高考英语 同步精练 训练15

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高考英语 同步精练 训练15.用适当的连词填空1The news_Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize is what surprised the world.2_was known to us all is that Johnson had broken his promise that he would give each of us a small gift.3_Taiwan has purchased a large quantity of arms from the US causes great tension in the Asian and Pacific district.4Is it,in your opinion,possible_new measures will be taken to improve the terrible traffic?5With the number of cars increasing rapidly in cities,a major problem is_the cars can be parked.6It was in the classroom_I found my cell phone.7After ten years,she changed a lot and looked different from_she used to be.8Information has been put forward_more middle school graduates will be admitted into university.答案1.that2.What3.That4.that5.where6that7.what8.that.完成句子1这个小孩子总是问爸爸一连串的问题。The little boy always asked his father_questions.2汤姆打算做的事已做成了。Tom succeeded in what he_to do.3使我们宽慰的是,大雪在清晨停了下来。_,the heavy snow stopped in the early morning.4工人们指责老板不守信用。Workers_their boss_having broken his promise.5为了那些饥饿的孩子,我们正在募捐。We are collecting money_ those starving children.答案1.a series of2.set out3.To our relief4.accused;of5.in aid of.单项填空1The panies are working together to create_they hope will be the best means of transport in the 21st century.Awhich Bthat Cwhat Dwho解析该句中they hope是插入语,故“_will be the best means of transport in the 21st century”。实际上是create的宾语,且缺少宾语从句的连接词,并且该连接词要指物且在从句中做主语,what可以起到该作用。答案C2The last time we had great fun was_we were visiting the Water Park.Awhere Bhow Cwhen Dwhy解析由the last time可知是表示时间,故用when引导表语从句。答案C3Students are always interested in finding out_they can go there with a new teacher.Ahow far Bhow soonChow often Dhow long解析how far多远;how soon多久;how often多长时间一次;how long多长时间。答案A4When asked_they needed most,the kids said they wanted to feel important and loved.Awhat Bwhy Cwhom Dwhich解析句意:当被问到他们最需要什么时,孩子们说他们想让别人觉得他们是重要的,希望被爱。what引导宾语从句,且what在从句中作needed的宾语。答案A5Tomorrow is Toms birthday.Have you got any idea_the party is to be held? Awhat Bwhich Cthat Dwhere解析由句式结构可以判断_the party is to be held是get any idea的同位语,故空格处应为同位语从句的引导词,且该从句中句子成分完整,但语意不完整,故应选择D项,表示地点。答案D6People in Chongqing are proud of_they have achieved in the past ten years.Athat Bwhich Cwhat Dhow解析what 引导名词性从句,同时充当achieved的宾语。答案C7Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from_their parents speak at home.Awhat Bthat Cwhich Done解析句中的from缺少宾语,what既引导了宾语从句,又充当了speak的宾语。答案A8_is known to us all is that the xx Olympic Games will take place in London.AIt BWhat CAs DWhich解析分析题干结构“_is known to us all”是主语从句,从句中缺少主语,what引导主语从句,在从句中做主语。如果选it,需去掉all后的is;如果选as,需去掉is that。答案B9_was most important to her,she told me,was her family.AIt BThis CWhat DAs解析what引导主语从句,同时又在从句中充当主语。答案C10The little girl who got lost decided to remain_she was and wait for her mother.Awhere Bwhat Chow Dwho解析remain是系动词,后加表语从句,由句意可知,从句缺地点状语,所以选A。答案A11After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth,_our astronauts desire to do is walking in space.Awhere Bwhat Cthat Dhow解析根据our astronauts desire to do可知,主语从句中to do之后缺少宾语,需用连接代词what来引导。答案B12I think father would like to know_Ive been up to so far,so I decided to send him a quick note.Awhich Bwhy Cwhat Dhow解析what既起了连接作用,又在宾语从句中作了up to的宾语。up tooccupied or busy with,表示“正在做着或忙于某事物”。答案C13The other day,my brother drove his car down the street at_I thought was a dangerous speed.Aas Bwhich Cwhat Dthat解析what在本题中相当于the speed that,既起了连接两个句子的作用,又在两个句子中担任成分。其一,作了介词at的宾语;其二,作了宾语从句的主语。答案C14A modern city has been set up in_was a wasteland ten years ago.Awhat Bhow Cthat Dwhere解析whatthe place that。答案A15_climber gets to the top first will get a 5,000 prize.ANo matter when BWhicheverCNo matter which DWhenever解析句意为:无论哪个登山者最先到达山顶都会得到5 000英镑的奖赏。