四年级英语上册《Lesson 18 Lost in the city》导学案冀教版

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四年级英语上册《Lesson 18 Lost in the city》导学案冀教版_第1页
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四年级英语上册《Lesson 18 Lost in the city》导学案冀教版_第2页
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四年级英语上册Lesson 18 Lost in the city导学案冀教版学习目标New words: 听,说: miss live visit meet get 记 忆:at the traffic lights on the left lost 学习重、难点学习重难点:Read the story time fluently 我的学习内容温馨 提示一英译汉 1. Red is stop. 2.Yellow is wait. 3.Green is go. 4.traffic lights 5.The bus stop is here. 6.Here it is. 7.There you are! 8.The bus stop is there. 二每个空填写一个字母,构成单词并译成汉语 1.l_br_ry 2.cl_ssr_ _m 3.n_ _r 4.f_r 5.c_ty 6.tw_nty 7.th_ _ty 8.t_xi三英译汉 1.live 2.miss 3.Miss 4.visit 5.get there 6.on the left 7.Nice house 8.at the traffic lights 9.lost in the city四选择填空 ( )1. Excuse me,where is the Happy Restaurant? Go straight and turn left_the traffic lights It is _the left. A.at.on B.at.in C.on.on( )2.Three plus four is_ A.seven B.eleven C.nine ( )3.Is the library far from here? A.No, it is just up the stairs B.Follow me C.Yes, it is just up the stairs四板书: omit 今天我学会的单词有_重点句子有:_。总体表现(优、良、差),愉悦指数(高兴、一般、痛苦)读课文,认读单词,掌握基本知识。 小组讨论,归纳课文重点,并作出正确的笔记。巩固新知测评反馈归纳总结 评价


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