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煲汤!尝尽天下无尽的美味,不如喝道这千年养生汤!骨头汤/url材料:新鲜腔骨、生姜、七指毛桃根、腔骨洗净,放入滚开水中氽烫,然后洗去血污。姜切片(三、五片即可),七指毛桃根清洗干净,用干净的细线捆扎好。做法:1.将以上准备好的材料同放一锅中,加清水(清水多放些,一次加够)。2.置火上大火烧开,然后转微火炖约2个小时,加少许盐调味,再炖约10分钟关火即可。养生骨头汤菜谱冬瓜排骨汤/url原料:排骨半斤,冬瓜1斤,盐、香菜。制法:1、冬瓜切成寸块。2、排骨烫去血水。3、用水将排骨煮至七成熟,加入冬瓜及盐,至熟,撒上香菜。特点:此汤味道清淡,利于清热。莲藕排骨汤/url材料:猪小排、莲藕各500克、姜1块调味料:盐、米酒少量制法:1、莲藕先用刀平拍,让藕肉松散,再切滚刀,然后用盐腌一下,待用;2、把洗净斩段的排骨直接入锅加冷水烧开,用勺撇去血泡,加拍过的生姜一块,再开锅时加藕一起炖,直到熟。3、根据自己口味,调一下咸淡,炖出来的藕汤,有莲藕的甜香味。苦瓜排骨汤苦瓜500克,排骨400克,葱段、姜片、绍酒、盐、味精适量。1、将苦瓜去瓜蒂、去瓤,切成块;排骨洗净切小块。2、锅中加清水适量,烧开,放入排骨煮去血沫,捞出洗净。3、锅上火,放入排骨、清水,用大火烧开,撇去浮沫後放入葱段、姜片、绍酒,改用小火烧至排骨熟烂,再加入苦瓜同煮约10分钟,加盐、味精调味即可。微波炉做法:放入排骨、清水,先用高火6分钟将汤烧开,撇去浮沫後放入葱段、姜片、绍酒,再用中小火20分钟将排骨烧熟,放入苦瓜后,先用高火3分钟,再用中小火10分钟即可。待排骨熟烂后再放入苦瓜,否则瓜易散碎;用鸡粉代替味精,味道更好;此汤具有消暑解热作用,用微波炉作简单方便,是夏令佳品。芋头排骨汤/url材料: 排骨、 芋头、 姜片、葱段、葱末、 盐、味精、料酒。做法:1芋头去皮切块;排骨入开水中烫过捞起。2锅中注入五碗水,先加排骨、姜片、葱段煮开后以小火焖煮约十五分钟,捞起姜片、葱段不要,再加入芋头煮约十五分钟,淋下料酒,加盐、味精调味,洒上葱花即可。萝卜排骨汤/url材料:白萝卜一大根、小排骨做法:1、萝卜横切,每片约三厘米厚,不必太薄。再对切,成月亮形。2、排骨飞水,即放入沸水中略煮,而后用冷水冲干净,以便去油去血水。3、汤锅装水,将排骨冷水下锅,加姜片,八角,葱,料酒少许,用高压锅煮20分钟4、20分后,倒入汤锅,把浮沫除去,放萝卜。5、再20分后,放盐。6、尝尝好喝么,好了,就即可了。注意:1,褒汤,材料基本都是冷水下锅,有利于蛋白质充分地溶解到汤,同时不要过早放盐,盐也会加快蛋白质的凝固,影响汤的鲜味。2,放些醋,有利于钙析出,最好放白醋,不会破坏汤的颜色。海带排骨汤/url原料:猪排骨400克,海带150克,葱段、姜片、精盐、黄酒、香油各适量。制法:1、将海带浸泡后,放笼屉内蒸约半小时,取出再用清水浸泡4小时,彻底泡发后,洗净控水,切成长方块;排骨洗净,用刀顺骨切开,横剁成约4厘米的段,入沸水锅中煮一下,捞出用温水泡洗干净。2、净锅内加入1000克清水,放入排骨、葱段、姜片、黄酒,用旺火烧沸,撇去浮沫,再开用中火焖烧约20分钟,倒入海带块,再用旺火烧沸10分钟,拣去姜片、葱段,加精盐调味,淋入香油即成。特点:此汤菜肉烂脱骨,海带滑烂。整菜味美,汤鲜。功效:本经逢源说,猪肉具有“精者补肝益血”的功效。随息居饮食谱说海带有“外面瘦瘤、瘰疡、痈疽、瘘痔,并能治之作用”。所以,排骨配以海带炖食,可为患全身性或以四肢为主的局部性皮肤瘙痒患者解除痛苦。蕃茄排骨汤/url【材料】番茄2个、排骨600克,圆白菜1/4个、香菜2棵【调味料】番茄酱4大匙、盐1茶匙、芡汁4大匙。【做法】、小排骨洗净,氽烫过去除血水后冲净,另将水10杯烧开,放入排骨先煮烂。、圆白菜洗净,切小块,放入排骨中同煮,最后放入切块的番茄及番茄酱、盐调味。、煮至所有材料熟软微烂时,加入芡汁勾芡,汤汁黏稠时即关火盛出,撒入香菜末即成。胡萝卜排骨汤/url胡萝卜除含维生素A外,还含有一定糖、蛋白质等营养素,可促进血红蛋白的生成,故有补血作用;排骨可益精髓、强骨。此汤有润燥滋阴,养筋强骨之功效。原料:胡萝卜、猪排骨各250300克,生姜2片,料酒、盐、葱、味精各适量。制作:将胡萝卜、猪排骨洗净,切成块,加水适量。将锅置中火上,炖约2小时,将出锅时,调入料酒、盐、姜、葱,再煮20分钟,加入味精即成。可因人喜好添加其他作料,如能加入米醋,使其汤中钙质更易被吸收。特点:猪骨肉香,胡萝卜烂,吃肉喝汤均很鲜香适口。胡萝卜玉米排骨汤/url用料:胡萝卜、玉米、猪棒骨、盐、香油、胡椒粉制法:1、将猪棒骨洗净敲断,胡萝卜、土豆洗净去皮,切成块;2、坐高压锅点火,放清汤、棒骨烧开,煮沸数分钟后放入胡萝卜、土豆,大火开锅后改用小火;3、出锅时将骨头、胡萝卜、土豆沥出,放盐、香油、胡椒粉即成。特点:味浓厚清香铁观音粟子排骨汤主材料:铁观音茶叶3克 小排300克配料:新鲜粟子120克调味料:盐1茶匙作法:(1)铁观音茶叶以热开水500克泡1分钟后滤去茶叶,取茶汤备用。(2)小排切成小段(宽2厘米),用开水氽烫后洗净。(3)把全部材料装入圆锅炖1个半小时。上桌前另盐调味即可。参耆玉米排骨汤材料:党参、黄耆各3钱,玉米两支,小排骨半斤调味料:盐2小匙做法:玉米洗净,剁成小块,排骨以热水川烫。将所有材料和药材,放入锅内以大火煮开后,再以小火炖煮40分钟,起锅前加入盐调味。有心的朋友,下面有歌谣一份哦:若要皮肤好,粥里放红枣。若要不失眠,粥里添白莲。腰酸肾气虚,煮粥放板栗。心虚气不足,粥加桂圆肉。头昏多汗症,粥里加薏仁。润肺又止咳,粥里加百合。消暑解热毒,常饮绿豆粥。乌发又补肾,粥加核桃仁。若要降血压,煮粥加荷叶。滋阴润肺好,煮粥加银耳。春季防流脑,荠菜煮粥好。健脾助消化,煮粥添山楂。梦多又健忘,粥里加蛋黄。利尿消肿治脚气,赤豆粥里胜补剂。消热生津又和胃,甘蔗做粥来补胃。伤风感冒又腹痛,生姜上场来做粥。滋肾补肝又明目,枸杞加上粥里香。果蔬疗效:生梨润肺化痰好,苹果止泻营养高。黄瓜减肥有成效,抑制癌症猕猴桃。番茄补血助容颜,莲藕除烦解酒妙。橘子理气好化痰,韭菜补肾暖膝腰。萝卜消食除胀气,芹菜能治血压高。白菜利尿排毒素,菜花常吃癌症少。冬瓜消肿有利尿,绿豆解毒疗效高。木耳搞癌散血淤,山药益肾浮肿消。海带含碘散淤结,蘑菇抑制癌细胞。胡椒驱寒兼除湿,葱辣姜汤治感冒。鱼虾猪蹄补乳汁,猪肝羊肝明目好。 益肾强腰吃核桃, 健肾补脾吃红枣。