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简单句简单句 概念概念:只有一个主谓结构,且句子的各个成:只有一个主谓结构,且句子的各个成 分都只有单词、词组或短语充当的句子叫简分都只有单词、词组或短语充当的句子叫简单句。单句。简单句的五种基本句型简单句的五种基本句型n主语 +谓语(不及物动词)+(状语) eg : A bird can fly . 鸟会飞鸟会飞n主语 +谓语(连系动词)+ 表语 eg: she is away from home . 她不在家她不在家n主语 +谓语(及物动词)+ 宾语 eg: I love you . 我爱你我爱你n主语 +谓语(及物动词)+ 双宾(间接宾语和直接宾语) egeg: He shows me his passport . 他把护照给我看他把护照给我看n主语主语 + +谓语(及物动词)谓语(及物动词)+ +宾语宾语+ +宾语补足语宾语补足语 eg: I will all of you happy .eg: I will all of you happy . 我祝你们大家幸福我祝你们大家幸福 主系表结构主系表结构l主语主语 (Subject) 主语是一句话的中心,表示所说的是什么,其位置一般放在句首,英语中主语一般不省略。主语主要由名词、动名词、代词或起名词作用的短语货从句来充当。 eg: Li Lei is a Chinese boy .(Li lei 是名词,作主语) eg: He is from England .(He是代词,作主语)l 系动词系动词(Link verb) 简单的说,将主语和表语联系在一起,并构成一个 完整句子的动词叫做系动词。目前学到的系动词有:Be、feel、look、sound、taste、seem、smell. eg: This flower isis beautiful . eg: I feltfelt very tired . eg: You looklook worried . l表语表语(predicative) 表语是用来修饰主语的,说明主语的身份、性质、品性、特征和状态的,表语位于系动词之后。 eg: I am fine . He is a boy . We are here . He is not at home . YI m(not)tenAre you ten?Yes ,I am./No ,I m not .Youre (not)lateAm I late?Yes ,you are./No , youre not .He(She ,It ) is (not)hereIs he here?Yes , he is./No, he isntWere (not) students Are you students?Yes ,we are ./No ,we arentYoure (not)right .Are we right?Yes ,you are ./No , you arent .Theyre (not) at homeAre they at home?Yes ,they are ./No ,they arent .口诀口诀 我跟am你跟are, is连着他她它, 单数主语跟is, 复数主语全跟are, 变疑问,be提前, 句末问号别忘记, 变否定,更容易, be加not要牢记。代词代词(1)-人称代词人称代词 人称代词 I you he she it we you theyMy name is Tom词类词类词类词类英文名称英文名称作用及意义作用及意义例词例词名词noun(n.)表示人或事物的名称Tom ,pen ,class , work , water代词pronoun(pron.)代替名词、数词等 I, me ,mine ,this ,both 形容词adjective(a.)表示人或事物的特征good, tall ,red ,young 副词adverb(ad .)表示动作等的特征Very ,hard ,slowly 数词numeral(num .)表示数目或顺序One , first, fifth动词verb(v .)表示动作或状态is ,do ,have ,get , sing ,ask 冠词article(art .)用在名词前说明意义a ,an ,the 介词preposition(prep .)说明词与词关系at, in ,on ,behind 连词conjunction(conj .)连接词与词或句与句and ,but ,or ,so 感叹词interjection(interj .)表示感情或口气hi ,hello ,oh 代词(代词(2)-物主代词物主代词人称人称代词代词Iyouhesheitweyou they物主物主代词代词myyourhisheritsouryourtheir These are books主系表结构(主系表结构(2)-These are This is (not) a book .Is this a book ?Yes, it is . No ,It isnt .That is (not) a pen .Is that a pen ? Yes, it is .No, it isnt.These are (not) books .Are these books ?Yes, they are . No, they arent.Those are (not) pens .Are those pens ?Yes, they are .No, they arent.注意:注意: 1.主语为主语为this 或或that的一般疑问句,答的一般疑问句,答句中主语要用句中主语要用it 而不用而不用this 或或that . 2.主语为主语为these 或或those的一般疑问句,的一般疑问句,答句中主语要用答句中主语要用they而不用而不用these或或those. 选择疑问句选择疑问句 1.