2022年高中英语 Unit1 Careers and skills Language points教案 牛津译林版选修11

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2022年高中英语 Unit1 Careers and skills Language points教案 牛津译林版选修11_第1页
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2022年高中英语 Unit1 Careers and skills Language points教案 牛津译林版选修111. which jobs are better suited to you 1) suit to 使与相适合e.g. A good teacher suits his lessons to the age of his students. 2) be suit to 适合,适宜e.g. Do you think David is suited to teaching?2. In reality, these people have to in reality 实际上,相当于in facte.g. The salesman always appeared very confident, but in reality (in fact), he was a shy and nervous young man.3. They are also under huge pressure to appear young and beautiful. under pressure 在压力下e.g. Jim doesnt work well under pressure.4. who clear up our rubbish. 1) clear up 整理;完成;收拾e.g. Would you clear up this room before our visitors arrive? 2) 解释;寻找答案;使明了 to clear up a misunderstanding 解除误会 3) 了结;结束;变缓和e.g. I hope your troubles clear up soon. 我希望你的困难尽快了结。5. These people, who perform such ordinary but vital tasks, allow others to go about their daily lives. go about something 继续做某事e.g. All the employees at the pany are going about their business as usual despite the threat of bankruptcy.6. Another advantage of having male nurses is that they see things from a different angle than women and bring a male way of thinking to solving problems.bringto 意为 “把带到”, to是介词,后接名词或动名词。e.g. Jacks original ideas brought hope to setting the traffic problem in the city centre.7. Find the letter which you chose the most often and look at the description which corresponds with it on the next page.correspond with 意为 “和相对应;与相符合”。e.g. Any educational programme must correspond with government requirements.Useful expressions1. 考虑一个工作的方方面面 consider all the aspects of a job2. 事实上 in reality/in fact/actually/as a matter of fact3. 把所有的行李都塞进行李箱或大箱子 with all the baggage packed in suitcases or trunks4. 保有普通的、不那么令人向往的工作来养活自己 hold ordinary, less glamorous jobs to support oneself5. 应对无休止的媒体关注 deal with constant media attention6. 过日子,在日常生活中 go through our daily lives7. 清理垃圾 clear up rubbish8. 做普通但重要的工作 perform ordinary but vital tasks9. 有助于社会运作 help society functionHomework:Read the passage again after class and recite the difficult and important points.


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