(课标通用)甘肃省2019年中考英语总复习 模拟测试1

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2019年中考模拟测试(一)(时间:120分钟满分:150分).听力理解(分5小节,共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)第一节:听句子,选择与所听内容或语境相关的信息。每个句子读两遍。1.My favorite pet is a cat.2.Too much water is bad for a plant.3.Please silent your phone.4.The girl is very polite.5.Mrs.Smith plays the violin very well.1.答案A2.答案C3.答案B4.A.Polite. B.Lazy. C.Brave.答案A5.A.Violin.B.Piano.C.Guitar.答案A第二节:听句子,选出恰当的情景应答语。每个句子读两遍。6.Happy birthday,Daisy!7.May I have your dictionary?8.Im sorry that I shouted at you this morning,Mom.9.Who is not here today?10.How far is your home from the supermarket?6.A.Its bad.B.Thank youC.Youre welcome.答案B7.A.Sure.Here you are.B.Never mind.C.Good luck.答案A8.A.Good idea.B.Sounds great.C.Thats OK.答案C9.A.Linda.B.Its five.C.Sorry,I wont.答案A10.A.You cant miss it.B.Its too long.C.Five minutes walk.答案C第三节:听小对话及问题,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。M:Wang Wei,your English is good enough.W:Oh,thanks.Im interested in learning English.Q:Whats Wang Wei interested in?11.A.Learning English.B.Playing tennis.C.Studying history.答案AW:I didnt see you last weekend.M:Oh,my parents took me to the Old Peoples Home.Q:Where did the boy go last weekend?12.A.To the Childrens Park.B.To the Old Peoples Home.C.To the Movie Theater.答案BM:Welcome to our shop.W:I want to buy a dress for the English party.Q:Who wants to buy a dress?13.A.The waiter.B.The man.C.The woman.答案CW:What kind of noodles would you like,sir?M:Id like a large bowl of beef and tomato noodles.Q:What size bowl of noodles would the man like?14.A.Small.B.Medium.C.Large.答案CW:Hi,Sam.I think your school trip was really interesting.M:Yes,really.We climbed mountains with our teacher.Q:How was Sams school trip?15.A.Terrible.B.Interesting.C.Quiet.答案B第四节:听长对话,根据其内容选出能回答下列问题的最佳答案。对话读两遍。请听第1段材料,回答第16、17小题。M:Hi,Linda!You look busy.What are you doing?W:Im busy!I want to be a volunteer in the student welcome center.Im busy preparing for the work.M:Ah,yes!I saw an advertisement on the wall.Its always so busy there.It was really busy when we first arrived as new students.I cant believe that was 2 years ago!W:Thats right!I cant believe that we came here two years ago!M:I know.Its amazing.16.What does the girl want to be?A.A guide.B.A teacher.C.A volunteer.答案C17.How long have they been in the school?A.For one year.B.For two years.C.For three years.答案B请听第2段材料,回答第18至20小题。M:Hi,Mary.Its Bill speaking!W:Hi,Bill.Sorry,but I am at work.I cant talk too much with you.M:I know,but Im going to the theater.Ive got two tickets for an opera.My friend works at the theater and sometimes he gets free tickets.Would you like to go with me?W:Thanks,Id love to.When is it?M:Tonight.W:Tonight?M:Yes,are you free?W:Im sorry,but Im working late tonight.M:Oh,cant you ask your manager for a leave?W:I can try.M:OK.Bye.18.What does Bill want to invite Mary to do?A.Watch an opera.B.Watch a movie.C.Watch a game.答案A19.Where did Bill get the tickets?A.From the manager.B.From his friend.C.From his sister.答案B20.Which of the following is true?A.Bill works at a movie theatre.B.Mary isnt sure if she can go.C.The manager will go with them.答案B第五节:听短文,根据你所听到的内容填写出下面短文中所缺的信息。短文读三遍。