选择疑问句不可用选择疑问句不可用Yes或或No回答,其他选择选择的两个部回答,其他选择选择的两个部分语法成分必须相同分语法成分必须相同. Is he tall or short ? He is short . 3.选择疑问句是由选择疑问句是由or连接的连接的.2.选择疑问句的语调是前升后选择疑问句的语调是前升后 降降. Is he tall or short ?3.选择疑问句是由选择疑问句是由or连接的连接的. Is he tall or short ?Is he tall or short ?He is short .Is this your pen or her pen ?Its her pen .Are you eleven or twelve ?I am twelve .Are these bikes old or new ?They are new .练习题练习题一、主系表结构(用主系表结构(用am ,is ,are am ,is ,are 填空)填空) 1.That banana _ yellow. 2.What _ these ? “Theyre sheep . ” 3.The child _ in the room . 4._these your oranges? Yes , they _ . 5.I _ seven years old . areisisAreaream二、按要求完成句子按要求完成句子. 1.This is an apple .(变为复数) 2.Those apples are red .(变为否定句) 3.These books are new . (变为一般疑 问句) These are apples.Those apples are not red.Are these books new? 4.Are these bananas ?(作肯定回答) 5.They are cups .(对划线部分提问) Yes , they are.What are they?三、选择疑问句选择疑问句. 1. Is she thin or fat ?(用fat作答) 2. Is the bay(海峡) new or old ?(用new作答) 3.你的英语老师老还是年轻?你的英语老师老还是年轻?She is fat.The bay is new.Is your English teacher young or old? 4.Those are hens. (用ducks改为选择疑问句) 5.Is your father tall or short ?(用short作答)Are those hens or ducks?He is short. Those are buses名词(名词(2)-名词复数名词复数n名词词尾加名词词尾加s单词情况单词情况构成构成例句例句一般情况一般情况直接加直接加sbookbooks pig-pigs tree-treess , x , sh , ch 结尾结尾加加esbox-boxes bus-buses辅音字母加辅音字母加y 结尾结尾y变变 i再加再加escity-citieso结尾结尾加加sphoto-photos tomato-tomatoes加加esf ( fe )结尾结尾f(fe)变vesknife-knives一般规则名词复数一般规则名词复数 一般规则名词,只需在该名词后加一般规则名词,只需在该名词后加s,即即构成复数。构成复数。 1.清辅音音素结尾s,读/s/ : deskdesks 2.浊辅音音素结尾s,读/z/ : bedbeds 3.元音音素结尾s,读/z/ : playplays特殊规则名词复数u1.以/s/、/z/、/ / 、/ /、/ /等读音结尾的名词,加(e)s构成复数,读/. classclasses dishdishesu 2.以“辅音字母+y”结尾名词变y为 i ,再加 es ,读作/z/. babybabies storystoriesu 3.以字母o结尾的名词变复数. 有的加s, zoozoos bamboo-bamboos photo-photos kilo-kilos piano-pianos video-videos radio -radios kangaroo-kangaroos有的加 es, hero-heroes potato-potatoes tomato-tomatoes 英雄爱吃西红柿和土豆。英雄爱吃西红柿和土豆。 注意:注意:无论加s还是es,都读作/z/. 特殊名词单、复数特殊名词单、复数 1.单、复数同行单、复数同行 deer(鹿)、sheep 、fish、Chinese Japanese 2.只用作复数只用作复数 people(人们) police(警察) cattle(牛群) a people(民族) 3.不规则变化不规则变化 manmen woman-women foot-feet child-children tooth-teeth mouse-mice 练习题一、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。一、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 1._(谁)are the men under the tree ? _(他们)are our teachers . 2.Those are not _(你的)shoes. _(他们)are Toms. 3.These are _(他们的)books. _(你们的)books are there . 4.This is _(我们的)teacher .WhoTheyTheyyouryourTheytheirYourOur _(她)is from America. 5._(我)am a teacher . _(我的)father is a teacher , too.