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三年级人教版英语下学期期末综合复习难点知识习题班级:_ 姓名:_ 看图写单词1. 看一看,写一写。 2. 看图写句子。1-Whats this? -2-Whats that? -3-Whats this? -4-Whats that? -5-Whats this? -3. 看图,圈出相应的单词完成句子。1The monkey has a (short / long) tail.The duck has a (short / long) tail.2The elephant is (big / small).The bird is (big / small).3The giraffe is (tall / short).The dog is (tall / short).4. 看图写单词。1 23 45 67 89 105. 根据图片选出正确的单词。1Look at my_(face mouth).2This is my_(face nose).3Look at my_(ear eye).4Look at my_(eye nose).5I have a red_(ear mouth).填空题6. 根据要求进行填空。1_are boys._umbrella are big and new.(语法填空)2Whats the date today?(根据图片回答)_3_(补问句)It is autumn.7. 下面的小狗出去找食物时走丢了,你能帮它们找到各自的家吗?brother cat big back mother welcome1She is my_.2It has a_body.3Look at the_.4He is my_.5_.8. 按要求填空。1that(对应词)_ 2I(宾格形式)_3hes(完全形式)_ 4this(对应词)_5arent(完全形式)_9. 仿写句子。例:I like pears. I dont like pears. (1)I like bananas.(2)We like apples.(3)They like grapes.(4)You like oranges.10. 按要求将下列单词归类。(填序号)A.blue B.arm C.pen D.mouth E.eraserF.pen G.red H.yellow I.leg J.orange1颜色_2身体部位_3文具_连词成句11. 连词成句。1blackboard, at, the, look(.)2door, open, please, the, Liu Tao(, .)3new, wheres, schoolbag, my(?)4drink, milk, my, dont(.)5for, robot, is, this, you(.)12. Christmasletscelebrate(.)13. at, Look, your, hand14. from, He, is, Canada, (.)15. head, my, hurts (.)选择题16. The boy is from _. ( )A.UK B.USA C.the UK17. 选出单词中不同类的一项:( )A.do B.does C.likes18. Hi, Mike. _ my sister. ( )A.This is B.Im C.You are19. What _ is it? ( )Its winter.A.season B.colour C.shape20. Look at the giraffe.( )_ so tall.A.Shes B.Hes C.Its句型转换21. 句型转换。1. The candy isred and yellow. (对句子提问)2. Itssour. (对句子提问)3. I can heara bike. (对句子提问)4. I like pandas. (变一般疑问句)5. I have an ice cream. (变否定句)22. 按要求写出下列句子。1. her, homework, this, is(.) (连词成句)2. Are these onions? (否定回答)3. What are these? (用cabbages回答)4. Are those animals? (用vegetables回答)5. are, tomatoes, they(.) (连词成句)23. 按要求完成句子。1bananas, Do, like, you (?)(连词成句)2Do you like apples?(做肯定回答)3Itsin the bowl.(就句子提问)4Do you like oranges?(做否定回答)24. 按要求改写句子。1Were going to go swimming. (变为-般疑问句)_going to go swimming?2This CD is for you. (变为一般疑问句)_CD for you?3Are you Daming? (作肯定回答)_, I_.4Daming was there. (变为一般疑问句)_there?5We were on the second floor. (变为一般疑问句)_on the second floor?25. 句型转换。1Shesmy sister. (根据句子意思提问)2My key is on the desk.(变为一般疑问句).3The boy is tall. (改为感叹句)4The birds arein the tree. (根据句子意思提问)5The watch ison the dresser(就根据句子意思提问)阅读理解26. 阅读短文,判断对错。Look at the picture. The little girl is me. My name is Susan. Im ten. Im in Class Five, Grade three. I like English very much. The man (男人) is the picture is my father, and he is a doctor. The woman (妇女) in the picture is my mother. She is pretty (漂亮的). Whats my mother, can you guess?(1)Im in Class Four, Grade Five.( )(2)My father is a teacher.( )(3)I like English very much.( )(4)My mother is beautiful.( )(5)I am a girl.( )27. 阅读短文,判断下面的句子的正误。Hello! My name is Cathy. Im a girl. Im nine years old. I like red and yellow. I like grapes and I dont like bananas. I have a good friend. Its name is Mimi. Its a cat. I like it very much.(1)Im a boy.( )(2)Im eight years old.( )(3)I like grapes.( )(4)I like blue.( )(5)Mimi is a cat.( )28. 阅读理解。