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word新概念英语第一册笔记Lesson 81 I had一、 单词讲解1、breakfastbreakfast n.早饭have breakfast 吃早饭2、haircuthaircut n. 理发have ones haircutkeep your hair on 别发火,保持冷静hairbrush 发刷hair dresser 理发师hairpin 发夹hairstyle 发型straight hair 直发wavy hair 卷发3、partyparty1 n. 聚会a birthday party2 n. 党派eg. She is a member of the munist Party.4、holidayholiday n. 假日vacation n. 度假winter/summer holiday/vacation 寒假/暑假二、语法have可以代替常用动词,表示eat, enjoy, experience, drink, take 等意义。have a cigarette! 抽根烟吧!have = smokeIm having a drink. 我在喝酒。have = drinkWe had lunch together today. 我们今天一起吃了午饭。have= eat 当have不表示“有而表示其他意思时,其用法和英语中的其他动词一样,即:在疑问句和否认结构中,have的一般现在时和一般过去时形式必须用do, does 和did.Do you have milk in your tea? 你喝茶加牛奶吗?I dont have milk in my tea. 我喝茶不加牛奶。Did you have a nice holiday? 你的假日过得愉快吗?I didnt have a nice holiday. 我的假日过得不愉快。Does he have lessons on Friday? 他在周五上课吗?你今天早饭吃的是什么?havefor breakfast 早饭吃的是What did you have for breakfast?我吃了一个鸡蛋,一片面包,喝了一杯牛奶。I had an egg, a piece of bread and a glass of milk. 昨天晚上我与我的女朋友吃了一顿饭。I had a meal with my girlfriend yesterday evening.你前天玩得高兴吗?Did you have a good time the day before yesterday?你昨天什么时候与她一起喝茶的?When did you have a tea with her yesterday?你上周在哪儿度的假?Where did you have your holiday last week?Lesson 83 Going on holiday一、 单词讲解1、messmess1n. 杂乱或乱的状态通常用单数eg. This kitchens a mess! 厨房杂乱无章。eg. Youve made a mess of the job. 你把工作搞得一团糟。eg. Get cleaned up! You two are a mess! 收拾一下吧!你们俩可真邋遢!2v. 弄脏,弄乱eg. Dont mess my hair. 别弄乱我的头发。messy adj. 凌乱的a messy roomtidy 整洁的untidy 不整洁的2、packpack v. 包装,打包,装箱eg. All these books need to be packed into the boxes.所有这些书都需要打包到那些箱子里。eg. This dress packs easily. 这件连衣裙易于装箱。packer 包装机,包装工人,包装公司package n. 包裹3、suitcasesuitcase n. 手提箱pack the suitcase 整理行囊briefcase 公文包a dress suit 晚礼服a space suit 宇航服a diving suit 潜水服4、leaveleave1v. 离开eg. Its time for us to leave.eg. Its time for sb to do某人该做某事的时间到了。leave a place for another place 离开.动身去.eg. The plane leaves Guangzhou for Shanghai at 12:35.飞机于12时35分自某某飞往某某2让某事某物处于某种状态leave +adj.eg. Leave the door open, please.3忘带某物eg. I left my umbrella on the bus.4n. 假期sick leave 病假5、alreadyalready adv. 己经eg. The teacher was already in the classroom when I arrived. 当我到达的时候,教师己经在教室里了。eg. She had already left when I phoned. 我打时她早走了。二、课文讲解现在完成时用途:表示在过去不确定的时间里发生的并与现在有着某种联系的动作。表示开始于过去并持续到现在的动作。结构:肯定形式:主语 + have/ has + 动词的过去分词否认形式:havent have not/ hasnt has not疑问句:把助动词have/ has 放在句首。过去分词:1规如此变化与过去式一样,在词尾加ed,变化规如此与过去式的变化规如此一样。