June is to attract 10million visits each year预计35Ice fishing,a popular winter sport,is相似的in many ways to regular fishing36We need to learn new words and more语法to understand English better37They wanted to发送everyone emails to ask for help38I was told that Apple Pay is one of the最安全的way to pay on the Internet39Jack has many story books and he often分享them with his friends40My father is interested in收集stamps41His family is not rich enough to买得起 a house42To our surprise,there was no salt in the fishDad did the cooking粗心地43Here is the菜单,can you tell me what you will order?44My dream is to be a teacher in the将来45Everyone is here除了 TomHe is absent because of his illness46This big meal gives me energy for the afternoon 整个的47of patients are treated in the hospital every day千48He climbed the window and saw what he could take away穿过49It is my to be together with you愉快50Yangzhou Taizhou Airport has changed its name into Yangzhou TaizhouAirport国际的51Forbes thinks Tsinghua University is one of themost beautiful college campuses世界的52Any person who does something the law will be put into prison违反53fireworks lighted up Shanghai Disneyland on March 29,2016首次54Danny Bowman is crazy about taking photos of他自己55The boy learns to play the piano every evening星期二56This is probably thepainting Ive ever seen丑陋的57The man seems to be in his四十58Please tell me the总的,大体的idea of the passage after you read it59The boy who won the drawing petition is the骄傲 of his class60The robot caught a virus and no longer worked 正常地61My friends in Australia say that they now have hot days,with temperatures in the三十62Helping others is the most 有价值的 thing in the world63People like 分享 things through WeChat now64Could you tell me the高度of Qomolangma?65He has just e back after living在国外for almost ten years66The copy of Evangeline has many有帮助的 notes at the back67The twins looked the same,so I often弄错one from the other68Do you know the首都of America?69Mum sometimes 混合 vegetables together to make a salad for us70To catch her attention,I 摇动my head and held up my hat to her71I have no interest in TV adsI think it 简直a waste of time to watch them72Today,I consider myself the 幸运的man on the face of the Earth73Can you help me divide the cake into two 半?74I never learned to raise cows and 也不did they75The Reed Flute Cave in Guilin is 赞扬as theArt Palace of Nature76The enemies suspected that Wang Fang was an 地下的worker of our Party77Something is wrong with the 模型 planeCan you fix it for me?78The Australian teacher in our school tries to use 筷子when he has meals79We should work严密地 with the local people to help them with their problems80Most foreign visitors are very 兴趣 in Chinese traditional culture81Yesterday we had a special party for her 九birthday82Supermarket is the 吵闹的 place that I have been to83Before the game started,I 分开these children into five groups84I found a letter躺on the floor when I came into the classroom85Do you know the lady well over there?No,she is a 完全的 stranger to me86Luckily,neither the driver nor the 乘客 was hurt87Whats the temperature in Beijing tomorrow?It will drop zero,to588What do you think of MrReads speech?It was verySome of the students were sleeping all the time89Are these vegetables safe enough to eat?Yes,they are up to high90Is there any chance that we can change the plan?Im afraid notWhether you are for or,it will be carried out91Where are you going for your school trip,Tom?I havent made ayet,Im going to talk about it with our classmates92Why not take this road?Its a short cutI am afraid we cant,for it breaks downSeveral workers are busy it now93一 in before others is really not polite,I think一I agreeWe should always queue94一Are there any clues for the big fire?一The police confirm that the house caught fire by design rather than by95一Have the passengers gone on yet?