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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-通用考博英语考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.问题1选项A.It focuses on the efforts countries can make to deal with global warming.B.It links the science of climate change to economic and policy issues.C.It studies the impacts of global climate change on peoples lives.D.It tries to predict the possible trends of global climate change.问题2选项A.It would be more costly to deal with its consequences than to avoid it.B.It will take a long time before a consensus is reached on its impact.C.It is the most pressing issue confronting all countries.D.It is bound to cause endless disputes among nations.问题3选项A.The raising of peoples awareness.B.The signing of a global agreement.C.The cooperation among world major powers.D.The transition to low-carbon energy systems.问题4选项A.Plan well in advance.B.Adopt new technology.C.Carry out more research on it.D.Cut down energy consumption.【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:A【解析】Conversation OneW: Professor Henderson, could you give us a brief overview of what you do, where you work and your main area of research?M: 1 Well, the Center for Climate Research where I work links the science of climate change to issues around economics and policy. Some of our research is to do with the likely impacts of climate change and all of the associated risks.W: And how strong is the evidence that climate change is happening that is really something we need to be worried about?M: Well, most of the science of climate change, particularly that to do with global warming, is simply fact. But other aspects of the science are less certain, or at least more disputed. And so we are really talking about risk, 2 What the economics tells us is that its probably cheaper to avoid climate change to avoid the risk than it is to deal with the likely consequences.W: So what are we doing? What can we do about it?M: Well, I would argue that we need to develop the science specifically to understand the likely impacts of climate change in different contexts. As I said, we need to understand the best ways of avoiding climate change. 3 And this will involve a huge transition to low-carbon energy systems. And the transition is a tremendous priority. And for this to happen, we may need action on a global scale. From a political perspective, we need to understand the terms on which major countries like China and the USA might sign up to a global agreement because at the moment we dont have that consensus.W: RightM: 4 And we also need to plan ahead so that were in a position to deal with the likely levels of climate change which are already inevitable, and even more so too for the levels that are likely if we dont get those global agreements.1. What does Professor Henderson say about his main area of research?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问关于他的主要研究领域,亨德森教授说了些什么?对话开头,女士开门见山地问亨德森教授其主要的研究领域是什么。亨德森教授回答说他在气候研究中心工作,该中心主要是把一些有关经济和政策的问题与气候变化这门科学联系起来。B选项“它将气候变化的科学与经济和政策问题联系起来”与录音原文表述一致,因此正确。A选项“它着重于各国应对全球变暖所能做出的努力”,录音最后只是提到亨德森教授希望主要国家能签署全球协议,但没有提到他的研究致力于让所有国家一起应对全球变暖,因此A选项可排除;C选项“研究全球气候变化对人们生活的影响”,录音提到这只是他们的部分研究,并不是主要研究范围,因此C选项不正确;D选项“预测全球气候变化可能发生的趋势”在录音中没有提及。2. What does Professor Henderson say about climate change?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问关于气候变化,亨德森教授说了什么?录音中,亨德森教授提到,经济学告诉我们:比起应对气候变化可能带来的最终后果,我们预防气候变化所花的代价要更少。A选项“处理气候变化的后果将比避免气候变化的代价更大”与录音原文表述一致,因此正确。B选项“需要很长时间才能就其影响达成共识”,录音只是提到主要国家在如何共同应对气候变化的方面还没有达成共识,并没有提及达成共识仍需一段时间,因此排除B选项;C选项“对于所有国家来说,气候变化是最紧迫的一个议题”在录音中没有信息提及;D选项“气候变化肯定会在各国之间带来无穷的争议”利用录音中出现的disputed一词作干扰,亨德森教授说的是在气候变化这门科学上,除全球变暖外,其他方面还存在争议,并不是说会在各国之间带来争议,因此D选项不正确。3. What does Professor Henderson say is a top priority in combating climate change?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问亨德森教授认为应对气候变化的首要任务是什么?录音提到,亨德森教授认为我们需了解避免气候变化的最佳方法,这涉及向低碳能源系统转换的问题,而我们应该优先解决这一问题。