原形过去式过去分词-wait waited waited-regret regretted regretted-type typed typed-fly flied flied-empty emptied emptied2不规如此变化过去分词与不规如此动词的过去式的形式一样原形过去式过去分词-make made made-find found found-spend spent spent3不规如此变化过去分词与过去式不一样原形过去式过去分词-take took taken-speak spoke spoken-sing sang sung4不规如此变化过去分词,过去式,与动词原形一样 -cut cut cut put put put let let let 与现在完成时连用的时间状语:already 己经一般用于肯定句中,在表惊讶语气时也用于疑问句中yet 还用于否认句和疑问句中just 刚刚recently 最近so far 到目前为止for 持续时间since 自从注意:现在完成时不与表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday, ago, last.1) I have worked in the pany for two years. 我己经在这个公司工作两年了。Have you worked in the pany for two years?Yes, I have./ No, I havent.2) He has already e here. 他己经来了。来的动作发生在过去,但对现在的影响是他己经在这了。Has he e here yet?Yes, he has. / No, he hasnt.He hasnt e here yet.3 They have finished the work.“完成工作这个动作发生在过去某个时间,与现在的联系是这项工作己经完毕了。4 Her parents have lived in China since 1985. 自从1985年,他的父母就住在中国了。“住这个动作发生在过去,但它并没有完毕持续到现在或将来5 Mr. Jackson has seen this film. Jackson 先生己经看过这部电影了。看电影的动作发生在过去某个不确定的时间,但与现在联系是他己经了解剧情了或不想再看了。现在完成时与一般过去时的比拟1. 一般过去时强调过去某个特定时间发生的动作或存在的状态。2. 现在完成时表达在过去不确定的时间所发生的动作对现在造成的影响和结果。这个动作也许到现在己经完毕,也许还要继续下去。例句:I had my breakfast at 8:00 this morning.我今天早上8:00吃的早饭。过去的时间今天早8:00吃饭这个动作发生了,强调某个时间发生某个动作I have had my breakfast. 我己经吃过早饭了。过去不确定的时间里,发生某个动作,对现在的影响,即吃早饭的动作发生在过去什么时候,对现在的影响是我己经饱了或我不想再吃饭了。He bought a new skirt last week. 他上周买了一条裙子。强调上周的某个时间发生了买裙子的这个动 作He has bought a new skirt. 他己买了一条新裙子。强调现在己经有新裙子。They lived in that city last year. 他们去年住在那个城市里。这个动作己经完毕了,他们现在不住在那个城市里。They have lived in that city for 10 years. 他们己经住在那个城市里面10年了。住这个动作未完毕,现在依然住在那个城市She saw the film with her family last night. 她昨晚和她的家人看了这部电影。强调昨晚看电影这个行为。She has seen the film with her family. 她和她的家人己经看过这部电影了。看电影这个动作发生在过去某个时间,对现在的影响是他们己经知道这部电影的剧情了。一般现在时,过去时与现在完成时的比拟例句:He does his homework everyday. 他每天都做作业。强调习惯性动作He did his homework yesterday evening. 他昨天晚上做作业了。强调昨天晚上这个 特定时间发生了做作业的这个动作。He has done his homework.他己经做完作业。强调现在的结果是他己经完成作业了。Mother prepares dinner for us every day. 母亲每天都为我们准备晚餐。习惯性动作Mother prepared dinner for us yesterday evening. 母亲昨晚为我们准备晚餐了。强调昨天晚上的特定时间发生的动作。Mother has prepared dinner for us. 母亲己经做晚饭了。强调现在的结果是饭己经做好了,可以吃了。Question: Where did Sam go for his holiday this year?Hello, Sam. e in.e in 祈使句,表示请求或命令的句子叫祈使句。祈使句中主语you常不出现,谓语动词用 原形。Hi, Sam. Were having lunch. Do you want to have lunch with us?Were having lunch.现在进展时,表示目前正进展的动作。have lunch 吃午饭want to do 想要做I want to have a bath. 我想要洗澡。with 和某人某物在一起I live with my parents. 我和我的父母住在一起。I am with my family now. 我现在和我的家人在一起No, thank you. Tom. Ive already had lunch. I had lunch at half past twelve.Ive already had lunch. 表示我己经吃过午饭了,对现在的影响是我不想再吃了。already 己经一般放在助动词的后面She has already arrived the bus stop. 