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1、A.这个人可以用手势交流。B这个人根本不必学中文。C.手信号会很容易被曲解。D中国人对侮辱很敏感。2A他们和一场灾难有关。B他们是用船运送的。C他们被用来攻击敌人。D他们被欧洲人发现。3、A.她认不出她的好朋友。B她无法抗拒食物的诱惑.。C她在体育馆已经呆了很长时间了.。D她花了很长时间减肥。4、A快速休息的好处。B追求在另一个世界的生活。C.日常日常工作中的问题。D阅读小说的好处。5 A.他们没有用处因为他们不能发现真正的天才。B他们没有必要,因为已经有很多伟大的人才。C他们是惊人的,因为他们为人才提供希望。D 他们成功是因为他们发现了许多天才。6。答A:成龙是现在50岁以上的。B. Jacky Chan的行为只有在动作电影。C.成龙获取成功的五十岁。D. Jacky Chan执行危险的动作。7、A.为了不被超车,她开得很快。B驾驶时她不得不放慢速度.。C她不得不以每小时120公里的速度开车.。D在回家的路上她在一个男人身上追上了。8 A.她的妈妈将住在她的公寓里。B她和别人共用一个公寓。C.她将买一个昂贵的公寓。D她父亲病了很长时间了.。9、A一个机械师。B火车司机。C在车库里工作的工人。D.客户关系助理。10 A.这个男人正在找工作。B这个人在他的工作中旅行了很多。C.这个人将有一个光明的未来。D这个人要问这份工作的薪水.。I. Listening Comprehension ( 30 points)Part 1 Short Conversations (10 points) 1.A. The man can use hand gestures to communicate.B. The man doesnt have to learn Chinese at all.C. Hand signals could be easily misinterpreted.D. The Chinese are very sensitive to insults.2.A. They were related to a disaster.B. They were transported by boat.C. They were used to attack enemies.D. They were found by the Europeans.3.A. She cant recognize her good friend.B. She cant resist the temptation of food.C. She has been in the gym for a long time.D. She has spent a long time losing weight.4.A. The advantage of taking a quick break.B. The pursuit of living in another world.C. The problems of day-to-day routine.D. The benefit of reading novels.5.A. They are not useful because they cannot discover real talents.B. They are not necessary as there are already a lot of great talents.C. They are amazing because they provide hope for talented people.D. They are successful because they have discovered a lot of talents.6.A. That Jacky Chan is now aged over 50.B. That Jacky Chan acts only in action movies.C. That Jacky Chan gets successful in his 50s.D. That Jacky Chan performs dangerous movements.7.A. She drove fast in order not to be overtaken.B. She was forced to slow down when driving.C. She had to drive at 120 kilometers per hour.D. She overtook a man on her way home.8.A. Her mother will live in her apartment.B. She shares an apartment with others.C. She will buy an expensive apartment.D. Her father has been ill for a long time.9.A. A mechanic.B. A train driver.C. A worker in a garage.D. A guest relations assistant.10.A. The man is looking for a job.B. The man travels a lot in his work.C. The man is going to have a bright future.D. The man is going to ask the salary of the job.Part 2 Long Conversations (8 points) 11.A. She wishes the vacation could start right now.B. She is waiting patiently for the vacation to begin.11 A.她希望假期能马上开始。B她耐心地等待假期开始.。C.她很兴奋她要去拜访伊丽莎白女王。D她喜欢的想法是,假期是两个星期长。12 A因为机票会便宜很多。B因为这个季节不太可能有雨。C因为会有更多的景点。D.因为它更容易得到更少的访问者。13、A伦敦眼。B.河的河。C伦敦塔的角。D. Shakespeare剧院。14 A.许多著名的人过去住在那里。B许多著名的囚犯被杀害了。C许多著名的罪犯被埋葬在那里。D许多名人参观了它。C. She is excited that she is to visit Queen Elizabeth.D. She likes the idea that the vacation is two weeks long.12.A. Because airline tickets will be much cheaper.B. Because it is less likely to have rain in this season.C. Because there will be several more attractions then.D. Because it is easier to get around with fewer visitors.13.A. The London Eye.B. The River Thames.C. The Tower of London.D. Shakespeares Theater.14.A. Many famous people used to live there.B. Many famous prisoners were killed there.C. Many famous criminals were buried there.D. Many famous people have paid a visit to it.Questions 15 to 18 are based on the same passage or dialog. (对应录音题号5-8)15A人。B.动物。C.植物。D.景观。16、A创造美丽的画。B.赚取数百万美元。C成为一个著名的艺术家。D让自己快乐。17,A. Cakes。B.糖果。C冰淇淋冰淇淋。D巧克力甜点。18 A. Bake一些美味的甜点。B贸易为女人的甜点。C画一只老虎吃一块巧克力。D在厨房里画了一只老虎的画。15.A. People.B. Animals.C. Plants.D. Landscape.16.A. Create beautiful paintings.B. Earn millions of dollars.C. Become a famous artist.D. Make himself happy.17.A. Cakes.B. Candies.C. Ice cream.D. Chocolate desserts.19、他曾与尼克松总统进行过个人访谈.。