2022年高考英语二轮复习 第二部分 专题五 形容词和副词练习

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2022年高考英语二轮复习 第二部分 专题五 形容词和副词练习_第1页
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2022年高考英语二轮复习 第二部分 专题五 形容词和副词练习在下列空白处填入所给单词的适当形式1.(xx安徽卷)Im so_(gratefulness)to all those volunteers because they helped my terrible day end happily.2.(xx福建卷)It was _ (consider)of Michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried.3.(xx浙江卷)Most of us,if we know even a little about where our food es from,understand that every bite put into our mouths was _( former)alive.4.(xx大纲全国卷)Raymonds parents wanted him to have _ (good) possible education.5.(xx福建卷)With online shopping increasingly popular,the Internet is seen as an _ (efficiency) way of reaching target customers.6.(xx安徽卷)My good performance in the job interview left me _ (optimism) about my future and about what I can do here.7.(xx湖北卷)What was so _ (impress) about Jasmine Westlands victory was that she came first in the marathon barefooted.8.(xx湖北卷)Instead of blaming the child who had broken the vase,she gave him a _ (tolerate) smile and let him go.9.(xx浙江卷)The aim of education is to teach young people to think for themselves and not follow others _ (blind).10.(xx湖北卷)Hardly had Sabrina finished her words when Albert said _ (sharp),“Dont be so mean”,pointing a finger of warning at her.11.(xx新课标全国卷)Tony can hardly boil an egg,still _ (little) cook dinner.12.(xx福建卷)Those poor and needy teenagers were excited to find a shop at the corner where they could buy _ (afford) priced bikes.13.(xx浙江卷)If we leave right away,_ (hope) well arrive on time.14.(xx辽宁卷)Everything seemed to be going _ (smooth) for the first two days after I moved to New York.15.(xx新课标全国卷)It may not be a great suggestion.But before a _ (good) one is put forward,well make do with it.16.(xx天津卷)I think watching TV every evening is a waste of timethere are _ (meaningful) things to do.17.(xx辽宁卷)This is by far _ (inspiring) movie that I have ever seen.18.(xx福建卷)Anyone,whether he is an official or a bus driver,should be _ (equal) respected.19.(xx新课标全国卷)Mr.Stevenson is great to work forI really couldnt ask for a _ (good) boss.20.(xx四川卷)How was your recent trip to Sichuan?Ive never had a _ (pleasure) one before.答案1.grateful2.considerate3.formerly4.the best 5.efficient6.optimistic7.impressive8.tolerant 9.blindly10.sharply11.less12.affordably13.hopefully14.smoothly15.better16.more meaningful 17.the most inspiring18.equally19.better20.more pleasing/pleasant.在下列空白处填入形容词或副词的适当形式1.Im not a little tired today after giving the room a thorough cleaning and I have never had as _ (tire) a day as today.2.Excuse me,may I have a word with Mr.Jackson?Im afraid hes not _ (availability) now.Hes having a meeting upstairs.3.Early experiences taught me not to be overly _ (enthusiasm) about shopping by mobile phone because there is a high risk of being cheated.4.Why are you so _ (desperation) to get the part-time job,Joseph?I am in great need of money to support myself through college.5.These oranges are only a dollar.Well,they are _ (cheap) than others,but they dont look as good.6.Our physics teacher is as humorous as he is intelligent.It could never be _ (true).Im crazy about him.7.Of the two digital cameras,I would prefer the _ (small) one,which is very easy for me to carry.8.The weather isnt good enough for an outing,is it?Not in the least.We cant have a _ (bad) day at this time of the year.9.The _ (much) medicine I take,the worse I seem to feel.10.Could you _ (possible) take care of my dog while Im away?Sure.Leave it to me,please.11.Although I majored in English,language _ (surprising) became a challenge when I set foot in the USA for the first time.12.To be a “tough girl”means you are not only _ strong,but also mentally independent.13.Interest is as vital to learning as the ability to understand,even _ (much) so.14.With the word “PM 2.5” _ (constant) appearing in media reports,people pay greater attention to it and seek health tips for smoggy days.15.Do you work in a hospital?