她己经到了公共汽车站。I had lunch at half past twelve. 一般过去时,强调在12点半这个特定的过去时间点发生的动作,此处是指吃午饭这个动作。Have a cup of coffee then.祈使句then 那么Ive just had a cup, thank you. I had one after my lunch.just 刚刚,现在完成时a cup 省略了of coffeeone 代词,代替coffeeafter 在之后 after school/work 放学后/下班后Lets go into the living room, Carol. We can have our coffee there.Lets go 祈使句 Lets 是Let us 的缩写。go into 走进反义词是go out of have our coffee喝咖啡have = drinkExcuse the mess, Sam. This rooms very untidy.Excuse the mess. 房间很乱,请原谅tidy adj. 整洁的 反义词 untidy 乱的Were packing our suitcases.pack ones suitcase 收拾衣箱suitcase 手提箱尤指装衣服的Were going to leave tomorrow. Tom and I are going to have a holiday.are going to 表示“打算、“准备leave for. 离开去leave London for Paris. 离开伦敦去巴黎。leave for 动身去.I am going to leave for Canada. 我要动身去加拿大。have a holiday 度假Arent you lucky!否认疑问句:否认疑问句可以表示说话者惊异的情绪,责难的口吻或赞叹,也可以表示说话才的某种建议、邀请、请求或看法等。Arent you a student? 难道你不是学生吗?Isnt it hot here? 这里难道不热吗?Cant you wait a moment? 你不能等一会吗?Havent I asked you? 难道我没问过你吗?Dont you want to stay with us ? 你难道不愿意与我们呆在一起吗?Didnt you see him yesterday? 难道你昨天没看见他吗?回答这种问题时用简略回答。如果答语是肯定的,就用yes;如果答语是否认的,就用no。不过,这种答语的汉语译法有特殊之处。Dont you know English? 你不懂英语吧?Yes, I do. 不,我懂。lucky adj. 幸运的luck n. 幸运Wish you good luck! I dont know. Ive already had my holiday this year. 对现在的影响是己经不能再度假了。Where did you go?Where + 助动词+ 主语 + 动词原形Where did he put his new trousers? 他把他的新裤子放在哪儿了?some 表示一些,代替可数名词复数或不可数名词。one 代替可数名词Lesson 85 Paris in the spring一、 单词讲解Paris n. 巴黎法国首都London New York Tokyo Washington Rome Sydney2、cinemacinema n. 电影院eg. We are going to the cinema next Sunday. film1n. 电影a file star 电影明星a film director 电影导演see the film 看电影2n. 底片,胶卷eg. I want a roll of film. 请给我一卷胶卷。3v. 拍电影eg. Weve filmed abroad. 我们到外国拍摄过电影。3、beautifulbeautiful1 adj. 美丽的a beautiful flowera beautiful woman2 adj. 很棒的,完美的eg. What a beautiful game it is!多棒的比赛!与同义词的区别:beautiful表示接近和谐理想的美,pretty并非表示完美无缺的意思,而是着重表示“可爱“令人怜爱之意,gook-looking 指容貌美,handsome指容貌端正英俊的多指男子5、citycity n. 城市,都市a large city 大都市eg. What is the largest city in the United States? 美国最大的城市在哪里?city life 都市生活countrylife 田园生活6、nevernever adv. 决不,永不never通常置于 一般动词之前,be动词,助动词之后。eg. I never had a chance to meet him. 我始终没有机会与他见面。eg. I never get up early on Sunday morning.可置于命令句之句首eg. Never eat too much. 绝不要吃太多。never mind 不必介意7、everever1用于疑问句曾经,以前,至今中文里有时不译出来eg. Do you ever go out late at night? 你平时在深夜外出吗?eg. Have you ever been to France? 你曾去过法国吗?No, never. 没有去过。2用于否认句无论何时都不; 至今不曾eg. Nothing new ever happens in this little town. 这个小镇至今不曾发生过新鲜事。eg. I havent ever been abroad. 我不曾到国外。3用于if从句曾经eg. If you ever have any problems, dont hesitate to let me know. 