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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-哈尔滨工业大学考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.翻译题The irrational fears people express today about cloning parallel those surrounding robotics half a century ago. So I would like to propose Three Law of Cloning that also clarify three misunderstandings: 1. A human clone is a human being no less unique in his or her personhood than an identical twin. 2. A human clone has all the rights and privileges that accompany this legal and moral status. 3. A human clone is to be accorded the dignity and respect due any member of your species. Although such simplifications risk erasing the rich differences found in ethical debates over pioneering research, they do aid in reducing ridiculous fears often associated with such advances.【答案】人们今天对克隆所表现出的非理性恐惧与50年前人们对机器人表现出的恐惧类似。因此我提出三个关于克隆的观点来澄清三个误解:1、克隆人也是人,他的个性就像同卵孪生子一样。2、克隆人拥有与这种法律和道德地位伴随的所有权利和特权。3、克隆人应该被给予应有的尊严和尊重,就像你对待其它成员一样。尽管这类简化冒着消除有关前沿研究的道德争论的复杂性,但是的确有助于减少有关的荒谬的恐惧。2.单选题Britains richest people have experienced the biggest ever rise in their wealth, according to the Sunday Times Rich List. Driven by the new economy of the Internet and computer entrepreneurs, the wealth of those at the top of the financial tree has increased at an unprecedented rate. The 12th annual Rich List will show that the collective worth of the countrys richest 1, 000 people reached nearly 146 billion pounds by January, the cutoff point for the survey. They represented an increase of 31 billion, or 27%, in just 12 months. Since the survey was compiled, Britains richest have added billions more to their wealth, thanks to the continuing boom in technology shares on the stock market. This has pushed up the total value of the wealth of the richest 1,000 to a probable 160 billion according to Dr. Philip Beresford, Britains acknowledged expert on personal wealth who compiles the Sunday Times Rich List.The millennium boom exceeds anything in Britains economic history, including the railway boom of the 1840s and the South Sea bubble of 1720. It has made Margaret Thatchers boom seem as sluggish as Edward Heaths “three day week”, said Beresford. “We are seeing billions being added to the national wealth every week.” William Rubinstein, professor of modern history at the University of Wales; Abe Ystwyth, confirmed that the growth in wealth was unprecedented. Almost all of todays wealth has been created since the industrial revolution, but even by those heady standards the current boom is extraordinary, he said. “There is no large scale cultural opposition or guilt about making money. In many ways British business attitudes can now challenge the United States.”Although the Britains richest are experiencing the sharpest surge in wealth, the rest of the population has also benefited from the stock market boom and rising house prices. Last year wealth rose by 16% to a record 4,267 billion, according to calculations by the investment bank Salomon Smith Barney. In real terms, wealth has increased by more than a third since the late 1980s. Much of the wealth of the richest is held in shares in start-up companies.Some of these paper fortunes, analysts agree, could easily be wiped out, although the wealth generating effects of the Internet revolution seem to be here to stay. A Sunday Times Young Rich List confirms that people are becoming wealthier younger. It includes the 60 richest millionaires aged 30 or under. At the top, on 600m, is the “old money” Earl of Inveigh, 30, head of the Guinness brewing family. In second place is Charles Nasser, also 30, who launched the Clara NET Internet provider four years ago and is worth 300m. The remaining eight in the top 10 young millionaires made their money from computing and the Internet.16. The “cutoff point for the survey” (in Paragraph 1) refers to _.17. Which one is an example of the changed business attitude in Britain?18. The millennium economic boom in Britain _.19. Why does the author call the wealth of the riches “paper fortunes”?20. A new tendency emerged in the current boom is that _.