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2015年甘肃面对面英语(人教)体例人教新教材课时划分七年级(上) 课时1 Units 1-4课时2 Units 5-9七年级(下)课时3 Units 1-4课时4 Units 5-8课时5 Units 9-12七年级(全)限时练八年级(上)课时6 Units 1-2课时7 Units 3-4课时8 Units 5-7课时9 Units 8-10八年级(上)限时练八年级(下)课时10 Units 1-2课时11 Units 3-4课时12 Units 5-7课时13 Units 8-10八年级(下)限时练需要辛老师写的课时九年级(全一册)课时14 Units 1-2课时15 Units 3-4课时16 Units 5-6课时17 Units 7-8课时18 Units 9-10课时19 Units 11-12课时20 Units 13-14九年级(全)限时练备考试题精选I. 语法与情景会话(10-12道) 本题所考查的单词、短语等必须为本学段内的重点单词及短语,语法题也必须为本学段的语法知识点。选题必须为本学段重点单词、短语辨析、句型,语法题少量涉及即可,也可涉及1-2道符合本学段话题的交际用语题。.按要求完成句子。A) 句型转换(3-5小题) 本题所考查内容必须为本学段内的重点单词、短语,重点侧重本课时的语法。注意语法必须是本课时的重点语法。5小题中至少有3小题设置2空,主要包括以下形式:改为一般疑问句、改为同义句、对划线部分提问、两句合并为一句、改为复合句、改为简单句、改为否定句、改为肯定句、改为复数形式、改为反意疑问句、改为感叹句、改为间接引语、改为被动语态、用某个单词或短语改写句子。B) 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空限填一词。(5小题) 本题所考查内容必须为本学段内的重点单词、短语、句型、可少量涉及本课时语法。5小题中至少有3小题设置2空,所填内容可以涉及固定短语、句型或固定语法结构、特殊词的用法等。完形填空(1篇,10空) 话题须与本学段话题一致。文体为以说明文为主,说明文词数在160左右。少量穿插故事性、哲理性记叙文,记叙文词数240词左右。选择型完形填空为主,选项考点需涉及5道左右的语法辨析题。可以少量设置任务型完形填空(10选10)。任务型完形填空词数在200词左右,记叙文和说明文均可。)阅读理解 (1篇,5小题)话题须与本学段话题一致。以选择型阅读为主,词数130-200左右,体裁多样,形式灵活多样。以说明文为主,其他文体适当穿插。文章可以适当附相应的图片。设题以挖空型为主,5小题中至少有1个推理判断题或词义(句意)猜测题或标题归纳题或主旨大意题。可以穿插设置任务型阅读理解,少量出现判断正误型阅读理解。书面表达1篇)话题须与本学段话题一致。词数80词左右,贴近学生生活,内容倾向于针对学习中的某一现象让学生发表自己的观点。以图表或表格形式为主。一般给出文章开头,且文章开头较长(30词左右)。如果是真题作文,需要加上原有分值。【注意】1.以上选题均要求有出处,真题出处格式为:(14天津)(14陕西改编);模拟题出处格式为:(14庆阳五中模拟)或(14白银模拟);原创题出处格式为:(15原创)或(15预测)2. 每课时真题:模拟:原创:预测=3:3:2:2年级限时练体例 (每套试卷8K 2页,4套限时练共8页,1个印张)试卷套数:4套年级限时练(七年级、八上、八下、九年级)要 求:1. 不包含听力,其余题型题量严格按照甘肃(通用卷)2014中考真题的来编写; 2. 年级限时练必须根据该阶段所学知识来编写,不能出现超节的题目; 3. 选题要求全部为原创题及预测题,均不带出处。题型和题量:. 词汇 (本题所考查内容必须为本学段内的重点单词、短语、语法)A) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。(5小题)每道题所给单词均需变形,每组题必须涉及代词、名词、动词、形容词或副词。变形要求如下:动词变为名词、形容词变为名词、名词单复数、名词所有格等; 人称代词变为宾格、形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词、反身代词等;动词变为单三形式、过去式、不定式、过去分词、现在分词、动名词等; 名词变为形容词、动词变为形容词,形容词的反义词等;形容词变为副词或名词、副词变为反义词等。B)根据句意及所给汉语意思写出所缺单词。(5小题)每道题所填单词一般不需要变形。每组必须涉及动词、名词、形容词,其他连词、数词、介词等可少量涉及。 II . 语法与情景会话(25小题 本题所考查内容必须为本学段内的重点单词、短语、语法)要求: 1. 25道题中,12左右需是对话形式,其余为单句形式。 2. 每组有4道题需设置2空,其余均设置1空。每组中冠词需设置两空,代词、数词、形容词等可以和其他语法点混合考查设置两空。 3. 必考点:冠词、数词、代词、介词、连词、从属连词、形容词比较级、形容词词义辨析、副词词义辨析、动词短语辨析、情态动词、非谓语动词(2-3道)、时态(1道)、被动语态(1道)、简单句(2-3道,how词组、反意疑问句、感叹句、there be句型、主谓一致、祈使句、特殊疑问词穿插设置)、宾语从句(语序、连接词以及两者混合考查)、定语从句、状语从句(主将从现)、特殊词或固定句型的用法(1-2道 近三年考过的特殊词有:enough修饰形容词、prefer.to.、used、 much与many、sometime的各种不同形式;近三年考过的固定句型有:it seems that.、why not do sth.、have difficulty in doing sth.、 It takes sb. sometime to do sth.、It is said that、what do you think of等)、情景交际 轮考点:名词词义辨析、合成形容词、形容词短语辨析、形容词的特殊用法、动词词义辨析注意:本题所考查内容必须为本学段内的重点单词、短语、语法。. 动词考查A) 选择动词的适当形式填空。(5小题)考点主要包括:动词近义词辨析、动词的时态、动词的语态、非谓语动词注意:这里的时态和语态不能和语法与情景会话中的考查点重复。B) 用方框中动词词组的适当形式填空。(5小题)方框中给出5个动词词组,方框下给出与之对应的5个句子,所给动词词组填入句中时一般不需要变形。如果变形一般是系动词be变为其对应的形式。按要求完成句子。(本题所考查内容必须为本学段内的重点单词、短语、语法)A) 句型转换(5小题) 5小题中至少有3小题设置2空,主要包括以下形式:改为一般疑问句、改为同义句、改为简单句、对划线部分提问、改为感叹句、两句合并为一句、改为肯定句、改为否定句、改为复数形式、改为反意疑问句、直接引语变为间接引语、改为被动语态、改为含有定语从句的复合句、改为复合句、用某个单词或短语改写句子等。