高考英语试题汇编(10月 下)R单元(江西)(含解析)

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高考英语试题汇编(10月 下)R单元(江西)(含解析)_第1页
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高考英语试题汇编(10月 下)R单元(江西)(含解析)目录R单元江西1R0 阅读表达1 R0 阅读表达【英语卷(解析)xx届江西省新余一中高三第二次模拟考试(xx10)】第一节阅读表达(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面的短文并回答问题,然后将答案写到答题卡相应的位置上(请注意问题后的词数要求)。1Teenage depression isnt just bad moods and occasional sadnessDepression is a serious problem that impacts on every aspect of a teens lifeLeft untreated,teen depression can lead to problems at home and school,drug abuse,self-loathingeven irreversible(不能挽救的)tragedy such as homicidal violence or suicide2Fortunately,teenage depression _ and as a concerned parent,teacher,or friend,there are many things you can do to helpYou can start by learning the symptoms of depression and expressing concern when you spot warning signsTalking about the problem and offering support can go a long way toward getting your teenager back on track3There are as many misconceptions about teen depression as there are about teenagers in general. Yes,the teen years are tough,but most teens balance the troubles with good friendships,success in school or outside activities,and the development of a strong sense of selfOccasional bad mood or acting out is t o be expected,but depression is something differentDepression can destroy the very essence of a teenagers personality, causing an overwhelming sense of sadness,despair,or anger4If youre unsure whether all adolescent in your life is depressed or just”being a teenager”,consider how long the symptoms have been present,how severe they are,and how different the teen is acting from his or her usual selfWhile some“growing pains”are to be expected as teenagers fight with the challenges of growing up,dramatic,long lasting changes in personality, mood,or behavior are red flags of a deeper problem5If you suspect that a teenager in your life is suffering from depression,take action fight away. Depression is very damaging when left untreated,so dont wait and hope that the symptoms will go awayEven if youre unsure that depression is the issue,the troublesome behaviors and emotions youre seeing in your teenager are signs of a problemWhether or n ot that problem turns out to be depression,it still needs to be addressed the sooner the better76What does this passage mainly talk about?(no more than 4 words)_77. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words(no more than 6 words)_78. How would a teenage feel if he or she were suffering depression?(no more than 8 words)_79. What are the warnings of worsening depression?(no more than 15 words)_80. What would you do if you found your child with signs of depression?(no more than 8 words)_【答案】【知识点】R1 阅读表达【技巧点拨】本题和下面一道题从阅读角度来看难度不大,主要考查的是学生对语言的运用能力,尤其是总结和提炼语言的能力;这就要求学生们平时多用自己的语言回答问题;多概括文章或段落;本文讲述的青少年在成长过程中会出现情绪压抑一些问题,对一些问题,对于家长、学校、社会要关注,并帮助解决,越早越好,否则会影响其健康成长,并会出现一些严重后果。【答案解析】76.Teenage depression。本文讲述的青少年在成长过程中会出现情绪压抑一些问题,出现的原因及解决办法。77.can be treated上文讲的是.Teenage depression的危害,下文讲的是解决办法,所以此处应该是“能解决”78.Very sad,despairing or angry。由第三段最后一句可知Depression can destroy the very essence of a teenagers personality, causing an overwhelming sense of sadness,despair,or anger79.dramatic,long lasting changes in personality,mood,or behavior。 文章第四段提到While some“growing pains”are to be expected as teenagers fight with the challenges of growing up,dramatic,long lasting changes in personality, mood,or behavior。80.Take action right away。文章最后提到it still needs to be addressed the sooner the better


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