_ (actual),I work for a private clinic here in town.16.Have you got accustomed to your new job?Well,yes.Its not as good as I expected,_.17.The boy is excited about the ing music festival and he enjoys pop music _(much).18.After this accident,we are _ (much) concerned with the safety of travelling by highspeed rail.19.Believe in us.We make sure you can get the _ (good) with your money.In other words,you can get your moneys worth.20.Must I do some reading in English every day to improve prehension?Well,you can never read _ much while learning a foreign language.答案1.tiring2.available3.enthusiastic4.desperate 5.cheaper6.truer7.smaller8.worse9.more10.possibly11.surprisingly12.physically13.more14.constantly15.Actually16.though17.most18.more19.best20.too.完成句子1.What a table! Ive never seen such a thing before.It is _(不到两倍) it is long.2.Many people have donated that type of blood,but the blood bank needs _(更多).3.The girl found the T-shirt sold online was _(价格的一半) that in the supermarket.4.Men are equally as good as women at taking care of others;_(甚至更好),male nurses can be a great help in keeping patients still while they receive painful treatment.5.I do think Toms conduct that evening was,_(至少可以说),strange.6.The Yellow Mountain is _(那么著名的) tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year.7.How do you like your new roommate?He is too _(太小气).He never shares his snacks with me.8.Are you content with Ang Lees new film Life of Pi?Not a little._(再也没有比它更好的了).9.Worried about the time _(可以利用的),Mary had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in Beijing.10.Mike did the homework _(三分之一的时间) it took me.答案1.not half/twice as wide as2.more3.half the price of4.better yet/even better/still better/better still5.to say the least6.such a well-known/so well-known a 7.mean 8.It couldnt be any better9.available 10.one-third the time.仿真模拟阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(xx山东省东部四市高三一模)As a man was passing some elephants,he suddenly stopped,confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope _1_ (tie) to their front leg.No chains,no cages._2_ was obvious that the elephants could,at any time,break _3_ from their bonds but for some reason,they did not.He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt _4_ (get) away.“Well,”_5_ trainer said,“when they are very young and much _6_ (small),we use the same size rope to tie them and,at that age,its enough to hold them.As they grow up,they are conditioned to believe the rope _7_ still hold them,so they never try to run free.”The man was amazed.These animals could at any time escape from their bonds but _8_ they believed they couldnt,they were stuck right where they were.Like the elephants,how many of us go through life _9_ (hang) onto a belief that we cannot do something,_10_ (simple) because we failed at it once before?Failure is part of learning;we should never give up the struggle in life.【语篇解读】本文通过大象被绳子拴住却不挣脱的现象告诉我们:不要固步自封,不要因为担心失败而放弃拼搏。1.tied考查非谓语动词。大象仅由一根系在前腿的小绳拴住。rope和tie之间是动宾关系,故此处用过去分词表被动。2.It考查代词。显而易见,大象在任何时候都能够挣脱绳子。分析句子成分可知,It在句中作形式主语,that引导的从句是真正的主语。3.away考查动词短语。break away from.“从突然挣脱,从逃脱”。4.to get考查非谓语动词。他看见附近有位驯兽师,就问为什么这些动物只是站在那里而不试图逃跑呢?make attempts to do sth“试图做某事”。5.the考查冠词。这位驯兽师说:“当它们还年幼、较小时,我们使用同样大小的绳子拴住它们。”此处用定冠词the表示特指。6.smaller考查形容词比较级。much修饰形容词比较级。7.can考查情态动词。当它们长大时,它们就习惯地认为绳子依然能够拴住它们。此处用情态动词can表示一般的能力。8.because考查原因状语从句。这些大象在任何时候都能够挣脱绳子,但是因为它们认为不能,所以它们就待在原处。9.hanging考查非谓语动词。此处应用现在分词作伴随状语。10.simply考查副词。仅仅是因为我们曾经失败过吗?此处应用副词作状语。


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