二、选词填空. 1._(He/His) is Jack. _(He/His)cap is yellow . 2.Linda is my good friend. _(We/our)are in the same school .SheIMyHeHisWe 3. Whats _(you/your)name? My name is Mike. 4. We like _(we/our) school. 5. Is this your bag? No , it isnt . _(I/my)bag is in the desk .yourourMy Whats that ?主系表结构(主系表结构(3)-特殊疑问句特殊疑问句 1.自然语序自然语序 疑问词作主语或修饰主语时,特殊疑问句呈自然语序。 who invented the compass ? 谁发明了指南针?谁发明了指南针? 2.倒装语序倒装语序 疑问词作其他成分时,特殊疑问句呈半倒装语序,疑问词+助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语+其他部分。 what are you boss doing ? 老板在干什么?老板在干什么?注意:注意: 如果谓语是连系动词,或是如果谓语是连系动词,或是have(有有) 这样的特殊疑问句呈倒装语序,即:疑这样的特殊疑问句呈倒装语序,即:疑问词问词+连系动词(或连系动词(或have)+主语主语+其它其它部分部分. What people is BBC English for? 英语是为什么人服务的?英语是为什么人服务的?Whats this / that ? Its bird .What are these / those ?They re sheep .What colour is your shirt? My shirt is green . Its green.What colour are your shoes ?My shoes are blue .They are blue .What is your name ?My name is Rob .Who is she ?She s our teacher .What is she ?She is a teacher .How old are you ?I m eleven .What is he like ? He s tall .疑问词的使用疑问词的使用一、用一、用What 提问提问 问“什么”如: This is a knife .-What is this ? 这是小刀。 -这是什么? 1.问“职业”如: What is he ? -He is a typist. 他是干什么的?-他是个打字员。 What do you do ? -Im a teacher . 你是干什么的? -我是当老师的。 2.问“人口、面积、年龄、形状、距离、 号码、数”。 What is the shape of her eyes ? 她的眼睛是什么样子? 3.问“长度、高度、宽度、深度、厚度、 重量”。 What weight is the elephant ? 这头象有多重? 4.问“大小、尺码、价格、颜色”。 What is the size of the suitcase ? 这只手提箱有多大? 二二. How的用法的用法 1.问问“多少多少” How much success did he have ? 他取得了多大的成功? 2.问问“价格价格” How much is the shoes? 3. 问问“数量数量” How much do you want ? 你要多少? 4.问问“程度程度” How much do you like it ? 你有多喜欢它。三三.短语用法短语用法. how long 时间多长、多久时间多长、多久 how soon 多久多久 how far 多远多远 how old 年龄多大年龄多大 how often 多频繁多频繁 how tall(high、long、wide、thick、deep多高、长、宽、厚、深。多高、长、宽、厚、深。) how large 多大多大 how many 多少多少 代词(代词(3)-名词性物主代词名词性物主代词形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritsouryour their名词名词性物性物主代主代词词mine yourshishersitsoursyourstheirs名词(名词(2)-名词所有格名词所有格 一、s式所有格 1.在单数名词和无s结尾的复数名词后加s,构成s所有格. Tom s cat . 汤姆的猫 2.以s结尾的复数名词后只加 girls school 女校女校 3.以s结尾的专有名词后加s或 Mr Joness car 琼斯先生的汽车 4.组合词的s加在最后一个词后面. an hour or twos time 一两个小时的时间 二、of 式所有格 of +名词构成of式所有格,修饰前面的名词.它可用来表示这两个名词之间的所属关系.这种所有格多用于无生命无生命的的名词. the legs of the table(=the tables legs) 桌子的腿注意:注意: 有些表达只能用of 结构式 . the cost of living 生活费用 the price of success 成功的代价 the freedom of speech 言论自由 三、双重所有格三、双重所有格 of 加s 所有格或of +名词性物主代词,这种格叫双重所有格. He is a friend of mine .他是我的一个朋友 of +名词性物主代词,也属双重所有格. He is a friend of hers .他是她的一个朋友. 