三年级英语下册Unit6WhereIsMyEraser教案陕旅版 (I)

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三年级英语下册Unit6WhereIsMyEraser教案陕旅版 (I)一、课时分配Unit 6 课时分配课时数所包含内容第二课时Part ALets learnPart CLook and write第二课时Part AWarming-up: Look and sayWarming-up: Look and thinkLets talkPart BDo and say第三课时Part BLets learn moreLook and choosePart CListen and put them in right places第四课时Part BLets singPart CAsk and answerRead and tick or cross单元目标:知识目标1、学习“四会”单词chair, desk, window, door, floor, classroom ,in, on, under, near.2、能结合方位词in, on, under, near表达物品所处的方位,就Where is/are.?进行简单的会话:Excuse me, Where is/are.?Its there, on the floor./They are情感目标一、培养学生模仿能力、表达能力和创造能力。二、培养学生积极参与有意义的交流活动并勇于表现意识。第一课时学习过程及引导:一、板书课题、揭示目标 学习目标:1. 听说单词chair, desk, window, door, floor, classroom 2. 巩固句型: This is a chair. / That is the door. These are desks. 3. 培养学生的表达能力。二、指导自学我们很棒!通过自学,让我们变得更棒吧!大家有没有信心?好,接下来我们就开始吧! 自学指导:打到单元词汇表Unit 6,请大家对照单词表,试着完成小练习册36页的内容,这些单词的意思原来是这样啊!然后根据之前所学知识,试着读出这些单词。如果遇到困难,和同桌讨论,合作学习。三、学生自学学生看书,思考,合作讨论。四、学生讨论、更正、归纳,合作探究。1. 热身(Warming up) Lets count. 师带领学生复习数字一到十。 2. 你的眼睛会观察吗?T: How many chairs are there in your classroom? 师边问,边板书chair,指着学生的椅子/板凳。让学生意会本单词的英文以及读音,跟着读。 There are sixty five students in our class. So there are sixty five chairs. What about desks? 师指着桌子,让学生会意,跟着读,desk, desk. T:Today we are going to learn unit six. We are going to learn some new words about the things nearby. 板书课题.3. 单词教读与练习Chair, chair, chair 椅子Desk, desk, desk 桌子Window, window, window 窗户Door, door, door 门 Floor, floor, floor地板Classroom, classroom 教室 (前面的单词用升调,最后一个单词降调)4. 当堂训练二:小练习册39页think and draw.5. 单复数练习P51前面我们已经复习了一到十的数字,现在看看数字和我们的新单词怎么组合呢!Two doors three windowsFour boys five girlsTen desks and chairs6. Pair works. 两到三人一组,指着实物,练习This is a desk / chair/ door / window, etc.These are desks and chairs. 7. 小结第二课时教学目标: 学习句型Where is my ?询问对方的某物在什么地方,以及各种回答:Look. Its there, on the floor. Its in your bag.教学重点: 熟练掌握句型,并进行简单的对话。 A: Excuse me, Su Nan, Where is my eraser? B: Look. Its there, on the floor. A: Thank you.教学难点: 通过学习情景对话,能有效的把词汇和功能结构Excuse me, Where is /are? Its there, on the floor. /Thank you.相联系,达到自如的进行语言输出的目的。教学环节:一 学习目标(一)学习本课句型,并进行替换单词练习。(二)进行询问别人时委婉地的语气练习。(三)学会提问和回答物品的所在位置,并能在实际情境中运用。(四)学习方位词on, in, near, under二 自主探索(一)温故知新 1.复习上节课所学单词。教师指着图片,学生用英语读出来并试着拼写。 2. Warming-up: Look and think. Where is the cat?(二)阅读方法自主读part A的Lets talk的句子,师生一起理解句子意思。(三)互助释疑同桌间交流句子意思。找出疑点,全体交流,教师反馈。