新概念2 第56课 课件PPT学习教案

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会计学13) The river _ be clean.goldgoldenwouldused toused to第1页/共65页to/ofoftoin第2页/共65页第3页/共65页第4页/共65页n. 任何声音都可以任何声音都可以n. 人的声音人的声音n. 和周围不和谐的声音和周围不和谐的声音, 躁音躁音第5页/共65页It excited me that 让我激动的是让我激动的是第6页/共65页第7页/共65页第8页/共65页第9页/共65页第10页/共65页第11页/共65页第12页/共65页第13页/共65页第14页/共65页第15页/共65页第16页/共65页第17页/共65页第18页/共65页nspeed up nslow down 减速减速第19页/共65页第20页/共65页downhill rivalpeedcourse heelhandsomesoundsexcitementexplosion第21页/共65页 How often is a race held for old cars? Which was the most unusual car entering for the race? What speed did the winning car reach? What did the writer say about the old car race in comparison with modern car races?第22页/共65页Once a year, a race is held for old cars. A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began.第23页/共65页Once a year, a race is held for old cars. A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began.第24页/共65页Once a year, a race is held for old cars. A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began.be held for 为为而举行而举行A meeting will be held for discussing the problem.明天要召开一个会议来讨论这明天要召开一个会议来讨论这个问题。个问题。第25页/共65页Once a year, a race is held for old cars. A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began.报名参加报名参加She will enter for a beauty contest.她将参加选美比赛。她将参加选美比赛。第26页/共65页Once a year, a race is held for old cars. A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began.第27页/共65页applesa great manya great deal ofa lot ofplenty ofa great number ofmany aa great manyplenty ofa lot ofa great number ofmany aplenty ofa lot ofa great deal of第28页/共65页第29页/共65页第30页/共65页第31页/共65页第32页/共65页第33页/共65页第34页/共65页第35页/共65页第36页/共65页built引导的过去分引导的过去分词短语起状语的作词短语起状语的作用,说明动作发生用,说明动作发生的背景或情况。的背景或情况。第37页/共65页it was the oldest car taking part in the racetake part in 参加某参加某种活动种活动第38页/共65页_ a year, a race is _ old cars. _ of cars entered _ this race last year and there was _ excitement just before it began.第39页/共65页第40页/共65页第41页/共65页第42页/共65页break down 车子抛锚,车子抛锚,(机械等)出故障(机械等)出故障This morning I was late for work, because my car broke down twice.今天早上我上班迟到了,今天早上我上班迟到了,因为我的车坏了两次。因为我的车坏了两次。第43页/共65页under the car指在车下面修理指在车下面修理in the car指正常驾驶指正常驾驶I spent almost 2 hours under the car, but only 15 minutes in the car!我花了将近我花了将近2个小时修理,个小时修理,却只开了却只开了15分钟的车。分钟的车。第44页/共65页第45页/共65页第46页/共65页第47页/共65页第48页/共65页Text book P262第49页/共65页a little faster第50页/共65页第51页/共65页第52页/共65页第53页/共65页at the end of 在在的末尾的末尾/最后部分最后部分他在会议要结束的时候,讲了几句话。他在会议要结束的时候,讲了几句话。He spoke a few words at the end of the meeting.第54页/共65页have trouble (in) doing sth. 干干有麻烦,做有麻烦,做很困难很困难They had some trouble finding out the cause of the fire.他们在找出火灾的原因的时候遇到了他们在找出火灾的原因的时候遇到了困难。困难。第55页/共65页第56页/共65页第57页/共65页第58页/共65页第59页/共65页第60页/共65页be different from 和和不同不同和和相同相同be the same as 第61页/共65页than modern car races.第62页/共65页第63页/共65页 令某人激动的是令某人激动的是以以的速度的速度参加某种活动参加某种活动参加某种活动参加某种活动车子抛锚,(机械等)出故障车子抛锚,(机械等)出故障在在的末尾的末尾/最后部分最后部分干干有麻烦,做有麻烦,做很困难很困难给某人带来欢乐给某人带来欢乐和和相同相同和和不同不同仍然,依旧,还是仍然,依旧,还是第64页/共65页


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