(每空限填一词)Good evening!Welcome to our program MusicStarsaroundtheWorld.Today Im going to introduce a new band called “The Sams”.Have you heard of it yet? This band was set up in America earlier this year.There are five people in the band and they are all teenage boys.More and more people love to listen to their country music,because it has a new style.Their dream is to go on a world tour.Theyve already made three popular CDs.Now,lets enjoy one of their songs.Good evening!Welcome to our program MusicStarsaroundtheWorld.Today Im going to introduce a new 21called “The Sams”.Have you heard of it yet? This band was 22up in America earlier this year.There are five people in the band and they are all 23boys.More and more people love to listen to their country music,because it has a new style.Their dream is to go on a world 24.Theyve already made three 25CDs.Now,lets enjoy one of their songs.答案21.band22.set23.teenage24.tour25.popular.单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下列各题,从题后选项中选择一个最佳答案。26.My favorite is summer.I can swim with my classmates happily.A.monthB.dayC.seasonD.weekend答案C解析summer“夏天”是个季节,故选C项,意为“季节”。27. Jim,your room is untidy.I cant stand it. Sorry Mom.Ill .A.set it up B.clean it up C.put it up D.look it up答案B解析由yourroomisuntidy.“你的房间太脏了”可推知,房间需要打扫,故选B项,cleanup“打扫”。28.If you go fishing,.A.so I willB.so will IC.so I doD.so do I答案B解析该题是if引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时;“so+助动词+主语”表示前面提到的情况也适合后者,故选B项。句意:如果你去钓鱼,我也去。29.After hiking,students talked about .A.what did they getB.what they gotC.what will they getD.what they get答案B解析由题干中的talked可知从句要用过去的某种时态,故选B项。30.David doesnt like rice,his son doesnt,.A.alsoB.tooC.eitherD.not答案C解析由题干中可知戴维不喜欢米饭,他的儿子也不喜欢,故选C项,用于否定句,either“也不”。31.Lily, sweet song it is!Yeah.Its MyHeartwillgoon sung by Celine Dion.A.how B.how a C.what a D.what答案C解析song是可数名词单数,因此本题考查“Whata/an+形容词+单数名词+其他!”的感叹句句式,所以选C项。32.Never give up.The you climb,the you will see.A.highest; farthest B.highly; father C.high; far D.higher; farther答案D解析由题干可知该题考查“the+比较级,the+比较级”结构,意为“越,就越”。故选D项。33.Shi Jiazhuang is really a comfortable city to live in.The weather is pleasant.A.So it is B.So is it C.So it does D.So does it答案A解析由Theweatherispleasant.可知石家庄的天气真的很适合居住,前面句子的谓语动词是is,故选A项。so+主语+be动词/助动词/情态动词,意为“的确如此”。34.To make our dream come true,we should study hard keep in good health. I agree with you.A.not; but B.not only; but also C.neither; nor D.either; or答案B解析由Tomakeourdreamcometrue“为了实现我们的理想”可推知我们不但要好好学习,还要有好的身体,故选B项,意为“不但而且”;而not.but“不是而是”;neither.nor.“既不也不”;either.or“或者或者”,均不符合句意,故排除。35.I to school by bike,but now I .A.used to go; used to drivingB.used to go; am used to driveC.used to going; am used to driveD.used to go; am used to driving答案D解析由butnow“但是现在”可知是与过去比较,故第一空应选择usedtodo,所以选D项。beusedtodoing“习惯于做某事”。36.We use mobile phone when driving cars.A.may not B.shouldnt C.neednt D.mustnt答案D解析whendrivingcars“开车时”,根据常识可知开车时是不准使用移动电话的,故选D项,意为“不允许”。从题中所给的选项A、B、C、D中选出与句子画线部分意义最接近的解释。37.Clean up your classroom!Its at sixes and sevens.A.Its clean.B.Its seven oclock.C.Its empty.D.Its a real mess.答案D解析由Cleanupyourclassroom!“打扫你们的教室!”可知是嫌教室里很脏乱,故选D项,意为“乱糟糟的”。38.Mike takes after his father.Theyre both tall and strong.A.looks likeB.waits for C.takes care ofD.feels excited about答案A解析由Theyrebothtallandstrong.