安徽省2022中考英语二轮复习 第2部分 专题研究 第8课时 动词的分类习题

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安徽省2022中考英语二轮复习 第2部分 专题研究 第8课时 动词的分类习题_第1页
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安徽省2022中考英语二轮复习 第2部分 专题研究 第8课时 动词的分类习题_第2页
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安徽省2022中考英语二轮复习 第2部分 专题研究 第8课时 动词的分类习题_第3页
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安徽省2022中考英语二轮复习 第2部分 专题研究 第8课时 动词的分类习题(D)1.(xx滁州一模)My mother is cooking fried fish.It must _ delicious when I eat it.AsoundBlookCsmellDtaste(A)2.(xx安庆一模)If you always _ yourself with others,you may have tons of pressure.I agree.We should believe in ourselves.ApareBplainCconnectDconsider(C)3.(xx芜湖二模)I hope you can _ me when I forget something important.AsupportBpushCremindDpare(B)4.(xx芜湖二模)This is my seat.Your bag has _ it.Sorry. Ill take it away right now.Aset upBtaken upClooked upDmade up(A)5.(xx蚌埠三模)What does your father do after dinner?He usually _ newspapers.AreadsBwatchesClooksDsees(B)6.(xx安徽大联考二)These sentences arent right.I need to _ all the mistakes in them.Aturn downBcut outCtake offDmake up(C) 7.(合肥一模)When I got to the door of the kitchen,I found the fish _ so delicious.AtastedBsoundedCsmeltDlooked(A) 8.(原创题) I cant help _ with any preparation of your birthday because Im preparing_an important exam.Aout; forBup; toC/; /Dfor; for(D)9.(原创题) How is your uncles advice?It _ very useful. Ill follow it.AlooksBsmellsCtastesDsounds(D)10.(xx庐阳区二模)His words _ me,because I never heard of them and I felt kind of scary.ArelaxedBexcitedCinterestedDsurprised(B)11.(改编题)Why did you look so worried?The man didnt _ just now because he was sleeping in the bus.Aget onBget off Cget upDget to(A) 12.(改编题)Im going to Hong Kong next month.What about you,Jenny? I will _social practice.Atake part inBtake placeCtake offDtake action(B)13.(改编题)Yang Yang _ a role in this movie and he acted the best.Yes, he is wonderful and famous.AmadeBplayedCactedDtook(B)14.(xx蚌埠二模)Its not a good habit to_ what you can do today till tomorrow.Atake offBput offCget offDturn off(C)15.(原创题) You are lucky! I can help you _ when Jerry will arrive in Shanghai.Alook outBget outCfind outDwork out(C)16.(原创题)Dont know where your kids are in the house? Turn off the Internet and theyll _ quickly.Aget upBstand up Cshow upDhurry up(A)17.(原创题) If you have a real friend, you should _ your happiness and sadness with him.AshareBprovideCspendDdescribe(C)18.(改编题)Whats the matter?We have to _ the meeting because of the haze (雾霾)Aput onBput upCput offDput away(D)19.The plane _ on the ground for two more hours because of the bad weather.AranBmovedCshookDremained(C)20.(原创题)This problem is really difficult to _.I can help you with that if you like.Aagree withBfill withCdeal withDshare with(D) 21.(改编题)Time will _ whether I made the right choice or not.I believe you can succeed.AseeBsayCknowDtell(A)22.(原创题)He wants to travel to West Sand, and he _ some information about it on the Internet.Alooks forBcares forCstands forDpays for(A)23.(改编题)Dad,Ill be in the final singing petition tomorrow.Be careful not to get a sore throat and _ your voice.AloseBraiseCdropDbreak(D)24.(原创题)I didnt mean to trouble Curry yesterday.It was pouring with rain so I _ his offer of a lift.ArefusedBreceivedCallowedDaccepted(B)25.(原创题)Can you _ me _ your school, Lucy?Sure.Alend; toBshow; aroundCpare; withDbrush; off(D)26.(预测题)Davids dream in China is to go into the west and_an early childhood school there.Aclean upBlook upCgive upDset up(A)27.(原创题)For our safety,we must _ the traffic rules on the way to school.AfollowBchangeCmakeDbreak(A)28.(改编题)Why do you think your uncle love you?I find he_me very much when I am in trouble.AcaresBnoticesCsupposesDstands(C)29.(改编题)I think I need to_myself,because most of the guests are strangers.AdescribeBdiscussCintroduceDdiscover(B)30.(改编题)Whats the result of the accident last night?Nobody died after the fire men_the fire.Aworked outBput outCcut outDwent out(C)31.(原创题)What are you doing on the puter?Im_some news about Fishing Island.Many people are interested in it.Alooking onBlooking aboutClooking upDlooking out(C)32.(原创题)You shouldnt allow your brother to_lies.It will make others dont trust him again.AsayBspeakCtellDtalk


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