(四)探究出招模仿例句造句,小组内交流,纠正错误。三 展示交流1.小组合作完成Part B,Do and say (1) Put your pencil in your box.(2) Put your pen on your book.(3) Put the chair near the desk.2.班级展示指名学生上台读句子演示,全班交流。四 点拨升华(8分钟)(一)教师放录音Part A的Lets talk.学生跟读,纠正读音。(二)小组内做对话练习,并写出来自己的对话。五 课堂作业(5分钟)作业当堂清1.完形填空。 A: Excuse _, Where is _eraser? B: Look. Its _,_ the floor. A: Thank _.2.挑战自我 A: Li Shan, where _my pencil?B: Look. It is _ your bag.板书设计:Unit 6 Where Is My Eraser? A: Excuse me, Su Nan, Where is my ? B: Look. Its there, on/in the . A: Thank you. / Thanks.课后反思:第三课时教学目标:一.运用“四会”词chair, desk, window, door, floor, classroom造句,并用所学单词和句型进行对话。二. 进一步学习句型Where are my ?询问对方自己的东西在哪里,以及各种回答:They are 并表示感谢。教学重点:掌握本课句型及其回答教学难点:熟练句型,运用已学单词替换,练习对话。教学环节:一. 学习目标(2分钟)(一)运用“四会”单词chair, desk, window, door, floor, classroom,并用所学单词和句型造句和练习对话。(二)学习Where are my ?句型及其回答。二. 自主探究(一)温故知新运用上节课所学知识操练对话:1.师生问答。A: Excuse me, Where is my ? B: Look. Its there, on/in the. A: Thank you. / Thanks. 2.生生对话。(二)导入新课听录音Part B,Lets learn more.学生说出自己听到了什么。(三)互助释疑同桌间读对话,理解特殊疑问句的用法和回答。(四)探究出招小组合作用转换方位介词under and near造句, 理解其意思。三. 展示交流(10分钟)(一)小组展示小组内练习用英语询问东西所放的位置,自己编写对话。(二)班级展示指名小组上讲台进行情景练习。四. 点拨升华(8分钟)(一)教师放录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。(二)学生开火车读单词。(三)小组内分角色读对话。(四)上台表演对话。五. 课堂作业(5分钟)(一)作业当堂清1.单词拼写并说出汉语意思ch _ i _ d_ _k w _n_o_ d_ _r fl_ _r cl_ssr_ _m(二)挑战自我 Look and choose.in on near under 1.The cat is _ the box. 2.The dog is _the floor.3.The socks are _ the chair.4.A: Where is the desk? B: Its_ the window.5.A: Where are the balls? B: They are _ the desk.板书设计:Unit 6 Where Is My Eraser? A: Where are my shoes? B: They are under the chair.A: Where are my trousers? B: They are near the desk.课后反思: 第四课时教学目标:通过游戏、练习等方式巩固本单元知识。教学重点:巩固练习本单元所学单词和句型。教学难点:通过歌曲的学习,达到情感教育。教学环节:一. 学习目标(一)做游戏,做练习,巩固本单元所学单词和句型。(二)唱歌曲,体会其中的教育意义。二自主学习(一)温故知新分角色读对话,复习上节课内容。A: Excuse me, Su Nan, Where is my ?B: Look. Its there, on/in the . A: Thank you./Thanks. A: Where is my eraser? B: Its there, on the floor. A: Where is my chair? B: Its in the bag.(二)阅读方法学唱课本上的歌曲Where Is Charlie?理解含义。(三)互助释疑小组内交流歌曲内容。三. 展示交流(10分钟)(一)请同学上台表演歌曲,教师进行适当的情感教育。(二)请同学上台唱歌曲,巩固所学知识。(三)小组交流Part C(Look and write)部分,完成练习。四. 点拨升华(一)教师放录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。(二)指名学生有感情地读对话。五. 课堂作业(5分钟)Read and tick or cross. 1. The dog is near the windows. 2. The cat is on the chair.3. The rabbits are under the box. 4. The elephants are in the zoo.