名词(名词(2)-名词所有格名词所有格 Whose shirt is this ? Its Janes skirt. / Its Janes . Its her skirt . / Its hers . Whose caps are these ? Theyre Jims caps ./ Theyre Jims . Theyre his caps ./ Theyre his . 练习题练习题名词所有格名词所有格 Jane( ) boy( ) dog( ) Teachers( ) students( ) James( )或( ) Bob and Rob( ) room Bob( ) and Rob ( ) room today( ) China( ) the legs ( ) the table What time is it ?三种时间表示法三种时间表示法 三种时间表示法三种时间表示法 4:05 6:20 1:35 11:50点数点数+分数分数(直读法直读法)four o fivesix twentyone thirty-fiveeleven fifty分数(分数(1-30)+past+该点数该点数(过式过式)five past fourtwenty past six分数(分数(31-59)+to+下一点数下一点数(差式差式) twenty-five to twoten to twelve时间表示法时间表示法 What time is it ? = (Whats the time ?) Itssix (oclock) . 六点整六点整six thirty .half past six. . 六点半六点半eleven forty five . 11:45 a quarter to twelve . 12:15注意注意 1.分钟是分钟是15时一般用时一般用a quarter 来代来代替替fifteen,分钟分钟 是是30时一般用时一般用half来来代替代替thirty . 2. a.m.( = in the morning 表示上午表示上午 ). p.m.( = in the afternoon 表示下表示下午午) . Its time for.该是该是.的时候了的时候了 介词介词for后面跟名词,如:后面跟名词,如:class ,school , breakfast, lunch, supper , sports ,bed 等。等。 Its time to后跟动词后跟动词. Its time to go to school . 数词所有格数词所有格 数词还可以用所有格形式及加连字数词还可以用所有格形式及加连字符相当于形容词。符相当于形容词。 one weeks meeting five minutes walk a one-week meeting a five minutes walk a ten-year-old girl 练习题1.用英语表示下列时间用英语表示下列时间. 1:20 3:55 8:05 10:30 12:15 12:30 one : twentyfive to foureight o fivehalf past tena quarter twelvehalf past twelve2.仿照 例句写句子.Model 1:6:00 get up Its six oclock .Its time to get up .Model 2:7:00 school Its seven oclock .Its time for school . 1. 7:10 go to school 2. 7:45 go to the classroom 3. 16:20 play football 4. 17:40 go back home 5. 20:55 go to bed 6. 9:00 class3.按要求写句子。 1.What time is it ?(同义句) 2.Its time for breakfast .(同义句) 3.Twenty and five is twenty-five .(就画线部分提问) _ _ twenty and five ? 4.Its seven twenty now .(就画线部分提问) _ _ is it now ? What s the time ? Its time to have breakfast .How muchWhattimeTwo and three is five数词(数词(1)-基数词基数词 1.概念:表示概念:表示 数目的词叫基数词数目的词叫基数词. onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelvethirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteentwentyTwenty-onethirtyforty fiftysixty seventyeightyninety one hundreda hundred 101 one hundred and one 236 Two hundred and thirty six注意:注意:在数字开头时,既可译成在数字开头时,既可译成a ,也可译成也可译成 one .如:如: 146 :a(one)hundred and forty-six 1038:a(one)thousand and thirty-eightWhats two and three?Two and three is (are)five.Whats nine plus six?Nine plus six is fifteen . Its fifteen.How much is forty-one minus thirty-two?Its nine. Im in Row one . Im in class two . Im live in Room 302 .练习题练习题1.单项选择.