你假如有任何问题,请告诉我,别客气。4与最高级,比拟级连用至今eg. This is the best novel that he has ever written. 这是他所写的小说中最好的一部。二、课文讲解Question:Whats the name of the film? 电影名字是什么?At what time of year did Ken visit Paris? 肯是在什么季节访问巴黎的?Have you just been to the cinema? Yes, I have.1这是现在完成时的一般疑问句,主语是you,助动词用have.2Just 刚刚,刚刚通常与完成时连用,有时也与过去时连用He has just bought a second hand car.他刚刚买了一个二手小汽车。We just arrived.just “正要刚要.常用进展时或be going to do 连用I am just making tea for you. 我正要为你沏茶。She was just about to fall asleep when the telephone rang. 她刚要入睡,铃响了。3have been to a place 表示曾经去过某地,但现在不在那个地方了,去而复归;have gone to a place表示己经去某地了,现在在那个地方或正在去的路上,去而未归。George has been to Paris.乔治去过巴黎他现在不在巴黎George has gone to Paris. 乔治去巴黎了。他在巴黎或去巴黎的路上Have you ever been to America? 你去过美国吗?对方不在美国境内Has he gone go Washington D.C.? 他去华盛顿了吗?被提到的人有可能在美国境内或在赴美途中I have been to the library. 我己经去过图书馆。说话的此刻不在图书馆H e has gone to the library. 他去图书馆了。有可能在图书馆,有可能在途中4have bee to the cinema 表示去过电影院have been to the park 去过公园但在名词school, work, church之前不加定冠词,它们所表示的是一种抽象概念而不是具体地点或位置。Whats on?on 表示上映Oh, Ive already seen it. I saw it on television last year. Its an old film, but its very good.1) already 己经She has already read this book. 她己经读过这本书了。It is already past five oclock.己经过了五点了。2Ive already seen it. 我己经看过这部片了。强调对这部片子己经了解了it 是指Paris in the spring 这部电影3I saw it on television last year. 我是去年在电视上看的这部片子。4on television 表示从电视上看到表示的是和种抽象概念on the television 指在电视机上指具体的方位Where is my passport? 我的护照在哪?Its on the television. 在电视机上。Ive never been there.1) have been to 后面加名词,假如have been后面接副词,介词“to要省去。I have been to the park. 我去过那个公园。He has already been to London. 他己经去过伦敦了。2 I have never been there. 从未去过那。never表示“从来,这里有强调之意。It was spring, but the weather was awful. It rained all the time!1) the weather was awful 天气很糟糕2) all the time 总是; 一直I will be here all the time. 我将一直在这。I stayed at home all the time. 我一直呆在家里。Just like London!1) just adv. 恰好just then 正好在那个时候Its just what I want.2like prep. 象Whats your father like? 你爸爸是个什么样的人?小结1) 短语与句子Whats on? 电影院在上映什么片子?on television 从电视上看到all the time 一直just like. 不象 一样Lesson 86 What have you done?Lesson 87 A car crash一、 单词讲解1、attendantattendantn. 接待员,服务员 adj. 随侍的,伴随的eg. There are 18 attendants in our hotel.waiter 餐馆等的男服务员,男侍者waitress 女服务生,女侍应生attend v. 参加,出席attend a meeting 出席会议attend a wedding 参加婚礼join 参加成为成员join us 参加我们指与某人一道参加某种活动join in a conversation 参加一次谈话take part in 参加.活动eg. Dont you want to take part in my birthday party? 难道你不想参我的生日聚会?2、bringbring v. 1带,带着,带来eg. Dont forget to bring your dictionary with you tomorrow. 你明天不要忘了带字典来。