B) 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空限填一词。(5小题) 5小题中至少有3小题设置2空,所填内容可以涉及词的用法、固定短语、句型或固定语法结构。完形填空(1篇,10空) (话题须与本学段话题一致。文体为以说明文为主,说明文词数在160左右。少量穿插故事性、哲理性记叙文,记叙文词数240词左右。选项考点需涉及5道左右的语法辨析题。)阅读理解 (A、B、C、D 4篇,A篇为判断型,B、C两篇为选择型,D篇为任务型,每篇5小题)话题须与本学段话题一致。选择型阅读词数180-250左右,题材体裁多样,以记叙文、说明文为主,诗歌、新闻报道、书评等也可涉及,设题以挖空型为主,主要考查细节理解题和推理判断题,每组中至少有1道词义(句意)猜测题或数字计算题或标题归纳题或主旨大意题。任务型阅读词数在200-280词之间,设题主要包括回答问题;英汉句子互译;给文章中的句子填词;给文章拟标题或者选择标题;找出某个词的同义词;改写句子等。 补全对话1篇,7选5型)话题须与本学段话题一致。回合5-7,选项设置3-4个问句,只能为两个人的对话场景。书面表达1篇)话题须与本学段话题一致。词数80词左右,话题贴近学生生活。以图表或表格形式为主。一般给出文章开头,且文章开头较长(30词左右)。如果是真题作文,需要加上原有分值。答案及解析体例词汇给出句意,分析句子结构,根据句子结构分析所填词的词性,分析所填单词是否需要变形。语法与情景会话C 【解析】考查点应具体化。具体步骤为:(1)写出句意;(2)分析四个选项(说明选择该答案的原因及不选其他的理由);(3)得出答案。动词考查C 【解析】考查点应具体化。具体步骤为:(1)写出句意;(2)分析四个选项(说明选择该答案的原因及不选其他的理由);(3)得出答案。按要求完成句子给出句意,分析句子结构,根据句子结构分析所填词的词性,分析所填单词是否需要变形。完形填空【主旨大意】要求写出文章的体裁,段落思路及主旨框架,并点名文章所要表达的意义或启示。(字数一般不少于50个,除广告图表类或内容较为简单的文章之外)A 【解析】考查点应具体化(释义辨析、语境辨析、语法辨析、近义辨析、语篇理解辨析)。(1)给出四个选项的汉语意思;(2)结合文章具体句子和逻辑,得出答案。【长难句点拨】针对试题中未讲解但材料中涉及的较长、句型结构复杂的句子予以重点分析指导,并进行释义及句型结构分析。阅读理解选择型阅读理解【主旨大意】要求写出文章的体裁,段落思路及主旨框架,并点名文章所要表达的意义或启示。(字数一般不少于50个,除广告图表类或内容较为简单的文章之外)A 【解析】考查点应具体化(细节理解,段落大意,主旨大意,词义猜测,推理判断,标题归纳)。(1)分析题干,找出提问点,分析选项,找出对应点;(2)结合文章具体句子和逻辑(从以偏概全、颠倒事实、混乱事件、与生活事实相符但与文中信息不符、文中未提及等方面逐项排除)【长难句点拨】针对试题中未讲解但材料中涉及的较长、句型结构复杂的句子予以重点分析指导,并进行释义及句型结构分析。任务型阅读理解【主旨大意】要求写出文章的体裁,段落思路及主旨框架,并点名文章所要表达的意义或启示。(字数一般不少于50个,除广告图表类或内容较为简单的文章之外)答案【解析】细节理解题。分析题干,找出提问点结合文章具体句子和逻辑得出答案答案如何标准化作答,不失分(要将易错的大小写、单词、句子等指明)。补全对话【备选分析】将备选的单词或句子进行翻译并分析重、难点词汇。79. A 【解析】解析步骤:通读全文,找出对话谈论的核心点分析所给备选项结合上下文推知要问什么或答什么,将备选项带入文章分析选出符合句意的单词,句子,得出答案。书面表达解题步骤:审题指导+写作指导+注意事项+范文点评。各栏目具体要求如下:【审题指导】给出如何从所给信息中提炼中心思想及有效信息。【写作指导】给出基本的思路框架。【注意事项】从人称、时态、词数等客观要求进行要求。【范文点评】1-2篇典型范文,并在文中加黑划线标出增分的词句;同时, 对对所选范文中的每一个有亮点的句子进行剖析及得分点评。样张备考试题精选样张七年级(下) 课时3 Units 1-4语法与情景会话 II按要求完成句子。A) 句型转换 B) 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空限填一词。 III完形填空 IV阅读理解 Each day thousands of school buses take to the road carrying Chinas school children. Unfortunately, a November 16 school bus accident showed these school buses didnt have much safety. On November 16, 2011, a school bus in Gansu province knocked into a truck. Nineteen pre-school children, a teacher and the school bus driver died. Forty-three children were injured. In all, there were 64 people riding in the school bus which had been designed to carry only nine.The sadness and anger that followed the accident has made people question the safety of school buses in China.In China, school buses are owned by the schools. The buses are expensive to buy and expensive to run. It makes many schools to cut corners in order to save money. And safety is not taken as seriously as it should be. The parents in Gansu knew the bus was overcrowded and unsafe, but they allowed their children to get on anyway. They thought their childrens opportunity for education was worth the risk. The tragedy in Gansu has been a wake-up