2022年外研版高中英语选修8 Module 1《Deep South》word讲义

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教材:选修8课题: Module 1 Deep South年级 :高二 科目 :英语2022年外研版高中英语选修8 Module 1Deep Southword讲义课时1学生应掌握的词汇词组互译:1. set foot on_2. in case of_3. in the form of_4. stand out_5. in particular_6. aim to do sth_7. overe the difficulties_8. e into sight_9. break up_10. e up with_11. take a risk_12. keep up ones spirits_13. keep ones promise_14. make a promise_15. break ones promise_16. miss out_17. in (great) detail_课上典型例题:用所给动词或短语的正确形式填空.trap, balance , board, set off, miss out, bee numb with, leave behind, risk, set foot on/in, reply to 1. Its a matter of _ or saving ones life. So keep calm.2. Although he _ the field of puter, he is more interested in ecology.3. The parents were saved but there were still two children _ in the house on fire.4. The ad has been put in newspapers for a few days, but nobody has e to _ it. 5. Her husband died, _ nothing but debt.6. The plane took off half an hour after all the passengers _ it.7. When she caught sight of the snake, she _ fear.8. Theyve _on a journey around the world.9. His lack of experience was _ by his willingness to learn.10. The printers have _ a whole line here.课时2课上典型例题:单项选择1Could I get the passport in 20 days?_.Anyway,you shall have my answer tomorrow.ANever mindBWell,it just dependsCOK,just in case DAll right,youre wele2 Knowledge from real life isnt easier to forget than_achieved from textbooks.Ait BthatCone Dthose3 _in the burning building,many people could do nothing but wait.ATo trap BTrappingCTrapped DTo be trapped4He heard someone following him,and glanced round. He _a dark figure in the shadows.Alost sight of Bcaught sight ofCwatched out for Dlooked for5My parents live in a small village. They always keep candles in the house _there is a power cut.Aif BunlessCin case Dso that6 This shop will be closed for repairs _further notice.Awith BuntilCfor Dat7It is_ privilege to be invited to the party and I wish it_ _great success.Aa;a B/;/C/;a Da;/8_all the work finished ahead of time,I feel relaxed and very happy to be reading the papers.AWith BWhileCWhen DFor9.Good listening can always show respect,_understanding,and improve interpersonal relationship.Adiscourage BpromoteCbalance Dcirculate10After a heated discussion at the meeting,a new plan came _being,which would have a great effect _the culture life of people.Ainto;for Bto;toCfrom;at Dinto;on11What do you think of the Eiffel Tower?Splendid. When I was in France,I _it.Ahave visited Bhad visitedCcould visit Dvisited12 Im as busy as a bee;_you bother me with so many questions now?Amay BmustCcan Dshall13Despite a search lasting more than five days after the landslides in Taiwan,some mainland tourists remain_.Ato be lost BmissedCto be missed Dlosing14His novels belong to a great but vanished age. They are,_,out of date.Ain particular Bin detailCin short Din history15The golden autumn light provided the artist with the _for his painting.Aexploration BinspirationCshade Dpress课后作业:George selected his food in Value Mart carefully.He estimated he had_1_80 cents today.He was pleased he had got good_2_for his money again.At the exit,the freezing wind_3_him of his gloves.He was sure he was wearing them when entering the_4_.He made a search of his pockets.Then he thought they must have been_5_somewhere in the store.George had bought the black gloves for $35 ten years ago.They were leather,soft and durable.Until then,he had worn cheaper manmade material that never lasted long.His_6_to buy the gloves turned out to be good,which even_7_his position on the bus,as poorer passengers stared at him_8_.George reentered the store.He followed the same_9_he had walked before,_10_at the bread counter,to the dairy section,to the shelf where salt and sugar were placed.It did not take long to be_11_that the gloves were not there.His_12_grew heavier.