人教版PEP四年级下册Unit2 What time is it?练习题

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人教版PEP四年级下册Unit2 What time is it?练习题_第1页
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人教版PEP四年级下册Unit2 What time is it?练习题_第3页
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Unit 2 What time is it?-Part B练习题二、选择合适的答案( )1. School is _.A. over B. go C. come( ) 2. _ is it now?Its 5 oclock.A. How many B. What colour C. What time( ) 3. Its time _ lunch.A. to B. at C. for( ) 4. Its 8 a.m. Its time for _.A. PE class B. dinner C. lunch( ) 5. Its time for music class.Lets _.A. read and write B. jump and run C. sing and dance三、连词成句1. class, time, English, Its, for (.) 2. some, Lets, milk, drink (.)_ _3. there, is, What, it, time (?) 4.the,Lets, to, playground, go(。)_ _Unit 2 What time is it?-Part B练习题一、指出不同类的选项( )1. A. get up B. breakfast C. go to school( )2. A. lunch B. dinner C. music class( )3. A. run B. PE class C. English class( )4. A. six B. three C. first( )5. A. where B. what C. like二、根据图片,选择合适的答语完成句子( )1. Its 6:30. Its time to _.A. get up B. go to school C. go to bed( )2. Its 7:15. Its time to _.A. go to bed B. go to school C. PE class( )3. School is over. Its time to _.A. go to school B. get up C. go home( )4. Its 2:30. Its time for _.A. go home B. music class C. PE class( )5. Its 9:30. Its time to _.A. go to school B. go to the zoo C. go to bed三、我会选( )1. Its 8:00. Its time _ watch TV.A. for B. to C. in( )2. Its 3 oclock. Its time _ PE class.A. for B. to C. on( )3. What time is it?_.A. Its nine thirty B. Its nine clock C. It nine thirty( )4. _ Its time for English class.A. Just a minute. B. Hurry up. C. Go on.( )5. Breakfast is _.A. ready B. a egg C. apple四、阅读短文, 根据短文选择正确的答案。


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