因此D选项“向低碳能源系统的过渡”正确。A选项“提高人们的意识”和C选项“世界主要国家之间合作”在录音中均没有信息提及;B选项“全球协议的签署”在录音中虽然有所提及,但不是应对气候变化的首要任务,因此B选项可排除。4. What does Professor Henderson advise us to do to better deal with climate change?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问为了更好地应对气候变化,亨德森教授建议我们做些什么?录音最后亨德森教授提到,为应对全球变化可能带来的影响,我们需要提前做好准备。A选项“提前做好准备”中的in advance是录音中ahead的同义替换,因此正确。B选项“采用新科技”;C选项“开展更多研究”和D选项“降低能耗”在录音中均未提及,因此可排除。2.单选题Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.问题1选项A.It is educational.B.It is enjoyable.C.It is adapted from a drama.D.It is divorced from real life.问题2选项A.All the roles are played by famous actors and actresses.B.Its plots and events reveal a lot about Frankies actual life.C.It is based on the real-life experiences of some celebrities.D.It is written, directed, edited and produced by Frankie himself.问题3选项A.Recommend it to her friends.B.Go to the theater and enjoy it.C.Download and watch it.D.Watch it with the man.问题4选项A.It is against common sense.B.It is a ridiculous piece of satire.C.It has been showing for over a decade.D.It has drawn criticisms from scientists.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:C第4题:C【解析】Conversation TwoW: Are you watching any good shows these days?M: Actually, yes. Im watching a great satire called Frankie. I think youd like it.W: Really? Whats it about?M: Its about a real guy named Frankie. He is a famous comedian in New York and shows a mixture of comedy and drama loosely depicting his life.W: Im sorry, do you mean to say, its a real-life series about a real person? Its non-fiction, is it?M: No. Not really, no. Its fiction, as what happens in every episode is made up. However, the lead role is a comedian by the name of Frankie, and he plays himself. So Frankie, in both real life and in the TV show, lives in New York City. Hes a comic, is divorced, and has two little daughters. All those things are true, but aside from him, all his friends and family are played by actors. And the plots and the events that take place are also invented.W: Oh, I think I see now. That sounds like a very original concept.M: Yes, it is. 6 In fact, the whole show is written, directed, edited and produced by him, 5 and is very funny and has won many awards.W: Thats cool. 7 I will try to download it. Im watching a comedy called The Big Bang Theory. Its a huge hit around the world.M: Oh yes. Ive heard of it, but never actually watched it.W: Well, then you should check it out. Its also very funny. Its about four male scientists and a female waitress. The men are very socially awkward but very bright. And this is contrasted by the ladys social skills and common sense. 8 The show has been running for over ten years, and some of the actors are practically global super stars. Now that they are such famous celebrities.5. What does the man think of the satire Frankie he recently watched?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问男士对其最近看的弗兰基有什么看法?男士提到弗兰基是纽约著名喜剧演员弗兰基自导自制的一部讽刺剧,男士认为它非常有趣(funny),B选项中的enjoyable“有趣的”是其同义替换,因此正确。A选项“有教育意义的”在录音中没有提及;C选项“由戏剧改编而来”错误,男士说的是喜剧和戏剧相结合来描绘纽约著名喜剧演员的弗兰基的生活,是虚构的,而不是改编的,因此不正确;弗兰基在现实生活和电视节目中都生活在纽约,因此D选项“脱离现实生活”也不正确。6. What does the man say is special about the satire Frankie?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问关于弗兰基的特别之处,男士说了什么?女士说这部剧听起来是原创的,男士表示同意后,接着说到整部剧都是由弗兰基编剧、导演、剪辑、制作的,因此D选项是录音的复述,所以正确。A选项“所有的角色都是由著名演员扮演的”错误,录音中提到著名演员扮演的剧是生活大爆炸而不是弗兰基;B选项“其情节和故事大量揭密了弗兰基的真实生活”错误,男士说到弗兰基的情节和故事都是虚构的 (the plots and the events. are also invented);因此,C选项“它基于几个名人的真实生活”也不正确。7. What does the woman say she is going to do with the satire Frankie?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问对于弗兰基,女士接下来会怎么做?女士在听完男士的推荐之后表示会下载(I will try to download it),下载当然是为了观看,因此选项C正确。A选项“把它推荐给朋友”;B选项“去电影院欣赏”及D选项“和男士一起看”均不正确。8. What does the woman say about the comedy The Big Bang Theory?【试题答案】C【试题解析】题目问关于喜剧生活大爆炸,女士说了什么?女士在对话中说到生活大爆炸这部剧已经播出十多年了(The show has been running for over ten years)。C选项是其同义转述,因此正确。