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外研版五年级下册英语单词拼写易错专项练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据首字母提示填空。This is Peters room. Its a very n_room. There are two maps(地图) o_the wall(墙). One is a map o_China, and the other is a map of World (世界). There s a desk in f_of the window. Theres a clock on it. Near the clock, theres a g_. There i_some tea in it. There are two pens and some books o_the desk too. On the floor theres a chair and a football under it. Peter s_in his room and he l_his room very much.2. 看图,填入所缺字母补全单词或短语。1Wed_sday 2ph_t_3br_dg_ 4r_d books5m_ntains3. 完成下列句子,每空一词。(1)Im_my_.(刷牙)(2)Heis_(穿衣服)now.(3)Its_(已经)eightforty.4. 看图写单词。 _ _ _ _5. 补全单词。1电脑c _ mp _ t _ r 2电灯li _ h _ 3你的y _ _ r4图片pi _ tu _ e 5八ei _ _ t 6什么wh _ t7时间t _ _ e 8黄色y _ llo _ 9短裙sk _ _ t6. 看图补全短语。1p_s_2c_my r_3t_a d_class4_a Chinese c_5g_s_7. 根据所给的音标词写出下列单词。1.We mustnt start a_kmpfai in the forest. 2.Supergirl can smell the_smk. 3._helkptz are flying above the mountains. 4.The people live in the Stone Age always eat_r meat. 5.We mustnt play with_mtz.8. 按要求写单词。1.人称代词I _ he_ we2.形容词性物主代词_ your _3.名词性物主代词_ hers _4he(宾格)_5make(现在分词)_9. 根据图片和字母提示补全单词。1c_d 2r_st_rant3g_f_ 4r_s_5ch_col_tes10. 看图写词。1. He likes_. 2. It has two legs and two_. 3. You can see_in Australia. 4. Are there any_rooms? 5. There is a_too. Theyre on the third floor.11. 请根据上下文的意思补充单词,注意单词的正确形式。(答案不唯一)1. She collects p_.2.What do we need in the party?I can bring s_and p_.3.What are these?Theyre s_.4. I sometimes dream about my f_.5. I get up at a qu_to seven.6. My father is a f_. My mother is an e_.7. There are s_b_and rings on my table.12. 看图补全相应的单词。 f_t b_f m_t t_ r_d _t13. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Talk _ (quiet). They are reading books in the library.2. Whats _ (you) name?3. Look! They are _ (work) in the field.4. _ (thank) for helping me with English.5. No _ (swim)! Its dangerous(危险的)!14. 单词拼写。1My mother will go to Shandong by t_.2I will get to the USA by p_.3Shanghai is far from here. Lets go by s_.4I will go to school on f_with my sister.5I will see a_at the Star Cinema on October_.15. 我会抄写单词。enjoyedEnglishpartyrhymeitembeachwaveswishfirstthirdsecondmadeplayedjoke16. 补全单词。1. _ _nt 2. old_ _ 3. _ _ cle 4. y_ _nger 5. c_ _sin6. sh_ _ter 7. gl_ _ses 8. t_ _ler 9. gr_ _ 10. f_ther17. 按要求写出下列各词。1.stand(过去式)_ 2.use(形容词)_3.man(复数)_ 4.there(对应词)_5.cannot(缩写形式)_18. 看图写单词。1_ 2_3_ 4_5_19. 请根据句子的意思,写出所缺的单词。(第一个字母已给出)(1)MyEnglishteacherisverya_.Shecanplaymanygames.Itsfunny.(2)Hersisterisam_teacher,shecansingverywell.(3)Herbrotherisntshort,heist_.(4)MissZhangisana_teacher,shecanpaint.(5)TodayisS_.TomorrowisSunday.6 / 6


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