( )Its time _class. A . for B .to C .on ( )Its time _. A .go to school B. go school C .to go to school( )Its _(8:30).we must start to work now. A .eight thirty B. eighty-thirty C .thirty -eightyACA ( ) Whats the time ? Its _. A .nine B .mine C .nice ( ) What _ ten and eleven ? Its _. A .is ,twenty B. is , twenty-one C. are ,twenty-one ( ) _is your English teacher ? He is forty . A .how much B .How old C .What ABA Where is my bag ? 英语中表示地点的介词很多,主要有以下这些: at, in,over, under, above, below, down, before, behind, between, among, on, up, 等 at与in的用法 at表示“在地点”,通常指某一点的位置。in表示“在内”,通常指一个(有长、宽、高的)立体的地方。如:The car pulled up at the gate. 车停在大门口。What is in the box? 盒子里面有什么?2.on, over,above, under, below的用法 (1)on表示“在(平面)上”。如:There is colour TV set on the desk. 桌子上有一台彩电。(2)above和over都表示“在上方”,都没有接触面, over表示在正上方 above不一定在正上方 如:The plane is flying above the clouds. 这架飞机正在云层的上方飞行。There is a lamp over the table. 桌子的上方有一盏灯。 (3) under和below都表示“在下方”, under表示在正下方; below不一定在正下方。如:The peasants are having a rest under the tree. 农民们正在树下休息。The sun sank below the horizon. 太阳沉到地平线以下。与after的用法 before表示“在的前面”; after表示“在后面”。 Dont put the cart before the horse. 不要把大车放在马的前面。 (谚语:不要本末倒置。)The object should be placed after the verb. 宾语应该放在动词的后面。4.between与among的用法 between表示“在(两者)之间”。among表示“在(两者以上)之间”。Is there any difference between the two words? 这两个词之间有什么区别吗?1.at+点 at home on+面 on the wall in+体 in the door beside(在旁边) next to 挨着 in front of (在前面) 在正前面在正前面 in the front of (在前部) 在里面的前面在里面的前面2. in +大地方大地方,at+小地方小地方 He arrived at the village .(或或 in Beijing) 昨天他到达了那个村庄昨天他到达了那个村庄 . 3. across+表面 through+空间 The river runs through our city, across the fields and then into the sea . 那条河穿过我们城市,流经田野,然后汇入大海。4.among+多者 between+两者5.at the corner (of) 表示在.的拐角(外面外面) in the corner (of) 表示在的拐角(里面里面)6.at home , in ones home .介词介词介词(介词(1)-表示地点的介词表示地点的介词 Where is Tom? Hes at home . Where is my pen? Its on the desk. Wheres her brother? Hes in his room . Where are my shoes? They are under the bed . Where are the balls? They are behind the door.英语中表示时间的介词很多,主要有以下这些:at, on,in, after,for,since, by,till,until等。的用法 时间介词at表示时刻或时间的某一点。如:at 4: 30 (noon, dawn, midnight. )在4: 30(中午、黎明、午夜)的用法 时间介词on表示日期及某天的上午、下午、晚上等 on Sunday (Oct. 1. )在星期日(10月1日) 。 3.in的用法 (1)时间介词in表示“时段,时期”,在多数情况下可以和during互换,前者强调对比,后者强调持续。如:in (during) 1987在1987年in (during) the 21st century在21世纪但是如果表示“在某项活动的期间”,则只能用during。如:during my military service (the trip. )在我服役期间(在旅行期间)(2)时间介词in表示以说话时间为基点的“若干时间以后”,常用于谓语是将来时的时间状语。 如要表示“若干时间内”,则常用within。试比较:The meeting will end in 30 minutes. 会议30分钟以后结束。Can you finish it within 30 minutes? 你能在30分钟之内完成这件事吗?