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2021?龙门亮剑?高三英语一轮复习测试题.单项填空1David will win the first prize?Are you sure?_.Hes always working hard.AIts my guessBIts up to youCThat depends DIts hard to say2Well,Jack,Im sorry but I have to go home._.I hope to hear from you soon.AEnjoy yourself BKeep in touchCDont be so sad DSo am I3As we all know,theory is based on practice and_serves practice.Ain nature Bin returnCin turn Din fact4Such habits as smoking and cheating,once_,are hard to get rid of.Aforms BformingChaving formed Dformed5Can you remember_some unpleasant things about her?Yes,but I didnt mean_her.Asaying;to hurt Bto say;hurtingCto say;to hurt Dsaying;hurting6The old man sitting opposite me cleared his throat as if_something.Asaid Bto sayChaving said Dsaying7_very late last night,my brother got up late and went to school without breakfast this morning.AWorking BHaving workedCWorked DTo work8It is in the factory_youre going to pay a visit to_this kind of computer is made.A/;that Bwhere;thatC/;where Dthat;which9Her hands_rough.She must have done a lot of heavy physical work.Awere felt Bare feltCare feeling Dfeel10I could hardly recognize your son._I met him,he was only a little child.AFrom the moment BFor the first timeCThe first time DThe moment11People appreciate_with him because he has a good sense of humor.Ato work Bto have workedCworking Dhaving worked12The man sitting in the front row_and stared at us when we made such much noise.Aturned out Bturned roundCturn back Dturned to13The police told the driver that he had knocked a girl_her bicycle and had nearly caused an accident.Aoff BintoCover Don14The maths exam is not easy,is it?_.Even Tom_to the bottom students passed it.ANo;belonged BYes;belongingCNo;belonging DYes;belonged15He has left out the most important reason why he_last night.Astayed up Bput upCpicked up Dkept up.句子翻译16让我吃惊的是,他考试没及格。_17他说话声音很大,以便让别人听见。_18这个女孩对别人对她衣着的评论很敏感。(allergic)_19这个小男孩在 里立刻听出他母亲的声音。_20He played baseball rather well for an amateur._.完形填空My wife and I had just finished the 150mile trip home from our daughters college.It was the first time in our lives that we would _21_ for any length of time.We wondered how other people had _22_ it.Later in bed,I _23_ the time I started college.My father had driven me,too.My mother had to stay home to keep the _24_from getting into the crops.I,the fourth in a line of brothers,was the first to _25_ college.The truck was slow,and I was glad.I didnt want to get to the city _26_.I shook hands with my father in the truck and he didnt say a word.But I knew he was going to make a little _27_.He finally said,“I never went to college and _28_of your brothers did.I cant say dont do this or that,because everything is _29_and I dont know what is going to come up,but I think things will _30_.When you get a job,be sure to be honest and work hard.I knew that soon I would be _31_in the big town and I would be _32_the life home.Then my father_33_the Bible (圣经) that he had read so often.I knew that he would miss it but I must_34_it.He just said,“This can help you_35_you will let it.When I finished school I took the Bible _36_to my father.But he said he wanted me to _37_it.Now,too late,I remember.It would have been so _38_ to give it to my daughter when she got out of the car.But I didnt.My father could give me only a Bible,but I dont really believe now that I gave her half as _39_as my father gave me.So the next morning I_40_up the book and sent it to her.I wrote a note.