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Welcome ! 语法填空解题技巧语法填空解题技巧 请将近年的广东高考语法填空题都认请将近年的广东高考语法填空题都认认真真做一遍,请在解题的过程中思考:认真真做一遍,请在解题的过程中思考:1.1.短文体裁:记叙文、说明文,还是议论文?短文体裁:记叙文、说明文,还是议论文?2.2.主要考点:没有题示词的纯空格题主要填了主要考点:没有题示词的纯空格题主要填了哪几类词?有提示词的题主要考查了哪几类语哪几类词?有提示词的题主要考查了哪几类语法知识?法知识?20132013年广东高考真题年广东高考真题 One day, Nick invited his friends to supper. He was cooking some delicious food in the kitchen. Suddenly, he 16 _(find) that he had run out of salt. So Nick called to his son, “Go to the village and buy some salt, but pay a fair price for it: neither too much 17 _ too little.” His son looked surprised. found nor “I can understand why I shouldnt pay too much, Father, but if I can pay less, 18 _ not save a bit of money?” “That would be a very 19 _ (reason) thing to do in a big city, but it could destroy a small village like ours,” Nick said. Nicks guests, 20 _ had heard their conversation, asked why they should not buy salt more cheaply if they could. why reasonable who Nick replied, “The only reason a man would sell salt 21 _ a lower price would be because he was desperate for money. And anyone who took advantage of that situation would be showing a lack of respect 22 _ the sweat and struggle of the man who worked very hard to produce it.”at for “But such a small thing couldnt 23 _ (possible) destroy a village.” “In the beginning, there was only 24 _ very small amount of unfairness in the world, but everyone added a little, always 25 _(think) that it was only small and not very important, and look where we have ended up today.”possibly a thinking 请归纳这篇文章的考点设置请归纳这篇文章的考点设置 有提示词有提示词 : 纯空格:纯空格: 语法填空题语法填空题空格设计空格设计纯空格纯空格连词连词17),),介词介词21;22),),冠词冠词24),从句引导词),从句引导词20),),疑问副词疑问副词18)有有提提示示词词谓语动词谓语动词16),非谓语动词),非谓语动词25),),词性转换词性转换19;23)除了这些,还可能会考:代词代词除了这些,还可能会考:比较等级1.人称代词人称代词当句子缺主语或宾语时,当句子缺主语或宾语时,填人称代词填人称代词例例1 Behind him were other people to whom he was trying to talk,but after some minutes _ walked away and sat near me,looking annoyed.they此处缺主语,填代词,指代前面的other people例例2He asked his teacher,“Sir,the water was awful. Why did you pretend to like _?”it此处缺宾语,填代词,指代前面的the water 限定词限定词是指冠词、形容词性物是指冠词、形容词性物主代词,或可以作定语的不定代主代词,或可以作定语的不定代词等。词等。2.2.限定词限定词在名词或在名词或“形容形容词词+ +名词名词”前前, , 填限定词填限定词例例3A young man,while traveling through a desert,came across a spring of clear water. _ water was sweet.The冠词例例4The young man went home with a happy heart.After the student left,the teacher let _ student taste the water. another不定代词例例5 It is said that a short-tempered man in the Song Dynasty (9601279) was very anxious to help _ rice crop grow up quickly.his形容词性物主代词 此时,要根据搭配的需要或句意的需此时,要根据搭配的需要或句意的需要,如动词与介词的搭配,介词与后面名要,如动词与介词的搭配,介词与后面名词的搭配等来确定填具体哪个介词。词的搭配等来确定填具体哪个介词。3.3.介词介词当空格后的名词或动当空格后的名词或动名词不是作主语、表语也不是作名词不是作主语、表语也不是作动词的宾语时,应为介词的宾语动词的宾语时,应为介词的宾语,故填介词,故填介词例例6The new boy looked at the teacher _ a few seconds andfor介词 具体填哪个关联词,由两句之间具体填哪个关联词,由两句之间的逻辑关系来决定。关联词包括的逻辑关系来决定。关联词包括连词和从句引导词。连词和从句引导词。4. 4. 关联词关联词当空格前后都是当空格前后都是句子且这两个句子之间没有关句子且这两个句子之间没有关联词时,填关联词联词时,填关联词例例7He was very tired after doing this for a whole day, _ he felt very happy since the crop did “grow” higher.but转折连词例例8Of course whenever they turned to look at him, they had to look at Mary, _ made her feel like a star.which定语从句的引导词谓语动词(时态和语态)谓语动词(时态和语态)非谓语动词非谓语动词词性的转换词性的转换形容词或副词的比较形容词或副词的比较/最高级最高级有有提提示示词词 此时,要根据语境确定用哪种时态此时,要根据语境确定用哪种时态,根据主语与该动词的主动或被动关系根据主语与该动词的主动或被动关系确定用主动语态还是用被动语态,还确定用主动语态还是用被动语态,还要考虑主谓一致,以及是否要用虚拟要考虑主谓一致,以及是否要用虚拟语气。语气。1.1.