三年级上册英语教案-Unit 5 Let’s eat !-人教(PEP)(2014秋)(7)

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Unit 5 lets eat!1、教学目标 Knowledge ObjectivesBe enable the Ss to grasp the sentences patterns“Id like”, “Can I have.?”“Here you are.” And use them in their daily life.Get to know the meaning of “fish, rice, Coke, ice cream” in spoken, and pronounce them clearly.Get to know the expressions of ordering foods.Functional ObjectiveBe able to use the sentence pattern in our daily life.Emotional Objective培养孩子们的勇于承担的精神,乐于分享的意识,和积极处理问题的能力。2学情分析 三年级学生好奇心强,求知欲强,不怕羞,能大胆发言,勇于表现自己。这些年龄特点,使学生更容易接受和大胆表达英语,而三年级的以口语为主的英语教材,能充分满足学生的个性发展需要。由于初步接触英语口语,贴近生活的情境,新鲜而富有情趣的活动和任务更能激起学生乐学好学的愿望和行动。3重点难点 1.Students might have problems in listening to the long sentences and repeat them at the first time.2.Make sure that Ss can use the sentence structure“Id like Can I have some ? Here you are.” and the new words correctly and fluently.4教学过程 4.1 第一学时 4.1.1教学活动 活动1【导入】Unit5Letseat! 1. Greetings2. Sing a song(通过歌曲导入,活跃课堂气氛,充分调动学生学习英语的积极性)活动2【讲授】Step2.Presentation lPre-listeningT:Look!Zoomiscoming.WhatswrongwithZoom?放肚子饿的声音(饿了)WhereisZoom?T:Howdoyouknowthat?Whatcanyouseeinthepicture?Canyouguess:“WhatisZoomgoingtodo?Letslistentothewholestorywithyourguessesandcheckyourguesses.听故事对话,(图片处理把小猫去掉)T:Fromthestory,weknowthatZoomwantstoordersomething.Haveyouorderedthings?Whatwillyouorderfirst?(激发学生已有的点餐经验,让学生回忆点餐场景,并预测对话内容,帮助学生理解课文)While-listening:(P1/2)Guess.WhatdoesZoomwantfirst?学生猜测后听音,图片解释fish的词义WhatdoesZoomsay?(再次听音,关注句子结构)根据学生的回答书写板书.服务员给Zoom了吗?Whatdoesthewaitresssay?根据学生的回答书写板书.Heryouare.出示动画解释Idlike.和Hereyouare.Whenwewantsth.WeshouldsayIdlikesomeWhenyougivesb.sth.Weshouldsay“Hereyouare(P3)Zoomhassomefishasdish.WhatelsedoesZoomwant?Rice.(听一)WhatdoesZoomsay?Idlikesomerice,please.(听二)根据学生的回答书写板书.Guess.Whatdoesthewaitresssay?Hereyouare./Sure.(P4)IfyouareZoom.Whatdoyouwantthen?Weknow,Zoomwouldlikesomefishandsomerice.Aretheyenough?Doyouhaveanygoodideas?Letscheck.WhatdoesZoomwantnext?Ss:Coke.(听一)WhatdoesZoomsay?Ss:CanIhavesomeCoke,please?(听二)(P5/6左半图)Now,wehavesomanykindsoffood.Doeszoomstarttoeat?WhatdoesZoomorder?Letslisten.WhatdoesZoomsay?这次服务员又是怎么说的呢?Inwesterncountries,peopleusuallyeatsomedessertsaftermeals.SoZoomorderssomeicecream.(P6右半图)Now,everythingisready.WhatwillZoomdonext?IsZoomhappy?Why?Whathappened?WhatdoesZoomsay?Whereisthefish?Really?Letshavealook.Whoeatsthefish?(看课文动画,提示学生注意观察猫的位置)(通过观察图片获得图片中的信息,预测和感知故事梗概。通过细节问题的设置,让学生带着任务听录音,在对话中提取信息,关注语意的理解。设置了第二次听音环节,引导学生关注语言结构,了解故事发展脉络。)Step 1. Warm up &Lead in1. Greetings2. Sing a song(通过歌曲导入,活跃课堂气氛,充分调动学生学习英语的积极性)3.Free talk:Step 2. Presentationl Pre-listeningT:Look!Zoom is coming. Whats wrong with Zoom?放肚子饿的声音(饿了) Where is Zoom?T:How do you know that? What can you see in the picture?Can you guess: “What is Zoom going to do?Lets listen to the whole story with your guesses and check your guesses.