eg. Youd better bring enough money with you. 你最好带上足够的钱。2bring sb/ sth to 将某人或某物带到某处eg. He brought some friends home. 他带了几个朋友回家。eg. She brought her little brother to my birthday party. 她带她小弟弟来参加我的生日宴会。eg. Dont bring your toys to school. 别把你们的玩具带到学校来。3bring sb sth= bring sth to sb 把某物带给某人eg. Bring me todays paper.eg. Bring todays paper to me. 把今天的报纸拿给我。4bring 与take, fetchbring表示将人或物带到/拿到自己所在的位置,take表示将人或物拿开/带离自己所在的位置,fetch 如此表示去拿某物。eg. Take these plates away to the kitchen and bring some clean ones, please.eg. Ill fetch a glass. 我去拿个杯子来。3、garagegarage n. 1车库eg. He put his car in the garage. 他把车子停进车库。2汽车修理厂eg. How many mechanics are there in your garage? 4、crashcrash1n. 相撞,碰撞,坠落eg. All the passengers were killed in the plane crash. 在那次飞机失事中,乘客全部遇难。crash barrier n. 别离人行与车道或高速公路上的护栏2n. 东西坠落或猛撞时的轰隆声eg. The tree fell with a great crash. 那棵树哗啦一声倒下了。a crash of thunder 雷声轰鸣3v. 飞机坠毁,使坠毁eg. The plane crashed in the mountains. 那架飞机在山中坠毁。eg. He crashed his car into the wall. 他的车子撞到墙壁.。5、lamp-postlamp-post n. 路灯杆lamp 灯lamp shade 灯罩a street lamp 街灯an electric lamp 电灯post 柱,支柱a telegraph post 电线杆a gatepost 门柱a signpost 路标6、repairrepair1v. 维修repair a broken watch 修理坏掉的表2v. 补偿,恢复体力等, 使恢复eg. Nothing can repair the loss. 怎样都无法补偿那损失。3n. 修理,修复eg. The hotel will be closed during repairs. 那饭店在整修期间停业。7、trytry 1 v.努力,设法eg. You should try it again and again. 你应该一再努力做这件事。try ones best 尽最大的努力eg. We should try our best.2 try to do 设法, 试行eg. Ill try to learn Spanish. 我要设法学习西班牙语。3 try doing 试着做某事eg. I tried opening the back door, but it was locked, too. 我试着开后门,但后门也上了锁。eg. He tried cleaning the spot with alcohol. 他试着用酒精擦拭那污迹。try to do 指试图做,而try doing 是想知道结果而尝试着做做看。4 try on 试穿衣服,鞋等试戴eg. Please try the shoes on.eg. Please try on the shoes.5 have a try 试一试eg. Its a good try 二、课文讲解Is my car ready yet?ready adj.be ready for 为做好准备get ready for Is everything ready for the dinner? 宴会的一切工作都准备好了吗?You should get ready for the ing exam. 你应该为即将到来的考试做好准备。be ready to do 愿意做某事,准备好做某事,某事就要发生I am ready to help you. 我很乐意去帮你。yet “己经 ,用在否认句、疑问句中Are you ready yet?Not yet.I dont know, sir. Whats the number of your car? 我不知道,先生。你的车牌号是多少?I dont know.= I have no idea.Whats the number?是什么?of your car是介词短语作定语,修饰number,意为你的汽车的。Its LFZ 312Git 指the number of the carWhen did you bring it to us? 您什么时候送来的?bring sth to sb 把带来给某人when 引导的一般过去时的特殊疑问句I brought it here three days ago.bring带来,是一个非持续动词,即这个动作的发生是瞬间完成的,因此它不可以接表示一段时间的时间状语for或since自从,但它可以与表示点时间的时间状语连用,如ago, last, yesterday,等等。three days ago 三天前,表示时间点,用在一般过去时中,可以与非持续性动词连用。Ah yes, I remember now. 啊,是的,我现在记起来了。