2022年高一英语 module3Introduction and Function教案 外研版必修2

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2022年高一英语 module3Introduction and Function教案 外研版必修2_第1页
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2022年高一英语 module3Introduction and Function教案 外研版必修2Teaching Aims Improve the Ss speaking ability Master some new wordsCultivate the Ss musical taste. Teaching Important and Difficult Points. Cultivate the Ss musical taste. Master the ways of expressing likes and dislikes. Teaching method:Look-speak method to train the Ss speaking abilityTeaching Procedure Step 1 Greeting Greet the whole class as usual. Step 2 IntroductionT: Show a group of pictures about the scenes of playing music in which the instrument such as violin, piano, guitar, erhu, saxophone, drum ).Let the Ss talk about what they can see in the pictures .The teacher can introduce the new words during the discussion with using the questions in Ex1. Read these words and answer the questions.audience choir classical poser conductor drum erhu guitar instrument jazz musician orchestra piano pop rock saxophone violin 1. Which word means someone who writes music? poser 2. Which word means a group of people who sing together? Choir3. Which instrument are used in pop and rock music? Drum, guitar saxophone4. Which instruments are used in classical music? Violin, piano 5. Which instruments are used in jazz? Saxophone, drum 6. which instruments are used un traditional Chinese music? Erhu, drum. Let ss read the words appearing in the pictures again and get familiar with them. Step 3 Play the tape show different kinds of music played by different kinds musical instruments and let Ss guess the style of music (pop music, jazz, classical music, country music, local music folk music. etc)And the students work in groups and discuss the following questions and give a report about their music taste with using the useful expressions in the box. 1. Whats your favorite kind of music?2. If you like traditional rock/Chinese music/ classical music/pop music/jazz Who is your favorite performer poser?Which is your favorite piece of music?3. Which of the instruments do you like listening to?Which famous musicians do you know play them?4. Which do you prefer, Chinese music or western music? Why? Can you tell the difference between them?SAMPLES1: I like listening to playing erhu Chinese traditional music instrument, many famous Chinese musicians play it. ,such as a Bing Song Fei Ming Hui Fen, Horse Racing is a very famous piece of music played by erhu. Its wonderful. When I listen to it, I feel as if I were standing on the great grassland, watching the fierce horse race. S2: As a teenager, I really like pop music. There are many famous pop stars whom I like very much. Jay Zhou, S.H.E Andy Liu are all my favorite stars. After studying I often choose some pieces pop music to relax myself. But I cant stand the heavy rock. Its too nosy. I cant even understand the spirit that the players want to express during playing the music. . Step 4 Summary In this class, weve talk a lot about music. We also know how to express likes and dislikes in English. Besides, weve learned some useful words and expressions like poser, choir orchestra, etc. After class, please practice with your partner as much as possible. Try to use what weve learned in this period freely and correctly.


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