call for everyone. It has made schools, parents and the authorities realize that greater care must be taken of the school children carried each day by the nations school buses.1. Paragraph 2 mainly tell us that . A. a school bus accident happened in Gansu on November 16, 2011 B. twenty-one people were killed in the accident C. the bad weather was one of the causes of the serious accident D. the nine-seat bus was carrying 64 passengers 2. The author feels about the accident. A. happy B. sad C. guiltyD. nervous3. The underlined word “overcrowded” probably means .A. 超过的 B. 聚集的 C. 充满的 D. 过分拥挤的4. Which statement is WRONG according to the whole article?A. In China, there are thousands of school buses.B. In Gansu province, especially in the countryside, the school buses arent safe.C. In order to save money, many schools often cut corners on the school buses.D. Today people still pay the least attention to the safety of the school buses.5. The authors main purpose of writing this article is .A. to describe a November 16 school bus accident in Gansu provinceB. to tell people the school buses are expensive to buy and expensive to runC. to make people pay more attention to the safety of school buses in ChinaD. to ask people to see tragedies when they have time书面表达假如你叫田田,给你的英国笔友Cindy写一封e-mail,介绍一下你们上周六去养老院做志愿工作的情况。要点如下: 上午八点半骑车去养老院; 送出小礼物、扫地、洗衣、唱歌、表演戏剧等; 老人们的心情及我们的感受。注意:1. 词数80-100; 2. 可结合实际增加细节,适当发挥;不得出现真实人名、校名等相关信息; 3. E-mail的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:the Old Peoples Home养老院,clap拍手,joy快乐Dear Cindy,How are you? Im glad to tell you about our volunteer work last Saturday. Im looking forward to your letter. Yours,Tian Tian 年级限时练样张七年级限时练(限时:90分钟 满分:120分). 词汇 (每题1分,共10分)A) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Its quite _(wind) in Spring in Gansu Province.5. We all know the _(important) of learning English.B) 根据句意及汉语意思写出所缺单词6. Our government has made several _(法律)to protect children.10.II . 语法与情景会话(每题1分,共25分) ( ) 11. Alice plays with us after school. This is just the first time that we have played with her. A. hard B. hardly C. almost D. nearly ( ) 12. Miss Wang is a teacher. We always ask her many questions, but she never feels bored. A. strict B. smart C. patient D. lively ( ) 13. Turn the computer off, Peter! You play games so late any more.A. mustnt B. neednt C. have to D. might( )14. Hes had information about his aunt for years. He wonders if she is still living in the small village. A. some B. all C. little D. few .( )34. I was watching TV at this time of yesterday. What about you, Lily? . A. So was I B. So I was C. So did I D. So I did ( ) 35. I dont know the boy over there. Could you tell me ? A. What is his name B. how old is he C. who is he D. where he comes from.动词考查 (每题1分,共10分)A)选择动词的适当形式填空。36. The little boy pretended_ when his mother came in.A. sleeping B. asleep C. be asleep D. to be asleep.B)选择方框中动词词组的适当形式填空。按要求完成句子。(每空1分,共20分) A) 句型转换。按括号内的要求完成下列句型,每空填一词。