五年级上册Unit 3《At the table》(lesson 2)教案

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五年级上册Unit 3At the table(lesson 2)教案一、教学内容Unit 3 At the Table Lesson 2二、教学目标:1.能听懂会说单词:bread, rice, milk, noodle, chicken, vegetable, soup和juice2.能正确运用句型:What do you like for? Id like. 三、教学重点:1. 能正确朗读本单元的单词bread, rice, milk, noodle, chicken, vegetable, soup和juice2.能流畅表达日常购物交际用语:What would you like for? Id like. 四、教学难点:能正确发音bread, rice, milk, noodle, chicken, vegetable, soup和juice,并能够对单词进行较好的整体认读五、 课前准备1 教具准备 磁带、录音机、教师卡片、学生自制的食品类图片。2 教学准备 CAI课件、食物托盘、让学生自带一些与本课内容相关的食品,如:蛋糕、牛奶、面果汁等。3 板书准备 黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 At the Table Lesson 2六 教学过程: Free talk and revision1. T: Hello, nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.T: How are you?Ss: Im fine, thank you. How are you?T: Im hungry. Lets go and have some food.Ss: OK.2.(看一看,猜一猜)Review words教师显示bread,rice,milk 和juice食物图片的部分内容,让学生猜一猜,说一说。T: Whats this?S: Rice.Read: r-i-c-e, rice.T: Make a rhyme with rice, please.Ss: Rice, rice. I like rice.(用同法拼读bread,milk 和juice)3. Show pictures of some bread/ some milk/ some juice/ some rice. T: Look at the picture, what can you see? Ss: Bread/ Milk/ Juice/ Rice.教师打乱图片的顺序,请同学来复习操练单词。B Presentation and practice1 .Say a rhymeT. Look, I have some rice. (老师尝食物) Oh, its nice.Teach: nice Read: nice (team, row, individual)T: What would you like for?Ss: Id like some rice. (学生可以将rice替换成bread ,milk 和juice)T:播放小诗“I like rice”。(1)先让学生完整地听歌谣,理解歌谣的含义并感受歌谣的韵律美。(2)帮助学生熟悉歌谣的节奏,并让他们跟着节奏自己试念。(3)引导学生有感情地跟读歌谣并齐读。(4)引导学生有感情地朗、表演歌谣。2 .介绍句型What would you like for Id like. (1)T: Today, I am your waitress.Bread is nice. Have some bread, please. (老师拿着食物托盘,走到某学生面前,递上食物图片。在黑板上板书What would you like for (2) 教师领读,学生跟读数遍。全班跟读,大组跟读,小组开火车读。(3) Chain drill: 第一大组对第二大组说What would you like for第二大组再对第三大组说,以此类推。 男生对女生说,女生对男生说。 同桌一人说一句What would you like for3介绍答句Id like(1) (T-S) 老师拿着食物托盘,示意请学生吃东西T: What would you like for?S: Id like(Repeat with another two students)(2) (ST) 请同学扮演服务生,给老师吃东西。S1:What would you like for? T: Id like(3) (SS)(4) 同桌对话并请几组表演。C. Consolidation Activity1: Look and match:T: Look at the pictures. Who are they?Ss: They are David, Mike, Helen and Miss Li.S1: What would you like for?Mike: (Click the sound of Mike.)Id like some bread.(用同法操练Id like some bread /milk /juice.) D Assign homework 1 听磁带,模仿录音朗读第三单元。2 课后与同桌或家人用所学英语进行交流。


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