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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-陕西师范大学考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题It was important for any lecturer to get the audience_right at the beginning and then gradually increase the pressure.问题1选项A.relatedB.concernedC.involvedD.mixed【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项relate“联系,叙述,讲述”;B选项concern“涉及,关系到”;C选项involve“包含,牵涉,(使)参加”;D选项mix“混合”。根据lecture与audience可知C选项符合逻辑搭配。句意:对于任何一个演讲者来说,让听众一开始就参与进来是很重要的。然后逐渐增加压力。2.单选题On the stage many pieces of blue silk were fluctuated to()the sea waves问题1选项A.simplifyB.simulateC.stimulateD.signify【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项simplify v.简化,使简易;B选项simulate v.模仿,假装,冒充;C选项stimulate v.刺激,鼓舞,激发;D选项signify v.表示,意味着。句意:在舞台上,许多舞动着的蓝丝绸模拟出了海浪的景象。根据句意,本题选择B项正确。3.单选题The high court reversed the decision of the lower court because the ruling_the defendant his right.问题1选项A.refusedB.declinedC.deniedD.ignored【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项 refuse“拒绝”,其后接名词、代词或不定式;B选项decline“下降,谢绝,婉言拒绝”;C选项deny“否认,拒绝给予”,deny sb. sth.表示“拒绝给予某人某物”;D选项ignore“忽视,不顾”。根据从句中的宾语the defendant his right可知选C。句意:高等法院推翻了下级法院的裁决,因为该裁决剥夺了被告的权利。4.单选题There is no doubt_the company has made the right decision on the sales project.问题1选项A.whyB.thatC.whetherD.when【答案】B【解析】考查同位语从句。doubt后面的that为同位语从句的引导词,修饰doubt。doubt引导的主从复合句中,用否定式时后面的引导词只能是that。相反如果doubt引导肯定意义的主从复合句中,引导词要用whether。句意:毫无疑问,公司对销售项目的决定是正确的。5.单选题Before police could stop the drink-crazed driver, he had crashed_another car and sent six persons to the hospital.问题1选项A.outB.againstC.intoD.on【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。crash out表示“(因极度困倦或醉酒而)入睡,睡觉”;crash against表示“碰撞(常发出巨大的声响或造成破坏)”,against指对立;crash into“撞上,坠毁”,into指进去;have a crush on sb,表示“喜欢某人”,为固定搭配。根据the drink-crazed driver与another car可知C选项符合语义。句意:在警察还没来得及制止酒后驾车的司机,他就撞上了另一辆车,并使六个人送往医院。6.单选题The center task of an empirical science such as economics is to provide general understanding of events in the real world, and ultimately all of its theories and techniques must be instrumental to that task. That is very different from saying, however, that it must be responsive to the contemporaneous conditions and problems of the society in which it is situated.If the problems of economic life changed frequently and radically, and lacked a large measure of continuity in their essential nature, there could not be a science of economics. An essential element of a science is the cumulative growth of knowledge, and that cumulative character could not arise if each generation of economists faced fundamentally new problems calling for entirely new methods of analysis. The change of problems and methods would also undermine the training of economists; if the young studied under the old, the young could be confident that they were learning things that were rapidly becoming outdated. A science requires for its very existence a set of fundamental and durable problems.In economics the most fundamental of these central problems is the theory of value. The theory of value must explain how the comparative values of different goods and services are established. Until that problem is solved, it is not possible to analyze for scientific purposes what will be produced and in what quantities, how the resources will be employed in producing the menu of outputs, and how the resources will be valued. Without a theory of value the economist can have neither theory of international trade nor possibly a theory of money. This central problem of value does not change in its essential content if one seeks to explain values in agricultural or industrial societies, indeed, if the problem of value were so chameleonlike as to alter its nature whenever the economic or political system altered, each epoch in economic life would require its own theory, and short epoch would get short-lived theories.1. The main idea of the passage is that().2. Which is a correct statement of theories and techniques?3. If every generation of economists had basically different problems,().4. The passage supports which of the following statements about the theory of value?5. The word “chameleonlike” in the last sentence is closest in meaning to().