干扰项A选项的common sense在录音中出现过,但录音中说的是剧中演员的常识,并不是说电视剧有违常识,因此A选项“这有违常识”不正确;B选项“这是有点荒唐的讽刺作品”,录音中提到satire“讽刺作品”是用来描述弗兰基这部剧的,因此不正确;D选项“遭到了科学家的批评”,录音中提到scientists是女士介绍生活大爆炸剧中人物的身份,而不是说科学家们对这部剧的评价,所以D选项也不正确。3.单选题Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.问题1选项A.It displays albums by new music talents.B.It has several branches in London.C.It sponsors major jazz concerts.D.It focuses exclusively on jazz.问题2选项A.Its market has now shrunk.B.It originated with cowboys.C.It remains as widespread as hip hop music.D.Its listeners are mostly young people.问题3选项A.Its style has remained largely unchanged.B.It is still going through experimentation.C.It is frequently accompanied by singing.D.Its definition is varied and complicated.问题4选项A.Learn to play them.B.Listen to them yourself.C.Take music lessons.D.Consult jazz musicians.【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B【解析】Conversation OneM: Excuse me. Wheres your rock music section?W: Rock music? Im sorry, were a, jazz store. We dont have any rock and roll.M: Oh, you only have jazz music? Nothing else?W: Thats right. 1 Were the only record store in London dedicated exclusively to jazz. Actually, were more than just a record store. We have a cafe and library upstairs and a ticket office down the hall, where you can buy tickets to all the major jazz concerts in the city. Also, we have our own studio next door, where we produce albums for up-and-coming artists. Were committed to fostering new music talent.M: Wow! Thats so cool! 2 I guess theres not much of a jazz scene anymore. Not like they used to be, but here youre trying to promote this great music genre.W: Yes, indeed, nowadays most people like to listen to pop and rock music. Hip hop music from America is also getting more and more popular. So as a result, therere fewer listeners of jazz, which is a great shame, because its an incredibly rich genre. But thats not to say there isnt any good new jazz music being made out there anymore. Far from it. Its just a much smaller market today.M: So how would you define jazz?W: Well, interestingly enough, 3 theres no agreed-upon definition of jazz. Indeed, there are many different styles of jazz. Some have singing, but most dont. Some are electric and some arent. Some contain live experimentation, but not always. While theres no simple definition for it, and while therere many different styles of jazz, you simply know it when you hear it. 4 Honestly, the only way to know what jazz is, is listen to it yourself. As a great trumpet player, Louis Armstrong said, if you gotta ask, youll never know.1. What do we learn about the womans store?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问关于女士商店的信息。对话开头,女士提到他们是伦敦唯一专门经营爵士乐的唱片店,因此D选项“它只专注于爵士乐”正确。A选项“展出新音乐人才的专辑”最具有干扰性,主要是利用录音中的new music talent设干扰,女士只是说他们致力于培养新的音乐人才,在录音室为他们制作专辑,并没有提到她的店展出新音乐人才的专辑,因此A选项错误;B选项“它在伦敦有几家分店”以及C选项“它赞助大型爵士音乐会”在录音中均没有信息提及。2. What does the man say about jazz music?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问关于爵士乐,男士说了什么?男士说现在已经没有多少爵士乐的音乐圈子了,意在表达爵士乐不那么流行了。因此A选项“它的市场现在已经萎缩”符合男士的说法。B选项“它起源于牛仔”在录音中没有提及;C选项“它仍然像嘻哈音乐一样广泛传播”,录音说现在大多数年轻人喜欢听流行音乐和摇滚音乐,美国的嘻哈音乐也越来越受欢迎,爵士乐的听众越来越少,因此C选项不正确;D选项“它的听众大多是年轻人”,录音中只是提及年轻人喜欢听流行音乐和摇滚音乐,并没有说爵士乐的听众也是年轻人,因此D选项不正确。3. What does the woman say about jazz?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问关于爵士乐,女士说了什么?女士在回答什么是爵士乐时提到,人们对爵士乐并没有一致的定义,也就是说“爵士乐的定义是多样的,复杂的”,D选项是录音原文的同义转述,因此正确。A选项“它的风格基本上没有变化”,录音提到爵士乐有 很多不同的风格,但并未提及风格没有变化,因此A选项不正确;B选项“它仍在进行实验”,利用录音中的experimentation设干扰,录音只是说爵士乐的风格中有些包含现场实验音乐,并不是说音乐在进行实验,因此B选项错误;C选项“它经常伴有歌声”与录音中说的“有些有演唱,但大多数没有”不符,因此错误。4. What should you do to appreciate different styles of jazz according to the woman?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问女士认为应该怎么做才能欣赏不同风格的爵士乐?录音最后,女士提到,要知道爵士乐是什么,唯一的方法就是自己去听,因此B选项“自己听”正确。A选项“学会演奏”;C选项“上音乐课”以及D选项“咨询爵士音乐家”均未在录音中提及,因此不正确。4.单选题Foreign businessmen( )hesitate to invest a large sum of money in a time-consuming and high-cost project if the country is under political disturbances.