“他们都是又高又壮”可猜测是说迈克和他的父亲长得很像,故选A项,意为“看起来像”。而waitfor“等候”;takecareof“照顾”;feelexcitedabout“感到兴奋的”均不合句意,故排除。39.Youll have a free trip to the Great Wall! Really?Thats music to my ears.I cant wait!A.Thats good news.B.Thats beautiful music.C.Have a good time.D.Im afraid not.答案A解析由Icantwait!“我迫不及待”可知对方带来的这消息不错,故选A项,Thatsgoodnews.“好消息”。40.Although Ms Li is an old lady,she is always in the pink.Yes.Because she exercises every day and eats a balanced diet.A.healthyB.luckyC.beautifulD.creative答案A解析由Becausesheexerciseseverydayandeatsabalanceddiet.“她每天锻炼身体,饮食均衡”可猜测李老太太身体很健康,故选A项,意为:健康的。.完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面两篇短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。AOne place that is very important in my life is my grandmothers house.She41 in a small village in the south of the country.I go there every summer,to visit my grandmother,42 the city and relax.The village is just a group of white houses on a hillside with some shops,and its 43peaceful.One reason why I like it is because its a beautiful place.My grandmother has a lovely garden and we always sit44 the trees,drinking sweet tea and chatting.Its so pleasant.But the main reason why this place is so important to me is 45.She is so kind to me,and wonderful to talk to.Also,shes a great cook and the meals she prepares are simple 46 so fresh and.rich? No,no,I mean tasty.And shes always giving me eh.What do you call47? small plates of food during the day,so I always return home feeling calm and refreshed.and 48!I wouldnt like 49 there,though.I prefer living in the city.Im a city person.I 50live in a small village where everybody knows each other.Id rather live in a busy,exciting place.But I really love visiting the villages for holiday.41.A.livedB.will liveC.livesD.was living答案C解析考查动词时态。她住在南部的一个小村庄,描述一个现在的状态,用一般现在时。故选C项。42.A.get upB.get away fromC.get toD.get ready for答案B解析考查动词短语。“我”每年夏天都去那儿,看望祖母,逃离城市放松一下。getawayfrom远离。getup起床;getto到达;getreadyfor为做准备,都不符合句意。故选B项。43.A.reallyB.quietlyC.onlyD.hardly答案A解析考查副词。它确实很宁静。really“真地,确实”;quietly“安静地”;hardly“几乎不”;only“仅仅”。故选A项。44.A.inB.overC.onD.under答案D解析考查介词。“我们”总是坐在树下,喝甜茶、聊天。under“在下面”。故选D项。45.A.local peopleB.my friendC.my grandmotherD.the teacher答案C解析考查语境。这个地方对“我”很重要的主要原因是“我”的祖母。下文的“she”为“我”做这个做那个,这个“she”就是“我”祖母。故选C项。46.A.orB.andC.soD.but答案D解析考查连词。她是个好厨师,她为“我”准备的食物很简单,但很新鲜、美味。表示转折用but。故选D项。47.A.himB.meC.themD.us答案C解析考查代词。此处代指破折号后的smallplatesoffood,因此用them。故选C项。48.A.fatB.uglyC.bigD.lazy答案A解析考查语境。因此“我”回家后总是感到从容、充满活力和胖了,根据上文的美味食物,可知吃胖了。故选A项。49.A.livingB.to liveC.lovingD.to love答案B解析考查固定用法。但是我不喜欢生活在那儿,wouldliketodosth.“愿意做某事”,live“居住”。故选B项。50.A.dont have toB.couldntC.wouldD.should答案B解析考查情态动词。我不能生活在一个每个人都认识的小村庄。couldnt不能。故选B项。BA Seeing Eye dog is very special.One51 thing about having a Seeing Eye dog is that you can go anywhere in the city safely.I live in Barcelona,Spain.Its a big52,and there are many cars,but my dog Terra goes everywhere 53 me and doesnt let me get hit by a car.Terra also guides me to walk safely in the subway.I have a baby boy,so another good thing is that my dog watches out for54,too.I can put the baby in his stroller,and Terra makes sure we are 55okay.I have had Terra for ten years,and Im happy to have it.51.A.smallB.goodC.badD.unusual 答案B解析考查形容词。