46. The woman outside the door must be Mr. Black. (改为否定句) The woman outside the door_ _ Mr. Black. .50. Can you tell me? Are there any problems with my plans?(合并为一句) Can you tell me_ _ are any problems with my plans?B) 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空限填一词。51. 他把女儿嫁给了一位工程师。 He _ his daughter _ an engineer.完形填空(每空1分,共10分) Three small fish lived in the sea. When they were very young, their parents died. They had to 1 each other day after day. Finally, they grew up and 2 to swim deeper and further.One morning, the three fish were 3 to a shallow(浅) water by a big wave(浪). A small boat was taken there, too. It was hard for the fish to go back to the sea because the boat was right in front of them. The largest fish realised that they were 4 , and said they had to find a way to leave there as fast as possible. The second largest fish 5 with his elder brother, but the youngest one did not. He said that there was much 6 for their activities, so he would not worry at all and still swam around 7 .At last, the largest fish returned to the 8 by jumping over the lowest part of the boat. The second largest fish also succeeded in 9 his elder brother in the other side of water. But the youngest one didnt follow them and still swam joyfully.Two hours later, when the 10 rose up, the water in the small shallow corner dried up. The fish who did not try to return to the sea died of lack(缺乏) of water.61. A. listen to B. look after C. talk with D. worry about62. A. dared B. hated C. refused D. stopped63. A. allowed B. given C. invited D. taken64. A. in safety B. in doubt C. in danger D. in peace65. A. agreed B. talked C. compared D. discussed66. A. time B. food C. water D. air67. A. slowly B. sadly C. luckily D. happily68. A. sea B. river C. lake D. pond69. A. catching B. joining C. taking D. telling70. A. storm B. stars C. moon D. sun阅读理解 (每题2分,共10分) APeople dont mind if you put your elbows or arms on the table when you are not eating. But once you have started eating, you should only rest your forearms (前臂) on the table. You should let your kids know that table manners are more than about proper eating. Teach your kids the following table manners whether they are eating in a restaurant or at home:You should use a fork unless the food is meant to be eaten with fingers.You should not fill your mouth with food.You should chew with your mouth closed. Nobody likes to see food being chewed up or hear it being chewed on. You should not talk while your mouth is full of food.If you want something that is out of your reach, then just ask someone to pass it on to you.You should not pick anything out of your teeth. If something is troubling you very much, you can excuse yourself and go to the restroom to pick it out.You should always use a napkin to wipe your mouth, which should be placed on your lap when you are not using it. You shouldnt wipe your face or your nose with a napkin, both are unpleasant. If