方便外国朋友喝道中国的养生汤,下面有英文翻译哦:Bone soup/urlMaterial science.Fresh bone, ginger, seven fingers peach root, tibial wash, into the boiling water boil for a short hot, then rinse off.Ginger slices (three, five, seven.) the peach root clean, with a clean thin tie.Practice:1 the above material prepared with put pot, add water (water more, enough of a plus).2 set the fire the fire boil, then simmer for about 2 hours, add a little seasoning salt, and cook for about 10 minutes off the fire.Bone health soup recipeMelon rib soup/urlRaw materials: pork ribs half a catty, wax gourd 1 kg, salt, coriander.System of law:1, the melon cut into inch pieces.2, ribs hot to bloody.3, water the ribs boil seven mature, add melon and salt, until cooked, sprinkle with coriander.Features: this soup tastes light, conducive to heat.Lotus root soup/urlMaterial: Pig ribs, lotus root each 500 grams, ginger 1 blockSeasoning: salt, a small amount of rice wineSystem of law: 1, Re first with a knife flat shot, let loose lotus meat, cut hob, and salting, stand-by;2, clean the cut section of the ribs directly into the pot, add water to boil, use a spoon skim hematoma, and patted the ginger piece, then boil add lotus root stew until cooked.3, according to their own tastes, adjust the brackish, stew out of the soup lotus root, sweet scent of lotus root.Bitter gourd spareribs soupBitter gourd 500 grams, 400 grams of pork ribs, scallion, ginger, Shaoxing wine, salt, MSG amount.1, the balsam pear melon pedicle, to flesh, cut into pieces; ribs wash and cut small pieces.2, Nabenaka Kashimizu is right amount, boil, add ribs boil to Xue Mo, remove and wash.3, pan get angry, put chop, clean water, use the fire boil, skim floating foam into the scallion, ginger, Shaoxing wine, switch to a small fire to the ribs cooked, then add balsam pear and cook for 10 minutes, add salt, MSG seasoning.Microwave oven practices: add spareribs, water, first with high fire 6 minutes the soup boil, skim floating foam into the scallion, ginger, Shaoxing wine, with small and medium fire for 20 minutes the ribs cooked, add balsam pear, first with high fire for 3 minutes, then simmer for 10 minutes.The ribs Shulan and then into the bitter melon, otherwise easily shattered; chicken powder instead of monosodium glutamate, taste better; this soup antipyretic effect in a microwave oven heat, simple and convenient, it is summer.Spare ribs with Taro Soup/urlMaterials: ribs, scallion, ginger, taro, diced green onion, salt, MSG, cooking wine.Practice:1 taro peeled and diced; ribs into the boiling water burns out.Pour five bowls of water 2 pot, add ginger, scallion ribs, boil with small fire simmer for fifteen minutes, remove the ginger, spring onion dont, adding taro and cook for about fifteen minutes, pour the cooking wine, salt, monosodium glutamate seasoning, sprinkle with chopped green onion can be.Daikon sparerib soup/urlMaterial: white radish radish, small