small意为“小的”;good“好的”;bad“坏的”;unusual“不寻常的”。联系下文中的“anothergoodthing”可知要用形容词good修饰名词thing,表示“好的事情”。故选B项。52.A.mountainB.villageC.cityD.room答案C解析考查名词。根据上文中的地方名字Barcelona(巴塞罗那)以及下文中的“inthesubway(地铁)”可知,它是一个大城市,并且有许多汽车。mountain“高山”;village“村庄”;city“城市”;room“房间”。故选C项。53.A.likeB.forC.behindD.with答案D解析考查介词。like意为“像一样”;for“为了”;behind“在的后面”;with“和一起”。根据下文“Terraalsoguidesmetowalksafelyinthesubway.”可知,作者是个盲人,外出去任何地方,离不开导盲犬的帮助,故用with。故选D项。54.A.himB.usC.themD.her答案A解析考查代词。根据上文中的ababyboy可知:这里要用人称代词的宾格him,做介词for的宾语。故选A项。55.A.allB.bothC.stillD.just答案B解析考查代词。句意:我可以把我的宝宝放在婴儿车上,导盲犬Terra确保我们都安全没事。all用作代词,表示“三者或三者以上都”;both用作代词,表示“两者都”;still用作副词,意为“仍然”;just用作副词,意为“刚刚,恰好”。根据Icanputthebaby可知是指:导盲犬确保我和我的小婴儿都安全。故用both。故选B项。.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)ATicket InformationName:WolfWarriors2 (2017)Kind:Action/War/MilitaryCountries:ChinaRelease date:2017-7-28 ChinaDate:13th August 21st AugustMon Fri 10 am,7 pmSatSun 10 am,2 pm,7 pmPlace:EVERYMAN CINEMADuration:123 minutesPrices:$6 per child or adult (day shows)$6.5 per child or adult (evening shows)Packages:$8 for 2 tickets for 2 children;$11 for 2 tickets for 2 adults (day shows)$9 for 2 tickets for 2 children$12 for 2 tickets for 2 adults (evening shows)Tickets for children below three are free.56.What kind of movie does WolfWarriors2 belong to?A.An action and documentary movie.B.An action,war and documentary movie.C.A comedy and military movie.D.A military,action and war movie.答案D解析推理判断题。由Kind:Action/War/Military可知,这部影片应该是动作片、战争片和军事题材的片子。故选D项。57.If your mother is free only in the afternoon,she can watch this movie on .A.SundayB.MondayC.ThursdayD.Friday答案A解析细节理解题。根据表格左栏中的电影放映时间可知:这部电影在周一到周五只在上午和晚上放映;在周六和周日下午两点加演一场。故推断她可以在星期天观看这部影片。故选A项。58.How long will the movie last?A.About 1 hour.B.About 1.5 hours.C.Abut 2 hours.D.About 3 hours.答案C解析细节理解题。根据表格中的电影放映时间可知:这部电影片长123分钟,即大约两个小时。故选C项。59.A nine-year-old boy and his seven-year old sister go to see WolfWarriors2,they should spend buying the cheapest tickets in the day.A.$ 8B.$9C.$11D.$12答案A解析细节理解题。根据表格右栏票价中的“¥8for2ticketsfor2children(dayshows)”可知:在白天观看该部电影,两个孩子团体购票是8美元。故选A项。60.Parents should pay at least if they go with their 2-year-old son in the evening.A.$ 9B.$12C.$21D.$18.5答案B解析推理判断题。根据表格中的“$12for2ticketsfor2adults(eveningshows)Ticketsforchildrenbelowthreearefree.”可知,晚上的电影票两个成年人的团购票是12美元,年龄小于三岁的孩子免费,故可以计算出这一家三口需要付费12美元。故选B项。BBikes are popular in the Dutch(荷兰).In fact,nearly half of all travel in the Dutch is by bike.Now one Dutch bike designer(设计师),Thomas,has taken the countrys interest in bikes by making a school bus bike.The big bike has eight seats of pedals(踏板) for kids,a driver seat for an adult,and three other seats,comfortably letting little kids for their trip to and from school.The bike even has a motor,which can help with high hills or at times when few kids on it.So far,Thomas tells fast Company,hes sold 25 school-bikes,at a price of $25000 eachless than it would cost to buy a traditional school bus with the same number of seats.Along with the traditional color,the bikes are colored yellow so that they can be seen easily.Thomas says hes sold school bus bikes to neighboring countries such as Beigium,England and Germany,but so far,the school bus bike hasnt been sold in the United States.And the U.S.agrees to buy this kind of school bus bike;it could do a lot of good to improve exercise for a young age and help them keep healthy.61.How do people in the Dutch usually go to work?A.By car.B.By bus.C.By bike.D.On foot.