一年级英语 Unit1 Hello教案 北师大版

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一年级英语 Unit1 Hello教案 北师大版一、教学目的与要求1、能听懂并会说Hi/Hello, Im. Hi/Hello,.2、并掌握单词:Uncle Booky, Ken, Ann, Mocky.3、用刚学过的句子学会自我介绍,要求模仿正确,语调自然。4、听懂课堂用语Stand up, please. Sit down, please, 并作出相应的动作。二、教学重点:学会句型Hi, Im . Hello,.三、教学难点:学习用句子Hi, Im . Hello,. 进行自我介绍和打招呼。四:教学过程1、组织教学教师面带笑容走进教室,先作自我介绍,用英语说Im (教师自己的名字)然后用中文说我是。接着再说一遍英文。教师再说,从今天起我给你们上英语课,我们大家一起学。2、学习课堂用语Stand up, please. Sit down, please。教师说Stand up, please. 然后伸出双手,掌心向上摆动,示意学生起立。教师再说Sit down, please. 掌心向下摆动,示意学生坐下。教师走到学生当中,边说边示意。全班学生做,小组做,最后抽查个别学生做。接着,教师又站回讲台前,再慢速而准确地说一遍,让学生注意教师发音的口型。3、学习单词Uncle学习用句型Hi, Im . Hello,.进行对话。(1)教师在讲台前作示范,带表情和手势。要求学生注意看教师发音的口型和表情。(2)教师再说Im (教师自己的名字)。注意夸大口型发出Im的音给学生听。让学生模仿发音。告诉学生意思是“我是”。让学生在后面接上自己的姓和名,表示“我是。”(3)教师带领学生反复练习Im的发音。在基本掌握后,再带领学生操练这个句型,让学生在Im后面说出自己的名字。练习两遍后教师在黑板上写出Hi, Im这个句型,再教学生读Hi,告诉他们是“喂”的意思。(4)学生自由练习句型,教师巡视指导。练习完后,请两位同学到讲台前表演一下。4、总结本节课所学习的内容。5、布置学生在课后多练习刚学完的这个句型。教学后记: The second period1、复习巩固上节课学习的课堂用语以及句型和新单词。2、学习书中内容并填空。教师让学生翻开书本第一页齐读一遍,鼓励学生进行角色扮演。3、找学生出来表演,让一个男学生(扮演Ken)和一个女学生(扮演Ann ,可用自己的名字)在讲台前作自我介绍的表演。完成后继续让其他的同学出来表演。最后把Learn to say填空。4、课堂活动通过学习句型,对学生进行礼貌教育,使新同学之间互相认识。(1)把全班同学分成若干组,各组按顺序到相邻的下一组一对一对地自我介绍。(2)开火车练习句型,看看哪一组最快最好地把句型背出来,奖励一支小红旗。5、同桌之间互相检查对方是否已熟练掌握新句型(互相背诵)。6、布置作业:背诵Hello和 Learn to say的内容。教学后记: The third period一、教学目的与要求1、能听懂并会说, touch your nose/eye/mouth,please. 2、并掌握单词:touch、nose、eye、mouth3、听懂,touch your nose/eye/mouth, please, 并作出相应的动作。二、教学重点:学会句型,touch your nose/eye/mouth, please, 并作出相应的动作。三、教学难点1、学习用句子,touch your nose/eye/mouth, please, 并作出相应的动作。2、掌握新单词:touch、nose、eye、mouth。四、教学过程1、复习教师先让学生齐读Lesson one,然后进行角色扮演(以游戏形式进行).2、学习新单词:touch、nose、eye、ear、mouth.教师站在讲台前,点着鼻子对学生说:“nose”,让学生注意教师发音的口型。用同样的方法,教会单词eye、ear、mouth等。3、学习单词touth、nose、eye、ear、mouth.学习用句型,touch your nose, please.进行表演.(1)教师在讲台前作示范,带表情和手势。要求学生注意看教师发音的口型和表情。(2)教师注意夸大口型发音给学生听。让学生模仿发音。告诉学生意思是“请触摸你的鼻子”。指示学生当老师发出这个口令时,你们要点着你们的鼻子.(3)教师带领学生反复练习eye、mouth的发音。在基本掌握后,再带领学生操练这个句型,让学生在老师的指示下熟练作出各种动作.(4)学生分组自由练习句型,教师巡视指导。练习完后,请两位同学到讲台前表演一下。4、教师在黑板上的四个角分别画出耳朵、鼻子、眼睛、嘴巴。告述学生老师说哪个词,你们就点哪个角。5、总结本节课所学习的内容。6、布置学生在课后多练习刚学完的这个句型。 教学后记: The fourth period1、复习巩固上几节课学习的课堂用语以及句型和新单词。2、让学生出来表演上几节课学习的内容.3、教授Sing the song.(1) 先带读两边(2) 有节奏带唱(3) 加上动作有节奏地唱4、课堂活动通过学习句型,对学生进行礼貌教育,使新同学之间互相认识。(1)把全班同学分成若干组,各组按顺序到相邻的下一组一对一对地边唱边做动作。(2)开火车练习,看看哪一组唱得最好,奖励一支小红旗。5、同桌之间互相边唱边做动作6、布置作业:背诵Lesson One和 Lesson Two的内容教学后记: The fifth period一、 教学目的与要求1 能熟练掌握单词:an apple、an ant、a book、a banana2 有节奏地唱儿歌(Say the rhyme)3 能将单词与实物对应起来二、 教学重点:熟练掌握单词:an apple、an ant、a book、a banana三、 教学难点:能熟练掌握单词:an apple、an ant、a book、a banana四、 教学过程1、复习(1)、师带微笑走上讲台对学挥手:“Hi, Im .”让学生回答。(2)、教师依次举起Mooky, ken, Ann和Uncle ,Booky的面具,让学生向他们问好。2、新授学习新单词:an apple、an ant、a book、a banana(1)读熟阶段:教师拿出实物或图片依次带读:This is an apple.” 重复单词 an apple.”用同样的方法,用an ant、a book、a banana替换。 (2)举起单词卡片,让学生说出英语名称。(3)教师在黑板的四个角上分别画出苹果、蚂蚁等,学生老师读到单词,你们就指着那个角。1、 谜游戏:T:想不想玩猜谜游戏呢?S:想!T:有一种水果猩猩最喜欢吃的,黄色的?S:banana!1、连线:让学生打开书本第七页。鼓励他们描述看到的东西。让学生用手指着英文单词并朗读。鼓励学生用线将单词与相应的图连在一起。检查答案时让学生念出单词,同时手指着相应的图。5、 唱儿歌(Say the rhyme) 教师先让学生听录音带跟读两遍。教师给儿歌加上动作,然后让学生跟着老师边唱边做动作。请学生出来表演。