2022年高考英语一轮复习 BookII Unit3教学案 人教大纲版

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2022年高考英语一轮复习 BookII Unit3教学案 人教大纲版单元考查重点及热点Unit 3单词preference design furniture taste heater modern convenient block apartment stand passage ugly construct construction unnatural steel impress roof unfriendly create sail stadium net belong paint aside workshop rent development teahouse短语act as fill up with. belong to set aside句型过去分词作状语Unit 4单词poem poetry poet intention recite mad pattern dialogue sort loneliness sadness grammar absence district atmosphere introduction translate translation tale remend shade dust apart contribute短语put.together play with call up stand out light up e into being send for contribute to.句型1.A is to B what C is to D.2.连词+过去分词作状语This food tastes nice.这食物味道很好。This soup tastes strongly of onion.这汤洋葱味太浓。This chocolate tastes like soap.这巧克力味道像肥皂。This soup has a sour taste.这汤有酸味。She has developed a taste for Chinese art.她爱上了中国艺术。She has excellent taste in jewelry.她对珠宝有很好的鉴赏力。链接提示 taste作连系动词时,后面跟形容词,不能用被动语态,不能用进行时态。练:When you are ill,you cant taste_ .Even the food you like best taste _.A.proper;bad B.properly;badC.proper;badly D.properly;badly提示:第一个tatse为不及物动词,后接副词作状语;第二个taste为连系动词,后跟形容词作表语。答案:B2.design讲: 可用作动词(vi. vt.&n.)和名词。主要义项有“设计;筹划;预定;图案;目的”。例:The novelist designed a good plot.那位小说家拟定了一个好情节。She designed to be a teacher.她打算要当教师。This dictionary is designed for college students.本辞典是供大学生使用的。The laws were designed to protect children.那些法律是为了保护儿童而制定的。This book is designed as an introduction to literature.这本书是要用作文学入门读物的。This building is of poor design.这栋建筑物设计不好。Whether by accident or design,he arrived too late to help us.无论是意外或故意,他到得太迟了,帮不上我们的忙。链接提示 注意design作动词和名词时和介词for的搭配。练:In recent years,a series of landmark buildings_ by international architects have been set up in Beijing.A.designed B.to be designedC.designing D.having designed提示:本题考查非谓语动词的用法。从谓语have been set up in Beijing的时态判断,design的动作已经发生,所以使用过去分词短语作后置定语表被动动作的完成。答案:A3.impress讲:impress可用动词(vt.)和名词。主要义项有“使铭记,给以印象;盖印;压印;印记;铭刻;印象;痕迹;特征”。讲:动词搭配:impress sth. on sb.impress sb.with sth.例:The accident impressed on me the necessity of observing regulations.那次事故使我深感遵守规则的必要。He impressed me with the need to work hard.他使我深知努力工作的必要。He impressed me as honest.(=His honesty impressed me.或He impressed me with his honesty.)他以诚实给我留下了印象。He impressed the max with the designs.(=He impressed the designs on the max.)他在蜡上压印那些图案。Time has left its impress upon him.时代给他留下了痕迹。链接提示 比较impress“印记”和impression“印记;印象”的意思区别。 His speech made a strong impression on us. 他的讲话给我们留下深刻印象。 What was your first impression of our city? 你对我们城市的第一印象如何?练:The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for EXPO xx is strongly impressed _ my memory.A.to B.over C.by D.on提示:根据短语be impressed on“给留下印象”,选择D。答案:D4.convenient讲:adj.方便的;适宜的;合适的;在近处的;近便的短语:be convenient to/for.例:convenient tools 便利的工具a convenient time to meet 会面的适宜时间if it is convenient to/for you 如果对你来说方便的话Is/Would Monday be convenient for/to you?星期一对你来说方便吗?It wont be convenient for me to see you tomorrow.明天去见你对我不方便。This knife is very convenient for general purposes.这把小刀适合于一般的用途。My house is convenient to/for the shopping center.我的家靠近购物中心。链接提示 convenient主语不能是人。例如:如果你方便的话,英语应表达为:if it is convenient to/for you,而不应表达为:if you are convenient。练:(经典回放)e and see me whenever_.A.you are convenient B.you will be convenientC.it is convenient to you D.it will be convenient to you提示:本题检测形容词convenient的用法。it is convenient to you是英语中常用的客套语,用于描述情况,而不用于描述人。应特别注意排除汉语的干扰,因在汉语中通常说“在你方便的时候”。答案:C短语1.set aside 讲:短语动词set aside的意思有“储存;搁置一边;忽视”。例:Ive set aside some money for the journey.我为那趟旅行存了一些钱。He set all offers aside.所有的提议他都置之不理。She tried to set aside some time each day to read to her children.她尽量每天留出一定时间给孩子读书。I cant set aside my personal feelings pletely.我无法完全撇开个人情感。链接拓展 set about,set out都有“开始,着手”之意,但前者后接名词或动名词,而后者常接不定式。 We set about cleaning/set out to clean the house. 我们着手打扫房子。 