问题1选项A.146 billionthe collective worth of the countrys richest 1,000 peopleB.Januarythe deadline for the surveyC.31 millionthe increase of wealth in just 12 monthsD.160 billionthe total value of the wealth of richest 1000问题2选项A.Todays economic boom cannot surpass Margaret Thatchers boom.B.Three day week showed that British people were more sluggish than they are today.C.People do not feel guilty about making money.D.Doing business in Britain is more challenging than in America.问题3选项A.benefits the richest aloneB.makes the life of the rest of the population even worse offC.has added to the Britains wealth by 16% since the late 1980sD.is primarily due to the internet revolution问题4选项A.Because their wealth is mainly generated from technology Shares.B.Because their wealth can be easily lost.C.Because their wealth is greatly influenced by starting up companies.D.Because their wealth is quickly devaluated with the up and down of house prices.问题5选项A.more and more people start hi-tech business to amass fortuneB.people are becoming rich at younger agesC.most of the richest make their fortune by inheritanceD.all the richest millionaires are aged 30 or above【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:C第5题:B【解析】16.【试题答案】B【试题解析】词义推测题。由题干关键词“cutoff point for the survey”可以定位到文章第一段第三句The 12th annual Rich List will show that the collective worth of the countrys richest 1, 000 people reached nearly 146 billion pounds by January, the cutoff point for the survey.(第12次年度财富排行榜将显示,到调查的截止日期1月份,英国最富有的1000人的财富总和达到了1460亿英镑。),说明“cutoff point for the survey”在文中的意思是指调查的截止日期。因此B选项“1月调查的截止日期”正确。A选项“1460亿全国最富有的1000人的总身价”,C选项“3100万短短12个月内财富增加的数量”,D选项“1600亿最富有的1000人的财富总价值”均不符合题意,所以A,C,D错误。17.【试题答案】C【试题解析】客观细节题。由题干关键词“business attitude”可以定位到文章第二段倒数第一、二句There is no large scale cultural opposition or guilt about making money. In many ways British business attitudes can now challenge the United States.(人们对赚钱没有大规模的文化上的反对或负罪感。英国商业态度现在在许多方面都能挑战美国。),说明英国商业态度的转变在于对赚钱没有负罪感。因此C选项“人们对赚钱不感到内疚”正确。A选项“今天的经济繁荣不能超越撒切尔夫人时期的繁荣”,由原文可知现在比撒切尔夫人执政时期更加繁荣,所以A错误。B选项“每周三天工作制表明英国人比现在更不景气”,D选项“在英国做生意比在美国更有挑战性”均不符合题意,所以B,D错误。18.【试题答案】D【试题解析】客观细节题。由A选项关键词“richest”可以定位到文章第三段第一句Although the Britains richest are experiencing the sharpest surge in wealth, the rest of the population has also benefited from the stock market boom and rising house prices.(虽然英国最富有的人们正在经历财产最强劲的攀升,其他老百姓也从股市的繁荣和房价的上涨中获得了利益。),说明英国的千禧年经济繁荣不光只让最富有的人受益,普通老百姓也能获得利益,所以A选项“只让最富有的人受益”错误。B选项“使其他人民的生活更加恶化了”,由原文可知,其他人民也从中获得了利益,所以B选项错误。由C选项关键词“the late 1980s”可以定位到文章第三段第三句In real terms, wealth has increased by more than a third since the late 1980s.(按实际价值计算,自上世纪80年代末以来,财富增长了三分之一以上。),说明英国的财富增加了三分之一以上,所以C选项“自20世纪80年代末以来使英国的财富增加了16%”错误。由D选项关键词“internet revolution”可以定位到文章第四段第一句Some of these paper fortunes, analysts agree, could easily be wiped out, although the wealth generating effects of the Internet revolution seem to be here to stay.(分析人士认为,尽管互联网革命产生的财富效应似乎会持续下去,但其中一些纸上财富可能很容易被抹去。),说明英国的千禧年经济繁荣是由互联网革命创造的。因此D选项“主要是由于互联网革命”正确。19.【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第四段第一句话,some of these paper wealth, 这里的these指向上文,因此往前文可以看到第三段最后一句Much of the wealth of the richest is held in shares in start-up companies.(最富有的人的大部分财富都持有在初创公司的股票中。)也就是说,这些财富很可能由于初创公司的失败而付诸东流。因此作者在这里称这些财富为“paper wealth”,C选项“主要受初创公司影响”正确。A选项“因为他们的财富主要来自于科技股”,B选项“因为他们的财富很容易流失”,D选项“因为他们的财富会随着房价的涨跌而迅速贬值”在文中均没有提及,所以A,B,D错误。20.【试题答案】B【试题解析】客观细节题。由题干可以定位到文章第四段第二句A Sunday Times Young Rich List confirms that people are becoming wealthier younger.(星期日泰晤士报的一份青年富豪榜证实,人们在更年轻的时候变得更富有。),说明出现的一个新趋势是人们成为富豪的年龄越来越小。因此B选项“人们致富的年龄越来越小”正确。A选项“越来越多的人创办高科技企业来积累财富”,C选项“最富有的人多数是靠继承发家的”,D选项“最富有的百万富翁都是30岁以上的人”均不符合原文的意思,所以A,C,D错误。3.