(江苏专用)2022年高考英语新增分大一轮复习 渐进写作全辑 Step One 第5讲 琳琅满目的名词性从句讲义 牛津译林版

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(江苏专用)2022年高考英语新增分大一轮复习 渐进写作全辑 Step One 第5讲 琳琅满目的名词性从句讲义 牛津译林版_第1页
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(江苏专用)2022年高考英语新增分大一轮复习 渐进写作全辑 Step One 第5讲 琳琅满目的名词性从句讲义 牛津译林版_第2页
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(江苏专用)2022年高考英语新增分大一轮复习 渐进写作全辑 Step One 第5讲 琳琅满目的名词性从句讲义 牛津译林版_第3页
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(江苏专用)2022年高考英语新增分大一轮复习 渐进写作全辑 Step One 第5讲 琳琅满目的名词性从句讲义 牛津译林版名词性从句是写作中常用的高级表达。它包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。一、名词性从句的连接词1.从属连词引导的名词性从句名词性从句的从属连词在从句中只起连接作用,不作句子成分,主要包括that,if/whether。(1)I hope that youll have a good time in China.我希望你在中国玩得高兴。(2017北京)(2)It depends on whether we have enough time.这取决于我们是否有足够的时间。2.连接代词引导的名词性从句名词性从句的连接代词在从句中起连接作用,并在从句中充当主语、表语、宾语、定语,主要包括who,whom,whose,what,which,whatever,whoever,whichever。(1)We debated over what we should put into the video.关于视频中应该放什么,我们进行了争论。(2017北京)(2)What you said at the meeting describes a bright future for our school.你在会上的讲话为我们学校描绘了一个光明的未来。3.连接副词引导的名词性从句名词性从句的连接副词在从句中起连接作用,并在从句中充当状语, 主要包括how,when,why,where,however,whenever,wherever。(1)Thats why I think the trip along the Yangtze will be a better choice.那就是我认为沿着长江旅行会是更好的选择的原因。(2017北京)(2)She is pretty attractive,and I wonder how she has kept her figure after all these years.她太迷人了,我想知道她这些年是如何保持体形的。即时训练1用适当的连接词填空1.There is no doubtthatI will enhance its reputation through my efforts.(2017天津)2.Cheer up! Courage is doing what youre afraid to do.3.The exhibition tells us that/why we should do something to stop air pollution.4.I truly believe that beauty es from within.二、名词性从句的常用句型1.I wonder whether/if.我想知道是否I am wondering if you could tell me more about this activity.我想知道你是否能告诉我有关活动的更多信息。(2015重庆)2.Ive learned from the newspaper/the post/the Internet that.我从报纸上/帖子上/网络上得知Ive learned from the newspaper that you are recruiting some volunteers to wele the ing foreign students.我从报纸上了解到你正在招募一些志愿者来接待来访的外国学生。(2018浙江)3.Im sorry to say that.遗憾地说Im sorry to say that I cannot go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon.很遗憾地说周五下午我不能和你一起去书店了。(2016全国)4.I do hope/believe that.我确实希望/相信I do believe that Im qualified for this voluntary work,because I have a good mand of English.我的确相信我能胜任这项志愿者工作,因为我精通英语。(2018浙江)5.I am aware that.我知道As a member of the society,I am aware that being responsible is what it takes to make a better society.作为社会中的一员, 我知道责任感是使社会更美好所需要的东西。6.That/This/It is why/because.那/这就是为什么/因为Thats why Im writing to you to voice my opinion.那就是我写信给你发表观点的原因。7.The reason why.is that.的原因是The reason why she failed the exam was that she got up late that morning.她考试不及格的原因是那天早上她起晚了。8.It isimportant/necessary/strange.that.重要的/必要的/奇怪的是However,it is important that we never lose the enthusiasm to keep on trying.然而, 重要的是, 我们决不应丧失继续努力的热情。9.What impresses/surprises/shocks.sb. most is that.最令某人印象深刻/吃惊/震惊的是In addition,what may interest you most is that I am really nervous and upset when taking the exam.另外,可能最使你感兴趣的是,考试时我真的既紧张又烦躁。10.I hold the view that.我持观点/我认为I strongly hold the view that we should do our best to protect the environment.我强烈认为我们应该尽全力保护环境。11.It is/was no surprise/wonder that.不足为怪His favorite food is fried snacks and soft drinks.It is no surprise that losing weight is just a dream for him.他最喜爱的食物是油炸类小吃和软饮料。减肥对他来说只是一个梦想,这不足为奇。12.Word came that.消息传来说Word came that the new mayor would e to our school soon.有消息说,新任市长很快要来我们学校。13.I would appreciate it if.如果我将不胜感激I would appreciate it if you could reply to me at your earliest convenience.如果你能尽早给我回复,我将不胜感激。(2017全国)即时训练21.图片里面最让我感动的是父亲对儿子深深的爱。