一Yes,they are all on the plane now96Why did nt you accept such a good job?Oh,its my ability,so I had to give it up97Do you know what the gestureVstands for?It stands forI think98Will Tom win the game?Of courseThere is no that he will be e first99How much does this elephant?About 3tons100The doctor advised me to get up and sleep at a time,but I found it very hardI think you can make it101Tomorrow is his九十 birthday,and he is so excited102There are still some places that are未知 to humans103Simon,dont worry too muchWe all think you can make it by 自己104American 发明家Thomas Edison began making short action pictures at thebeginning of the 20th century105Change 4will send wonderful pictures back to us when it到达the moon in the year 2018106Kobe Bryant,one of the greatest players,retired退役in AprilHe 赢得five NBA championships and two Olympic gold medals107Alex and Tony are crazy about puterThey want to be puter工程师in the future108Lots of parents bee没耐心 as their children grow up109Bill married the wrong woman and he thought his life was完全 finished110You can watch more English录像 to improve your oral English111Leonardo DiCaprio finally赢得 his first Oscar for Best Actor at the 88th Academy Awards112This kind of disease 传播 so quickly that it drew the governments attention113Each of us felt 口渴的 when seeing the watermelons on the table114To形成a good habit of reading,you should always choose the good reads115Dont wear dark clothes when you walk on the road at night,yellow and white are the 容易的colours for dirvers to see116I cant tell the differences between the two boysThey look 完全地the same117The museum is about two 小时ride from the theme parkWe had better start right now118He is a talented man and all his novels were well 写119Though the little girl has no parents,lots of people have volunteered to give a帮助hand120Did you know that tea,the most popular drink in the world,was invented by 意外的事121I think the人口 of China will bee larger and larger because of the new policy政策122Anna has取得进步 in math since last term123饲养 cows is still an important industry in many parts of the world124She has a亲戚 in this small town125Its the丑陋的 house I have ever seen in this city126Dont take the lift in a火灾127As science 技术 is changing fast,we need to keep studying128Yesterday Jay Chous 出现made his fans excited,and they were calling out his name129The big man was seen 奔跑away from the scene of the crime130Tim 主动提出to help me with my history every Sunday this morning131You will be 测试in the first class and begin practising at one of eight different skill levels in this course132Rodger loves reading and he has eight 百books at home133The old man was very孤独的 after his wife passed away134Look,theres a brilliant car parking thereThe car is for one of the发明者135What the witness said was recorded and the police got new clues线索136Everyone wants to get满足 out of his or her job137Bill is搜索the InternetHe wants to find something interesting138Go径直地on,and youll find the Panda House139You must look left and right before穿过 the road140You should沟通with your parents or your teacher if you have time141Can you help find some信息about the history of football on the Internet?142When someone knocked at the door,I was 翻译 the sentences into Chinese143Tom and all his 亲戚 always look after each other well144Can you give me some 建议on reading?145MrKing successfully防止 a terrible disaster the other day146The purpose of the charity should be改善 young peoples health147Hes so shy that he has trouble交流 with others148I have a pair of shoes 类似于 to yoursThats niceWe can wear on the same day149The doctors must be tired because he has done several手术 in the daytime150Henry继续 his writing for another year although he was badly ill151What do you think of the town after the 最近的 visit to it152The girl from America is very友好的153I like history bestBecause history is very 容易的154He was in trouble,but he 拒绝all help from others155We should take action to prevent water 污染 because people cant live without water156Its困难的 for many foreigners to use Chinese chopsticks157Many students讨厌 to housework158We are looking forward to 饲养 some cute pet dogs159Let me ask you the四十九 question160Be careful with the machines on show and you mustnt触摸 any of them161The government has also built shops and tall buildings in some large open空地162It is a极好的 show,many young people are looking forward to it163There is a dog lying in the角落of the room164Do you want to be an 技师 in the future?165I think that Tony will never forget such interesting经历 in