一年级英语上册教案 Unit 1 第二课时

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一年级英语上册教案 Unit 1 第二课时一、教学说明:1学生已经慢慢进入了学习英语的状态,好奇心逐渐被学习的热情所取代。 2他们已经能用Hi, hello, how are you?Good morning等句式来进行问好。 3学生在入学前,或多或少知道一些学生用品,如pen, pencil等,但他们可能对出现的单词卡片不是很了解。 二、教学内容1)认知内容:a.单词book, ruler达到“三会” 要求。b.能听懂并会说祈使句Stand up, please. Sit down, please. Open your book, please和Close your book, please. 2)能力要求:在学习和生活中能用所学祈使句表述自己的意愿,同时对这些命令作出反应。3)情感态度: 学会用please礼貌的表达自己的意愿。三、教学步骤:PROCEDURESCONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSEI.Pre-task preparation:warming up1. Listen and try to sing a song2. Greetings. e.g.: Hello, Hi, Good morning. 3. Students show a short dialogue in pairs.e.g.: Hi, Mary. How are you? Fine, thank you.学生在聆听中感知歌曲的旋律和歌词的大意,为进一步学习歌曲做好准备II.While-task procedure:Words teaching: book, bag. 1. Students sing the song again. Present the new words.e.g.: Teacher shows the object and ask: What is it? Students may say: bag, book.2. Sing the song again.Encourage students to sing better.3. Show the word cards and read. 4. Listen and read after the tape. 5. Quick response.在歌曲中引出单词,在教学单词的过程中复唱歌曲,既学会了歌曲,也掌握了单词。在快速反应的游戏中让学生巩固单词。mands teaching 1: Stand up, please. Sit down, please.1.Show the puppet and model to students.e.g.: Kitty, hands up, please. Stand up, please.Book down, please.2.Repeat the mands and ask the students to act them.Stand up, please. Sit down, please.TPs Pn-Ps3. A pitition. Who is the fastest one?教师通过手,身体或学习用品的上和下,让学生体会Up和Down的含义, 进而教学祈使句Stand up, please. Sit down, please.建议教师在学生之间操练熟练的基础上进行比赛,看看谁的反应快。mands teaching 2: Open your book, please. Close your book , please.1.Teacher introduces Oxford English Book1A to students. 2.Ask them to open and close the book.3.Listen to the tape and repeat.4.Say the rhyme as following:Close, close, close your book. Open, open, open your book.建议用学生身边的实物操练,如Open the door, close the widow, 让学生感知Open和Close的不同。III.Post-task activity:A game: Play a game: Simon Says.教师清晰地向学生介绍游戏的规则。V. Assignment:Listening and speaking1.Listen to the tape, say and act Page 2.2.Play the game (Simon Says) with their family让学生在与家人的游戏中分享学习英语的快乐。四、教学提示:1.媒体准备:布娃娃,图片,录音机,书,包等2.教学关注点:1)关注整体认读卡片单词book和bag。2)关注单词stand和sit所含元音的发音,同时注意学生朗读祈使句的语音语调。3) Imitation时用不同的音高或音调来机械操练单词和词组;如:low / high / soft / tender 4) 指令性的知识学生刚刚接触,在教学中让学生在情景中学习,学生会在一定的情境当中运用这些指令;3.资料分享: 1)小博士英语歌曲中有一首,这里我们可以改变歌词,如下: One, two, three, four. Stand up, please. Five, six, seven, eight. Sit down, please. One, two, three, four. Stand, stand up. Five, six, seven, eight. Sit, sit down. 2)剑桥少儿英语第一级(第三版)上册第17页有一首有关课堂用语的儿歌,而且可以有一定的拓展。4.设计思路:歌曲的学习引出单词,学生在唱唱说说中巩固单词;祈使句的教学结合动作游戏,学生在说说做做中运用句型。5.教学反思:1)有关祈使句的教学可以结合课堂用语进行,期间可以不断变换角色, 保证所有的学生都能参与语言学习,营造良好的英语课堂氛围。2)Simon says的游戏很受学生喜欢,但在开始时效果一般,但随着学生英语知识的丰富和不断熟悉游戏规则,游戏所起的教学效果会越发明显。


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