Pep小学英语五年级上册《Unit6 In a nature park》教学设计

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精品文档 仅供参考 学习与交流Pep小学英语五年级上册Unit6 In a nature park教学设计【精品文档】第 11 页Pep小学英语五年级上册Unit6 In a nature park教学设计A. Lets talk一、 教材分析:本课时主要围绕“自然公园”的话题展开,旨在培养学生热爱大自然的美好情感增强学生的环境保护意识,是There be句型的延伸和拓展。通过带领学生领略自然美景设计听说读写各个环节调动学生的兴趣和积极性,激发学生的学习热情。二、 学情分析: 五年级的学生已经有一定的英语基础,在英语听说读写方面具有一定的能力。There be 句型在小学阶段是一个难点,而一般疑问句的用法更是一个难点,学生需反复操练,达到正确掌握并熟练的程度。三、 教学目标:1. 知识目标:(1) 能够听说认读单词:forest, river, lake, go boating.(2) 能够听说读写句型:Is there a river in the forest? Yes, there is./No, there isnt.2. 能力目标:(1) 能听懂Lets try部分的录音并选择正确选项。(2) 学生能够在语境中理解对话大意,会在情景中灵活运用句型:Is there a .? Yes, there is./No, there isnt.询问某处有某物并会回答。(3) 能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并进行角色扮演。3. 情感策略文化目标:(1) 培养学生亲近大自然,热爱大自然的情感。(2) 培养学生小组合作意识,学会交流,激发学生英语交流的欲望。四、教学重难点:1、重点:(1) 能够听说读写句型:Is there a river in the forest? Yes, there is./No, there isnt.(2) 能够在情境中运用句型Is there a.? Yes, there is./No, there isnt.询问某处有某物并会回答。2、 难点:(1) 学会在情境中灵活运用句型Is there a.? Yes, there is./No, there isnt.。(2) 短语go boating的发音及理解。五、教学准备:Multimedia, PPT, word cards.六、教学过程:Step1、Preparation1、 GreetingsT: Now, class begins. Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Today Im your English teacher, you can call me Miss Huang. How are you today?whats your name?Nice to meet you.2、 Divide into groupsT:Before our class, Ill divide you into two groups. Group one and group two. Today well have a PK. Are you ready? Good,come on!3、 Free talkT:Now look at our classroom. What in the room? You can use “There is/ the room.”to describe it.4、 Enjoy a song: “In a nature park”T:Now, lets enjoy a song “In a nature park”. After listening to the song , please tell me :What can you hear or what can you see from the song? Clear?. OK, lets go on. 播放歌曲视频,学生带问题欣赏歌曲。T:OK, who can tell me :What can you hear or what can you see from the song? You can speak in Chinese.让生回答视频中听到或见到的食物,引出单词:forest.设计意图:让学生带着任务去听歌,既集中了学生的注意力,又锻炼了学生捕捉信息的能力。Step2、Presentation1、 T:Yes, there is a forest in the nature.forestT:Look at this picture. This is a forest. Forest, forest.听音跟读。2、 T:Look at this picture. There is a forest. And there is some water. Whats this?.Maybe its a river. Maybe its a lake.river, lakeT:Look at the picture. Its a river. And this is a teacher. teacherriver River, river.听音跟读。These are some famous rivers.3、T:And this is a lake. This is a cake. cakelake Lake, lake.听音跟读。These are some famous lakes.T: This is a lake. This is a river.(呈现两幅图片)设计意图:通过以前学过的单词来学习新单词,以旧引新,体现语言的迁移与运用。Lets try1、 T:Look, this is a picture of a nature park. Whats in it?. Is there a forest? Is there a lake? Is there a river? Now lets listen to the tape and tick the word you hear.2、 T: Who can tell me the answer? Yes, there is a forest.设计意图:让学生初步感知句型Is there a .?Lets talk1、 T: Look at the picture. Who are they?.Yes, they are Miss White, Zhang Peng and other children. Where are they going? Lets listen, watch and choose. T: Yes, they are going to the forest.设计意图:通过第一次听音,让学生整体感知课文内容。2、 T:If you go to the forest, what will you do there? Have a try please. You can speak in Chinese.Ss:.T: Good idea./Maybe./Thats wonderful.T:What about Zhang Peng? What does he want to do? Now lets listen, watch again and find the answer.T:Yes, he wants to go boating.go boating Whats the meaning of “go boating”? Look at this picture. Now read follow me, please.go boatingLets go boating.(边读边做动作)3. T: If we want to go boating. What will we need?. Yes, we need water. Is there a river in the forest?听音判断No, there isnt.Is there a lake ?Yes, there is.设计意图:让学生观看视频答题,锻炼学生听的能力。4. 出示图片练习句型:Is there a .? Yes, there is./No, there isnt.T:Look at this nature park. You can ask and answer about it with your partner.5. Lets chant: River ,river, is there a river ? No, no, no, there isnt . Lake, lake, is there a lake ? Yes, yes, yes, there is .设计意图:多种形式操练主句型,加深学生的理解与记忆。6. T: If we want to go boating, we need water.What else do we need?.Yes, we need a boat. 出示图片 Look, whats on the lake? There are some boats. Are they big or small? boats There are some small boats. 设计意图:让学生通过发散思维学习单词跟句子,加深学生的理解。Step3、Practice1、 Listen to the tape and imitate.Tips: Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.设计意图:让学生听音模仿,学会按意群朗读课文。2、 Read in pairs.T:Now read in pairs. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.3、 Show time. T: Who wants to read it to us? Come here,please.4、Read and choose. Read, fill and say. Read, fill and write.设计意图,通过选择,填空,书写多种形式来巩固所学文本。5、Lets sing(用小星星曲调)In the park, there is a forest.In the forest, there is a lake.In the lake, there are small boats.Lets go boating, ha ha ha.Step4、Production1、 Be a guide.T: As we all know, our hometown Yishui is a very beautiful place. Many visitors come here every day. Now Im a guide. You can ask me like this.Now, group work.Step5、Progress1、 Read and choose.2、 情感教育: Enjoy the nature, enjoy our life. We should protect our nature.3、 Summary:Is there the forest?Yes, there is.No, there isnt.4、 Homework:(1) Listen to the tape and read the dialogue to your parents.(2) Draw and design a nature park .(3) Talk about your nature park with your partner use “Is there a .?Yes, there is./No,there isnt.”板书设计Unit 6 In a nature park A、Lets talk Is there a .? Yes, there is. No, there isnt. There are some small boats. Lets go boating.


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