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长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 住在富人区的她 2022年自考专业(英语)-外贸函电考试全真模拟押题密卷(带答案)一.综合能力测验(共20题)1.填空题 To trade _ the people of all eoun tries _ the basis of equality and mutual ben efit is our established policy.正确答案: with、on2.问答题 翻译:Please advise us whether you iron nail packed in plywood kegs of 60kgs ,net and whether you can ship our order from stock.正确答案: 请告你方铁钉是否以胶合板桶装,每桶净重60公斤,以及是否可供现货。3.填空题 We shall ope n an L/C _ you favor _ Barclays Bank here _ the exte nt of 15000.正确答案: in、with、to4.单选题 Gen erally we cover in sura nee _ defi nite ( 明确的 ) in structi ons from our clie nts.()A. i n abse nee ofB.in the abse nee ofC.in no abse nee ofD.in all abse nee of正确答案:B5.问答题 翻译:We wish to call your attention to the validity of the L/C, since there is no possibility of L/C exte nsio n.正确答案: 此信用证无展延可能,特此提请你方注意该信用证的有效期。6.单选题 _ your in formati on, we have received a crowd of enq uiries from buyers in other directi on s.( )A.OnB.ForC.ByD.At正确答案:B7.填空题 We shall be glad to receive you offer _ walnut meat, shipme nt,_ September/October; _ tran sshipme nt at Hongkong.正确答案: for、during、for8.填空题 0w ing _ unu sual shortage of stock, this offer is made, subject to the goods being un sold.正确答案: to9.单选题 We shall advise you by cable as soon as the goods _ .)A.will shipB.will be shippedC.shipD.are shipped正确答案:D10.问答题 翻译:As we said previously, it is only in view of our long friendly relations that we extend you this accommodation正确答案: 我们以前曾说过,只是鉴于双方的长期友好关系,我们才给你方这一照顾。11.单选题 By joint efforts we can _ both friendship and business.( )A.increaseB.promotedC.expandD.extend正确答案:B12.单选题 As it involves only a small _ , we hope you will have no difficulty on promotion.( )A.qualityB.figureC.quantityD.number正确答案:C13.问答题 翻译:After reinspection at the port of destination, the quality of the goods shipped ex S.S. “ Red Star ” un der Con tract No. CT7543 waotfiou nd n complia nee with the con tract stipulatio ns.正确答案: 经在目的港的复验,发现“红星”轮装来的第 CT7543 与合项下货物质量与合同规定不符。14.单选题 Since the premium varies with the scope of _ extra premium is for buyer s account, should additional siske covered?( )A.assura neeB.in sura neeC.bus in essD.en terprises正确答案:B15.单选题 _ you like other items, kin dly let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers direct.()A. In caseB.in the caseC.In this caseD.In that case正确答案:A16.单选题 Please see to it that the goods we ordered are shipped as soon as the covering letter of credit _ you.( )A.getsB.comesC.arrivesD.reaches正确答案:D17.问答题 翻译:f you make us an offer at competitive prices we can sell a large quantity of chemical product in our district.正确答案: 如你方以竞争性价格报盘,我们能在我方地区大量销售化工产品。18.单选题 This is our best price, _ which we have concluded many orders with other buyers in your city.( )A.onB.forC.byD.at正确答案:D19.问答题 翻译:We would like to in form you that at prese nt we can supply you with various ki nds of me ns leather shoes.正确答案: 我们想通知贵公司我们目前可以供应你们各式各样的男式皮鞋。20.填空题 lt is our sin cere hope that you will direct your efforts _ the promotion of this new product in your market _ our mutual ben efit.正确答案: to、to


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