答案C解析细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知,荷兰人通常骑自行车去上班。故选C项。62.How many seats does the school bus bike have?A.Three.B.Eight.C.Nine.D.Twelve.答案D解析推理判断题。根据短文第二段第一句可知,学校公共汽车自行车有八个孩子座位、一个司机座位和三个其他的座位,共有12个座位。故选D项。63.The school buses are yellow in the Dutch because.A.the color yellow is easy to paintB.yellow buses can be seen easilyC.yellow is the national color of DutchD.its the designers favorite color 答案B解析细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“thebikesarecoloredyellowsothattheycanbeseeneasily”可知,校车被涂成黄色的目的是为了被清楚地看到。故选B项。64.Which country of the following hasnt bought a school bus bike?A.America.B.Germany.C.England.D.Belgium.答案A解析细节理解题。根据第四段第一句中的“.butsofar,theschoolbusbikehasntbeensoldintheUnitedStates”可知,这种车至今没有在美国销售。故选A项。65.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Thomas made a new kind of school bus.B.A school bus usually costs $ 25000.C.Thomas sold bikes to Asian countries.D.Riding school bus bikes helps keep kids healthy.答案D解析主旨大意题。根据最后一段最后一句可知,自行车之所以被广泛使用是因为它有助于身体健康,故选D项。CMr White works in an office.One day,when he had lunch,a friend came to visit him.They were very happy and talked a lot.Then they looked at the clock on the wall.It was time to go to office.He had to say goodbye to his friend and left.It was raining hard and the streets were wet.He drove too fast to see the red lights.And he couldnt stop his car and hit a car in front of his.An old man got off and called out angrily,“What are you doing? Do you want to hit me to death(死亡)?”“Im sorry,sir,” said Mr White.“I didnt find the lights turned red.” Then he brought out a bottle of wine and gave it to the old man.“ Its very cold today,sir,” said Mr White.“Please drink a little,and then youll be warmer.”The old man drank some wine and became happy.“Im feeling much better now.Why dont you drink any?” he asked.“I cant drink anything now,sir,” answered Mr White.“Im waiting for the policeman to come.Only drunkers (酒鬼)cause accidents,you know!”66.The story happened.A.in the morningB.in the afternoonC.in the eveningD.at night答案B解析推理判断题。根据短文的开头部分“Oneday,whenhehadlunch,afriendcametovisit.”可知,这件事情发生在White先生吃完午饭之后去上班的路上,故我们可以推测应该是发生在下午。故选B项。67.Mr White drove too fast because A.he was happy that dayB.he was good at drinkingC.there were few cars in the streetD.he was afraid to be late答案D解析细节理解题。根据短文中“Itwastimetogotooffice.”可知,White先生和朋友吃完午饭后就到了上班的时间了,他害怕迟到所以开车开得很快。A、B和C三项都不是他开车快的原因。故选D项。68.Mr White hit the car because.A.he didnt see itB.it was raining hardC.he couldnt stop his car in timeD.he couldnt drive at all答案C解析细节理解题。根据短文中“Hedrovetoofasttoseetheredlights.Andhecouldntstophiscarandhitacarinfrontofhis.”可知,White先生开车太快没有看见红灯,他没有把车停下来,所以撞到了他前面的车上。由此可知选C项。69.Mr White gave a bottle of wine to the old man .A.to put the blame onto himB.to make him happyC.to make him warmD.to leave there before the policeman arrived答案A解析细节理解题。