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人教版五年级下学期英语期末综合复习综合练习题班级:_ 姓名:_ 看图写单词1. 用英语写出下列月份名称。1 23 45 62. 看图,补全单词。 1.c_p 2. cray_n 3.st_dent 4.f_lm 5.n_wspaper3. 看图,根据图示在相应的句子中填上一个恰当的词。1. Double Ninth Festival is_old people.2. Usually Jims mother can make a big_for him on his birthday.3. At Spring Festival, children always have a lot of_.4. John often (常) asks many of his friends to his birthday_.5. At Mid-Autumn Festival, the family get_to look at the moon and have a dinner.6. At Dragon Boat Festival, people usually eat_dumplings.4. 根据图片将句子补充完整。1We often take an_on Fridays.2I usually play_in the afternoon.5. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1.The box is h_. The man cant c_it. 2.She is good at Maths. She is c_. 3.Amy and Bob are in the s_class. They are b_in Class 1. 4.Lily and Jerry have two dogs. The two dogs have d_colours.6. 看图片,写词语。1Can you_?Yes, I can.2I can_for the sports meeting.3Can you_?No, I cant.4Im helpful. I can_at home.5I often_on Saturdays.6I can_for the party.7. 读一读,根据问句和图片写出答句或根据答句写出问句。1A: Whats your favourite food?B:2A: What would you like?B:3A: Whats the girl like?(看图回答问题)B:4A:B: Yes, I like English.5A:B: They are my new teachers.8. 写出下列单词。1 23 45 67 8填空题9. 词性大变脸。1late(反义词)_ 2she(宾格)_3old(反义词)_ 4do(否定形式)_5would like(同义词)_ 6glass(复数)_7buy(同音词)_ 8left(对应词)_9help(形容词)_ 10knife(复数)_10. 用所给的单词造句(答案不唯一)。例:trip: I took a trip along the river.1. lost: 2. tired: 3. ruler: 4. useful: 5. feel: 6. always: 11. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1My father usually_(go)_(swim) in summer.2My mum_(help)me with homework every evening.3I like_(sing) and_(watch) films.4Monday is the_(two) day of a week.5Jack_(not go) to school on Saturdays.6Where are your_(teach)? Theyre in the classroom.7He_(fly) kites on Saturdays.12. 根据句意写单词或用所给单词的适当形式填空。1I am so_, because the film is very_.(excite)2I am from_. I am a_.(China)3This is an_(America) stamp.4I go to school on_(feet).5_are you going there?By bike.13. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1These_(child) are very happy at Christmas.2It_(look) great!3What do you like? I like_(fish).4Im good at_(fish) and_(swim).5There_(be) some apple juice in the glass.选择题14. They didnt have a television _ a computer many years ago.A.and B.or C.but15. 选出不同类的一项:( )A.bus B.food C.car16. There is _snow. Its white everywhere.( )A.lot of B.lots of C.so many17. Good morning!What can I do for you? ( )A.Can I help you? B.Whats the matter? C.How are you?18. _ your favourite food? ( )Beef noodles.A.What B.Hows C.Whats连词成句19. will,our,Mr,be,English,teacher,Wang(.)20. to,we,take,need,a,bus (.)21. present, here, a, is, you, for (.)22. much, want, you, rice, how, do23. many, are, so, there(!)阅读理解24. 阅读判断。My village is in front of some small hills. There are lots of houses in the village. Behind the houses, there is a river. There is also a bridge over the river. There is a lake beside the houses. The water in the lake is clean. I can swim in the lake and there are many fish in it. There are many flowers and trees in front of the houses. Its a beautiful village.( )(1)There are some small hills behind my village.( )(2)There is a river in front of the houses.( )(3)The water in the lake is clean.( )(4)There arent any fish in the lake.( )(5)There are many flowers and trees in front of the houses.25. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Dear John,My name s Bill. I m 12 years old. I live in a village with my parents. It ssmall but beautiful. There are no tall buildings. You can see many flowers and trees there.My favourite food is fish, it s delicious. I can play ping-pong. I know you cando some kung fu, but I can t. Can you help me?Your friend,Bill1Bill is twelve years old.(_)2Bill likes fish very much.(_)3There arent any tall buildings in the village.(_)4Bill can play ping-pong and do some kung fu.(_)5Bill lives in a small village with his grandparents.(_)26. 阅读对话,判断正误。