课后反思:附送:2019年三年级英语下册Unit6WhereIsMyEraser教案陕旅版一、课时分配Unit 6 课时分配课时数所包含内容第二课时Part ALets learnPart CLook and write第二课时Part AWarming-up: Look and sayWarming-up: Look and thinkLets talkPart BDo and say第三课时Part BLets learn moreLook and choosePart CListen and put them in right places第四课时Part BLets singPart CAsk and answerRead and tick or cross单元目标:知识目标1、学习“四会”单词chair, desk, window, door, floor, classroom ,in, on, under, near.2、能结合方位词in, on, under, near表达物品所处的方位,就Where is/are.?进行简单的会话:Excuse me, Where is/are.?Its there, on the floor./They are情感目标一、培养学生模仿能力、表达能力和创造能力。二、培养学生积极参与有意义的交流活动并勇于表现意识。第一课时学习过程及引导:一、板书课题、揭示目标 学习目标:1. 听说单词chair, desk, window, door, floor, classroom 2. 巩固句型: This is a chair. / That is the door. These are desks. 3. 培养学生的表达能力。二、指导自学我们很棒!通过自学,让我们变得更棒吧!大家有没有信心?好,接下来我们就开始吧! 自学指导:打到单元词汇表Unit 6,请大家对照单词表,试着完成小练习册36页的内容,这些单词的意思原来是这样啊!然后根据之前所学知识,试着读出这些单词。如果遇到困难,和同桌讨论,合作学习。三、学生自学学生看书,思考,合作讨论。四、学生讨论、更正、归纳,合作探究。1. 热身(Warming up) Lets count. 师带领学生复习数字一到十。 2. 你的眼睛会观察吗?T: How many chairs are there in your classroom? 师边问,边板书chair,指着学生的椅子/板凳。让学生意会本单词的英文以及读音,跟着读。 There are sixty five students in our class. So there are sixty five chairs. What about desks? 师指着桌子,让学生会意,跟着读,desk, desk. T:Today we are going to learn unit six. We are going to learn some new words about the things nearby. 板书课题.3. 单词教读与练习Chair, chair, chair 椅子Desk, desk, desk 桌子Window, window, window 窗户Door, door, door 门 Floor, floor, floor地板Classroom, classroom 教室 (前面的单词用升调,最后一个单词降调)4. 当堂训练二:小练习册39页think and draw.5. 单复数练习P51前面我们已经复习了一到十的数字,现在看看数字和我们的新单词怎么组合呢!Two doors three windowsFour boys five girlsTen desks and chairs6. Pair works. 两到三人一组,指着实物,练习This is a desk / chair/ door / window, etc.These are desks and chairs. 7. 小结第二课时教学目标: 学习句型Where is my ?询问对方的某物在什么地方,以及各种回答:Look. Its there, on the floor. Its in your bag.教学重点: 熟练掌握句型,并进行简单的对话。 A: Excuse me, Su Nan, Where is my eraser? B: Look. Its there, on the floor. A: Thank you.教学难点: 通过学习情景对话,能有效的把词汇和功能结构Excuse me, Where is /are? Its there, on the floor. /Thank you.相联系,达到自如的进行语言输出的目的。教学环节:六 学习目标(一)学习本课句型,并进行替换单词练习。(二)进行询问别人时委婉地的语气练习。(三)学会提问和回答物品的所在位置,并能在实际情境中运用。(四)学习方位词on, in, near, under七 自主探索(一)温故知新 1.复习上节课所学单词。教师指着图片,学生用英语读出来并试着拼写。 2. Warming-up: Look and think. Where is the cat?(二)阅读方法自主读part A的Lets talk的句子,师生一起理解句子意思。(三)互助释疑同桌间交流句子意思。找出疑点,全体交流,教师反馈。(四)探究出招模仿例句造句,小组内交流,纠正错误。八 展示交流1.小组合作完成Part B,Do and say (1) Put your pencil in your box.