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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-辽宁大学考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题The first coins to appear in the Western world were issued by the Lydians and the Ionian Greeks in the eighth century B.C. These coins, which were made of electrum, a natural combination of gold and silver, were irregular in weight and quality and apparently of private issue. The pure gold and silver coins with related values which appeared during the reign of Croesus (560-546 B.C) provide the first undoubted evidence of standard coinage by state authority. The coins were not perfectly shaped, however, for they were struck with a hand-wielded hammer. The trend toward complete mathematical symmetry did not, in fact, begin until the coining press, invented by Leonardo da Vinci in the sixteenth century, was generally adopted in the middle of the seventeenth century.One should not assume, however, that only machine-made coins are prized for their workmanship. The silver dekadrachm from Syracuse, struck about 413 B.C., is considered one of the finest Greek coins and is worth more than a thousand dollars today. An artistic masterpiece of a much later period is the silver taler minted in Ratisbon, southern Germany, in 1754.The value of a coin is not primarily determined by its age, as many people seem to think. Many Greek and Roman coins that were issued in abundance can be purchased for a moderate price. On the other hand, a German coin made of shrapnel during the First World War is very rare and valuable. Among the especially rare United States coins are the 1804 silver dollar, the 1822 five-dollar gold piece, and the 1894 silver dime.1.Which of the following statements may NOT be right about the coins made in Lydia during the reign of Croesus?2.The authority specifically mentions all of the following specific features of the Syracuse dekadrachm EXCEPT its ( ).3.The author makes it clear that the Syracusan dekadrachm and the German taler mentioned in the passage are( ).4.Leonardo de Vinci is mentioned in the passage in connection with( ).5.The author makes it clear that coins made by machine are( ).问题1选项A.They were issued by the governmentB.They were given standard valuesC.They were all of equal purityD.They were all alike in shape问题2选项A.appearanceB.scarcityC.valueD.age问题3选项A.handmade Western coinsB.worth about a thousand dollars each todayC.made out of different metalsD.noted for their craftsmanship问题4选项A.the first government issue of coinsB.the artistic aspect of coin makingC.coins issued in the sixteenth centuryD.the production of uniform coins问题5选项A.usually of greater value than handmade coinsB.more uniform in size and shape than handmade coinsC.available in large quantities than handmade coinsD.generally superior in workmanship to handmade coins【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。由文章第一段中的The pure gold and silver coins with related values which appeared during the reign of Croesus provide the first undoubted evidence of standard coinage by state authority.(克里萨斯国王统治时期出现的具有相关价值的纯金和银币,为国家当局提供了第一个毫无疑问的标准铸币证据)可知A、B、C的选项正确,因此选D。2.细节事实题。由文章第一段中的The coins were not perfectly shaped, however, for they were struck with a hand-wielded hammer.(然而,这些硬币的形状并不完美,因为它们是用手握着的锤子敲打的)和第二段中的The silver dekadrachm from Syracuse, struck about 413 B.C., is considered one of the finest Greek coins and is worth more than a thousand dollars today.(来自希腊库扎的银质硬币铸造于公元前413年,被认为是希腊最好的硬币之一,价值超过1000美元)可知提到了这个银币的不足、价值以及年龄,因此选A。3.细节事实题。文章第二段句首提到One should not assume, however, that only machine-made coins are prized for their workmanship.(然而,人们不应该认为只有机器制造的硬币才是有价值的),紧接着以the Syracusan dekadrachm and the German taler举例,是为了说明手工制作的硬币具有很大的价值,因此选D。4.细节事实题。由文章第一段中的The trend toward complete mathematical symmetry did not, in fact, begin until the coining press, invented by Leonardo da Vinci in the sixteenth century(事实上,完全数学对称的趋势直到十六世纪莱昂纳多达芬奇发明的印压机才开始)可知B选项“硬币制作的工艺”符合题意。5.细节事实题。由文章第一段中的The coins were not perfectly shaped, however, for they were struck with a hand-wielded hammer.(然而,这些硬币的形状并不完美,因为它们是用手握着的锤子敲打的)可知以前手工制作的硬币在形状大小存在不足,机械制造出来的银币其形状大小是统一的,因此选B。2.单选题Once I was unaware of the critical points involved, my choice would be bound to be relatively _.问题1选项A.arbitraryB.irrationalC.indispensableD.negligent【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项arbitrary“任意的;武断的;专制的”,是由偶然、一时兴起或冲动而非由必然、推理或原则决定的;B选项irrational“不合理的(即与理想状况相比有差距);无理性的;荒谬的”;C选项indispensable“不可缺少的;绝对必要的;责无旁贷的”;D选项negligent“疏忽的;粗心大意的”。句意:一旦我不知道其中的关键点,我的选择必然是相对_。如果不知道关键点,做出选择前心里就不会有一个理想答案,所以选择就会相对随意,所以A选项正确。3.