Whatstruckmemostinthepicture was the fathers deep love for his son.2.一些青少年认为父母缺乏对孩子的全面理解。Someteenagersholdtheviewthat parents lack a full understanding of their children.3.我从报纸上得知你们公司正在招收工人。Ihavelearnedfromthenewspaperthat your pany is taking on some workers.三、名词性从句的写法名词性从句在写作时可采用“三步法”。第一步:写出两个简单句。(1)Our headmaster said a lot at the graduation ceremony.(2)His words were very exciting and interesting.第二步:根据句意选择一个简单句作从句,需要注意和另一个句子的关联性。让句(1)作主语从句,可以转换为“校长在毕业典礼上说的话”,即what our headmaster said at the graduation ceremony。第三步:把两个句子合并为复合句,需要特别注意此时连接词的选择和从句的语序。把句(1)转换的主语从句和句(2)连在一起。What our headmaster said at the graduation ceremony was very exciting and interesting.即时训练3用名词性从句将下列每组简单句合并为一个复合句1.Who broke the window?It remained a mystery.Whobrokethewindowremainedamystery.2.What will my life be like in the future?I often imagine it.Ioftenimaginewhatmylifewillbelikeinthefuture.3.Shall we go to the park on Sunday?It depends on the weather.WhetherweshallgototheparkonSundaydependsontheweather.四、在写作中使用名词性从句时需要注意的问题1.用that还是用what?(1)他驾照考试失败使得他妻子很生气。(误)What he failed the driving test made his wife angry.(正)That he failed the driving test made his wife angry.(2)孩子们需要的是新鲜的水和食物。(误)That the children need are some fresh water and food.(正)What the children need are some fresh water and food.2.用if还是用whether?(1)我在考虑是否应该和父母谈一谈。(误)I am thinking about if I should have a talk with my parents.(正)I am thinking about whether I should have a talk with my parents.(2)问题是我们是否能够说服她改变主意。(误)The question is if we can persuade her to change her mind.(正)The question is whether we can persuade her to change her mind.(3)我们是否举行运动会还没有决定。(误)If we will have a sports meeting isnt decided.(正)Whether we will have a sports meeting isnt decided.3.用wh-还是用wh-ever?谁违反法律都会受到惩罚的。(误)Who breaks the law will be punished.(正)Whoever breaks the law will be punished.4.that是否省略?每个人都知道发生的事情,也知道她很担心。(误)Everyone knew what happened and she was worried.(正)Everyone knew what happened and that she was worried.综合演练.用名词性从句完成句子1.我们在为赛事作准备的时候,我突然想起你曾经在一个类似的比赛中获过奖!(2018天津)When were making preparations for the event,itoccurredtomethatyouoncetookaprize in a similar petition.2.我们无法想象没有手机生活将是什么样子。 We cant imagine whatlifewouldbelikewithoutcell-phones.3.诚信是经商的必要条件。 Being honest is whatittakestodobusiness.4.毫无疑问,在消费中完全依靠排名是不明智的。(2018江苏) There is no doubt thatitisunwisetodependpletelyontheratingsinconsumption.5.但是最令我感兴趣的是文学书籍,尤其是那些著名作家写的。 But whatinterestsmemostare literary books,especially those by famous writers.6.他是否来参加典礼取决于天气。Whetherhecanetotheceremony depends on the weather.7.我们班赢了比赛的消息使得大家非常兴奋。The news thatourclasshadwonthegame made us very excited.8.我从王先生那里来,他让我告诉你他今天下午不能来看你了。Ive e from Mr Wang with a message that he wont be able to see you this afternoon.根据以下内容要点写一篇短文,尽量多地使用名词性从句假设你是李华,请根据你对下面一幅图片的观察,给一家知名报社专栏“Voice Your Opinion”写一封信,自选角度和内容,谈谈你的观点与看法。参考范文Dear editor,In Chinese tradition,family reunion always plays a very important part in munication. When a national holiday falls,members of a family will probably gather together to visit the seniors and enjoy being with each other.In this picture,we can see that grandchildren of different ages are surrounding their granny.However,all of them merely focus their attention on smartphones and nobody seems to talk with their granny willingly.We can imagine how helpless and disappointed their granny is at the sight of this.Behind the picture also lies the fact that smartphones are depriving us of face-to-face munication with others,even among the dearest ones.What a pity! I hope that we should respect the moments when we are together for a reunion and throw the smartphones aside!Best wishes!Yours sincerely,Li Hua


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