四年级英语上册 unit6(2)教案 北师大版

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四年级英语上册 unit6(2)教案 北师大版教学内容Unit6 lesson2课时1教学目标知识学习歌曲;复习课文。能力小组表演培养学生的交际能力和表演能力;听力练习培养学生的听力。重 点难 点利用功能句进行交际教 学准 备CAI tape flashcards实践活动学生表演课文的小组活动板书Warming upListenLet the students sing the song together.教学过程教师活动时间约 9分钟 学生活动时间约 31分钟 一Warming up .(9)1Play the tape ,Ss repeat the story .2Read the story after T .3. read the story in groups again .4.Act out .二Listen and match .(5) 1. Play the tape ,listen and point . 2. Play the tape again ,write the number . 3.Check the answer .三Listen for sounds .(8) 1. Play the tape , listen, point and repeat. 2. Play the tape again ,cross the word that doesnt belong .3.Check the answer .四Lets sing .(17) 1.Look at the picture . T :What are they doing ? Ss :They are singing and dancing . 2. Play the CAI . 3.Listen and clap hands . 4.Sing along with it . 5. Sing and act out . 6.Work in groups . 7.Act out . 8Who can change the words .五Homework .(1) Sing the new song to your parents . 教学理念培养学生的表演能力。听力训练语音训练利用歌曲激发兴趣。TPR 培养学生的创新精神.附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit6(2)教案 广东版开心TEACHING AIMS: students can talk about and express wants, express the wants of othersTEACHING KEY: to help students to prehend Conversation and vocabulary, target, soundsTEACHING AIDS: pictures, tape and some transparenciesTEACHING PERIOD: the second periodPROCEDURES:Practice 1Getting ready l T: look at the pictures. Whats this? (point to the checkmark.) it means yes.l T: (point to the x.)This means no.l T: look at the other pictures. What are these?(point to the pictures in numbers 2 and 3.)l Have Ss name the items. Using the bookl T: lets listen to the tape.l Play the tape for number 1, then pause.l T: does he want a toy car?l While Ss are responding, make a circle motion around the “es, he does ”hrase.l T: “yes, he does.” It is the answer.l Continue the remaining three numbers, pausing after each one so Ss can circle the pictures and sentences they hear.Extension activity TB p.66Practice 2Getting readyl Have Ss look at the pictures on SB p.31.l T: she is asking a question.(point to the girl under number 1.) what is she saying?l Point to the picture of the skateboarding in the thought bubble as a clue.l Get responses from several Ss and accept all answers.l Do the same for the remaining three questions.Using the bookl T: now, read the questions.l Have Ss read the questions.l After each question, ask individual Ss to answer.l Put Ss in pairs or small groups to take asking and answering the four questions.Extension activity TB p.66 Song Getting ready l Have Ss cover up the lyrics on the page with their hands.l T: look at the pictures. Who do you see? (point to the pictures.)Ss: Gogo. Basketball. Jenny. Etc.l T: what are they doing? Ss: theyre playing basketball.Using the bookl T: lets sign a song ! lets listen first.l Play the tape and point to each word and phrase as it is sung.l T: now lets sign!l Play the tape again. Have the Ss sing with the tape. l T: lets sing it again.l Divide the class into two groups. One group sings the questions and the other group signs the responses. Then switch.Extension activity TB p.66Activity 1Getting ready l On the board, write yes, he does. And no, he doesnt.l Hold up picture card 39 toy car to show Ss, then offer i9t to a male student.l T: does he want a toy car?(s1 nods or shakes his head.)Ss: yes, he does./no, he doesnt l Ask for a volunteer to circle the correct sentence on the board.Using the bookl T: open your books. Book, read and circle the correct answers.l Model number 1.l T: does he want a boll?(point to the thought bubble above the boys head.) is that a doll? Ss: no, it isnt. its a skateboard. Does he want a doll? Ss: no, he doesnt.l Circle no, he doesnt. on the page with with your finger.l Put Ss in pairs to do numbers 2,3 and 4.Extension activity TB p.66Optional activities TB p.68


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