单选题Sleep is a funny thing. Were taught that we should get seven or eight hours a night, but a lot of us get by just fine on less, and some of us actually sleep too much. A study out of the University of Buffalo reported that people who routinely sleep more than eight hours a day and are still tired are nearly three times as likely to die of strokeprobably as a result of an underlying disorder that keeps them from snoozing soundly.Doctors have their own special sleep problems. Residents are famously sleep deprived. When I was training to become a neurosurgeon, it was not unusual to work 40 hours in a row without rest. Most of us took it in stride, confident we could still deliver the highest quality of medical care. Maybe we shouldnt have been so sure of ourselves. An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association points out that in the morning after 24 hours of sleeplessness, a persons motor performance is comparable to that of someone who is legally intoxicated. Curiously, surgeons who believe that operating under the influence is grounds for dismissal often dont think twice about operating without enough sleep.“I could tell you horror stories,” says Jaya Agrawal, president of the American Medical Student Association, which runs a website where residents can post anonymous anecdotes. Some are terrifying. “I was operating after being up for over 36 hours,” one writes. “I literally fell asleep standing up and nearly face planted into the wound.”“Practically every surgical resident I know has fallen asleep at the wheel driving home from work,” writes another. “I know of three who have hit parked cars. Another hit a Jersey barrier on the New Jersey Turnpike, going 65 m.p.h.” “Your own patients have become the enemy,” writes a third, because they are “the one thing that stands between you and a few hours of sleep.”Agrawals organization is supporting the Patient and Physician Safety and Protection Act of 2001, introduced last November by Representative John Conyers Jr. of Michigan. Its key provisions, modeled on New York States regulations, include an 80-hour workweek and a 24-hour work-shift limit. Most doctors, however, resist such interference. Dr. Charles Binkley, a senior surgery resident at the University of Michigan, agrees that something needs to be done but believes “doctors should be bound by their conscience, not by the government.”The U.S. controls the hours of pilots and truck drivers. But until such a system is in place for doctors, patients are on their own. If youre worried about the people treating you or a loved one, you should feel free to ask how many hours of sleep they have had and if more-rested staffers are available. Doctors, for their part, have to give up their pose of infallibility and get the rest they need.21. We can learn from the first paragraph that _.22. Speaking of the sleep problems doctors fact, the author implies that _.23. Paragraph 3 and 4 are written to _.24. By “doctors should be bound by their conscience, not by the government” (paragraph 5), Dr. Charles Binkley means that _.25. To which of the following is the author likely to agree?问题1选项A.people who sleep less than 8 hours a day are more prone to illnessB.poor sleep quality may be a sign of physical disorderC.stroke is often associated with sleepD.too much sleep can be as harmful as lack of sleep问题2选项A.doctors often need little sleep to keep them energeticB.doctors sleep is deprived by residentsC.doctors tend to neglect their own sleep problemD.sleep-deprived doctors are intoxicate问题3选项A.entertain the audience with some anecdotesB.discuss the cause of doctors sleep problemsC.show the hostility doctors harbor against their patientsD.exemplify the danger doctors face caused by lack of sleep问题4选项A.doctors should not abide by governments regulationsB.the government is interfering too muchC.the regulations about workweek and work shift are too specificD.law cannot force a doctor to sleep while his conscience can问题5选项A.Patients should control the hours of their doctors.B.Pilots and truck drivers work in safer environments than that of doctors.C.Patients are facing more risks if their doctors are not adequately rested.D.People concerned have the right to remove their doctor from their positions.