三年级英语下册 unit7(4)教案 苏教牛津版

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三年级英语下册 unit7(4)教案 苏教牛津版教学内容:复习句型及单词。E 2 Think, talk and tick .练习册中的相应练习。教学目标:巩固本单元中的句型及单词。能根据要求快速作出响应。教学过程:一、Warm up Greeting .Say a rhyme : Its his key .Free talk :二、Review .1.师出示居室的图片并问:Whats this/that?请学生依次回答Its a study /并到讲台前拿好相关图片,依次排好。2学生仔细观察图片,互相提问。3师生操练。三、Sing a song : Twenty green bottles .播放歌曲,学生跟唱。四、Think ,talk and tick .出示图片,学生看图听录音,师作上标记。学生完成练习。集体评议。五、Have a rest :Say a rhyme: Wheres my broom ?六、听力练习:做练习册七. 六、Homework .复习所学内容附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 unit8 Lesson 1教案 北师大版PreparationPrepare student cards.You will also need:flashcards for tree and animals.1.Introduce oppositesHave children turn to the Opposites Master at the back of Student Book. Show your own copy. Explain that the pairs of pictures are of opposites. Draw the childrens attention to the first two pictures. Ask them to describe what they see. Introduce the words girl(s) and boy(s).Indicate the arrow and the person it is pointing to in the first picture. Say, “He is a tall boy.” Write the sentence on the board. Read it aloud as you point to each word. Have the children repeat the sentence.Now have the children look at the second picture. Repeat the procedure substituting the structure, She is a short girl.Draw the childrens attention to the pictures of the birds. Follow the procedure used for tall and short, substituting big and small.Introduce the word turtle. Point to each of the pictures of a turtle and say, “This is a turtle.” Have the children repeat the word.Repeat the procedure for This is a young/old turtle.Draw the childrens attention to the pictures of Mocky. Ask, “Whos this?” Elicit, “Its Mocky.” Then ask the children what he is doing. In their own language tell them that he is being good because he is doing his homework.Repeat the procedure used for the other pictures. Substitute the structure, Mocky is a good/bad monkey.2.Set the sceneAsk the children if they ever go walking in a park or a forest. Have them describe what they can see there. Present the flashcards for tree and animals. Model the words and have the children repeat them after you.Hold up your Opposites Master. Point to the picture of a bird. Say, “What is this?” Elicit, “Its a bird.”Repeat for turtle. Write turtle on the board and have the children repeat the word after you.Ask the children how they would feel walking in the forest. Try to elicit “happy” in their own language. Present the English word, happy. Write it on the board. You could also draw a smiling face.3.Model the dialogUsing the Opposites Master, review the structure, “He is a tall boy.”Have the children repeat the sentence.Use the same picture to present the structure, “Hes not a short boy.” Have the children repeat the sentence.Repeat the procedure for the other pictures.4.Talk about the storyStudent Book pages 14 and 15Have the children open their books at pages 14 and 15. Ask thesequestions about the pictures:Picture 1: .“Where are Ken, Ann, and Mocky?”Picture 2:.“What are they looking at?”Picture 3: .“Who is Mocky talking to?”Pictures 4/5: .“What do you think Mocky is saying?”Pictures 6/7: .“What are Ann and Mocky looking at?”Picture 8: “What do you think Ann is saying?” “What is Mockys answer?”Pictures 9/10:“What is happening now?”5.StoryStudent Book pages 14 and 15Say, “Now we will hear what the characters said.” Play the tape and have the children look at the pictures as they listen.Play the tape again, pausing at each picture. Have the children repeat the words each time.6.Set homeworkExplain that you want them to color the pictures on Opposites Master and bring them to the next lesson.


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