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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她东北大学22春“公共课”大学英语(三)离线作业(一)辅导答案一.综合考核(共50题)1.This article _ more attention to the problem of cultural interference in foreign language teaching and learning.A.cares forB.calls forC.applies forD.allows for参考答案:B2.At best, this is only a temporary substitute _ the other one.A.withB.toC.fromD.for参考答案:D3.The new general manager is trying to find _ to the companys financial problem.A.a reactionB.a ruleC.an actionD.a solution参考答案:D4.I hope that youll be more careful in typing the letter. Dont _ anything.A.drawB.omitC.reduceD.lead参考答案:B5.I want to go to New York. Whats the fare? _ .A.Pardon me?B.Im sorryC.Yes, I dont understandD.Im not understanding参考答案:A6.Eating too much fat can _ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.A.attribute toB.attend toC.contribute toD.devote to参考答案:C7.Her parents tried to _ a subtle pressure on her to marry someone who would carry on the family business.A、exertB、employC、bringD、bear正确答案:A8.She had often _ about her fathers choice of doctor and knew now that she had been right.A.protestedB.concernedC.complainedD.accused参考答案:C9.Having been found guilty, the man was given a severe _ by the judge.A.serviceB.sentenceC.crisisD.crime参考答案:B10.Mr. Smith said that he did not want to _ any further responsibilities.A.take onB.put upC.look upD.get on参考答案:A11.Could you help me with my homework, please?_ .A.No, no wayB.No, I couldntC.No, I cantD.Sorry, I cant. I have to go to a meeting right now参考答案:D12.Almost everyone fails _ the drivers test on the first try.A.at passingB.to passC.to have passedD.on passing参考答案:B13.Several families of birds feed primarily _ flying insects and have developed long wings and wide-opening mouths.A、withB、upC、toD、on正确答案:D14.We wont talk business _ we have dinner. I never talk business at meals.A.thoughB.whenC.so thatD.where参考答案:B15.The president promised to keep all the board members _ of how the negotiations were going on.A.informingB.informedC.informD.be informed参考答案:B16.I like black coffee so much because the stronger it is, _ .A.the more I likeB.the better I like itC.I like it moreD.I like it better参考答案:B17.Petrol is refined from the _ oil we take out of the grounA、rudeB、originalC、freshD、crude正确答案:D18.As far as computer programming is concerned, this model is obviously superior _ any of the others in our department.A、toB、thanC、overD、from正确答案:A19.Many experts believe that this countrys economy is on the _ of collapse.A.edgeB.limitC.partD.degree参考答案:A20.He wrote an article criticizing the Greek poet and won _ and a scholarship.A、statusB、fameC、faithD、courage正确答案:B21.Can I have a look at your passport?_ .A.It is hereB.Here is itC.Here you areD.No, you cant参考答案:C22.Only a selected number of landladies in the neighborhood have been allowed by the university to take in _.A.settlersB.residentsC.lodgersD.inhabitants参考答案:C23.Although I like the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful _ through the window.A.visionB.lookC.pictureD.view参考答案:D24.The basic fire insurance policy covers losses _ damage or destruction by fire or lightning.A.resulting directly inB.resulting directly fromC.resulted directly inD.resulted directly from参考答案:B25.Do you see the ad on the bulletin board?_A.No. Whats it about?B.Yes. Whats it about?C.Its still there.D.Thats a good idea.参考答案:A26.Well done. Congratulations on your success._ .A.Thank you very muchB.Oh, no, noC.No, I didnt do very wellD.Sorry, I couldnt do any better参考答案:A27.Hello, may I talk to the manager about the price? _ .A.Sorry, he is out at the momentB.No, you cantC.Sorry, you cantD.I dont know参考答案:A28.Your suggestion is worth _.A.consideredB.consideringC.to be consideredD.to consider参考答案:B29.He is under a lot of _ because his wife is seriously ill.A.stressesB.stressC.pressD.presses参考答案:B30.Be quiet! Its rude to _ people when they are speaking.A.protectB.introduceC.preventD.interrupt参考答案:D31.Our hopes _ and fell in the same instant.A.roseB.raisedC.arousedD.arose参考答案:A32.He had not remembered my name _ after he greeted me.A.whileB.whenC.untilD.as参考答案:C33.We need a huge _ of money to build a new high school for the children in this area.A.numberB.amountC.pieceD.kind参考答案:B34.This is confidential. Dont _ a word of this to anyone.A、utterB、letC、leakD、expose正确答案:A35.Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert _ it means standing in a queue all night.A、whateverB、providedC、even ifD、as if正确答案:C36.Sorry, I must be leaving now, because theres a meeting._ .A.Oh, no, you cantB.Yes, you can leave if you likeC.Do you really have to go? Couldnt you at least stay for another cup of tea?D.Oh, no. I dont understand参考答案:C37.Can you turn down the radio, please?_ .A.Oh, I knowB.Im sorry, I didnt realize it was that loud.C.Ill keep it down next timeD.Please forgive me参考答案:B38.I remember my grandfather _ me to the mountains when I was about 5 years of age.A.to takeB.takingC.takeD.had taken参考答案:B39.He said that he would come and he _ come.A.willB.wouldC.didD.didnt参考答案:C40.We watched the backward _ of the tide.A、washB、gulfC、flowD、bay正确答案:C41.He was unwilling to join them, for his _ would embarrass Gaston.A、resistanceB、presenceC、persistenceD、absence正确答案:B42.No sooner had he sat down to lunch _ there was a knock at the door.A、whenB、thatC、thanD、as正确答案:C43.You cannot _ it, for I saw you in the very act of doing it.A、withdrawB、rejectC、denyD、avoid正确答案:C44.As a public relations officer, he is said _ some very influential people.A.to knowB.to have knownC.to have been knowingD.to be knowing参考答案:B45.This book is really excellent. I enjoy it very much._A.I have just finished a novel.B.What is it about?C.I found it in a small bookstore.D.When did you start reading?参考答案:B46.Those who previously lived in the centre would move to better but still old houses in outer _.A.territoriesB.sessionsC.gradesD.districts参考答案:D47.- Could I use your dictionary for a moment?- _.A.Its wellB.It doesnt matterC.By all meansD.I have no idea参考答案:C48.A person _ others call “lucky” is usually an intelligent, hard worker who takes full advantage of opportunities.A、whomB、whoC、to whomD、that正确答案:A49.A _ person or government is one that is in favour of democracy.A.independentB.domesticC.democraticD.conservative参考答案:C50.Could I speak to John Harris, please?_ .A.Oh, how are youB.Im JohnC.Im listeningD.Speaking参考答案:D


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