France166When he came in,I was standing 紧挨着 the wall and crying sadly167The children carefully wrote their names at the 底部 of their pictures168Id like to buy a house with two big阳台169Its a pity that our house is going to be the最丑陋的 one in this area170What is the weather like today?Its very coldThe temperature is zero171He the early bus again this morningThats trueHe always gets up so late172It is to play with fireYes,we should keep children away from fire173What does your uncle do?He is a,and he sends letters and newspapers174What happened to you then?I looked down and found an of ants climbing on my body175Will you go to Sams birthday party?No,I his invitationI would like to,but have no time176Excuse me,can you give me more about that meeting?Sorry,its secret177Millie,can you give me the to the classroom?I left my homework in itOK,here you are178I think医疗的level in the city is better than that in the countryside179When driving,you need to know the flashing yellow light意味着you must stop180More volunteers went to Nepal after the earthquakeI really admired them for their勇气参考答案与解析1 its good to have ahealthy健康的 eating habit【分析】有一个健康的饮食习惯,是好的【解答】答案:healthy 根据题干its good to have a_健康的 eating habit可知句意为:有一个健康的饮食习惯,是好的修饰名词habit,应该用形容词healthy,健康的,形容词故填:healthy【点评】此题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式此题主要考查healthy,健康的,形容词2 His father alwaysencourages鼓励him to face the failure bravely【分析】他的父亲总是鼓励他勇敢地面对失败【解答】答案:encourages 根据题干His father always_鼓励him to face the failure bravely可知句意为:他的父亲总是鼓励他勇敢地面对失败根据句意,再结合标志词always,可知是一直这样做的事情,应该用一般现在时态encourage,鼓励,动词主语是第三人称单数形式,故填:encourages【点评】此题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式此题主要考查encourages3 John is interested inchemistry化学【分析】约翰对化学感兴趣【解答】答案:chemistry 根据题干John is interested in_化学可知句意为:约翰对化学感兴趣chemistry,化学,名词,学科名称故填:chemistry【点评】此题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式此题主要考查chemistry,化学,名词,学科名称4The Blacks are going to have their gardenwatered浇水 this weekend【分析】这个周末,布莱克夫妇要让人给他们的花园浇水【解答】答案:watered 根据题干The Blacks are going to have their garden_浇水 this weekend可知句意为:这个周末,布莱克夫妇要让人给他们的花园浇水have sthdone,have+sth 宾语+过去分词宾语补足语意为让/叫/使/请别人做某事宾语sth 后面用过去分词作宾语补足语,说明sth 与过去分词表示的动作之间是被动关系water,浇水,动词,过去分词watered故填:watered【点评】此题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式此题主要考查water,浇水,动词,过去分词watered5 Reading is important,for it can open up anunknown未知的world to us【分析】阅读很重要,因为它能给我们打开一个未知的世界【解答】答案:unknown通过观察句子结构可知此空在句中作定语修饰名词world,要用形容词,再根据空格前的不定冠词an,可知该词为元音音素开头,结合所给汉语提示未知的英文表达为unknown,符合意思,语确,故填unknown【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规如此,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形此题考查形容词6Sue always has greatcourage勇气to face difficulties and thats why we all respect her【分析】Sue 总是有很大的勇气去面对困难,那就是我们尊敬她的原因【解答】答案:courage通过分析句子结构可知该空填入名词作宾语,根据汉语提示勇气的英文表达为courage,为不可数名词只有单数形式,故填courage【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规如此,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形此题考查名词7 Be polite,HenryIts rude topoint指向 at others like that【分析】亨利,要有礼貌那样指着别人没有礼貌【解答】答案:point通过分析句子结构可知该句型为Its+形容词+to do sth,其中it为形式主语,动词不定式在句中作真正的主语,可知该空处需填入动词,结合汉语提示指向与空格后的介词at,可知其英文表达为point,该空格前已有不定式符号to,故填入动词原形即可,故填point【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规如此,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形此题考查固定短语与动词的识记8 To my surprise,the 3yearold boy can spell all those wordscorrectly正确地【分析】令我惊讶的是,那个三岁男孩能正确地拼出所有的单词【解答】答案:correctly通过分析句子结构可知该空处应填入副词在句中作状语修饰动词spell,根据汉语提示正确地的英文表达为correctly,故填correctly【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规如此,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形此题考查副词9 With the development of science and technology,more and morerobots机器人are used in factories【分析】随着科技的开展,越来越多的机器人在工厂中使用【解答】答案:robots根据提示词机器人可知,这里考查名词的用法机器人:robot;结合前面的修饰词more and more可知此处应该用robot的复数形式,故答案为:robots【点评】这道题考查名词的用法,要根据修饰词more and more判断出此处应该用复数形式10 Drinking tea is atraditional传统的 custom in China【分析】喝茶在中国是传统习俗【解答】答案:traditional根据提示词传统的和空格后面的名词custom可知此处为形容词,修饰名词custom;传统的;traditional【点评】此题考查形容词做此类题首先要根据所给词的含义与句子分析出词语的词性然后再写出相对应的词语11Everest is a naturalwonder奇迹Many people expect to explore it【分析】珠穆朗玛峰是一个自然奇迹很多人都希望去探索它【解答】答案:wonder 根据题干Everest