you are eating at someones home, dont forget to express your thanks to the host. Also,tell him how delicious the food is, even if it isnt.56. You _ when you are eating.A. can put your elbows on the table B. can put your forearms on the table C. should keep your napkin in your hand D. should use your fork and fingers57. If you cant reach something that you want you should . A. put your elbow and arms on the table B. ask someone to pass it on to you C. fill your mouth with food D. see them all the time .D补全对话每空1分,共5分)A. Will you help me with it?B. Do you practice English every day?C. Because I have a lot of trouble with my English.D. How do you like English?E. Lets make progress together.F. Ah, thats it.G. Never mind.A: Why dont you look happy, Rose?B: 1 A: Whats the matter?B: I can hardly pass the exam every time. I really dont know what to do.A: Dont worry. 2 B: No, I only practice English before the exam.A: 3 If you want to study English well, you must practice English every day. B: Its a good way of learning English. A: May I know what you are going to do from now on?B: Id like to take your advice and try to practice English every day. 4 A: All right, Id like to. But in fact I also have some trouble with my English. Lets help each other. B: OK. 5 书面表达1篇)近期各种选秀节目愈发火热,有些中学生也进入到了选秀的行列。英语课上,外教(Amy)让你们对这种现象进行讨论。请你根据下面的提示写一篇发言稿,并在课堂上发表演说。要点如下:有的人觉得选秀可以让人一夜成名,让人拥有一样的经历,使人变得自信;有的人认为选秀纯粹是浪费时间,甚至还可能招致嘲笑;你是怎么认为的呢?注意: 1. 词数80-100; 2. 请结合实际增加细节,适当发挥; 3. 发言稿的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Hi, everyone! The talent shows are popular these days. _ Thanks for your listening. 答案样张词汇 hardly 句意为:天这么黑我几乎看不见任何东西。这里缺少一个词修饰动词see,修饰动词要用副词,因此需要把形容词hard变为副词hardly。语法与情景会话11. C 【解析】考查定冠词the表特指的用法。句意为:看地板上的那块橡皮。是谁的?eraser为元音因素开头,a表泛指,用在辅音音素前;an表泛指,用在元音音素前;the表特指;零冠词有特殊的用法,如用在三餐,球类等名词前。故选C。12. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意“如果彼得有机会来这儿,请让他留个_。”letter“信”;sentence“句子”;message“口信”;notice“通知”。根据句意可知是留个口信,故选C。13. C 【解析】考查名词的数。句意为:我今天下午准备去超市买一些_。Paper and pencil纸和铅笔;apples and banana苹果和香蕉;milk and eggs牛奶和鸡蛋;bowl and spoons碗和勺子。因为用some来修饰,所以and连接的两个名词都要是名词复数或者不可数名词。因此,A项正确的表达为Paper and pencils; B项正确的表达为apples and bananas; D项正确的表达为bowls and spoons.故选C.动词考查26. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意“如果彼得有机会来这儿,请让他留个_。”letter“信”;sentence“句子”;message“口信”;notice“通知”。根据句意可知是留个口信,故选C。按要求完成句子36. 这里缺少汉语意思“嫁给”的英文,嫁给应该用marry,嫁给某人要用marry to。 .完形填空【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了小画家王亚妮自小开始就喜欢画画,在父亲的帮助和指导下,她在绘画方面取得了巨大的成功,成为世界上著名的画家。46. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。actor演员; athlete运动员;artist 艺术家;engineer工程师。根据上文中提到的“Even as a baby she loved to draw. ”当她还是小孩的时候她就喜欢画画,和下文“Yani wanted to be like him.”亚妮想像她爸爸一样。可知她的父亲是一位画家,故选C。47. A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。angry 生气的;excited兴奋的;sad伤心的;interested感兴趣的。根据上文中“Yani painted lines on her fathers painting.”亚妮在父亲的画上画了线条。可知她爸爸生气了。故选A。48. D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。