Unit 5InthePark教学设计 课题:2A Unit5 In the Park 课时:Lesson one教材分析本课选自新起点英语二年级上册,第五单元 In the Park 的第一课时,属词汇新授课。教材主要通过主线人物描绘各自在公园里看到的情景展开,以歌谣的形式呈现本单元的新词汇。与此同时,通过已学过的功能句“ Whats this? Its.”进行有关景物名称的问答。本课由三个板块组成: A 项 Look, listen and chant 通过歌谣的方式呈现本单元的新词汇。 B 项 Act and say 通过“做动作,说景物”的活动,帮助学生建立单词音义之间的联系。 C 项 Listen and chant again 再次学唱歌谣,进一步巩固所学词汇的英文表达,同时整体感知英语语音、语调和节奏。学情分析认知基础:二年级学生已经学过有关动物、颜色、数字的词汇,并掌握“ Its”, “ I like.”,“ I can see”等句型。此外,学生对“ Park ”的场景并不陌生,喜欢去公园,也喜欢谈论公园,脑海里有公园的图式。心理特点:二年级孩子的思维特点以形象、直观为主。有意注意保持的时间短,注意力容易分散。但他们敢于张口,乐于模仿,表现力强,愿意参与有趣味的课堂活动。教学目标知识目标: 1.学生能够掌握关于公园内景物的单词:lake, tree, flower, grass, boat and hill. 2.学生能够用新学的单词回答“ Whats this? ”的问题。程度较好的学生能够尝试用“ Theis on/in/under the”等句型表达公园中看到的情景。 技能目标: 1.通过本节课的学习,能够掌握有关公园内景物的词汇。 2.通过各种课堂活动,培养学生的听力和口语能力。 情感目标: 1.能跟录音大胆模仿歌谣并在说唱中激发对公园的喜爱之情,从而引申到保护环境,热爱大自然的情感升华。2.在小组内进行各种活动,培养学生的合作意识,体验英语学习的快乐。 学习策略: 1.通过小组合作交流,培养学生积极与他人交流,共同完成学习任务的能力。 2.在chant活动中激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生学习的注意力。 3.在设计课堂听音,模仿环节中,培养学生语音语调。 文化策略: 通过听、说、读、写等方面让学生充分感受英语知识在实际生活中的应用。教学重点及难点教学重点:学生能用相关的表达,准确和自然地描述公园里的各种景物。 教学难点:1. 新单词flower 中“ ow ”和 boat 中“ oa ”的发音。 2. 感知名词的单复数及可数与不可数,如a flower, three flowers; grass不加a等。教学基本策略及设计思路1.面向全体学生,关注语言学习者的不同特点和个体差异。在整个教学过程中,尽量让每个学生都参与其中,成为课堂的主人。在操练环节中,教师通过让学生听音并模仿,来培养学生的语音语调,让每个学生都能感受到自身的提高,有成就感。 2.整体设计目标,充分考虑语言学习的语用环境。在单词、句型的学习环节中,我先让学生们整体感知语言材料。 3.强调学习过程,重视语言学习的实践性和应用性。教师在整个教学中,设置真实的语境,主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学习和运用语言。形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习能力。 资源的开发及说明本节课我不仅充分挖掘教材内容,而且尽量在学生可接受的范围内,结合课外知识,极大地拓宽了他们的知识面和眼界。在整个的教学活动设计中,我注重对学生语音语调的培养,让学生在多听的基础上,强调输出质量。在教学中我还利用视频、图片及实物等教学手段为学生创设真实的情境,让学生在真实的情境中学习和使用英语,体现英语的工具性和人文性。通过“演与猜”的活动,极大地调动了学生的积极性。小组内合作问答与交流,培养学生合作交流意识,同时培养学生的表达能力和对知识的运用能力。教学过程教学环节教师活动预设学生活动设计意图Step 1 Warming upGreeting and sing songs and say chants.sing songs and say chants with teacher.活跃课堂气氛,调动学生积极性,创设良好的英语氛围。通过最后一首歌的内容导入到今天的主题。Step 2 New teaching 1. Learn the new words. T: In that song, all the family wants to play. So do you want to go out to play? Where do you want to go? I want to go to the park, too. So today, lets learn Unit5 In the Park.(贴板书Unit5 In the Park) T: But how do we get there? By plane? By train? Or by school bus? Yes! By school bus. So baby baby lets go! T: Now, weve arrived at the first stop. But can you see it clearly?(出示一张非常模糊的湖水的图片) What about this one?