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Unit 1 How do you study for a test?I. Phrases:1.deal with = do with 处理,料理2.make mistakes in grammar犯语法错误3.regardas 把.视为4.changeinto 把变成5.have disagreements 有争执,意见不同6.with the help of 在的帮助下pareto/ with 把比喻作/ 把和相比8.face the challenges instead 而是面对挑战9.in a positive / an active way 用积极的态度10.look up (v. +adv.) new words in a dictionary 在字典中查阅新单词11.look up查阅/at 看 /through浏览/over 检查身体12.learn by using English 通过运用学英语13.get the pronunciation right 使发音正确14.make flashcards 制作抽认卡15.make vocabulary lists 列单词清单16.watch English-language videos 看英语片17.keep a diary in English 用英语记日记18.study with a group 通过学习小组学习19.take ( took taken ) notes 做笔记20.keep an English notebook 有英语笔记本21.learn/ help a lot/a little that way 学到很多/很少;有很大的/没什么帮助22.go by (指时间) 过去,消逝23.last for long 持续很长时间24.laugh at 嘲笑25.read aloud 朗读,大声读26.feel differently 有不同的想法27.make complete sentences 造完整的句子28.make up a conversation编对话29.get excited about sth. 因而兴奋30.end up doing/end up with sth. 以而结束31.have trouble/problems/difficulty doing sth. 32.have a hard/difficult time doing sth. 做有困难33.have fun/ have a good time doing sth. enjoy doing 做很开心34.watch/ find/ hear/ see sb. do/doing sth35.what/how about doing 做怎么样36.on the way to school/ on the way home 去的路上37.practice doing sth 练习plain about sth. to sb. 向某人抱怨某事39.ask teachers for help 向老师寻求帮助40.worry about/ be worried about 担心41.listening/ speaking/ reading/ writing skills 听说读写技能42.have more specific suggestions 有更多具体的建议43.addto 把加到44.get an A 取得A等的成绩45.first of all 首先,最重要是46.later on 后来47.break (broke broken) off 突然中止,中断 48.a second/ foreign language 第二语/外语49.try ones best to do sth. 尽某人的力量做某事50.be on duty值班,值日,在上班时51.be/get/become/stay angry/annoyed with/be mad at sb. about sth. 对生气52.it doesnt matter 没关系III. Sentences: 1. - 你怎样学英语? - 我通过和一组人一起学习. - How do you learn English? - I learn by studying with a group. 2. 你能告诉我是怎样准备大考的吗? Can you tell me how you study for a big test? 3. 你在上次的英语考试中做的很好对吗?You did really well on/ in the last English test, didnt you?4. 今天我们要讨论一下学英语最好的方法。 Today were going to talk about the best ways to learn English.5. 那些语音太难懂了。Its too hard to understand the voices.6. 你可以在家听磁带,然后将那些对你来说很难读的句子不断重复。 You can listen to the tapes and repeat the sentences that are difficult for you.7. - 你曾经和一组人一起学习吗? -是的,我有过.我通过那种方式学到了很多.- Have you ever studied with a group? - Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way.8. 她说背诵一些流行歌曲的歌词也能有不小的帮助。 She said that memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little.9. 然而,有时候他也觉得看电影也是件很头痛的事,因为那些人说得太快了。Sometimes, however, he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly.10. 另外她补充说与朋友进行英语对话一点也不管用。 She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all.11. 我们会对某个话题感到很兴奋,然后最终说起中文来了。 We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese.12. 你为什么不参加英语俱乐部练习口语呢? Why dont you join an English language club to practice speaking English?13. 我没有同伴来练习英语。I dont have a partner to practice English with.14. 刚开始时,她说得很快,我没法理解每个单词。后来,我意识到如果你不能听懂每个单词也没什么。 To begin with, she spoke too quickly, and I couldnt understand every word. Later on, I realized that it doesnt matter if you dont understand every word.15. 我认为多做些听力练习是成为一个好的语言学习者的决窍之一。 I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner.16. 另外一项我觉得很难的就是英语语法。Another thing that I found very different was English grammar.17. 之后我开始用我正在学的英语语法造出我自己的句子。 Then I started to write my own original sentences using the grammar I was learning.18. 这对我的帮助之大真让人吃惊。Its amazing how much this helped.19. 我给我的老师留下了深刻的印象。My English teacher is very impressed.20. 你可以尽量听最重要的单词。You can try to listen for the most important words.21. 除非我们解决了困难,否则我们很容易变得不快乐.Unless we deal with our problems, we can easily become unhappy.22. 随着时间的推移,友谊可能就消失了。Time goes by, good friendships may be lost.22. 作为年轻人, 我们有责任在老师的帮助下尽全力应付学业中的每一个挑战。 