“This can help you, I said,“if you will let it.21.A.worry BseparateCstay Dtravel22A.left BstoodCenjoyed Dtried23A.wasted BspentCremembered Dkilled24A.policemen BworkersCcattle Dsoldiers25A.graduate from Bgo away toCbe dismissed from Dset up26.A.very late Bfar awayCtoo soon Donce again27A.speech BlivingCpromise Dprogress28A.some BoneCnone Dall29A.impossible BdifferentCdifficult Dfavorite30A.work out Bdie outChold out Dbreak out31A.happy BaloneCfree Dlost32A.forgetting BspendingCmissing Dliving33A.bring about Bbrought outCbrought up Dbrought down34A.refuse BmarkCfollow Dtake35A.if BunlessCbut Dthough36A.down BupCback Daway37A.keep BreturnCpost Dsell38A.bad BstrangeCready Dnice39A.much BmanyCfar Dgood40A.set BturnedCgave Dwrapped.阅读理解Remember how great exercise was when you were a little kid?Back then,racing around the playground or skipping rope for hours,you werent thinking fitness,you were thinking entertainment.But in this age of high-tech home equipment and underused gym memberships,the simple joy of jumping rope has been forgotten.Rediscovering it will give you a total-body exercise you can find.Although considered an excellent form of exercise,jumping rope has never gained widespread acceptance because of two fundamental reasons.First,most people recognize jumping rope as an excellent form of cardiovascular (心血管的) exercise,but they also believe that it is simply too difficult.In other words,they dont think theyll be able to continue jumping for the near 20 minutes that it takes to achieve a beneficial physical outcome.Second,many view it as somewhat boring and overly repetitivenot as something fun or enjoyable.As a matter of fact,jumping rope can be great fun if you find a proper way to practice it.Instead of doing the usual twofoot bounce over and over again,people good at ropejumping often change their pattern every 10 or 20 jumps.A single bounce,a doublebounce,a skip,a kneeup,side swings as well as a variety of other easytolearn freestyle ropejumping.Now researchers are learning that jumping rope also prepares the brain for learning.It is an exercise allowing both brain hemispheres to perform in parallel to each other.In short,jumping rope can be a lifelong activity requiring little equipment,time and space,yet leading to a much healthier life.41From the first paragraph we learn that_.Ajumping rope has faded from peoples memoriesBpeople now have more advanced equipmentCracing around the playground was preferredDpeople now like to have exercise in a gym42Rope jumping has not spread widely because_.Ait benefits the cardiovascular systemBit is neither easy nor enjoyableCit is considered boring and repetitiveDit requires little equipment,time and space43The first sentence in the 3rd paragraph implies_.Athere is only one proper way to followBthe usual way should not be usedCthe easiest way is always the bestDthere are many ways to follow44According to the researchers,jumping rope_.Aonly prepares the brain for learningBis suitable for students onlyChelps both brain hemispheres work togetherDcan be dangerous for old people45What is the authors attitude towards rope jumping?AHe is arguing against it.BHe is in favor of it. CHe is sitting on the fence of it.DHe is not clear about it.课时作业答案.单项填空1A2Bkeep in touch保持联系。符合语境。3C句意为:我们都知道理论以实践为根底,反过来又为实践效劳。in turn反过来;in nature在自然界,实质上;in return作为报答;in fact实际上。