根据短文的最后几段的内容可知,White先生给了那个司机一瓶酒,是想让他喝醉,这样警察来的时候,就会以为是那个司机醉酒驾车,是他的责任了。所以这里是White先生想把撞车的责任转到那个司机身上。由此可知选A项。70.At last .A.the old man felt much betterB.the old man was friendly to Mr WhiteC.Mr White drank some,tooD.Mr White fooled the old man答案D解析推理判断题。根据短文的最后几段的内容可知,White先生给了那个司机一瓶酒,让他喝醉,这样警察来的时候就会以为这次事故是那个司机的责任了。所以White先生愚弄了那个司机。故选D项。.任务型完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面的短文,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使文章通顺,结构正确。(每个单词限用一次)he,happy,baby,save,arm,volunteer,clean,quick,work,turnWang Ping is a cleaner.He has 71. in a park for 5 years.He is also a good father.Nothing can make him 72. than playing with his little daughter in his free time.Last Tuesday afternoon,while he was 73. the park,suddenly,he heard a woman crying for help.He ran up 74. to see what happened.The womans 15-month-old baby girl choked (窒息) on a small piece of pear and her face 75. purple.The baby was too young to save herself,and the mother was so nervous that she didnt know how to save her daughter properly.Luckily,Wang Ping knew what to do.He took the baby in his 76. without thinking twice.With the mothers help,Wang Ping held the baby upside down and gave her a few pats(轻拍) on the back.After a short while,he succeeded in getting the piece of pear out of her mouth and the baby began to cry.Her mom was so thankful because her daughter was 77.Wang Ping tried his best and saved the 78. life.In his mind,helping others is just helping 79.He hoped more people could 80. to help the people in need if possible.答案与解析71.worked根据上句“王平是一个清洁工”可推知这句话表达“他在公园已经工作5年了”。故选动词work。而且根据句中的时间状语for5years可知这句话应该运用现在完成时态,结构为:has+动词的过去分词,故横线处用work的过去分词形式。72.happier根据上句“他是一个好爸爸”可知这句话表达“在他的空闲时间没有什么比和她的小女儿玩使他更高兴的事了”。故选形容词happy,因横线后面有than,故填其比较级形式。73.cleaning根据上文“王平是一个清洁工”可知这句话表达“上周二下午,当他正打扫公园的时候,突然,他听到一个妇女喊救命”。故选动词clean,前面有was,故空白处填clean的现在分词形式。74.quickly根据上句“他听见妇女喊救命了”可推知他要快速跑过去看发生了什么。故选quick,因空白处所填词修饰动词ran,故用其副词形式。75.turned根据前半句“一个小女孩因一小块梨窒息”可推知脸也变紫了。turn表示“变得”的时候,后面接表颜色的形容词。又因这是讲述上周二发生的事情,故运用其过去时形式。76.arms根据上文“婴儿太小不会自救。妈妈如此紧张不知所措。王平知道怎么做”可推知他要救这个小孩,不假思索地就抱起孩子。因横线前面是his,故选名词arm复数形式。77.saved根据前半句“妈妈是如此感激”可推知她的女儿得救了,故选动词save。因主语是herdaughter,是被救的对象,故运用被动语态,故横线处填save的过去分词形式。78.babys根据上文可知王平尽力了并且拯救了小女婴的生命,横线处表达“婴儿的,女孩的”。故选名词baby,填其名词所有格形式。79.himself根据上文王平乐于助人的故事,可知这句话表达“在他脑海里,帮助别人就是帮助他自己”,故选代词he,而且填其反身代词形式。80.volunteer根据上文可知王平希望更多的人如果可能的话都能主动帮助需要的人们。短语volunteertodosth.意为“自愿做某事”,could是情态动词,后面接动词原形。.任务型阅读理解(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面的短文,按要求完成后面的小题。Stress is a feeling you can have both in your mind and in your body.83.It can make you want to eat less,not talk to your friends and family.A little stress in life is normal.But controlling stress is important because if you feel stressed for too long,it can seriously affect your body.Older people who have stress for a long time can develop heart disease,high blood pressure and other serious health problems.The good news is,it can be very easy to control stress.Here are three tips:Tip 1:Try to eat right.Some people who feel stressed try to feel much better by eating chocolates,ice cream and other sweets.A little sugar isnt bad for


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