听故事对话,(图片处理把小猫去掉)T: From the story, we know that Zoom wants to order something. Have you ordered things ?What will you order first?(激发学生已有的点餐经验,让学生回忆点餐场景,并预测对话内容,帮助学生理解课文)While-listening:(P1/2)Guess .What does Zoom want first?学生猜测后听音,图片解释fish的词义What does Zoom say?(再次听音,关注句子结构)根据学生的回答书写板书.服务员给Zoom 了吗?What does the waitress say?根据学生的回答书写板书. Her you are.出示动画解释Id like .和Here you are.When we want sth. We should sayI d like someWhen you give sb. sth. We should say“ Here you are(P3)Zoom has some fish as dish. What else does Zoom want?Rice. (听一)What does Zoom say?Id like some rice, please. (听二)根据学生的回答书写板书.Guess .What does the waitress say?Here you are. / Sure.(P4)If you are Zoom. What do you want then?We know , Zoom would like some fish and some rice.Are they enough?Do you have any good ideas?Lets check. What does Zoom want next?Ss:Coke. (听一)What does Zoom say?Ss:Can I have some Coke,please? (听二)(P5/6左半图)Now, we have so many kinds of food. Does zoom start to eat?What does Zoom order ?Lets listen. What does Zoom say?这次服务员又是怎么说的呢?In western countries,people usually eat some desserts after meals. So Zoom orders some ice cream.(P6右半图)Now, everything is ready. What will Zoom do next?Is Zoom happy?Why?What happened?What does Zoom say?Where is the fish?Really?Lets have a look. Who eats the fish?(看课文动画,提示学生注意观察猫的位置)(通过观察图片获得图片中的信息,预测和感知故事梗概。通过细节问题的设置,让学生带着任务听录音,在对话中提取信息,关注语意的理解。设置了第二次听音环节,引导学生关注语言结构,了解故事发展脉络。)Step3. Listen and repeat!From the story, we know the cat eats the fish. How does the cat eat the fish?Lets listen and repeat the story.When the cat is out of the window. Zoom 在做什么?What does Zoom say?(停顿两秒让学生思考、回忆。然后播放录音,个体多人次模仿)The waitress saysWhen the cat jumps into the window.What does Zoom say?And then?When the cat is near the table.What else does Zoom want?When the cat is on the table. What does Zoom say?The waitress says“.”At last, everything is ready.What happened? What does Zoom say?(以文中课文图片猫的位置为线索,回忆整个故事)Show Time.Well done! You repeat the story very well. Do you want to act the story out? Now its your show time. Now you can practice the story with your partner and then act it out. Your group can choose act it with or without books.(给出评价的标准)Act the story out.What do you think of this group? Do you like their performance? Are they good?Step 4. Extension: Think and Talk.At last,the cat eats the fish. Can you give this story a new ending?If you are Zoom or the cat. What will you do?So what do you learn from the story?在生活中要乐于分享做错事要勇于承担严于律己 ,宽以待人Homework:1.Listen to the story after class.通过“一起作业”听读英语故事 (必做)2.Try to help your parents order things.试着了解父母的爱吃的食物,并帮助爸爸妈妈点餐。(选做) Unit3 Lets eat! Id like some fish,please. Here you are. riceCan I have some Coke, please? Sure. ice cream


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