牛津英语8A Unit 7 知识点默写教学案02

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8A Unit 7 知识点默写学案02一、8A Unit 7 Integrated skillsTask 重点单词和词组默写:1吹;刮v.14度数n.2响起铃声v.15其余的部分n.3尖叫,惊呼v.16暴风雪n.4扔,投,掷vt.17阳光n.5反光的adj.18风n.6瞌睡的adj.19一点,少量n.7突然的adj.20打仗,打架n.8深的adj.21雾n.9激动人心的adj.22光亮,光泽n.10结冰的adj.23雪球n.11大约adv.24冰n.12大声地adv.25陆地n.13到处adv.26雪人n.1在下午晚些时候,在傍晚872变得云层更厚873在三十多度/.多岁/.年代874.其余的部分875停留在零度以上886在每年这个时候887有点儿冷888刮得猛烈/ 大风889大声地说话8810给某人打电话8811保重 ,当心12用围巾遮住他们的脸8913覆盖着.8914使他们看起来可笑8915使人们困乏欲睡8916突然的大雨8917在雪天8918喜爱打雪仗8919覆盖在深深的白雪下面9020在这个季节9021打雪仗9022相互向对方扔雪球9023堆雪人,做雪人9024用胡萝卜做它们的鼻子9025冰雪节90二、课本 Integrated skillsTask重点句型回放:1. 最低温度将会-9。88_ will be -9.2. 明天悉尼将有阵雨。88Tomorrow there will be _ in Sydney.3. (电话用语)我是Aunt Jane。88_ Aunt Jane _.4. 你好吗?88_ are you _?5. 南京天气怎么样?88_ the weather in Nanjing? / _ the weather like in Nanjing?6. 风正猛烈地刮着。88The wind is _.7. 请您再大点声说好吗?88Can you _ please?8. 街道上许多人不得不用围巾遮住他们的脸。89Many people in the street have to _.9. 突然的大雨引起许多问题。89The _ _ rain _ a lot of problems.10. 一切都覆盖在深深的白雪中,湖泊、河流都结冰了。90Everything _ deep white snow, and the lakes and rivers are _.11. 大打雪仗令人兴奋。90It is exciting to _.12. 我们相互扔雪球,尖叫着,大笑着。90We _ each other, _.8A Unit 7 知识点默写教案02一、8A Unit 7 Integrated skillsTask 重点单词和词组默写:1吹;刮v.blow14度数n.degree2响起铃声v.ring15其余的部分n.rest3尖叫,惊呼v.scream16暴风雪n.snowstorm4扔,投,掷vt.throw17阳光n.sunshine5反光的adj.shiny18风n.wind6瞌睡的adj.sleepy19一点,少量n.bit7突然的adj.sudden20打仗,打架n.fight8深的adj.deep21雾n.fog 9激动人心的adj.exciting22光亮,光泽n.shine10结冰的adj.frozen23雪球n.snowball11大约adv.around24冰n.ice12大声地adv.loud25陆地n.land13到处adv.everywhere26雪人n.snowman1在下午晚些时候,在傍晚87in the late afternoon2变得云层更厚87turn more cloudy /turn cloudier3在三十多度/.多岁/.年代87in the thirties4.其余的部分87the rest of5停留在零度以上88stay above zero6在每年这个时候88during this time of year / at .7有点儿冷88a bit cold / a little cold8刮得猛烈/ 大风88blow hard/strongly /strong wind9大声地说话88speak loud/ speak loudly10给某人打电话88ring sb/call sb/.11保重 ,当心take care12用围巾遮住他们的脸89cover their faces with scarves13覆盖着.89be covered with14使他们看起来可笑89make them look funny15使人们困乏欲睡89make people sleepy16突然的大雨89the sudden heavy rain17在雪天89on a snowy day /on snowy days18喜爱打雪仗89like (having) snowball fights19覆盖在深深的白雪下面90be covered in deep white snow20在这个季节90during this season /in .21打雪仗90have a snowball fight22相互向对方扔雪球90throw snowballs at each other23堆雪人,做雪人90make snowmen24用胡萝卜做它们的鼻子90use carrots for their noses25冰雪节90the Ice Festival二、课本 Integrated skillsTask重点句型回放:13. 最低温度将会-9。88The lowest temperature will be -9.14. 明天悉尼将有阵雨。88Tomorrow there will be showers in Sydney.15. (电话用语)我是Aunt Jane。88This is Aunt Jane speaking.16. 你好吗?88How are you doing?17. 南京天气怎么样?88Hows the weather in Nanjing? /Whats the weather like in Nanjing?18. 风正猛烈地刮着。88The wind is blowing hard.19. 请您再大点声说好吗?88Can you speak louder please?20. 街道上许多人不得不用围巾遮住他们的脸。89Many people in the street have to cover their faces with scarves.21. 突然的大雨引起许多问题。89The sudden heavy rain causes a lot of problems.22. 一切都覆盖在深深的白雪中,湖泊、河流都结冰了。90Everything is covered in deep white snow, and the lakes and rivers are frozen.23. 大打雪仗令人兴奋。90It is exciting to have big snowball fights.24. 我们相互扔雪球,尖叫着,大笑着。90We throw snowballs at each other, screaming and laughing.七年级英语 第 2 页 共 2 页


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