(出示一张稍微有点模糊的湖水照片) And this one clear? Ok! Follow me “lake”. T: You know what, there are many beautiful lakes in our country. Lets have a look. (出示四幅优美且有名的湖水照片) T:(播放鸭子的叫声) Wow! What did you hear? Yes, its a duck. Now think, a duck can be on the lake, what else can be on the lake? Yes, a boat can be on the lake. Follow me, lake. T: Do you like to row a boat?(做出划船的姿势) Read after me. (出示一幅图,鸟在船 上,船在湖上,湖在公 园里) T:Boys and girls, lets look at this picture. Can you tell me where the bird (boat, lake) is. OK, now lets read these sentences together.(播放鼓点伴 奏) T:(指着现在这张图上 的鸟)Now you see, this bird is flying. Where is it going?(出示鸟飞 向大树的图片)Its flying to a tree. Follow me, tree. T:You see, there are many kinds of trees in the world.(介绍四种常 见的树的名称) T:(出示一幅图,背景 都是大山,有一棵树在一座小山上,但是小山被遮住了)Now, boys and girls, can you guess where the tree is. T: Mountain? Sorry, I dont think so. I think mountains are higher and bigger. (让遮挡物消失,露出小 山)But this one is lower and smaller. Actually, its a hill. Follow me, hill. T:(出示一幅图,鸟在树上,树在山上,山在公 园里) T:Boys and girls, lets look at this picture. Can you tell me where the bird(tree, hill)is. OK, now lets read these sentences together.(播放鼓点伴奏) T:(拿出一朵花,上面用丝巾遮住)Boys and girls, I smell something is very nice. Do you want to have a try?(让同学们也闻闻)Do you know what it is? Its a flower. Follow me, flower. T: You see, there are three kinds of flowers. Can you match these flowers with these pictures? T:In the word “flower”, “ow”sounds like /au/,can you read these words? (出示bow, now, how, cow)And do you know, what is cow?(出示cow的图片) And where is the cow? Its on the grass. Follow me, grass. T: But you cant say, its a grass. Thats wrong. You can say, its grass. OK? T:(出示一幅图,船在湖上,花在草里,草在树 下,树在公园里) T:Boys and girls, lets look at this picture. Can you tell me where the boat (flower, grass, tree)is. OK, now lets read these sentences together.(播放鼓点伴奏) Act and say. T: Boys and girls, do you want to play a game? Ok! Here is a box, and there are some words in it. Ill pick up one student to act. If you know the answer, please raise up your hand and answer with: Its. Say the chant. T: Ah, Im a little tired after the game. So lets enjoy a chant together, OK? (总共播放四遍,第一遍整体播放,让学生感知音乐;第二遍,学生 一句一句跟读;第三遍,整体播放学生和老师学习动作;最后一遍学生带动作说唱歌谣)T:Lets see, this is my park.