whicheverno matter which,但no matter which不能引导主语从句,whichever可以引导主语从句。答案B.阅读表达I once knew an old man whose bad memory made him famous.John Smith was so forgetful that he sometimes forgot what he was talking about in the middle of a sentence.His wife had to constantly remind him about his meetings,his classeseven his meals.Once he forgot he ate breakfast twice,at home and at school.His wife liked to remind her neighbors,“If John didnt have his head tied on,he would forget that too!”Since Smith was a professor at a well known university,his forgetfulness was often an embarrassment.It wasnt that he was not clever,as some critical people tended to say,just very,very absentminded.One hot summer day,Professor Smith decided to take his children to a seaside town about a threehour train ride away.To make the trip more interesting for his young children,he kept the name of the town a secret.However,by the time they arrived at the station,Smith forgot the name of the town he was planning to visit.Luckily,a friend of his happened to be in the station.He offered to take care of the children while Smith hurried back home to find out where he was going.The professors wife was surprised to see him again so soon.“Oh,my dear,I forgot the name of the town.”“What?You forgot the name? Maybe one day you will forget my name!Now Ill write the name of that town on a piece of paper,and you put it in your pocket and please,please dont forget where you put it.”Satisfied that she had solved the problem,she sent her husband off again.Ten minutes later she was astonished to see him outside the house for the third time.“What is the matter now?”“As you told me,I didnt forget where I put the name of that town,but I forgot where I left our children!” 1.What is the best title of this passage?(No more than 7 words)_2What does the underlined word“embarrassment”mean?(No more than 3 words)_3Why did Mr Smith hurry back home the first time?(No more than 12 words)_4What did he e back home for the second time?(No more than 9 words)_5Imagine how Mr Smith found his children he had left there.(Open)(No more than 30 words)_答案1.A forgetful manJohn Smith.2Disfort.3He forgot where he and his children were going to.4He forgot where he left his children.5Open.V书面表达根据下面提示写一篇短文1简述以下现象:(1)健康之重要人尽皆知;(2)许多青少年不注重健康问题,假期尤甚。长时间看电视,通宵上网聊天、玩游戏。导致的危害如:影响视力,身体虚弱,缺乏人际交往。2简述你的看法,提出你的建议。要求:(1)内容完整,层次清楚,语言流畅;(2)词数不少于100,标题已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:交流municate;心理健康 mental healthHave a healthy lifestyle_【写作分析】词汇热身:1pay attention to2be bad for3get nearsighted4municate with重点句式:1Only when we are healthy can we study well and enjoy life.2They spend too much time watching TV,playing games and chatting on the Internet all night,which is bad for their health.3They will lose the chance to municate with others face to face as they never go out,which may have a bad effect on their mental health.【范文赏读】Have a healthy lifestyleAs we all know,health is very important.Only when we are healthy can we study well and enjoy life.However,many teenagers dont pay any attention to their health,especially during the holiday.And they spend too much time watching TV,playing games and chatting on the Internet all night,which is bad for their health.First,this may make them get nearsighted.Besides,their bodies bee much weaker.Thirdly,they will lose the chance to municate with others face to face as they never go out,which may have a bad effect on their mental health.In my opinion,they should spend less time in front of the TV or the puter.Go out to take some exercises,play some sports and visit some places and have a healthy lifestyle.


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