八年级英语Unit1 How often do you exercise新课标 人教版英语是在练习中体会和提高的。我们要去发现语言的美,去享受语言给我们带来的快乐,用语言去打开了解其他国家丰富文化和现代化科技知识的大门。Topics for discussion: Did you think anything about how you could learn English better? What was your plan for the vacation? How did you spend it? Where did you go to travel?Was there anything interesting or you still remember very well now?What is your plan for the new term?总结上期的工作:早自习时,大部分的同学都能利用好早自习的时间,但是有的同学们还未养成自觉朗读英语的习惯,对科代表的依赖性太大。没有科代表带读时,就不知如何充分利用好时间。课堂表现良好。但是举手发言的学生的面还比较窄。而且课上表演的对话的质量还有待提高。提高的方法:除了模仿书本这一基础步骤以外,还需要同学们动脑筋以使所编对话经可能接近真实的语境。问问题的学生相对比较集中。(学习的一般步骤:发现问题,分析问题,解决问题。)课文的背诵和单词的记忆不应只是在考试前抓,应该是在平时就养成的学习英语的一个良好的习惯。对平时的学习资料的整理工作对错题集缺乏应有的重视。在讲评练习时,对答案的重视程度超过了对知识本身的重视程度。该备有的学习用具:字典,同步的语法书,与自己的英语水平相当的阅读资料大部分的活动将以寝室为单位完成。每个寝室由寝室成员民主选举产生该寝室英语学习负责人。该负责人负责英语课文的背诵及其它的一些英语活动。作业的上交:按组交,科代表只认组长,如果由于组长的疏忽而遗漏了未交作业的学生名单,组长操行分扣1分/次。作业在课代表提醒两次以上仍未交者,一次扣操行分1分。作业本的分类:听写本、作业本值日报告第二天选举各寝室的负责人。(5分钟)完成调查表。(8分钟)1aWhat do the people in the pictures usually do on weekends?New words: exercise, go skateboarding1bDo you always read English in the morning?Do you usually go shopping?Do you often exercise?Do you sometimes go to the movies?Do you ever go skateboarding?Do you ever go to France?New words: hardly ever, neverListen to the tape.1c: PairworkWhat do you do on weekends?What books do you read?What music do you listen to?What do you have for breakfast?What do you do when it is hot?Where do you go when your parents are not at home?When do you get up in the morning?What is your mother like?今天由于没有电脑,我就开展了与学生之间的一对一的问答练习。开始时还不错,但到后来就显得枯燥和单一。所以,如果用电脑,较好的方法是讲问题打在投影仪上,让学生之间进行问答练习。在5班上了第一节正课后的感受是:一定要努力自始至终地抓住学生的注意力,同时要保持课堂的快节奏,不给学生开小差的时间和机会。Do you often do morning exercise?Do you do it on Monday morning?(write the first stroke of Chinese character zheng.)Tuesday ? (write the second stroke of Chinese character zheng.).So you need to do morning exercise 5 times a week.Do you have an English class on Monday?( Is there cctv news on cctv channel 1 at 7 p.m every day? )We have chinese classes 6 times a week.music classes 2 times a week.nWhen can you have a 2-day weekend?You can have that one time a month.When do you have childens day?Once a year.When do women have womens day?When do westerners celebrate christmas?.once a year.We do morning exercise 6 times a week.We have English classes 7 times a week.We have physics 3 times a week.We have information classes 2 times a week.We have music classes 1 time a week.We have lunch every day.We have a 2-day weekend 1 time a month.Children can enjoy Childrens Day 1 time a year.Chinese people enjoy spring festival 1 time a year.次数:1次, 2次, 3 / 4 / 5次, 很多次 once, twice, 3 / 4 / 5 times, many times( 2 meanings of time : )频率:1天/星期/月/ 年 1 / 2 / 3/ 4 / 5次 once / twice / 3,4,5 times a day/ week / month / yearWe do morning exercise 6 times a week.We have English classes 6 times a week.We have physics 3 times a week.We have information classes twice a week.We have music classes once a week.We have lunch every day.We have a 2-day weekend once a month.Children can enjoy Childrens Day once a year.Chinese people enjoy spring festival once a year.How often do you do morning exercise?How often do you have English classes?How often do you have physics classes?How often do you ?go to visit your grandparentsread English in the morninggo to a bookstorego to a parkplay ping ponggo to KFCgo shoppingonce / twice / 3,4,5 times a day/ week / month / yearSection B 讲课的顺序可以有所改动:先让学生练习听力当中的问题,然后再做听力练习。这样有利于降低听力的难度,也避免了2c部分的重复练习。听力当中的2a和2b的顺序也该调换,这样便于选出2a部分的争取答案。