remember 记得,记住You must remember these words.Do you still remember my name?Have your mechanics finished yet? 你们机械师修好了吗?这是现在完成时的一般疑问句,yet用在疑问句中表示“己经,用在否认句中表示“还Has his father gone yet? 他的父亲己经走了吗?His father hasnt gone yet. 他的父亲还没走呢。No, theyre sill working on it. Lets go into the garage and have a look at it. 没有,他们还在修呢。我们到车库去看一下吧。work on 表示从事、干某事still “仍然, 还在此句中对working on it 起了强调作用。Lets . 祈使句,咱们一起吧go into 进入到, 强调动作过程have a look at 看一看Isnt that your car? 这难道不是你的车吗?在英文中可以用一般疑问句的否认形式来表示期待、请求或希望得到肯定的答复。Well, it was my car. 唔,这曾是我的车。well是感叹词,在这里表示“哎。was 表示过去是,现在不是了。Didnt you have a crash? 难道你没有出车祸吗?Dont you believe me? 难道你不相信我吗?have a crash 出车祸了Thats right. I drove it into a lamp-post. Can your mechanics repair it? 是啊,我把汽车撞在电线杆上了。你们的机械师能修好吗?drive it into a lamp-post 把车撞到了电线杆上repair 修理Well, theyre trying to repair it, sir. But to tell you the truth, you need a new car! 啊,他们正设法修呢,先生,不过我说实在的,你需要一辆新车了!try to do 设法做try doing 试着try to repair it 尽力修好汽车tell you the truth 说实话To tell you the truth, I dont like him at all. 说实话我一点也 不欢他。need 实义动词,需要疑问和否认要用助动词They need some water.Do they need any water?小结:bring sth to sb 把带给某人bring sb sth work on 从事,干have a look at 看一看drive the car into. 开车撞到have a cash 撞车tell you the truth 说实话,老实说try to do 尽力try doing 试着做Lesson 88 Have you yet ?Lesson 89 For sale 待售一、 单词讲解1、believebelieve v. 相信,认为believe + that 从句宾语从句eg. He believe that his girlfriend will e back to him.believe in sth 相信某物的存在believe in sb 相信某人的存在eg. Do you believe in ghosts? 你相信有鬼吗?eg. If you dont believe in God, why are you getting married in church? 如果你不相信上帝,你为什么要在教堂里结婚?believe + 疑问副词eg. Nobody will believe how hard he has tried. 没有人会相信他曾多么努力尝试过。believe it or not 口语信不信由你eg. Believe it or not, Mary is getting married. 信不信由你,Mary就要结婚了。belief n. 信念,信仰2、maymay modal verb 情态动词用于请求许可可以eg. You may go home now, Lucy. 你可以回家了,露西。eg. May I sit down? Certainly.eg. May I use your phone?May I ? 问句的回答假如用Yes, you may.如此有对小孩和晚辈给予许可的意味,通常用Certainly., Why not?, Yes please., sure, 的回答。另外No, you may not. 的说法因为较粗鲁,所以对平辈以上的人如此用No, Im sorry, 以与Im afraid you cannot. 等说法。3、how longhow long1多长时间的长短eg. How long has he worked here? 他己经在这工作多久了?eg. He has worked here for ten years. 他己经在这工作十年了。2物体长度eg. How long is this stick? 这根棍子有多长?how often 多经常问频度eg. How often do you go swimming? 你 多久去游一次泳?eg. I go swimming three time a week. 我每周去游三次。how soon 多久eg. How soon will you e back? 你多久回来?4、sincesince prep自从.一般用在现在完成时当现在完成时描述发生在过去且一直延续到现在的动作时,一般和“for+一段时间或者“since+某个时间点连用。eg. How long has Ian lived in this house?伊恩在这栋房子里住多久了?eg. Hes lived here for twenty years. 他在这里住了20年了。