4Donce一旦,连词,引导时间状语从句,form与其逻辑主语habits之间为动宾关系,因此用其ed形式表示被动。5Aremember doing记得曾经做过某事。mean to do打算做。I didnt mean to hurt her.我并不是有意伤害她。6B句意为:坐在我对面的那个老人清了清嗓子,像要说什么似的。由题意可知他还没说,因此用as if动词不定式,表示“好似要做。as if to say somethingas if he was going to say something.此外,当从句的主语和句子主语一致,从句谓语中又包含动词be时,这个主语和be可以省略。as if doing好似正在;as if done好似被。7Bhaving worked是动词ing形式的完成式,表示该动作发生在主句动作之前,在此动词ing形式作原因状语。8A第一空考查定语从句的引导词,先行词是物,可用that或which,因为在从句中作to的宾语,that和which可省略;第二空为强调句的引导词,只能用that。9Dfeel为系动词,表示“摸起来,手感,后跟形容词作表语。不能用于被动语态。用feel的一般现在时表示现在的状态。10C句意为:我几乎没认出你儿子。我第一次见他时,他还只是个小孩子。the first time第一次,用做连词,引导时间状语从句。for the first time多作状语,不能引导从句;the moment引导时间状语,表示“一就;from the moment从那一刻起。11Cappreciate后跟动名词作宾语。D项动名词的完成式表动作发生在主句动作之前,不合题意。12Bturn round也可用做turn around,转过身来,句意为:当我们发出很多噪音时,坐在前排的男人回过头来生气地盯着我们看。turn back时态不对。turn out,turn to意思不当。13Aknock sb.off sth.把某人从上撞下来/碰下来,符合语境。knock.into.把敲入;knock.over把碰翻。14B在答复反意疑问句时,如果事实是肯定的就用Yes答复,反之用No答复。由第二句可知考试是简单的,因此用Yes。belong不用于被动语态,因此无过去分词形式。15Astay up 熬夜;put up 提起,建造;pick up 掘地,捡起;keep up 维持,不低落。.句子翻译16To my surprise he failed the exam.17He spoke in a loud voice to make himself heard.18The girl is allergic to others remarks on her clothes.19The little boy recognized his mothers voice on the phone.20对于一个业余爱好者而言,他的棒球打得很不错。.完形填空【语篇解读】在我们的一生当中,父母无时无刻不在给我们关心。有物质的当然更有精神上的。本文作者讲述了父亲通过给他一本圣经而给了他莫大的精神支持。21B考查动词。根据句意:妻子和我把女儿送到大学。这是我们第一次将要面对别离。22B考查动词。对我们来说很不易,我们就想其他的父母是怎样忍受这种别离之苦的。stand表忍受,其他选项均不符合句意。23C考查动词。躺在床上,我记起了我上大学的时候。通过下文可知是作者在回忆过去,所以用remember。waste浪费;spend花费(时间、金钱);kill time消磨(时间)。24C考查名词。父亲开车送我,母亲那么留在家里以防牛进入庄稼地。keep.from doing意为“防止做某事。由crops提示可知C项正确。25B考查动词短语。我是家里四个兄弟中第一个离家上大学的人。通过下文,父亲送我上学,可知我这是要离家go away to college去上大学,现在还没graduate from college呢。其他两项容易排除。26C考查副词。由上文“The truck was slow,and I was glad可知,too soon与前面slow构成比照,更表现了作者对家那种依依不舍之情。27A考查名词。父亲一句话都没说(didnt say a word),但我知道他一定会说点什么。make a speech做演讲,讲话;make a living谋生;make a promise作出许诺;make progress取得进步。28C考查代词。父亲说:“我从未上过大学,你的兄弟们也是与上文我是家里第一个上大学的人相对应。none表全部否认。29B考查语境理解。我不能说不该做这个或那个,因为事物是不同的(要具体问题具体分析)。30A考查动词短语。句意为:我不知道会发生什么事,但事情一定会顺利开展。work out计算出,顺利开展;die out灭绝;hold out伸出,坚持;break out(战争、火灾等)爆发。31B考查形容词。根据上下文可知,作者离家出来上大学,在这个城市自然是孤身一人。alone单独的,单独的。32C考查动词。通过上下文可知作者离家求学,只身在外自然会想家的即miss the life home。33B考查动词短语。父亲拿出圣经要送给我。bring out拿出;bring about导致;bring up带大,呕吐;bring down降低。34D考查动词。父亲要送我圣经,我要拿着。refuse拒绝;mark做标记;follow跟随;take拿着,在这里意为“接受。35A考查连词。根据文章最后一句:“This can help you“if you will let it.可知答案。36C考查副词。根据句意可知:大学毕业后,我把圣经拿回家给父亲。take back拿回,带回;take down记下;take up占据,从事;take away拿走。37A考查动词。父亲让我保存圣经。keep保存;return还回;post邮寄;sell卖。38D考查形容词。根据上文“too late以及下文不难猜想作者很懊悔,可知他觉得在送女儿到大学的时候把这本圣经送给女儿,是件非常美好的事情(可是没有这样做)。39A考查代词。父亲通过给我圣经给了我莫大的精神支持,相比而言,我给女儿的不及父亲给的一半。as much(指代不可数名词)as;as many(指代可数名词复数)as和一样多;as far as和一样远;as good as和一样好。40D考查动词。因为懊悔当时没给女儿圣经,我决定把圣经包裹起来寄给她。set up建立;turn up出现;give up放弃;wrap up包裹。.阅读理解【语篇解读】本文介绍了跳绳的许多好处,并分析了跳绳运动得不到推广的原因。41A考查细节理解。由本文第一段倒数第二句“But in this age of hightech home equipment and underused gym memberships,the simple joy of jumping rope has been forgotten.可知跳绳已经慢慢地从人们的记忆中淡去。42B考查细节理解。从第二段中“it is simply too difficult和“not as something fun or enjoyable可知答案选B。43D考查细节理解。由第三段中可知跳绳的把戏很多,你可以twofoot bounce,a single bounce,a doublebounce,a skip,a kneeup,side swings,可知有许多方式可以跳。44C考查细节理解。由第四段中“It is an exercise allowing both brain hemispheres to perform in parallel to each other.可知:可以使两个大脑半球同时工作。45B考查主旨大意。从作者介绍跳绳的好处可以看出作者支持跳绳运动。


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