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:B第5题:C【解析】21.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第一段最后一句probably as a result of an underlying disorder that keeps them from snoozing soundly.(这可能是一种潜在的紊乱导致他们无法熟睡的结果。),说明潜在的紊乱可能导致人们睡眠质量不高,虽然睡眠时间长,但仍然感到疲惫。因此B选项“睡眠质量差可能是身体紊乱的表现”正确。A选项“每天睡眠时间少于8小时的人更容易患病”,原文说的是每天睡眠时间超过8小时但仍然感到疲倦的人更容易患病,所以A选项错误。C选项“中风常与睡眠有关”,D选项“睡眠时间过长与睡眠不足的危害一样大”在文中没有提及,所以C,D错误。22.【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第二段最后一句Curiously, surgeons who believe that operating under the influence is grounds for dismissal often dont think twice about operating without enough sleep.(令人好奇的是,那些认为醉酒做手术应该被免职的外科医生对于在睡眠不足的情况下做手术却很少认真思考。),说明医生们虽然认为醉酒做手术应该受到严惩,但却不会考虑自己在睡眠不足的情况下做手术的问题。因此C选项“医生往往忽视自己的睡眠问题”正确。A选项“医生需要很少的睡眠就可以保持精力充沛”在文中没有提及,所以A错误。B选项“医生的睡眠被住院医生剥夺了”,原文说的是住院医生以缺少睡眠而著称,所以B错误。在D选项“睡眠不足的医生是喝醉了”,原文说的是一个人如果连续24小时不睡,那么到了早晨他的运动能力就和喝醉了酒的人差不多,并不是说睡眠不足的医生就是喝醉了,所以D错误。23【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。文章第二段指出医生睡眠不足以及医生对此缺乏重视的问题,接着在第三、四段举了几个例子I literally fell asleep standing up and nearly face planted into the wound.(我差不多站着睡着了,而且我的脸几乎碰到了伤口。),Practically every surgical resident I know has fallen asleep at the wheel driving home from workI know of three who have hit parked cars. Another hit a Jersey barrier on the New Jersey Turnpike, going 65 m.p.h.(实际上我认识的每个外科住院医生都曾经有过在下班开车回家的路上在方向盘上睡着的经历我听说有三个人还曾经撞在停放好的汽车上。另一个人在纽约收费公路上行驶时以65英里的时速撞上了一个收费站栏杆。),说明了睡眠不足的医生可能带来的危害。因此D选项“体现了医生因睡眠不足而面临的危险”正确。A选项“用一些趣闻轶事来娱乐读者”,B选项“讨论医生睡眠问题的原因”,C选项“表现出医生对患者的敌视态度”均不符合题意,所以A,B,C错误。24.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第五段第三句Most doctors, however, resist such interference.(不过,大多数医生讨厌这种干涉。),并进一步引用Charles Binkley医生的话进行论证doctors should be bound by their conscience, not by the government.(医生应该受到良心的约束,而不是政府的管制。),说明Charles Binkley也认为政府干预过多了。因此B选项“政府干涉太多”正确。A选项“医生不应该遵守政府的规定”,C选项“关于工作周和工作班次的规定过于具体化”,D选项“法律不能强迫医生睡觉,而他的良心却可以”均不符合题意,所以A,C,D错误。25.【试题答案】C【试题解析】观点态度题。由题干可以定位到文章最后一段最后一句Doctors, for their part, have to give up their pose of infallibility and get the rest they need.(对医生来说,他们不能继续摆出一副从不出错的样子,而应该得到充分的休息。),说明作者在最后给医生提出建议,认为医生应该放弃他们决不出错的姿态,得到充足的休息,否则病人就只能听天由命了。因此C选项“如果医生没有得到充分的休息,患者将面临更多的风险”正确。A选项“患者应该控制医生的工作时间”,B选项“飞行员和卡车司机的工作环境比医生的工作环境更安全”,D选项“有关人员有权解除医生的职务”在文中均没有提及,所以A,B,D错误。4.翻译题While it is true that living organisms are profoundly affected by their environment, it is equally important to remember that many organisms are also capable of altering their habitat significantly, sometimes limiting their own growth. The influence of the biological component of an ecosystem is often greater in fresh waters than in marine or terrestrial systems, because of the small size of many freshwater bodies. Many of the important effects of organisms are related to their physiology, especially growth and respiration. By their growth many species can deplete essential nutrients within the system, thus limiting their own growth or that of other species.【答案】尽管确实环境对生物有巨大影响,但是同样重要的是,我们要记住很多生物也能有能力去改变它们的居住环境,有时甚至限制了自身的生长。由于许多淡水水体的体积较小,淡水生态系统的生物成分的影响往往比海洋或陆地系统的影响大。生物的很多重要影响都与它们的生理有关,特别是与生长和呼吸有关。由于自身的生长,很多物种耗尽了系统中的基本营养物质,从而限制了自身的生长或者其它物种的生长。5.翻译题To our view, the future belongs to those who will know how to perceive the mysterious borderline which separates the ugly from the beautiful. This philosophy has dominated most of the great civilizations of the past and is fundamentally our own western way of looking at the world.I am confident that with a better understanding of each other, there will be also a corresponding modification of our attitudes toward the achievements of the Japanese people.It is only through stronger ties among all of us, through the realization of a truly triangular world of cooperative effort in which the United States, Europe, and Japan will be able to reinforce their respective ties, that one will be capable of planning the general scenario of the 21st century, and this within a broader picture of international cooperation among all civilized people of this planet.