6、小结教师把预先准备好的图片发给学生,并怪声怪气地说:“老师不见了四件礼物,本来是要送给你们的,谁帮老师找一 下呢?”这四件礼物也是我们今天所学习的四个单词:(引导 学生说)an apple、an ant、a book、a banana.教学后记: The sixth period一、 教学目的与要求1、 熟练掌握Hello, Im.2、 能用Hello, Im介绍自己.要求模仿正确,语调自然。二、 教学重点:熟练掌握句型Hello, Im.三、 教学难点:能用句子Hello, Im.,进行自我介绍。四、 教学过程1、 复习(1) 教师拿出上一课学习的单词卡,举起让学生读出来。然后让学生站起来并加上动作,唱出上一课的儿歌。(2) 教师带起Mocky的面具,并挥手说:“Hello, Im Mocky.”学生回答:“Hello, Mocky.”教师依次带上Ann、Ken、Uncle Booky的面具作介绍,让学生回答。2、 新授(1)利用电脑制作的软件给学生看第8页的图片。(2)提问:“你们能看到什么?”让学生对这幅图做出描述和评价。图中的小朋友开不开心,他们在哪?他们在做什么?引导学生说打招呼。(3)教师指着图中的人物介绍:“Ben, Tim, Lisa, Tina, Ted.”让学生重复跟读几遍。(4)教师拿出Ben的图片放在面上,对学生说:“我现在扮演Ben,我要介绍自己了:“Hello, Im Ben.”让学生跟着读。用同样的方法教“Hi, Im Tim/Lisa/Tian/Ted。(5)利用电脑软件播放书本第8页的情景,有条件的学校可以播放动画影片。(6)让学生读句子。指着每幅图引导学生集体念出完整的句子。3、扩展性活动让学生在空格处把自己的像画在这里,画图并描写单词:“Hi, Im”,最后写下他们的名字以完成句子。检查时可以请学生将画展示给全班看,并说出:“Hi, Im”。让学生打开书本第9页,让他们描述图:图里有些什么人?他们在哪里?他们在做什么?告述学生在这幅图中藏有几样东西,他们要找到这些东西并给它们图上颜色。3、小结现在,我们学了“Hi, Im”,我们以后就要用这句话来向别人介绍自己教学后记: 附送:2019-2020年一年级英语 Unit10 Family教案 北师大版Teaching period: The first period.Teaching contents:1、Vocabulary: mother, father, sister, brother, friend .2、 Structures: Whos this ?This is my mother /father / sister /brother /friend .Teaching key points:Take out the photos. Touch and say the words and sentences.Whos this ?This is my mother /father / sister /brother /friend.Teaching difficult points: Make the dialogue .Properties: recorder, tape , pictures(photos), slide show, puter, poster.一、Organization.1、Sing the song. “ I like ”. 2、Greetings.3、Review the words and sentences.What do you like?I like hamburgers / noodles / rice / ice cream / chicken / French fries /pizza /milk / juice.二、Presentation.1、Look at the photo with the slide show. Listen and say. Introduce the photo.T: This is my family. This is my (mother )2、Practice. T: Whos this / that ? ( Look at the photo. ) S: This is/ Thats my mother. (Touch and say. )3、Repeat the step above and present the following new vocabulary: father, sister , brother, friend.4、Play a game. Mickey mouth.5、Pair work.6、Check up on every group.7、Story. Look at the poster. This is Anns family. Play the tape. Play the tape again and have the children repeat the words.8、Sing the song.( paper ,)9、ExtensionHand out a piece of blank paper for each child. Explain that they are going to draw pictures of their families. It will include their mother, father, sisters, and brothers. Ask them to include a drawing of a friend. Then point to the people in their pictures and say the words. 10、Summary. Understand the words and sentences .三、Homework. Point your familys photo . Introduce your families. The Blackboard Unit 10 Family Whos this / that ? father This is ( Thats ) my mother. Sister. brother. friend.教学后记:Lesson TwoTeaching contents:1、Sing the song.2、Read and match.Teaching key points: Learn the song.Teaching difficult points: Understand singing the song.Properties: recorder, tape , pictures(photos), slide show, puter, poster.一、Organization.1、Sing the song. “ I like ”. 2、Greetings.3、Review the words and sentences.Whos this?This is my mother /father / sister /brother /friend .