问题1选项A.all sciences should have proper tools if they are to complete the central taskB.the empirical science must be responsive to the problems of the real worldC.economics as an empirical science must have its fundamental problems for studyD.economists must give priority to agreement of the theory of value问题2选项A.Theories and techniques of a science must contribute to our knowledge of the real world.B.Theories and techniques offer us tools when we endeavor to respond to current problems.C.Theories and techniques must constantly change radically in order to catch up with the time.D.Theories and techniques must have their values in solving fundamental problems of sciences.问题3选项A.economic knowledge would be dramatically enrichedB.the science of economics would transform its natureC.the training of economists would be much more importantD.it would be hard to develop the science of economics问题4选项A.The theory of value is very complicated because it involves many fundamental problems.B.The theory of value is crucial to the scientific analysis of economic activities.C.Business executives must learn the theory of value if they hope to succeed in managing production.D.The theory of value only applies to industrial societies when capitalism makes its appearance问题5选项A.colorfulB.obscureC.changeableD.flexible【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。本文主要探讨了经济学的意义以及经济学的研究基础和根本问题,说明了经济学的研究基础和发展关键在于一个固定的基本问题的研究,而最根本的核心问题是“the theory of value”,所以,D项是正确答案。2.细节事实题。由文章开头The central task of an empirical science such as economics is to provide general understanding of events in the real world, and ultimately all of its theories and techniques must be instrumental to that task.可知,经验科学的核心任务就是能够解释现实中的社会问题,促进人们对于事情原理的理解,并且最终所有的理论和方法都应该适用于这个核心任务。因此,A项符合题意。3.细节事实题。由文章第二段If the problems of economic life changed frequently and radically, and lacked a large measure of continuity their essential nature, there could not be a science of economics.可知,如果一个学科研究的核心基础命题一直在变化,那么将不利于学科的纵深发展和深入解决问题。因此,D选项正确。4.推理判断题。根据文章第三段中Until thatproblem is solved, it is not possible to analyze for scientific purposes what will be produced and in what quantities, how the resources will be employed in producing the menu of outputs, and how the resources will be valued.可知,如果不能很好地诠释和定义价值理论,那么这些问题都难以解决,由此可见价值理论的重要性。因此,B 选项正确。5. 词汇题。chameleon意思为变色龙,善变的人,加后缀like变为形容词,A选项colorful adj.多彩的,B选项 obscure adj.模糊的,不清楚的,C选项changeable adj.易变的,可改变的,D选项flexible adj.灵活的,易弯曲的。根据词义可知C项最为接近。因此,C选项正确。7.单选题I could see that my wife was that having that fur coat, whether I approve of it or not.问题1选项A.adequateB.intent onC.short ofD.deficient of【答案】B【解析】搭配题。A选项adequate for胜任的,合适的;B选项intent on专心致志于,决心要实现;C选项short of缺乏,不足,除以外;D选项deficient of缺乏,不足。根据句意可知,无论我是否同意,我妻子都抱定决心要买那件毛皮大衣。因此,B项符合句意。8.单选题If the world is to remain peaceful, the utmost effort must be made by nations to limit local _.问题1选项A.collisionsB.combatsC.contradictionsD.conflicts【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项collision“冲突,碰撞”,指物理上的碰撞;B选项combat“格斗,搏斗”;C选项contradiction“矛盾,冲突”,指观点上的冲突;D选项conflict“(武装)斗争,冲突”。根据If the world is to remain peaceful可知D选项符合语义。句意:如果世界要保持和平,各国必须尽最大努力限制地方冲突。9.单选题We must look beyond_and assumptions and try to discover what is missing.问题1选项A.justificationsB.illusionsC.manifestationsD.specifications【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项justification“借口,理由”;B选项illusion“错觉,幻想”;C选项manifestation“表示,表明”;D选项specification“规格,说明书”。根据并列连词and可知空格处与assumptions的意思接近,因此选B。句意:我们必须超越幻想和假设,努力发现缺失的东西。10.单选题Even when textbooks are _through a school system, methods of teaching may vary greatly.问题1选项A.commonplaceB.standardizedC.competitiveD.generalized【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项commonplace“平凡的,普通的”;B选项standardized“标准化的”;C选项competitive“竞争的,比赛的”;D选项generalized“普遍的,广泛的”。根据Even可知空格与vary greatly的意思相反,因此选B。句意:即使教科书通过学校系统标准化,教学方法也可能有很大的不同。


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