“People have changed,” he_13_.“Years ago,if somebody_14_something lost,they would give it back.”Yet he did not give up.This time he focused on the gloves on other shoppers _15_.Suddenly he_16_a lady nearby wearing a black pair of gloves.He said,“Hi!” But when the surprised lady returned his_17_,his eyes dropped to the floor,for the fingers of her gloves were too small for him.Without gloves,he had to_18_his hands into his sleeves.Back home,George was_19_.He could not do without gloves.George decided to buy another leather pair.But before that,he stepped into Value Mart again to see if by any_20_his gloves had been returned to the lost and found office.The girl looked into her drawer and took out a pair of mens leather gloves.“Are they?”“Yes ! Mine !” George shouted with joy. 1.A.had Bwasted Cspent Dsaved2A.quality Bvalue Cscore Dnumber3A.informed BwarnedCreminded Dremembered4A.store BcounterCflat Dsquare5A.forgotten Btaken Cdropped Drejected6A.hope BdecisionCwish Dopportunity7A.pulled Bpromoted Creduced Dpushed8A.enviously BangrilyCsincerely Dproperly9A.road Bentrance Cgate Droute10A.staring BstartingCstopping Dlooking11A.relaxed Bignored Cconvinced Drushed12A.heart Beyes Clegs Dbody13A.exchanged BdiscussedCwhispered Dargued14A.picked out Bpicked upCmade out Dmade up15A.hands Bbaskets Cpockets Dfingers16A.prevented Brecognized Cnoticed Dcursed17A.anger BgreetingCemotion Ddescription18A.spread BextendCwave Dshrink19A.serious Bproud Cupset Dcautious20A.chance BprobabilityC means Dterms答案:课时1学生应掌握的词汇词组互译:1. set foot on进入;到达2. in case of如果;一旦3. in the form of以的形式4. stand out突出;显眼5. in particular特别;尤其6. aim to do sth目标是,目的在于7. overe the difficulties克服困难8. e into sight进入视野;看得见9. break up碎开;破碎;破裂10. e up with想出11. take a risk冒险;担风险12. keep up ones spirits振作精神13. keep ones promise信守诺言14. make a promise做出承诺15. break ones promise违背诺言16. miss out省略17. in (great) detail详细地用适当形式填空1. risking 2. has set foot in 3. trapped 4. reply to 5. leaving behind 6. boarded 7. became numb with 8. set off 9. balanced 10. missed out.课时2单项填空1-5BBCBC 6-10BAABD 11-15DBACB完形填空1解析:根据1空前面的内容可知,此处表示他算了算今天共节省(saved)了80美分。答案:D2解析:他很高兴又一次捡了便宜。value表示“(与价格相比的)值,划算程度”,符合语境。答案:B 3.解析:在出口处,刺骨的寒风让他想起了他的手套。remind sb.of sth.使某人想起,符合语境。答案:C4解析:根据5空后面的“the store”可知应选A项。答案:A5解析:他想手套一定是落(dropped)在商店的某个地方了。答案:C6解析:他买这副皮手套的决定(decision)结果是好的。答案:B7解析:就连在公共汽车上那副皮手套都能提升(promoted)他的地位。答案:B8解析:比他更穷的人在车上羡慕地(enviously)盯着他看。答案:A9解析:他沿着他先前的路线(route)走。 答案:D10解析:他从面包柜台开始(starting),到奶制品区,再到放盐和糖的架子那儿。答案:B11解析:不需要花费很长时间就可确定手套不在那儿,故选convinced。 答案:C12解析:George的心(heart)变得越来越沉重。答案:A13解析:他小声说 (whispered)道:“人变了。前些年,如果有人捡到(picked up)了某人丢的东西,他们都会还回来的。”答案:C14解析:参见上题解析。答案:B15解析:根据上下文内容可知,他开始注意其他购物者的手(hands)了。答案:A16解析:突然他注意到(noticed)附近的一位女士戴着一副黑手套。答案:C17解析:但是当那位吃惊的女士回应他的问候(greeting)的时候答案:B18解析:没有了手套,他不得不把手缩(shrink)到袖子里。答案:D19解析:没有找到心爱的手套,他肯定感到非常难过(upset)。答案:C20解析:他又来到Value Mart,看看有没有可能他的手套已经被送到了失物招领处。chance“(尤指希望发生的事的)可能性”,符合语境。


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