他的著名的句子已被写入教科书。他在降落后被美国航空航天局送去环游世界。他已成为自那时以来最大的观众的焦点。20、他认为电子邮件通信足够了。他认为安赫尔史密夫不是一个著名的作家。他决定一生只接受两次采访.。他认为他不值得注意。21 A.因为他拒绝了许多人的要求。因为他拒绝成为公众关注的中心。因为他对登月感到不兴奋。因为他只做了登月工作的一小部分。22 A. He没有得到他应得的荣誉即使他做了飞行部分。B他不想从登月经验中赚钱。C他没有像其他月亮行者一样成为百万富翁。D他不擅长签名和面试。18.A. Bake some delicious desserts.B. Trade for the womans desserts.C. Draw a tiger eating a bar of chocolate.D. Put up a picture of a tiger in his kitchen.Part 3 Passage (12 points) 19.A. He had a personal interview with President Nixon.B. His famous sentence has been written into textbooks.C. He was sent on a world tour by NASA after the landing.D. He has become the focus of the largest audience since then.20.A. He considered email correspondence was sufficient enough.B. He thought Andrew Smith was not a well-known writer.C. He decided to accept only two interviews all his life.D. He believed that he was not worthy of the attention.21.A. Because he declined many requests from other people.B. Because he refused to be the center of public attention.C. Because he did not feel excited about the moon landing.D. Because he did only a small part of the moon landing work.22.A. He didnt get the credit he deserved even though he did the flying part.B. He didnt want to make money from the moon-landing experience.C. He failed to become a millionaire like the other moon walkers.D. He was not good at signing autographs and having interviews.Questions 23 to 26 are based on the same passage or dialog.(对应录音题号5-8)23、A.他此行没有明确的目的地。他一直在旅行,不想回家。他总是在两点之间旅行.。他不与他人分享旅游经验。24他离婚了,不高兴。他的生意做得不好。他厌倦了他的生活和事业。他的房子和船被摧毁了。25他决定很快回家。他从网站上赚钱。他在那里工作了一天一夜。他享受了一年的假期。26、A. Andy离家这么久会有麻烦。B. Andy很难适应这种生活。C. Andy在前两年会有一段艰难的时光。D. Andy很难阻止旅行。23.A. He doesnt have any definite destination for his trip.B. He has been traveling without wanting to go home.C. He has always been traveling between two points.D. He doesnt share traveling experiences with others.24.A. He was divorced and unhappy.B. His business was not doing well.C. He was bored with his life and career.D. His house and boat were destroyed.25.A. He decided to go home soon.B. He made money from websites.C. He worked day and night there.D. He enjoyed his one-year holiday.26.A. Andy would have trouble from being away from home for so long.B. Andy would have difficulty in getting used to this kind of life.C. Andy would have a difficult time during the first two years.D. Andy would have difficulty in trying to stop traveling.Questions 27 to 30 are based on the same passage or dialog. (对应录音题号9-12)27、和他们的朋友一起看体育比赛。在花园里和孩子玩耍。在安静的酒吧喝饮料。坐在酒吧花园里。28、人们轮流为朋友买饮料是很正常的.。当酒吧忙碌时,人们不得不排队去买饮料.。酒吧的工作人员会给你另一种饮料,如果你的溢出。为陌生人提供饮料是礼貌的行为.。29、一个人不带照相证件就买酒.酒吧出售酒精给某人似乎喝醉了。成年后的C. An点了一杯对一个16岁的酒。在酒吧或商店喝酒的员工喝醉了。30、14岁以下的儿童由成年人陪同可以免费用餐.。与父母一起吃饭的孩子可以在酒吧呆到下午10点.儿童独自吃饭可以享受合理的折扣。十四岁以上的孩子可以独自在酒吧吃饭。27.A. Watching sports matches with their friends.B. Playing with their children in gardens.C. Having drinks in the quieter bar.D. Sitting in the pub gardens.28.A. It is normal for people to take turns to buy drinks for their friends.B. People have to queue to get their drinks when pubs are busy.C. The bar staff will give you another drink if yours is spilled.D. It is good manners to offer to buy drinks for strangers.29.A. A person buys alcohol without a photographic ID.B. A pub sells alcohol to someone who seems drunk.C. An adult orders a glass of wine for a 16-year-old.D. Staff who serve alcohol in bars or shops get drunk.30.A. Children under 14 accompanied by an adult can have free meals.B. Children eating with their parents can stay at a pub until 10 p.m.C. Children eating alone can enjoy meals at a reasonable discount.D. Children at fourteen and above can have meals alone at pubs.


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