问题1选项A.permanentlyB.routinelyC.temporarilyD.unswervingly【答案】B【解析】考查副词辨析。permanently “永久地;长期不变地”;routinely “例行公事地,老一套地”;temporarily “临时地”;unswervingly “坚定不移地”。句意:如果一个国家政局不稳,外商通常会犹豫是否投资耗时长、成本高的项目。选项B符合题意。5.翻译题现在我们正面临着一项严峻的挑战:全球变暖。地球气候持续恶化,正在演变成一场事关紧要的战争,而从任何一个方面来看,美国正在输掉这场战争。美国每年释放的温室气体约占全球总量的25%,并声称它不打算采取任何减排措施。困难还在于,即使绝大多数人认为气候变化是个全球性的紧急事件,如何解决这个问题很难达成共识。工业界提出自己的方案,可惜这些方案通常解决不了什么问题。环保主义者也献策,可惜他们的方案往往过于天真,以至于会严重阻碍美国社会和经济的发展。但是一个宏大而有效的方案到底是什么样的呢?如何才能让我们同时拥有安全的环境和良好的经济增长?然而,只要我们能制定出可行的战略,将短期措施和长远目标结合起来,将务实精神和雄心壮志结合起来,我们就能做到既不损害经济,又帮助遏制气候变化带来的最坏影响,并保证我们的后代在这个世界上能生存下来。要实现这个目标,最需要的是决心和意志。Directions:Translate the following paragraph from Chinese into English. Please write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.【答案】Now we are confronted with a formidable challenge: global warming. The global climate goes on deteriorating and is evolving into a crucial war the United States is losing from any perspective. Every year, the United States emits nearly 25% of the global greenhouse gases and claims that it has no intention of taking any emission-reduction measures. The difficulty also lies in the fact that even the overwhelming majority of people consider the climate change to be a global emergency, it is very difficult to find a commom ground as to how to solve those problems. The industrial world has come up with schemes, which unfortunately are not solutions to problems. Environmentalists also suggest ways and means, but regrettably their schemes are so naive that they may hinder the social and economic development of the United States. But what on earth is a grand and effective scheme like? How can we possess both a safe environment and a fantastic economic growth?However, as long as we work out feasible tactics, combine short-term measures with long-term goals, integrate practical spirit with ambition, we can not only protect economy but also help hold back the worst effects caused by climate changes and ensure that our descendents survive in the world. To realize this goal, what we need most is determination and will.6.翻译题世界上第一代博物馆属于自然博物馆,它是通过化石、标本等向人们介绍地球和各种 生物的演化历史。第二代博物馆属于工业技术博物馆,它所展示的是工业文明带来的各种阶段性结果,这两代博物馆虽然起到了传播科学知识的作用,但是,它们把参观者当成了被动的旁观者。世界上第三代博物馆是充满全新理念的博物馆。在这里,观众可以自己动手去操作,自己细心体察。这样。他们可以更贴近先进的科学技术,去探索科学技术的奥秘。【答案】The first generation of museums is nature museum in the world, which shows people the evolution of the earth and the living things with fossils and samples specimen. The second generation of museums is museums of industrial technology, which show the stage effects of industrial civilization. These two museums play the role of spreading science and knowledge, but the visitors are treated as passive spectators.The third generation of museums is museums of total new ideas, where the visitors can operate the displayed objects and observe everything carefully. In this way, they are more close to the advanced technology and are able to explore the secrets of science and technology.7.单选题I failed in my new job. If only I ( )my parents.问题1选项A.listened toB.had listened toC.have listened toD.would listen to【答案】B【解析】虚拟语气语法知识。If 引导的虚拟条件句,对过去事情的虚拟用“had done”。选项B符合题意。8.单选题Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.问题1选项A.Along the low-lying Colorado River.B.At the Dinosaur National Monument.C.Along the border of the U.S. and Canada.D.At museums of natural history in large cities.20.问题2选项A.Volcanic explosions could bring whole animal species to extinction.B.Some natural disaster killed a whole herd of dinosaurs in the area.C.The pit should be carefully preserved for the study of dinosaurs.D.The whole region must have been struck by a devastating flood.21.问题3选项A.They floated down an eastward flowing river.B.They lay buried deep in the sand for millions of years.C.They were skeletons of dinosaurs inhabiting the locality.D.They were remains of dinosaurs killed in a volcanic explosion.