My name is Tim. Im ten. There are (有)four people(人)in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and me. Mary is my sister. She is two. I love my family. I have(有)some friends at school. They are Tom, Paul and Alice. They are ten.1_is Tims sister. ( )A.Tom B.Alice C.Mary2Tim is _. ( )A.8 B.9 C.103Paul is _. ( )A.8 B.9 C.104How many people are there in Tims family? ( )A.4 B.3 C.25下面哪个句子是正确的?( )A.Mary is Tims friend. B.Paul is Tims friend. C.Tom is nine.29. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确内容。Its eight oclock. The children(孩子们) go to school by car every day. But they are walking to school today.Its ten oclock. Mrs.Green usually(通常) stays at home in the morning. But she is going to the shops this morning.Its nine oclock. Mr.Green usually reads his newspaper at night(晚上). But he is reading an interesting(有趣的) book this evening.( )1.When do the children come to school?A. At 8:00. B. At 7:00. C:At 9:00.( )2.How are they come to school today?A. By car. B. By bus. C:Walking( )3.When is Mrs.Green going to the shops?A. At 8:00. B At 10:00. C:At 9:00.( )4.When does Mr.Green read his newspaper?A. At 8:00. B .At 7:00. C:At 9:00.( )5.What is Mr Green do this evening?A. Reading a books. B. Writing a letter. C.WatchingTV.30. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Im Mike. I have a cat. The cats name is Mimi. It is three years old. It is brown. And it likes fish and milk.1Mike has a cat.( )2The cats name is Mike.( )3Mimi is yellow.( )4Mimi is two years old.( )31. 阅读对话,判断正误。Mom: What would you like for dinner, Amy?Amy: Id like some bread, beef and milk.Mom: What about you, Mike?Mike: Id like some beef and noodles.Mom: Would you like some chicken or soup, Amy?Amy: Id like some chicken.( )(1)Its time for breakfast.( )(2)Mom would like some bread, beef and milk.( )(3)Amy would like some bread, beef, chicken and milk.( )(4)Mike would like some chicken, too.( )(5)Amy doesnt(不喜欢) chicken.32. 读短文,判断句子正误,正确的打“”,错误的打“”。Hello!MynameisLisa.Iamagirl.Iamnine.Imastudent(学生)IminClass1,Grade3Ihaveahappyfamily.Mymotherisateacher.Myfatherisateacher,too.Ihaveasister.Sheissix.Ilovemyfamily!( )(1)IamLisa.( )(2)Iamateacher.( )(3)MysisterisinClass1,Grade3( )(4)Ihaveabrother.( )(5)Mysisterissix.( )(6)Myfatherisateacher.33. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Hi! I am Jack. I like animals. I have a cat. Its brown, I have a rabbit. Its grey. I have a yellow duck. Its small. I have a pink pig. It is big. And I have a brown monkey, too. Its funny. Do you know the panda? It has two black eye. Its so lovely.(1)I have a _.A. dog B. cat C. bird(2)The rabbit is_.A.white B.brown C.pink(3)I have a _duck.A. white B. brown C.yellow(4)The pig is_.A.fat B. big C. super(5)Jack likes_.A. animals B. books C. pen34. 根据表格用Yes,I do.或No,I dont.作答。(1)Do you like oranges, Amy?(2)Do you like apples, Tom?(3)Do you like pears, Amy?(4)Do you like bananas, Tom?35. 阅读理解,根据短文内容选择正确的图片。Hi! Im Nini. Im a monkey. I like riding my bike. But I dont like skipping. Huanhuan is my brother. He likes basketball. I have(有)a good friend(朋友). Her name is Qiqi. She is a panda. She is fat. She likes table tennis.(1)Im Nini. I dont like _.A. B.(2)Huanhuan is a _.A. B.(3)Huanhuan likes _.A. B.(4)Qiqi is a _.A. B.(5)Qiqi likes _.A. B.13 / 13


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