is a natural_奇迹Many people expect to explore it可知句意为:珠穆朗玛峰是一个自然奇迹很多人都希望去探索它不定冠词a+名词单数wonder,奇迹,名词故填:wonder【点评】此题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式此题主要考查wonder,奇迹12 There are three months in spring,including March,April andMay五月【分析】春季有三个月,包括三月、四月和五月【解答】答案:May 根据题干There are three months in spring,including March,April and_五月可知句意为:春季有三个月,包括三月、四月和五月and连接并列的句子成分可知此处应该填月份May,五月,名词故填:May【点评】此题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式此题主要考查May,五月,名词13Most drivers in Suqian arepolite礼貌的 enough to let people walk across the street first【分析】宿迁的大局部司机都很有礼貌能让行人先过马路【解答】答案:polite通过分析句子结构可知该空处在句中作表语,要用形容词形式,根据汉语提示礼貌的的英文表达为polite,故填polite【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规如此,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形此题考查形容词14 All my classmates went to the old peoples homeexcept除了Enic because he was ill【分析】除了Enic,我的同学们都去养老院了,因为他病了【解答】答案:根据题干All my classmates went to the old peoples home_除了Enic because he was ill可知句意为:除了Enic,我的同学们都去养老院了,因为他病了except 表示表示除了指从所提到的人或事物中除去,即从整体中除去一局部,即不包括在besides表示除了之外,还有,指在整体中参加一局部,即包括在根据句意,可知是不包括 Enic在,应该用except,故填:except【点评】此题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式此题主要考查except15Researchers say temperatures in North Africa will continuerising 上升this summer【分析】研究人员说,今年夏天北非的气温将继续上升【解答】答案:rising 根据题干Researchers say temperatures in North Africa will continue_ 上升this summer可知句意为:研究人员说,今年夏天北非的气温将继续上升continue+doing,持续做某事;继续做某事rise,上升,不与物动词故填:rising【点评】此题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式此题主要考查rise,上升,动词16When was the new crossseabridge 桥in Lianyungang pleted?In April,2016【分析】新的跨海大桥是什么时候完成的?在2016年4月【解答】答案:bridge 根据题干When was the new crosssea_ 桥in Lianyungang pleted?In April,2016可知句意为:的新的跨海大桥是什么时候完成的?在2016年4月根据题干When was the new crosssea_ 桥in Lianyungang pleted?可知此句缺少主语,bridge,桥,名词这里是特指这座跨海大桥故用单数故填:bridge【点评】此题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式此题主要考查bridge17e on,SandyEverybody will be lucky orsuccessful 成功的 sometime in their lifeThanks,Ill try again【分析】加油,Sandy,每个人在一生中的某个时间都将是幸运的或者成功的,我会再次尝试的【解答】答案:successful根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是加油,Sandy,每个人在一生中的某个时间都将是幸运的或者成功的,由设空处前面的will be lucky 判断设空处应填形容词,提示词成功的是 successful,所以答案是:successful【点评】做这类题型,首先根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结合相关语法知识对单词或短语做出形式上的变化18Flight 846landed 降落 safely ten minutes ago with 300passengers【分析】十分钟前,载有300名乘客的846航班安全着陆【解答】答案:landed 根据题干Flight 846_ 降落 safely ten minutes ago with 300 passengers可知句意为:十分钟前,载有300名乘客的846航班安全着陆根据时间状语ten minutes ago,可知是十分钟之前的发生的事情,应该用一般过去时态land,着陆,动词,过去式landed故填:landed【点评】此题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式此题主要考查landed19 On his way back home,Frank lost his wallet because of hiscarelessness 粗心【分析】在回家的路上,由于粗心,他把钱包丢了【解答】答案:carelessness 根据题干On his way back home,Frank lost his wallet because of his_ 粗心可知句意为:在回家的路上,由于粗心,他把钱包丢了物主代词his+名词carelessness,粗心,名词故填:carelessness【点评】此题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式此题主要考查carelessness20 Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they look veryreal真实的【分析】中国泥塑很有名因为泥塑作品很小但看起来像真的一样【解答】答案:real真实的:real;句中real作系动词look的表语,表示看起来很真实,要用形容词形式【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写21Each different part of China has its own special forms oftraditional传统的art【分析】中国每个不同的地方都有自己独特的传统艺术形式【解答】答案:traditional传统的:traditional;句中修饰名词art,用形容词形式即可【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写22Mrs Wang,a newcustomer顾客of our shop,has bee my friend【分析】王夫人是我们店的一位新顾客,已经成了我的朋友【解答】答案:customer顾客:customer;句中有不定冠词a限定,要用名词的单数形式【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写23Lily is proud that she was born in a city with a longhistory历史【分析】Lily为自己出生在一个有悠久历史的城市而自豪【解答】答案:history历史:history;句中有不定冠词a限定,要用名词的单数形式【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写24We all know that the earth is not thecenter/centre中心 of the universe【分析】我们都知道地球并不是宇宙的中心【解答】答案:center/centre根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是我们都知道地球并不是宇宙的中心,由设空处 前面的定冠词the 判断设空处应填名词,提示词中心是center/centre,所以答案是:center/centre【点评】做这类题型,首先根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结


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