【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:A【解析】Recording TwoThe partial skeletons of more than 20 dinosaurs and scattered bones of about 300 more have been discovered in Utah and Colorado at what is now the Dinosaur National Monument. 19 Many of the best specimens may be seen today at museums of natural history in the larger cities of the United States and Canada. This dinosaur pit is the largest and best-preserved deposit of dinosaurs known today. 20 Many people get the idea from the massive bones in the pit wall that some disaster, such as a volcanic explosion or a sudden flood, killed a whole herd of dinosaurs in this area. This could have happened, but it probably did not.The main reasons for thinking otherwise are the scattered bones and the thickness of the deposit. In other deposits where the animals were thought to have died together, the skeletons were usually complete and often all the bones were in their proper places. Rounded pieces of fossil bone have been found here. These fragments got their smooth, round shape by rolling along the stream bottom. In a mass killing, the bones wouldve been left on the stream or lake bottom together at the same level. But in this deposit, the bones occur throughout a zone of sandstone about 12 feet thick.The mixture of swamp dwellers and dry land types also seems to indicate that the deposit is a mixture from different places. The pit area is a large dinosaur graveyardnot a place where they died. 21 Most of the remains probably floated down an eastward flowing river until they were left on a shallow sandbar. Some of them may have come from far away dry land areas to the west. Perhaps they drowned trying to cross a small stream, or washed away during floods. Some of the swamp dwellers may have got stuck in the very sandbar that became their grave. Others may have floated for miles before being stranded.Even today, similar events take place: when floods come in the spring, sheep, cattle, and deer are often trapped by rising waters and often drown. Their dead bodies float downstream until the flood re- cedes, and leaves them stranded on a bar or shore where they lie, half buried in the sand until they decay. Early travelers on the Missouri River reported that shores and bars were often lined with the decaying bodies of buffalo that had died during spring floods.19. Where can many of the best dinosaur specimens be found in North America?【试题答案】D【试题解析】题目问在北美哪里可以找到许多最好的恐龙标本?录音中提到,如今可以在美国和加拿大一些大城市的自然历史博物馆里看到许多最好的标本,因此D选项“大城市的自然历史博物馆”与录音原文一致,因此正确。A选项“地势低洼的科罗拉多河沿岸”;B选项“国家恐龙纪念遗址”;录音开头提到,美国犹他州和科罗拉多州是恐龙骨骼的发掘地,如今被称为Dinosaur National Monument,并不是标本保存的地方,因此A选项和B选项均可排除;C选项“美国和加拿大的边界沿线”,录音中提到了美国和加拿大,但并未提到边界,因此不正确。20. What occurs to many people when they see the massive bones in the pit wall?【试题答案】B【试题解析】题目问很多人看到坑壁里巨大的骨骼时会想到什么?录音中提到,许多人看到巨坑中的恐龙骨骼,认为是一些自然灾害使得一大群的恐龙葬身在这片区域,B选项“一些自然灾害导致该地区一群恐龙死亡”与录音原文表述一致,因此正确。A选项“火山爆发使得整个动物群灭绝”和D选项“整片地区一定是被洪流淹没的”表述过于绝对,录音中均没有明确的信息可以证明,因此可排除;C选项“这个巨坑应该小心保存下来用作恐龙研究”在录音中未提及,因此不选。21. What does the speaker suggest about the large number of dinosaur bones found in the pit?【试题答案】A【试题解析】题目问说话人对于在巨坑中发现的大量恐龙骨骼有什么看法?录音中提到,大部分遗骸可能是顺着河流向东漂流而下,最后留在了一个浅滩上。A选项“它们顺着河流向东漂流而下”正确。B选项“它们被深埋在沙子里达数百万年之久”和C选项“它们是栖息在当地的恐龙的骨骼”在录音中并没有提及;D选项“它们是死于火山喷发的恐龙的遗骸”最具有干扰性,主要是利用录音中的volcanic explosion设置干扰,录音中虽然明确提及火山喷发可能造成大群恐龙死于巨坑之中是其他人的观点,并不是说话人的观点,因此可排除。9.单选题Thousands of Medicare patients with chronic medical conditions have been wrongly( )access to necessary care.问题1选项A.grudgedB.deniedC.negatedD.invalidated【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。grudge“怀恨”;deny“否认,拒绝”;negate“否认,无效”,比较正式;invalidate“使无效”。句意:成千上万患有长期慢性病的医保病人没有得到正确的必要治疗。选项B符合题意。10.单选题Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.问题1选项A.They work in different fields of AI technology.B.They disagree about the future of AI technology.C.They d


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