但是在过去时态中,in和within的意思一样,并都可用于表示“在若干时间以内”,这时不要误用during。如:The job was done during a week. (x)The job was done in a week. () 表示时间的介词表示时间的介词When is your birthday?Its (on) May 10 . 在某一天用在某一天用onWhen is Childrens day ?Its (on) June 1I usually get up at six . 在某一时刻用在某一时刻用 atI usually do my homework in the evening . 在某一时段用在某一时段用 in1.at+时间点 in+时间段2.on +具体的某日或某日的早.午.晚等。 on Monday 在星期一 on May 1st 在五月一日 on the morning of May 1st 在五月一日早晨3.on+节假日 on New Years Day .在元旦4.for+时间段 since+过去的时间点 for 48 years 48年 since 1949 自从1949年以来5.in+时间段(与将来时连用) He will come back in two hours . 他两小时后回来. after+时间段(与过去瞬间动作连用) He came back after two hours . 两小时候后他回来了.This is an apple冠词(1) 冠词是一种不能单独使用的虚词,只能附在一个名词上,帮助说明名词的含义。 不定冠词a(an)用于单数可数名词前,表示指,说明名称和种类,具有一个的意思.可数名词单词可数名词单词可数名词复数可数名词复数不可数名词不可数名词泛指泛指a bookbookswater特指特指the bookthe booksthe water不定冠词a / an 的用法1.用于第一次提到的单数名词前. I saw an advertisement in the newspaper . 我在报上看到一则广告.2.用于单数名词表示类别. Clarke is a musician . 克拉克是个音乐家。3.表示某一 He works in a factory . 他在一家工厂工作.4.表示泛指 A bike has two wheels . 自行车有两个轮子.5.表示同一性,常出现在be of 结构中,相当与the same.6.用于没有复数形式的表示动作的单数名词前7.表示一,相当于one.aa bog ,a u , a useful book用于辅音开头的单词前,泛指某一事物。anan apple, an hour ,ans用于元音开头的单词前,泛指某用于元音开头的单词前,泛指某一事物。一事物。定冠词 the 的用法1.特指前面提到的人或事。 Ill get on the 9:15 a.m. train . 我坐上午9:15的火车。注意注意:不管什么名词,凡表示特指的,一般都要用the .2.指谈话双方心中有数的人和事。 Open the window ,please.3.指世上独一无二的事物,如:the sun(太阳)4.用在复数名词前面,指全体。5.与形容词连用,指这一类人或物. the rich (富人富人) 6.用来表示所有关系,相当于物主代词。 John hit me in the face . 约翰打了我一个耳光。7.用与专有名词. the Great wall 长城长城 the West Lake 西湖西湖8.固定搭配 the the(越越) Open the door ,please.说话双方都知道的事物说话双方都知道的事物.Its a new pen .The pen is hers.前面提到过的事物前面提到过的事物.The book on the desk is mine .有限制性定语修饰的名词有限制性定语修饰的名词前前练习题练习题1.We went to London _ October,1997 A、 in B 、on C、 at2. Taiwan is _ the east of Fujian. A 、in B、 at C、 to3. _ the morning of June 27, they visited the Great Wall. A 、In B、 At C、 On D、 From4. My room is _ the third floor. A 、at B、 on C、 in D、 toAcCB5.They will leave a week _ today. A 、from B 、on C、 by D 、for6. My uncle lives _ 105 Beijing Street. A、 on B 、at C 、to D、 ofAB ( ) 1 Han Meimei is _ Chinese girl. Lucy is _ English girl.A. a; a B. an; an C. a; an D. an; a ( ) 2 A little boy wrote_ U and_ n on the wall.A. a; an B. an; a C. an; an D. a; a ( ) 3 _ old lady in brown is_ university professor.A. An; a B. An; / C. The; an D. The; a ( ) 4 There are sixty minutes in _ hour.A. an B. the C. a D. / CBDA ( ) 5. A computer is _useful tool in _ world today. A. an; the B. a; the C. the; the D. a; a ( ) 6. Fancy saw_ accident in the street yesterday. A. the