laugh笑;speak讲话;stand站着;paint画画。这道题考查的是对语篇的理解,根据上文中“she loved to draw”她喜欢画画,和“Her father was an artist”她父亲是一个画家。此处paint=draw,故选D。49. B【解析】考查副词词义辨析。Happily快乐地; clearly清晰地; hardly困难地; usually经常。根据下文“He also wanted to draw and paint. But his parents didnt understand. They just got angry. ”他也想画画。但是他的父母不理解,他们只是生气。可知她的父亲对自己的童年有清晰的记忆。故选B。.阅读理解A【主旨大意】本文讲述了一个六岁的德国小男孩酷爱音乐,但是父亲不允许他学习音乐,他没有放弃自己的梦想并最终获得成功的故事。这个故事告诉我们一定要坚持自己的梦想并通过努力使梦想成真。1. D【解析】 推理判断题。题干意为“根据第二则故事我们可知?”A项意为如果我们有一辆旧车,我们几乎不可能去世界各地旅游;B项意为如果没有人帮助我们,我们可以去世界各地旅游;C项意为如果我们有足够的钱。我们应该去实现我们的梦想;D项意为如果我们想实现梦想,我们就应该从现在开始。根据第二个表格中最后两句话“Do you want to see your dream come true? If so, why not start right away?”可知梦想的实现需要立刻行动。2. C【解析】细节理解题。题干意为“关于最后一个故事里的两个人,以下哪一项是正确的?”A项意为他们花费了不足11个小时的时间打破了世界纪录;B项尽管他们没有打破世界纪录,但是他们很高兴;C项意为他们两个人都热爱和平;D项意为他们经常握手。根据文中“To break the world record, they needed to shake hands for over 11 hours without a stop. Finally they made it. ”为了打破世界纪录,他们需要不间断地握手长达11小时,最后他们成功了。可排除A、B,D项在文中没有提及,同时根据文中“They both loved peace.”可知选C。补全对话【备选分析】Its bad for your health.这对你的健康有害。Its delicious. 很美味。How about asking our teacher to stop it?让老师来阻止这件事,怎么样?Can we do something to stop it?我们可以做点什么来阻止它吗?I want something delicious.我想吃点美味的东西。Arent the eggs and the milk enough? 这些鸡蛋和牛奶不够吗?Why not advise our school to prepare different kinds of food?为什么不建议我们学校准备不同种类的食物?76. Arent the eggs and the milk enough?【解析】根据下一句Eggs and milk?可判断上句应该提到eggs and milk。77. I want something delicious.【解析】根据上句说,我不想每天吃鸡蛋,喝牛奶。可判断是想要一些其他可口的食物。78. Its bad for your health.【解析】上句提到不健康食物,本句承接上句,指出不健康的食物对健康不利。79. Can we do something to stop it?【解析】针对上文提到的学生浪费鸡蛋、牛奶现象,发表自己的看法,并积极想办法解决(阻止)这一问题。80. Why not advise our school to prepare different kinds of food?【解析】根据下一句中的different kinds of food可判断上句应该提到different kinds of food。 书面表达【审题指导】 细读所给的文字提示,提取信息:1. 记叙一件日常生活中难忘的事情,因此文章为记叙文,最好是身边的让自己有感触的事件(建议学生先回忆身边的各类事件,选定其中影响深刻的某一件事,确定事件的核心)。2. 提示语中第2句指出从中学到了什么,有什么感受,因此文章必须有个人的感受、体悟、观点等信息,避免单纯的记叙事件,没有个人感触。【写作指导】一件难忘的事情要点提示素材串联开头:引出事件一位清洁工帮助被撞倒的老人,让人感动正文:描述事件的过程1. 一位老人过马路(cross the street)2. 撞到在路上(knock down onto the ground)3. 受重伤(be badly hurt)4. 无人敢帮助( no one dare to help)5. 清洁工送老人去医院( take the old woman to the nearest hospital)结尾:抒发对此事的感受1. 深深的打动(moved deeply)2. 生活中热心人更多(helpful people)3. 向他们学习(learn from them)【注意事项】1. 本文描述经历过的一件难忘的事,写作时用第一人称,其他人用第三人称。2. 回忆事件通常用一般过去时,抒发个人情感及感悟用一般现在时。4. 词数应不少于80个,不得出现真实姓名、校名。【参考范文】 An unforgettable thing I will never forget the cleaner man who help the old woman,and this thing teach me to help others. When I was in Junior two, one day, on my way to shopping, an old woman Just then a car knocked her down onto the ground. She was badly hurt. At that moment, there were many people waiting around, but nobody dared to help her. Suddenly, a cleaner man came over to her and took her to the nearest hospital. Although the cleaner man is common and doesnt have a valuable job, he isnt afraid to get into trouble but t


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