Mary: What can you do at home, Lisa?Lisa: I can clean the windows and make the bed. What about you, Tom?Tom: I can cook the meal and water the flowers. Can you sweep the floor?Lisa: Yes, of course. I often help my mom sweep the floor.Mary: No, I cant. But I can do the dishes and wash the clothes.Tom: We are all helpful at home.( )(1)Lisa can clean the windows, make the bed and sweep the floor.( )(2)Tom can do the dishes.( )(3)Lisa cant sweep the floor.( )(4)Mary cant sweep the floor.( )(5)Mary can do the dishes and wash the clothes.( )(6)Mary, Lisa and Tom are all helpful at home.27. 阅读理解并选择正确答案。My name is Ben. This is my family photo. This boy is me. My father is a doctor. He likes reading newspapers(报纸)very much. My mother is an engineer(工程师). She likes reading books. This is my little sister. She is five years old. She likes collecting(收集)toys. She has two teddy bears and three toy cats. I like playing football. I often play it with my friends on Saturdays and Sundays.(1)Bens father is _.A.a teacherB.a doctorC.an engineer(2)_ likes reading books.A.BenB.Bens sisterC.Bens mother(3)Bens sister is _ years old.A.5B.15C.6(4)_ likes playing football.A.Bens fatherB.BenC.Bens brother(5)There are _ people(人)in Bens family.A.sixB.fiveC.four28. 阅读理解。Anna:What are you going to do ?Jone:I am going to the store.Anna:What do you want to buy?Jone:My bike is broken. I want to buy a new bike.Anna: Me , too.Jone: Lets go shopping.Anna: Ok.Jone: How do you go to the store?Anna: By bus.Jone: Ok.( )(1)What does Anna want to buy?A.Anna wants to buy a new bike.B.Anna wants to go to Beijing.C.Anna wants to buy some fruit.( )(2)What does Jone want to buy?A.Jone wants to buy a new pen.B.Jone wants to buy a new motorbike.C.Jone wants to buy a new bike.( )(3)How does Jone go to the store?A.By bike.B.By motorbike.C.By bus.( )(4)How does Anna go to the store?A.By bus.B.By car.C.By motorbike29. 短文阅读。(1)Sunny English Club is for _.A. nurses B. policemen C. businessmen D. students(2)You will pay _ if you want to stay in the English club for half a year.A. 300 yuan B. 600 yuan C. 1,200 yuan D. 2,400 yuan(3)You can visit Ocean Museum _.A. on Saturday B. on Wednesday C. on Monday D. anytime(4)One can get free examinations in Health Centre if he is _.A. 9 B. 17 C. 67 D. 73(5)If you are interested in the life of fish, you should go to _.A. Health CentreB. Ocean MuseumC. Sunny English ClubD. 16 Yong Le Street30. 阅读小短文,判断对错。Mike is new at school, but he has many friends at school. He likes playing football with his classmates. He likes talking with Lily on the phone. He often gets emails from his friends. They email him photos, too. He often reads books in the library. Books are his friends, too.1Mike likes playing basketball.(_)2He often calls Mary.(_)3He often email photos to his friends.(_)4He often gets emails from his classmates.(_)5Mike often reads books in the library.(_)31. 阅读理解,根据短文的意思,选择最合适的答案。This is a picture of a family. The grandmothers name is Harry Smith. The grandfathers name is Jean Smith. They are very old. They are Americans.The fathers name is Lake Smith. He is 44. The mothers name is Kate Smith. She is 40. They have a son of ten and a daughter of fifteen. The sons name is John Smith and the daughters name is Mary Smith. They are students of No.12 Middle School. Kate is a teacher of the same school. Lake is a policeman. It is a very good family.(1)Lake Smiths parents are _.A.Americans B.American C.America(2)Johns father is _.A.44 B.40 C.very old.(3)Marys mother is a _.A.teacher B.policeman C.doctor(4)They are in the _ school.A.some B.same C.any(5)The family has _ children.A.six B.two C.four写作32. 书面表达。以“My favourite food”为题写一篇小短文。要求:意思连贯,语句通顺;不少于40个单词。33. 写出你最喜欢的季节,并说明原因。(5句话)34. 写作园地。同学们,很快就要放寒假了,你有什么打算呢?请以MyPlan为题,并参照以下提示词:begoingto,study,play写写你的假期计划。要求不少于5句话。35. 写作。小朋友们都有自己的业余爱好(hobby),读书.跳舞.弹钢琴.唱歌.看电影,你的业余爱好是什么呢?用简单的语言描述你的业余爱好。要求:补全作文的题目,作文字数不少于100词。ILikeTo17 / 17


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