单选题( )lighting has made an important contribution to the cultural development of humanity.问题1选项A.syntheticB.falseC.imitationD.artificial【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。synthetic意为“人造的;合成的”,强调通过化学作用或化学处理把几种物质复制成与原材料截然不同的新产品;false意为“虚伪的”;imitation意为“仿制品,赝品,模仿”;artificial意为“人工的,人造的”,指模仿天然材料由人工制造的东西。句意:人工照明为人类文化发展做出了重要贡献。4.翻译题Five National Health Service (NHS) trusts have signed partnerships with Google to process sensitive patient records, in what are believed to be the first deals of their kind. The collaborations came after DeepMind, the London-based artificial intelligence company owned by Alphabet, transferred control of its health division to its Californian parent. DeepMind had contracts to process medical data from six NHS trusts to develop its app, which alerts doctors and nurses when patients are at risk of acute kidney injury, as well as to conduct AI research. Five of the trusts chose to sign contracts with Google. According to papers from the Royal Free, the data that will be shared with Google will include details such as medical history, diagnoses, treatment dates and ethnic origin.【答案】【参考译文】英国国家医疗服务体系的五家信托公司与谷歌签署了合作伙伴关系,以处理敏感的患者记录,这被认为是此类交易的首次。此前,总部位于伦敦的Alphabet旗下人工智能公司DeepMind将其医疗部门的控制权转让给了位于加州的母公司。DeepMind与NHS签订了合同,处理来自6个信托机构的医疗数据,以开发自己的应用,以及进行人工智能研究。当患者面临急性肾损伤风险时,该应用会向医生和护士发出警报。其中5家信托公司选择与谷歌签订合同。根据皇家自由报的文件,谷歌将共享的数据包括病史、诊断、治疗日期和种族等细节。5.翻译题在网上购物尚未走俏的时候,在空调、个人计算机、视频游戏、英特网、手机、克隆技术、基因工程,以及其他一堆使这个人造世界越发诱人的发明出现之前,有人就表现出了忧虑。人造世界是为我们而建造的。它用美味佳肴供我们充饥,用精神粮食滋养我们的心灵。它给我们提供庇护,不受疾患和不适的侵害。它告知天下我们是如何聪颖;它满足了我们的虚荣,蜷缩在由钢铁和混凝土,硅以及塑料构筑的泡沫世界里,我们可以假装在驾驭这个星球。与之形成鲜明对照的是,自然世界的产生不是为了我们的舒适和方便。它在数十亿年前就存在了,而人类的诞生则是在数十亿年之后的事,但自然界的寿命却要比人类更长久。自然界嘲笑我们的虚荣,因为它超越了我们对它的理解和控制。【答案】【参考译文】Some people voiced these worries before the triumph of online shopping and before the advent of air-conditioning, personal computers, video games, the Internet, cell phones, cloning technology, genetic engineering and a slew of other inventions that have made the artificial world ever more seductive. The artificial world is made for us. It feeds our bellies and minds with tasty pabulum; it shelters us from discomfort and sickness; it proclaims our ingenuity; it flatters our pride. Snug inside bubbles fashioned from concrete and steel, from silicon and plastic and words, we can pretend we are running the planet.By contrast, the natural world was not made for our comfort or convenience. It precedes us by some billions of years, and human being comes into being billions of years later, but the natural world will outlast us; it mocks our pride, because it surpasses our understanding and control.6.单选题The Civil War provided an impetus to Michigans growth.问题1选项A.an incentive toB.an obstacle toC.a reason forD.a delay in【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。an impetus to意为“推动,促进”;an incentive to意为“刺激,激励”;an obstacle to意为“障碍”;a reason for意为“理由,原因”;a delay in意为“延迟”。句意:南北战争推动了密歇根州的发展。7.单选题Flood,( )and famine are natural disasters often facing the people in the peninsula.问题1选项A.warB.sanctionC.overpopulationD.drought【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项war“战争,斗争,军事,竞争”;B选项sanction“制裁,处罚,认可,支持”;C选项overpopulation“人口过剩”;D选项drought“干旱,久旱”。句意:洪水、( )和饥荒是半岛人民经常面临的自然灾害。题干中主要谈论natural disasters自然灾害,空格前后也都是自然因素。因此D选项正确。8.单选题Health experts recommend leisurely meals.问题1选项A.paid forB.deletedC.gatheredD.regular【答案】D【解析】考查词义辨析。leisurely意为“不慌不忙的,慢悠悠的”;pay for意为“赔偿,付款,为付出代价”;delete意为“删除”;gather意为“聚集,集合”;regular意为“规则的,有规律的”。句意:健康专家建议从容饮食。9.单选题A _ judge weighs all the evidence and excludes all personal feelings.问题1选项A.scrupulousB.restlessC.sarcasticD.resourceful【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项scrupulous“细心的;小心谨慎的;一丝不苟的;严格认真的”;B选项restless“焦躁不安的;不安宁的;得不到满足的”;C选项sarcastic“挖苦的;尖刻的,辛辣的”;D选项resourceful“足智多谋的;机智的”。句意:一位_法官会权衡所有的证据,排除所有的个人感情。一丝不苟,严格认真符合法官形象,权衡证据以及排除个人感情说明一丝不苟,不能体现机智,所以A选项正确。10.翻译题仅仅传授专业知识是不够的。通过专业教育可以使人成为一种有用的机器,却不能成为一个全面发展的人。让学生对价值理念有所理解并产生热情,是不可或缺的。否则,他连同他的专业知识就更像一条受过良好训练的狗,而非一个和谐发展的人。他必须通过学习了解人们的动机、幻想和苦难,以便正确处理同他人和社会的关系。【答案】【参考译文】Only to impart professional knowledge is not enough. Professional education can make human being become a kind of useful machine, but cant make him a person of comprehensive development. It is absolutely necessary for letting students have some understanding of the concept of value and generate enthusiasm. Otherwise, he, together with his specialized knowledge, will more resemble a well-trained dog rather than a person of harmonious development. He must learn to understand peoples motivation, fantasy and misery so as to correctly handling the relationship with other people and the society.


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