(出示公园图片并介绍里面的场景) Did you bring your park today? Please introduce your park to your group members. Ill choose some students to show us later. T: All of you did a very good job today, now lets look at a video together. T: Todays homework. Level A: Read these words until you can recite. Lever B: Introduce your park to your family.Ss: I want to go to. Answer the questions posed by the teacher. Then read after the teacher. Ss: By school bus. Ss: Honey honey follow you.Ss: No. Ss: No. Ss: Yes! Ss: Read after the teacher. Enjoy these beautiful pictures. Ss: Duck. Answer the question. Ss: 船. Read the word. Ss: Yes! Read after the teacher. Read the word after the teacher. Try to read the names of these trees that are very commonly seen in our lives. Look at the picture and then answer the question raised by the teacher.Ss: Its on the mountain. Read the word after the teacher. Look at the pictures carefully and then answer the question to fill in the blanks.(填短语)Smell the flower and then guess what it is. Match the flowers with he pictures. Try to read the words with “ow”. Read the word after the teacher. Ss: OK!Look at the pictures carefully and then answer the question to say the sentences.(说句子) Ss: Yes! Play the game.Listen to the chant.Learn the gestures after the teacher. Sing the chant together. Ss: Yes! (拿出昨天准备好的自己设计的公园图片) Introduce the park with group members.Watch the video. Do the homework after school.通过对上一单元词汇的复习,引出今天的主题“Park”。 通过问同学们这个问题,既复习了交通工具,又让学生产生了画面感和代入感,在特设的情境中学习生词,不枯燥,感兴趣。 首先要学习的是lake这个单词,通过图片由模糊到清楚,极大地激发了同学们的学习兴趣,学生们充满了好奇,抓住了他们的注意力。 让同学们拓宽了眼界,领略祖国大好河山的同时,培养了他们审美的情趣。 通过用“鸭子”作为中间媒介,把lake和boat这两个新授单词联系在了一起,更方便于同学们的记忆,达到了知识的连贯性。 拓展一下“划船的”英文表达是:row a boat.通过这部分的小练习,可以让同学们及时回顾刚刚学过的两个单词,并且运用chant的形式,不仅可以把单词运用到具体情境中,还可以为本堂课的儿歌做一个铺垫。 现在学习的是第三个单词:tree。通过鸟这个媒介,把boat和tree衔接起来,给同学们线性的知识链,便于记忆。 从孩子们熟知的树入手,介绍它们的英文表达方式,拓宽了知识面因为这幅图的背景都是大山,而且mountain 这个单词孩子们都知道,所以很轻易地就答出了mountain这个答案,正好老师可以在这里把mountain 和hill 做一个对比,让同学们更清楚地明白hill 的意思是小山。 通过这部分的小练习,可以让同学们时回顾刚刚学过的两个单词,并且运用chant的形式,不仅可以把单词运用到具体情境中,还可以为本堂课的儿歌做一个铺垫。运用实物方法介绍新单词flower,并且利用嗅觉,触发了孩子们的好奇心,让课堂充满了乐趣。 这部分也属于拓展,教师展示了玫瑰花、康乃馨和菊花,让孩子们把这些花和对应的花语图片连线,从而达到开拓眼界的目的。 通过试着读出带有“ow”的单词-cow,从而借助奶牛这个媒介,从flower过渡到grass,衔接自然,便于同学们记忆。让学生们明确grass是个不可数名词。通过这部分的小练习,可以让同学们及时回顾刚刚学过的单词,并且运用chant的形式,不仅可以把单词运用到具体情境中,还可以为本堂课的儿歌做一个铺垫。 练习学过的句型:Whats this? Its . 培养学生的模仿能力、观察能力以及语言学习的创造力。 这部分是学习本单元的儿歌,通过四次播放,让同学们先感知儿歌,然后一句一句跟读,之后加动作,最后整体练习,一步步让学生更加深刻地记住儿歌。 这部分属于语篇的练习,通过本节课单词的学习,以及儿歌的练习,学生可以掌握并描述出公园场景的句子。 通过小组内的交流,培养学生合作交流的意识和能力 播放保护环境的宣传片,教育学生要爱护环境,爱护大自然,爱护地球。 分层作业可以激发学生的学习兴趣,让每个学生的个性都能得到充分的发展。学生学习活动评价设计本节课主要以听说为主,最后的语篇练习是以小组合作交流为主,学生的汇报成果将记录在课堂成绩之内。板书设计Unit 5 In the Parklake boat tree hill flower grass 10 / 10