二、Presentation.1、Look at the photo with the slide show. Listen and say. Introduce the photo.T: This is my family. This is my (mother )2、Lets talk.(Page28)3、Listen and point.4、Check up on every group.5、Play a game. Mickey mouth.6、Extension.Hand out a piece of blank paper for each child. Explain that they are going to draw pictures of their families. It will include their mother, father, sisters, and brothers. Ask them to include a drawing of a friend. Then point to the people in their pictures and say the words. 8、Summary. Understand singing the song.三、Homework. Sing the song. The Blackboard Unit 10 Lesson Two Sing the song.教学后记:Lesson ThreeTeaching period: The third period.Teaching contents:1、Vocabulary: sandwich, salad, tomato, tea.2、Say the rhyme.Teaching key points: Learn the rhyme.Teaching difficult points: Understand saying the rhyme.Properties: recorder, tape , pictures(photos), slide show, puter, poster.The third period一、Organization.1、Sing the song. “ This is my mother.” 2、Greetings.3、Review the words and sentences. Introduce your family.Whos this?This is my mother /father / sister /brother /friend .二、Presentation.1、Look at the picture with the slide show. Listen and say. T: What is it? S: Its a sandwich.T: Is it a sandwich?S: Yes, it is.1、 Repeat the step above and present the following new vocabulary: salad, tomatoes, tea.2、 Practice.4、Play a game. Look at my mouth, guess the words.5、Listen to the tape. Say the rhyme. Then read after the tape.6、Practice.7、Check up on every group. 8、Extension.8、Summary. Understand saying the rhyme.三、Homework. Say the rhyme. The Blackboard Unit 10 Lesson Three Say the rhyme.教学后记:Lesson FourTeaching contents:1、Review the words: mother, father, sister, brother, brother, friend, salad, sandwich, tomato, tea.2、Review this sentence.This is my (mother).3、Read and circle. Read and draw. Find and color.Teaching key points:1、 Review the vocabulary and structures for this Unit with the Poster.2、 Read and circle. Read and draw. Find and color.Teaching difficult points: Understand using the vocabulary and structures.Properties: recorder, tape , pictures(photos), slide show, puter, poster.一、Organization.1、Say the rhyme. “ Tomato in a sandwich.” 2、Greetings.3、Review the words and sentences. Introduce your family.Whos this?This is my mother /father / sister /brother /friend .二、Presentation.1、 Look at the pictures with the slide show. Review the vocabulary and structures for this Unit with the Poster. This is my family. This is my mother / father / sister /brother /friend.T: What is it? S: Its a sandwich/ salad/ tomato/ tea.T: Is it a sandwich /salad/ tomato/ tea?S: Yes, it is.2、Check up on every pupil.3、Practice.4、Play a game. Look at my mouth, guess the words.5、Listen to the tape. Say the rhyme. Then read after the tape.6、Listen and number.7、Say the answers.8、Read and circle. Then check up on the answers.9、Find and color.10、Read and draw.Summary. Understand saying the vocabulary and sentences of this Unit.三、Homework. Say the rhyme. The Blackboard Unit 10 Lesson Four Say the rhyme.教学后记:


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