【答案】我们认为,未来属于那些知道如何感知美和丑之间的神秘界线的人。在过去的大部分时间里,这种观点一直是主流,而且也是我们西方看待世界的主要方式。我相信,如果我们能更好地彼此理解,我们对待日本人民取得的成就的态度就会发生相应的改变。只有通过我们之间的密切合作,在美国、日本和欧洲之间建立真正的三角合作关系, 加强彼此的联系,我们才能规划21世纪的宏伟蓝图,要做到这一点,需要这个星球上所有文明民族的共同合作。6.单选题It is a devastating prospect. Terrorists electronically break into the computers that control the water supply of a large American city, open and close valves to contaminate the water with untreated sewage or toxic chemicals, and then release it in a devastating flood. As the emergency services struggle to respond, the terrorists strike again, shutting down the telephone network and electrical power grid with just a few mouse clicks. Businesses are paralysed, hospitals are overwhelmed and roads are gridlocked as people try to flee.This kind of scenario is invoked by doom-mongers who insist that stepping up physical security since the September 11 th attacks is not enough. Road-blocks and soldiers around power stations cannot prevent digital terrorism. Until we secure our cyber-infrastructure, a few keystrokes and an Internet connection is all one needs to disable the economy and endanger lives, Lamar Smith, a Texas congressman, told a judiciary committee in February. He ended with his catchphrase: A mouse can be just as dangerous as a bullet or a bomb.” Is he right?It is true that utility companies and other operators of critical infrastructure are increasingly connected to the Internet. But just because an electricity companys customers can pay their bills online, it does not necessarily follow that the companys critical control systems are vulnerable to attack. Control systems are usually kept entirely separate from other systems, for good reason. They tend to be obscure, old-fashioned systems that are incompatible with Internet technology anyhow. Even authorized users require specialist knowledge to operate them. And telecoms firms, hospitals and businesses usually have contingency plans to deal with power failures or flooding.A simulation carried out in August by the United States Naval War College in conjunction with Gartner, a consultancy, concluded that an electronic Pearl Harbor attack on Americas critical infrastructure could indeed cause serious disruption, but would first need five years of preparation and $200m of funding. There are far simpler and less costly ways to attack critical infrastructure, from hoax photo calls to truck bombs and hijacked airliners.On September 18th Richard Clarke, Americas cyber-security tsar, unveiled his long-awaited blueprint for securing critical infrastructure from digital attacks. It was a bit of a damp squib, making no firm recommendations and proposing no new regulation or legislation. But its lily-livered approach might, in fact, be the right one. When a risk has been overstated, inaction may be the best policy.It is difficult to avoid comparisons with the millennium bug” and the predictions of widespread computer chaos arising from the change of date to the year 2000. Then, as now, the alarm was sounded by technology vendors and consultants, who stood to gain from scare-mongering. But Ross Anderson, a computer scientist at Cambridge University, prefers to draw an analogy with the environmental lobby. Like eco-warriors, he observes, those in the security industry-be they vendors trying to boost sales, academics chasing grants, or politicians looking for bigger budgetshave a built-in incentive to overstate the risks.1.We learn from the first paragraph that( ) .2.Speaking of the doom-mongers, the author implies that( ).3.In the view of Gartner consultan


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