B. a C. an D. / ( ) 7. Now he is _ artist. I have known him since he was _ one-year-old boy.A. a; an B. a; a C. an; an D. an; a ( ) 8. Which is bigger _ elephant or _ horse?ACDB A. a; the B. an; a C. the; an D. an; the( ) 9._monkey can climb _ trees. A. /; the B. A; / C. The; a D. /; /( ) 10. _ rains are faster than _ buses.A. /; / B. The; / C. /; the D. The; a ( )11.There is _ old bike. _ old bike is Mr Zhaos.A. an ;The B. the;An C.a;The D.the;The( )12.The museum is quite far. It will take you half _ hour to get there by _ bus.A. an;/ B . an ; a C .a ;/ D./;/BAAAThere is a pen in the box1.There be结构1.there be 结构中there 本身无词义,其后 be的动词be具有存在之义,所以是一实义动词。(1.)there be 结构中主语一般都指不确定 的事物。 There is a lamp on the table . 桌上有一盏灯。(2.)there be (is/are) there is 用于单数名词. there are 用于复数名词. there be用于:(各种一般时态、完成 时态、情态动词、被动式。) There hasnt been any rain for some days. (完成时态) There must be something wrong . (情态动词)(3.)there be 结构还可以用疑问式,将be移至there 之前,回答用Yes或No, 后接简略回答。 Is there a telephone in your room? 你房间有电话吗? Yes,there is . No,there isnt. (4.) there be 结构的否定有两种构成方法. 1.将否定副词not 加在be之后构成。 There isnt a telephone in the room . 2.在主语前加不定代词no. There is no smoking here .there be 结构结构There is a pen in the box .There are two books on the desk .There isnt a pen in the box .There arent two books on the desk .Is there a pen in the box .Yes ,there is .No , there isnt .Are there two books on the desk ?Yes ,there are . No ,there arent .How many pens are there in the box ?Theres only one .How much books are there on the desk ?There are two . There be 句型表示句型表示某处有某物某处有某物句中的主语是句中的主语是be后面的名词。后面的名词。There is a pen in the box .单数主语用单数主语用is There are two books on the desk .复数主语用复数主语用are There is a pen and two books on the desk .并列主语按并列主语按离动词离动词be最近的主语最近的主语确定确定 Is there any water in the cup ?1.1.somesome 不定代词some具有名词、形容词性质既可人,也可以指物。(1)通常用于表示不定数或不定量,修饰可数名词或不可数名词,几个、一些。 He asked me some question. (可数名词) Give me some water,please . (不可数名词)(2)用于修饰单数可数名词某个 Hes living at some place in East Asia . 他住在东亚的某个地方。 (3)用于表示对比,须重读。 I enjoy some music,but not much of it . 我喜欢一些音乐,但不多。(4)相当于名词,后+of some of the food 一些食物(5)一般用于肯定句. The mother is doing some washing now . 妈妈正在洗衣服.2. any (1) 通常用于疑问句中. Is there any water in the cup? (2) 用于否定句中或从句中,常与 never、without、hardly等连用. (3) 用于由if 或whether引导的宾语从句 Let me know if you hear any news. 我想知道你听到什么消息没有。(4)用于固定习语 any number of 许多 At any rate 不管怎样 3.no 不定代词no只有形容词性质,在句中作定语,no表示否定,没有,不是 (1) 用于there is(are)等于not any. Ive got no home. 我没有家 There are no letters for you today . 今天没有你的信. (2) 用于连系动词之后,等于not a ,但语气更强. He is no friend of mine . 