ribsPractice:1, radish crosscutting, each about three cm thick, not too thin. Then cut into the shape of the moon.2, ribs, flying water, add boiling water Luezhu, then use cold water to wash clean, in order to go to blood.3, the pot filled with water, the ribs under cold water pot, add ginger, aniseed, onion, a little cooking wine, with the pressure cooker and cook for 20 minutes4, 20 minutes, pour the soup pot, put the scum removal, put radish.5, then 20, put salt.6, try to drink it, OK, then.Be careful.1, soup, materials are cold water pot, is conducive to the protein is fully dissolved into the soup, but do not prematurely salt, salt will speed up the coagulation of protein, affecting the flavor of the soup.2, put some vinegar, is conducive to the precipitation of calcium, had better put vinegar, will not damage the soup color.Kelp sparerib soup/urlRaw material:Pork ribs 400 grams, kelp 150 grams, scallion, ginger, salt, yellow wine, sesame oil.System of law:1, the kelp is soaked, put in the steamer steamed about half an hour, remove and then soaked with water 4 hours, completely after the bubble hair, wash water control, cut into the box; ribs washed, with a knife along the bone cut, chop about 4 cm in transverse section, into the boiling water pot to cook, wash with warm water net fish.2, the net pot by adding 1000 grams of water, into the ribs, scallion, ginger, yellow wine, stir Shaofei, skim floating foam, and then opened fire with the fire burning about 20 minutes, pour the kelp block, and then stir Shaofei 10 minutes, picking the ginger, spring onion, add salt to taste, Linru serve sesame oil.Characteristics: this soup rotten meat off the bone, kelp slip. The food is delicious, delicious soup.Efficacy: the game said, fine person pork is Bugan blood effect.With interest in the diet spectrum says the sea with the thin outside the tumor, scrofula sores, ulcer, fistula hemorrhoids, and can rule on the role.So, ribs with kelp stew, for patients with systemic or limbs, mainly local skin pruritus patients relieve pain.Tomato soup/urlmaterial 2 tomato, ribs 600 grams, cabbage, coriander 2 tree 1/4 the tomato sauce 4 tablespoons sauce, 1 tsp salt, sauce 4 big spoons.Methods1, small ribs washed with hot the past, except the bloody post-rinse, another will be 10 cups of water to boil, add ribs first boiled.2, cabbage washed, cut into small pieces, add ribs boil, add the diced tomatoes and tomato sauce, seasoning salt.3, cook until soft and cooked all the material micro rotten, add sauce thicken, sticky sauce is off the fire Sheng, sprinkle with coriander serve.Carrot sparerib soup/urlCarrots contain vitamin A, also contains a certain amount of sugar, protein and other nutrients, can promote文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!13 / 13


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