set back 拨慢;阻碍 He set back his watch three minutes. 他将表拨慢三分钟。 set off 使爆发;燃放(烟火等);发射 The joke set us off laughing. 那个笑话引我们大笑。 set up 竖立;设立;开办;使康复 A few weeks stay in the countryside will set her up. 在乡下住几星期将使她康复。练:Youd better _ some money for special use.A.pick up B.set aside C.put off D.give away提示:本句话的意思为“你最好留点钱,以备不测”,所以使用set aside表示“储存”。答案:B2.belong to 属于讲:该短语的意思为及物动词短语,to为介词。例:The car belongs to my uncle.这辆车是我叔叔的。Who does this bag belong to?这个提包是谁的?I belong to the tennis club.我是这个网球俱乐部的会员。Please take away all the things in the room belonging to you,will you?请把这间房子里属于你的东西都搬走好吗?链接提示 该短语含有持续的过程这一意思,因此不能用于进行时态,也不能用于被动语态。常用belong to的-ing形式作定语。练:Do you know which door_?A.this key is belonged to B.this key is belonging toC.this key belongs to D.does this key belong to提示:which引导一个宾语从句,用陈述语序;belong to不用进行时。答案:C句型过去分词作宾补讲:注意观察下列教材原句:Every great culture in the past had its own ideas of beauty expressed in art and architecture.以往历史上的每一种伟大的文化,都有其审美观念在艺术和建筑之中体现。When you look around at buildings,streets,squares and parks,you will find them designed,planned and built in different styles.当你环顾周围的建筑、街道、广场和公园时,你会发现它们是用不同的风格设计、规划和建造起来的。They wanted their buildings constructed in a way to look unnatural.他们要把自己的建筑物建成不合自然的模样。Frank Lloyd Wright,who built an art museum in New York,found himself inspired by Japanese seashells.弗兰克劳埃德赖特设计了纽约的艺术博物馆,是日本的海贝壳激发了他的灵感。注意以上各句的画线部分谓语结构为v.+宾语+宾补,而且都是过去分词作宾补,和宾语之间为逻辑的动宾关系,表示被动的意思。find sb. doing sth.“发现某人做某事”;find sth.done表示“发现某事(被)做成了”。这里的doing和done都是宾语补足语,doing表示主动,done表示被动。另外,find还可以跟介词短语的复合结构:I hope to find you in better spirits when we meet again.希望再次见到你时,你的精神会好些。She found her uncle on the point of leaving the market.她发现她叔叔正要离开市场。例:I made myself understood in French.我用法语使人了解了我的意思。The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see carried out the next year.经理讨论了他们下一年想要执行的计划。When he returned from abroad,he found his hometown so changed that he couldnt recognize it.他从国外回来时,发现故乡变化如此之大,以至于无法辨认了。链接提示 注意非谓语动词作宾补时的区别:及物动词的过去分词作宾补时,表被动,说明宾语是过去分词动作的承受者;而不定式、v.-ing形式作宾补时,表主动,说明宾语是补足语的动作执行者。不及物动词的过去分词作宾补时,表动作的完成,说明分词的动作发生在谓语动作之前;不定式作宾补时,一般表示不定式的动作在谓语动作之后发生,但动词feel,see,hear,watch,smell,taste,notice,observe后的不定式作宾补时(不定式的to须省略),表示不定式动作的全过程;而v.-ing形式作宾补时,表示动作正在进行。练:Mr. Smith was much surprised to find the watch he had had_ was nowhere to be seen.A.it B.it repaired C.repaired D.to be repaired提示:注意分析本句话的句子结构,he had had _为定语从句,修饰先行词the watch,定语从句的引导词that作had had的宾语而省略了。所以此处用过去分词repaired作宾语补足语。答案:C辨析1.stand,bear,put up withstand忍耐;忍受bear忍耐;忍受;容忍put up with忍受即时练习:Why did Bob cry?He couldnt bear _ like that before the whole class.A.making fun of B.being made fun ofC.to be laughed at D.being made fun提示:动词bear后跟v.-ing形式作宾语,且此处应该使用被动形式。答案:B2.rent,employ,take on,hirerent租用;出租employ雇用;使用take on雇用;呈现hire 租用(=rent);雇用(=employ)即时练习:The police had to _ force in order to break up the crowd.A.take on B.rent C.employ D.hire提示:此处用employ表示“利用”。答案:C诱思:实例点拨【例1】 (xx重庆模拟) Daddy didnt mind what we were doing,as long as we were together, _fun.A.had B.have C.to have D.having提示:句意:父亲并不介意我们正在干什么,只要我们在一起玩得高兴就行。由句中were可知A、B项不对。C项表示即将发生,而由上句we were doing可知下句表动作正在进行。答案:D【例2】 (xx福建模拟) If anyone happens to drop in while I am out, _him or her leave a message.A.have B.get C.ask D.tell提示:get,ask,tell后都应该加sb.to do.,而have sb.do sth“让某人做某事”为固定结构。答案:A讲评:在学习中要注意动词的固定用法,尤其是同义词的不同结构。【例3】 (xx辽宁模拟) Could you please tell me where you bought the shoes you _ yesterday?A.tried on B.put on C.had on D.pulled on提示:句意为“您能不能告诉我你昨天穿的那双鞋是在哪儿买的?”try on试穿,put on穿上,戴上(强调动作),have on穿上,戴上(强调状态),pull on拉上、戴上(强调动作)所以合题意的只有have on。答案:C讲评:对于这一组近义词要从“动作”和“状态”上去区别,然后再分析句子的意思。【例4】 (xx江西模拟) _ and no way to reduce her pain and suffering from the terrible disease,the patient sought her doctors help to end her life.A.Having given up hope of cure B.With no hope for cureC.There being hope for cure D.In the hope of cure提示:由and前后结构一致可知,应选With no hope for cure。答案:B讲评:在英语结构中,并列的成分在形式上要一致。


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