他才不是我的朋友. (3) 用于警告、命令等标识. No smoking ! 不许吸烟 No parking! 禁止停车(4)no 表示程度表示程度 = not any (5) 用于固定习语用于固定习语 no longer 不再 no such 没有 no way 没门 no time没有时间 no telephone 没有电话 no problem 没问题Some ,any ,和和 no的用法的用法There is some water in the cup .There are some apples on the tree .There isnt any (is no)water in the cup .There arent any (are no) apples on the tree .Is there any water in the cup?Are there any apples on the tree?How much water is there in the cup?How many apples are there on the tree? Some , any和no均可修饰可数名词和不可数名词。 How much修饰不可数名词,How many修饰可数名词。名词(名词(3) 名词分: 普通名词普通名词 专有名词专有名词1.普通名词前可以用不定冠词a/an,定冠词 the或零冠词。2.普通名词分:个体名词、集体名词、物质名词、抽象名词。 个体名词:book 书 table 桌子 house 房子 集体名词: family家庭 army 军队 物质名词: milk 牛奶 water 水 抽象名词:honesty 诚实 happiness 幸福 love爱 3.名词可以根据其可数性分: 可数名词(个体名词和集体名词) a girl 一个女孩 a chair 一把椅子 a horse 一匹马 a family 一个家庭 不可数名词(物质名词和抽象名词) milk 牛奶 glass 玻璃 4.可数名词与不可数名词区分(1)不能依靠常识(即数数方法)如: 英语中duty(责任)是可数,在汉语中是不可数 汉语中的肥皂是可数,在英语中soap不可数 (2)抽象名词是不可数,但英语中有一些可数 如:hope (希望) experience(经验)(3)对名词可数性有疑问时,最可靠方法是查阅标有C (可数名词)和U(不可数名词)的英英或英汉词典。专有名词专有名词 专有名词表示个别的人、地、事物等所特有的名称。(1)人名. Smith Jim(2)地名. America China(3)时间名. May Sunday (4)报刊名. Time 时代周刊(5)单位团体名. The United Nations 联合国 Yale university 耶鲁大学名词(名词(3)1.名词有两大类,专有名词和普通名词。名词有两大类,专有名词和普通名词。 专有专有名词名词是个人、国家、是个人、国家、地方、机构、地方、机构、组织等所专有组织等所专有的名词。的名词。Jim ,China ,Beijing July ,Sunday2.普通名词又分为个体名词、集体名词、普通名词又分为个体名词、集体名词、物质名词和抽象名词。物质名词和抽象名词。普通名普通名词词可数名词可数名词个体名词个体名词cat , apple ,child ,book 集体名次集体名次class, family ,team不可数名词不可数名词物质名词物质名词water, bread ,paper, air抽象名词抽象名词work, homework,love, maths I can swim情态动词情态动词-can、could1.含义:即它所表示的是说话人对动作的观点如需要、可能、意愿或怀疑等。 肯定式肯定式否定式否定式缩略否定式缩略否定式现在式现在式cancannot cant过去式过去式couldcould not couldnt是现在式,多用于指现在或将来. He can speak English.是过去式,多用于指过去.“虚拟语气” He could speak English when he was a child. 他小时候就能说英语了.的基本用法. (1) 表能够. (2) can=be able to 有能力 (3) can表能够时可用于各种句式. 肯定句: I can swim. 否定句: I cannot swim . (表示不许) 疑问句: can you swim? (表示要求)4.can 如果要表示将来,则可用短语 shall / will be able to . I shall be able to earn my own living soon . 我很快就能自立了.5.变否定:情态动词 can + not . 变疑问:情态动词can提前,句末加问号. could 主要指过去. 1.能够能够. I said that I could go . 我说我能去. 2.表可能表可能. It could be my mother. 可能是我母亲. 3.表示允许表示允许. You can borrow my bike tomorrow. 明天你可以借用我的自行车. 4.表示怀疑表示怀疑. Can it be true? 那会是真的吗? can和和could比较比较 can与could表示能够与可能时, can表真实,could表非真实. (1)He can speak . 他能说英语他能说英语. (2)He could speak if necessary . 他在必要时能说英语他在必要时能说英语.5.用于固定习语. cant / could t help doing 情不自禁做某事 she cant help crying.


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