(2) Put your pen on your book.(3) Put the chair near the desk.2.班级展示指名学生上台读句子演示,全班交流。九 点拨升华(8分钟)(一)教师放录音Part A的Lets talk.学生跟读,纠正读音。(二)小组内做对话练习,并写出来自己的对话。十 课堂作业(5分钟)作业当堂清1.完形填空。 A: Excuse _, Where is _eraser? B: Look. Its _,_ the floor. A: Thank _.2.挑战自我 A: Li Shan, where _my pencil?B: Look. It is _ your bag.板书设计:Unit 6 Where Is My Eraser? A: Excuse me, Su Nan, Where is my ? B: Look. Its there, on/in the . A: Thank you. / Thanks.课后反思:第三课时教学目标:一.运用“四会”词chair, desk, window, door, floor, classroom造句,并用所学单词和句型进行对话。二. 进一步学习句型Where are my ?询问对方自己的东西在哪里,以及各种回答:They are 并表示感谢。教学重点:掌握本课句型及其回答教学难点:熟练句型,运用已学单词替换,练习对话。教学环节:一. 学习目标(2分钟)(一)运用“四会”单词chair, desk, window, door, floor, classroom,并用所学单词和句型造句和练习对话。(二)学习Where are my ?句型及其回答。二. 自主探究(一)温故知新运用上节课所学知识操练对话:1.师生问答。A: Excuse me, Where is my ? B: Look. Its there, on/in the. A: Thank you. / Thanks. 2.生生对话。(二)导入新课听录音Part B,Lets learn more.学生说出自己听到了什么。(三)互助释疑同桌间读对话,理解特殊疑问句的用法和回答。(四)探究出招小组合作用转换方位介词under and near造句, 理解其意思。三. 展示交流(10分钟)(一)小组展示小组内练习用英语询问东西所放的位置,自己编写对话。(二)班级展示指名小组上讲台进行情景练习。四. 点拨升华(8分钟)(一)教师放录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。(二)学生开火车读单词。(三)小组内分角色读对话。(四)上台表演对话。五. 课堂作业(5分钟)(一)作业当堂清1.单词拼写并说出汉语意思ch _ i _ d_ _k w _n_o_ d_ _r fl_ _r cl_ssr_ _m(二)挑战自我 Look and choose.in on near under 1.The cat is _ the box. 2.The dog is _the floor.3.The socks are _ the chair.4.A: Where is the desk? B: Its_ the window.5.A: Where are the balls? B: They are _ the desk.板书设计:Unit 6 Where Is My Eraser? A: Where are my shoes? B: They are under the chair.A: Where are my trousers? B: They are near the desk.课后反思: 第四课时教学目标:通过游戏、练习等方式巩固本单元知识。教学重点:巩固练习本单元所学单词和句型。教学难点:通过歌曲的学习,达到情感教育。教学环节:一. 学习目标(一)做游戏,做练习,巩固本单元所学单词和句型。(二)唱歌曲,体会其中的教育意义。二自主学习(一)温故知新分角色读对话,复习上节课内容。A: Excuse me, Su Nan, Where is my ?B: Look. Its there, on/in the . A: Thank you./Thanks. A: Where is my eraser? B: Its there, on the floor. A: Where is my chair? B: Its in the bag.(二)阅读方法学唱课本上的歌曲Where Is Charlie?理解含义。(三)互助释疑小组内交流歌曲内容。四. 展示交流(10分钟)(一)请同学上台表演歌曲,教师进行适当的情感教育。(二)请同学上台唱歌曲,巩固所学知识。(三)小组交流Part C(Look and write)部分,完成练习。四. 点拨升华(一)教师放录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。(二)指名学生有感情地读对话。五. 课堂作业(5分钟)Read and tick or cross. 1. The dog is near the windows. 2. The cat is on the chair.3. The rabbits are under the box. 4. The elephants are in the zoo.课后反思:


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