谓语动词谓语动词当句子缺少谓语当句子缺少谓语动词时,括号中的动词就是谓语动词时,括号中的动词就是谓语动词动词例例9“Your father has at last decided to stop smoking,” Jane _ (inform).was informed 若是非谓语动词就要确定用若是非谓语动词就要确定用 doing形式,形式,done形式,还是形式,还是 to do 形式。非谓语的形式一定要考形式。非谓语的形式一定要考虑虑它与其逻辑主语之间它与其逻辑主语之间 的关系的关系2.2.非谓语动词非谓语动词当句中已有谓语动词又当句中已有谓语动词又没有并列连词与括号中的动词没有并列连词与括号中的动词例例10He suddenly appeared in class one day, _ (wear) sun glasses.wearinghe与 wear是主动关系,用现在分词例例11.Lessons_(learn) in sports can help us in our dealing with other people. learnedlessons 与learn是被动关系,用过去分词例例12 For example,the proverb, “plucking up a crop _ (help) it grow”, is based on the following story.to help“帮助禾苗长”是“将禾苗拔高”的目的,用不定式作目的状语 要善于分析语境,辨别省要善于分析语境,辨别省略了略了than的隐性比较级。的隐性比较级。3.3.比较等级比较等级当括号中所给当括号中所给词是形容词或副词且空格处需词是形容词或副词且空格处需要的仍是形容词或副词时,很要的仍是形容词或副词时,很可能填该词的比较级可能填该词的比较级( (或最高级或最高级) )例例13It might have made it a little _ (hard) for everybodyharder因因made it后作宾补,要用形容后作宾补,要用形容词;而词;而hard作作“困难的困难的”解本身解本身就是形容词,所以应考虑用其就是形容词,所以应考虑用其比较级比较级我们可根据以下我们可根据以下3点顺利解题:点顺利解题:(1) 作主语或宾语用名词形式作主语或宾语用名词形式(2) 作定语、表语或补足语用形容词形式作定语、表语或补足语用形容词形式(3) 修饰动词、形容词或另一副词,作状修饰动词、形容词或另一副词,作状 语,用副词形式语,用副词形式4. 4. 词类转化词类转化当空格处所需词当空格处所需词类与括号中所给词的词类不同时,类与括号中所给词的词类不同时,就需要词类转化就需要词类转化例例14 His teacher took a deep drink,smiled _ (warm),and thanked his student very much for the sweet water.warmly修饰谓语动词修饰谓语动词smiled,用副词,用副词例例15But Jane knew from past experience that her _ (choose) of ties hardly ever pleased her father.choice在在that引导的宾语从句中作主语引导的宾语从句中作主语应当用名词,或者说,在形容词应当用名词,或者说,在形容词性物主代词后,一定是用名词性物主代词后,一定是用名词例例16 This proverb is saying we have to let things go in their _ (nature) course.natural在名词在名词course前,要用形容词前,要用形容词 (2013 (2013年广州调研年广州调研) )Once, in a lovely garden, lived the most beautiful butterfly in the world. She was so pretty, and had won so many beauty competitions 16 _ she had become very proud. One day, the naughty cockroach(蟑螂蟑螂)got fed up with her showing off, and decided 17 _(teach) her a lesson.that to teach 活学活用活学活用 She went to see the butterfly, and in front of everyone she told her that she wasnt really that beautiful, and that the butterfly only won the competitions 18 _ the judges had been paid. In 19 _ (real), the cockroach was the most beautiful. The butterfly was angry and told the cockroach, “I 20 _(beat) you in a beauty competition, with whichever judges you yourself choose.” because reality will beat “OK, I accept. See you on Saturday,” answered the cockroach, and left 21 _ waiting for a reply. That Saturday everyone went to 22 _ beauty competition. The butterfly arrived completely confident of victory until she saw 23 _ the judges were: cockroaches, worms, beetles. All of 24 _ preferred the ugliness and bad smell of the cockroach. without the who them The butterfly was left 25 _ (sob) and disappointed, wanting never to enter another beauty competition in her life. Fortunately, the cockroach forgave the butterfly for her pride and they became friends.sobbing 16.that(结果状语从句引导词)(结果状语从句引导词)17.to teach(非谓语)(非谓语)18.because(原因状语从句引导词)(原因状语从句引导词)19.reality(名词)(名词)20.will beat(谓语)(谓语)21.without(介词)(介词)22.the (冠词)(冠词)23.who(宾语从句引导词)(宾语从句引导词)24.them(代词)(代词)25.sobbing(非谓语)(非谓语)语法填空解题技巧语法填空解题技巧(“由大到小由大到小” )1、通读全文、了解大意、把握特征、弄清文脉。通读全文、了解大意、把握特征、弄清文脉。2、巧用已知,巧用已知,连线画图连线画图、降低难度、铺平道路。、降低难度、铺平道路。3、理解句意、分析结构、大胆猜测、各个击破理解句意、分析结构、大胆猜测、各个击破 。4、重读全篇、仔细核查、语法正确、语意贯通。重读全篇、仔细核查、语法正确、语意贯通。5、拼写正确、书写规范、大小写准确(注意三写)。、拼写正确、书写规范、大小写准确(注意三写)。学习建议学习建议: 、掌握单词、词组、掌握单词、词组 、懂得分析句子结构、懂得分析句子结构 、多听、多说、多读、多写,增强语感、多听、多说、多读、多写,增强语感Homework:Finish Exercise 2 and 3


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