eg. Hes lived here since 1982. 自从1982年他就住在这儿了。5、whywhy adv. 为什么eg. Why were you absent yesterday? 你昨天为什么缺席?be absent fromBecause I had a stomachache. 因为我胃痛。eg. Why do you think he burst into tears? 你认为他为什么突然哭了起来?eg. I dont know why did such a thing. 我不知道她为什么做了这种事。6、sellsell v. 卖,出售eg. She sold her diamond ring at last. 她终于卖掉了她的钻石戒指。eg. I will sell this drawing for 15000 dollars. 这副画我要卖万美 元。sell sth to sb=sell sb stheg. He sold his house to a banker.eg. He sold a banker his house. 他将房子卖给一个银行家。seller n. 1卖者,卖方反义词buyer2有销路的物品a good seller 畅销的商品/ a poor seller 滞销的商品/ a best seller 畅销品sellers market 卖方市场buy v. 购置,买入eg. I bought this camera at the store. 我在那家商店买了这部照相机。7、becausebecause conj因为eg. I went to bed early because I was tired. 我因为疲倦所以提早睡觉。because of 介因为, 由于的缘故,与because不同,后面不接从句。eg. I was late because of the rain.8、retireretire v.1退休,离休eg. He retired at the age of 60. 他60岁时退休了。eg. Hes going to retire soon from sea. 不久他将退休,完毕其航海生涯。2退出,隐退eg. He often retires to his country house at weekends. 他周末通常到他那个乡间别墅生活。eg. The ladies retired, and the gentlemen went on drinking and chatting. 女士们离席退出,先生们如此继续喝酒聊天。9、costcost 1v. 花费金额、费用eg. This jacket costs 200 dollars. 这件夹克价值200美元。eg. How much did it cost to build the bridge? 建这座桥花费了多少钱?cost sb +n 1.花了某人多少钱,2.使某人付出时间、劳力、生命等。eg. It will cost you 500 dollars to repair the car. 修理这部汽车你要花费500美元。eg. Careless driving will cost you your life. 粗心驾驶可能会使你丧命。2n. 代价,价格,费用,经费eg. The cost of the used car is 2000 dollars. 那辆旧车的价格为2000美元。the cost of living 生活费用spend spent spentspend money on 在花钱eg. He spent all his money on this house. 他把所有的积蓄都花在了这座房子上。eg. I spent 50 dollars on this book. 我花了50美元买这本书。spent time in doing 在花时间eg. He spends most of his time in traveling. 他大局部时间都在旅游。spend 的主语多为人10、poundpound 1n. 英镑货币单位eg. The book cost him ten pounds. 这本书花了他10镑。eg. I spent ten pounds on this book. 我花了10镑买这本书2n. 磅重量单位eg. She wants to lose at least 10 pounds. 她减肥想减至少10磅。a pound of butter 一磅奶油11、worthworth prep. 值钱eg. The second-hand car is worth 5000 dollars. 这辆二手轿车值5000美元。eg. The house is worth about 30,000 pounds. 这房值3万英镑。eg. How much is it worth? 它值多少钱?worth+ doing 值得做eg. The exhibition isnt worth visiting. 这个展览不值得参观。eg. Her suggestion is worth considering. 她的建议值得考虑。worthy adj. 值得的be worthy of + n./ doingeg. Her deed is worthy of praise. 她的行为值得称赞。eg. The question is worthy of being discussed. 这个问题值得讨论。be worthy to do 值得做eg. The method is worthy to be tried. 这个方法值得试一试。worthless adj. 无价值的eg. His advice is worthless to me. 他的劝告对我没有用。12、pennypenny 英国货币单位便士复数pen


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