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中 考 易 出 短 语1. come from2. learn from3. be different from4. talk about sth. With sb.5. in Class Three, Grade One6. give sb. a hand7. give sb. sth.8. give sth. to sb.9. borrow from10. lend to 11. the girl in green12. a house with a garden13. go shopping14. go swimming15. go skating16. take the place of17. instead of18. at the English corner19. at the school gate20. call sb.21. help each other22. help one another23. speak English24. pay attention to doing25. make a contribution to doing26. look forward to doing27. be/get used to dong28. prefer doing to doing29. stick to doing30. be helpful to sb.31. help sb. do sth32. help sb. to do sth33. help sb. with sth34. stay at home35. help oneself to36. wait for37. would you like to do?38. would you mind doing?39. something to eat40. not at all41. have breakfast/lunch/supper42. take medicine43. take photos44. be kind/friendly to sb.45. otherotherssome othersthe otheranother46. try on47. nine hundred and ninety-nine48. hundreds/thousands of/millions/billions of49. think about50. pick up51. in ones free timein ones spare time52. forget to do sthforget doing sth53. call sb. at+号码54. take a message55. have no time/money to do sth56. a quarter to twoa quarter past two57. thank for doing sth58. at the moment59. have no choice but to do60. once a week61. putaway62. obey the traffic rules63. at the end ofat the foot of64. look up/look at/look down up/look for/look out/look after/ look around65. at the birthday party66. have a good timeenjoy oneself have fun67. at the age of68. with the help of69. at once70. tell truth tell lie71. two minutes walk72. in spring/ in the 1980s73. be the same asbe different from74. be busy doing sth75. put up76. Good luck!77. make money78. on the morning/night of+具体一天79. catch up with80. come up with81. make up82. cheer sb. on83. play against84. leave for85. keep healthy=keep fit86. a good way to do sth87. prepare for88. get ready for89. be filled with90. be crowed with91. be full of92. far from93. be glad to do sth94. shout at sb.95. be angry with sb.96. in June97. start doing sth98. at that time/just now99. turn up/down100. turn off/on101. have fun doing sth.102. have difficulty/trouble doing sth103. in the future104. make friends with sb.105. on the farm106. at the bus stop107. for the first time108. stand for109. at least110. be fond of111. have a accident112. feel like doing sth113. a lot of(既可又不可)a great deal of(不可) a great number of(可数)plenty of(既可又不可)114. check overlook overgo over115. worry aboutbe worried about116. stay up117. too muchmuch too118. give up119. throw about120. work hard121. enough moneygood enough122. in ones wayby the wayon ones way to123. healthy eating habits124. take your advice125. advise to do sth126. hurry up127. go ahead128. all the timesometimessome timesome times129. keep away from130. preventfromstopfromkeepfromprotectfrom131. care for132. teach oneself133. after classbefore class134. have no right to do sth135. make mistakesmake progress136. used to do sthbe used to do sthbe/get used to doing sth137. be interested in138. prefer sth to sthprefer doing sth to doing sthprefer to do sth rather than do sthprefer to do sth instead of doing sth139. water flowers140. in front ofin the front of141. teach sb. to do sth142. dance to music143. chat on line144. be famous for/asbe known for/as145. three more daysanother three days146. hold on please147. knock at the door148. at the end of149. at the beginning of150. in the end151. read the books152. I agree with you.I think so.153. What sweet music!154. What fine weather!155. nothing serious156. share sth with sb.157. feed on sth158. thousands and thousands of159. much smaller than160. in fact161. take up162. living things163. fill A with B164. be in danger/trouble165. take the place of166. walk towards167. mistake A for B168. seem to do169. It seems that+完整句子170. wake up(wake-woke-woken)171. Its time to do sth172. write to sb.173. spend+时间 on sth174. spend+时间(in)doing sthIt takes/took/will take sb. +时/金+to do sthsth(物) costpay for175. look up a word in a dictionary176. begin with177. be worn out(wear-wore-worn)178. be broken179. order sb. to do sth180. make sb do sth.被动 sb. be made to do sth181. see sb. do sth被动 sb. be seen to do sth182. be made up ofbe made frombe made in+地点183. from then on184. from now on185. regard asbe regarded as186. at the same time187. invite sb. to do sth188. a key to the doora ticket to the Sound of Musicthe answer to the questiondance to the music189. say thanks /sorry to sb.190. be proud oftake pride in191. wait in line192. be pleased withbe satisfied with193. a young man living in Australiaa young man called ZhengHe194. cheer up195. cheer sb. on196. at first- at last= in the end197. fall into198. a moving storyI am moved 199. end with200. pass the examfail the exam201. whats worsewhats more202. deal with203. refuse to do sth204. even though205. fall asleep206. speak in public207. do more exercise208. calm down209. too much homework210. get well211. take turns to do sth212. learn by oneself213. be in a good mood214. learn to do sth215. get help from sb.216. get along with sb.217. take it easy218. a two-day holidaya two days holiday219. the best way to do sth220. find out221. in the daytime222. decide to do sthmake a decision223. right nowat once224. hear from sb225. make a plan to do sth226. go camping227. out of sight228. cant help doing sth229. get off-get on230. ask sb. for help231. be surprised at232. be popular with sb.233. a sharp turn to the left234. avoid doing sth235. warn sb. to do sth236. lead sb. to do sth237. once again238. beat sb.win +比赛239. keep ones mind on doing sth240. Anything else? Someone else?241. turn to sb. for help242. hear about243. in order to do sth244. cut up/cut down/cut off/cut into245. spreadon246. Its said that247. the+比,the+比248. be similar to249. depend on250. according to251. allow sb. to do sthsb. be allowed to do sth252. take off/ take awaytake in/take up253. keep quiet254. Its well known that255. in the past+ 时间256. have been tohave gone tohave been in257. in detail258. have chance to do sth259. keep in touch with260. succeed in doing sth261. make great progress262. see sth oneself263. take place264. thanks to265. Whats the population of?266. catty out267. be short of268. so fat269. places of interest270. catch up withkeep up with271. provide sb. with sthprovide sth for sb.272. offer sb. sthoffer sth to sb.273. homeless people274. do ones best to do sthtry ones best to do sth275. manage to do sth.276. no better than277. changeinto278. both sides of paper279. encourage sb. to do sth280. be supposed to do sthought to do sth281. practice doing sth282. on business283. once in a while284. a number ofthe number of285. I cant follow you.286. make oneself understood287. as for sb.288. laugh at289. last but not least290. send up291. come true292. be based on293. at a distance294. hand in295. What else?296. make up ones mind to do sth297. from home and abroad298. Its reported that299. set up300. break down301. in memory of302. in surprise303. get stucK in304. erasefrom305. dozens of306. in timeon time


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