As young adults, it is our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teachers.23. 想一想史蒂芬.霍金-一个非常聪明的科学家,他认为他的生理缺陷并不重要。Think about Stephen Hawking, for example, a very clever scientist, who regards his many physical problems as unimportant.24. 让我们不要担心自己的问题,而是积极地面对困难! Lets not worry about our problems. Lets face the challenges in a positive way instead.Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.I. Words:II. Phrases:1.used to do过去常常做;be used to doing 习惯做;be used to do被用来做2.be afraid/ terrified of doing / to do 害怕做 3.take pride in = be proud of 对感到自豪4.give up sth./ doing sth. 放弃5.pay (much) attention to sth./ doing sth 注意6.get into trouble with 惹事落到了.手里7.change ones mind 改变主意8.even though/ if 即使9.no longer/ no more = not any longer/ not any more不再10.feel good about oneself=feel confident=believe in oneself 自信11.speak in front of a group / in public在一群人/公众面前说话12.cause a lot of(=much) trouble 制造很多的麻烦13.with on/ off 在开着的/ 关着的 14.a couple of days =several/ a few days 几天15.go to sleep=fall asleep 入睡16.chat (chatting/ chatted) with sb. 和某人聊天17.grow hair long 留长发18.the head teacher= headmaster 校长19.fly in an airplane 乘飞机20.a boys boarding school 男子寄宿学校21.miss the old days 怀念旧日的好时光22.move to another town 搬到另一个城市23.waste/save the time 浪费/节约时间 a waste of time 24.can/cant/ be able to afford to do/ sth. 能够负担; 买得起25.like/ hate to do/ doing; enjoy/ feel like doing,would like to do; have fun doing26.make sb. terrified 使某人恐惧27.in the end=at last=finally最后,终于at the end of 在(时间/地点)的尽头by the end of 在/截至为止28.one of +最高级,复数名词 最.之一29.spend (time/ money) (in) doing; on sth. 花(时间/ 钱)做;在某事上30.so much/so many/too many/too much (much too)31.make a decision =decide to do/ on doing决定32.to ones surprise 令某人惊奇的是33.be alone 独自一人34.watch on TV 在电视上看35.all the time 一直36.asas 和一样(同级比较, 原级) 37.a fifteen-year-old boy 一个十五岁的男孩38.pay for sth./ spend/ cost /take 为付钱39.wait a minute/ while/moment 等一会儿40.on a soccer team=be a member of a school team在足球队41.go right home 径直回家42.in the last few years 在过去几年 in the past few years/ in the recent few/several yearsIII. Sentences:1. 你以前常弹钢琴吗?是的。/不是。 - Did you use to play the piano? -Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. -Used you to play th epiano? -Yes, I used. / No, I usednt.2. 以前这里有座教堂。There used to be a church here.3. 在我上高中之前,我常常花很多时间和朋友玩游戏,但我现在不在有时间了。 Before I started high school, I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends, but I dont have the time any more.4. 在过去几年中,我的生活改变了很多。 My life has changed a lot in the last few years.5. 我以前是短发但现在我把它蓄长了。 I used to have short hair but now I grow it long.6. 他的妈妈负担不起他的教育费用。 His mother couldnt afford to pay for her childs education.7. 不幸的是,马丁还是不时地给他自己和家里惹来麻烦。Unfortunately, Martin still caused problems for himself and his family.8. 他对学习不感兴趣,而且还经常因为惹麻烦落在警察手里。He was not interested in studying and he often got into trouble with the police.9. 校长说马丁有必要和他的妈妈谈谈了。The head teacher said it was necessary for Martin to talk with his mother.10. 尽管我爸爸再也不能和我们在一起了, 他依然在关注着我, 并且因为我做的每一件好事而骄傲。Even though my father was no longer with us, he was watching me and would always take pride in everything good I do.11. 我意识到自从爸爸去世后,我就一直害怕独自一人待着,而且尽一切努力使妈妈更关注我。I realize that since my father died, I have been afraid of being alone, and have tried to make my mother pay more attention to me.12. 他努力学习并成为班上的尖子生。He has been working hard and is now one of the best students.13. 他妈妈的爱帮助他对自己感到自信。His mothers love helped him feel good about himself.14. 父母的存在对孩子们来说非常重要。Its very important for parents to be there for their children.Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Words:. Phrases:1. be allowed to do sth 被允许做 allow sb to do sth 允许某人做 allow doing sth 允许做2. get their ears pierced 穿耳朵(get sth. done)3. concentrate on 全神贯注于4. at present 目前,现在5. get in the way of 妨碍6. achieve/realize ones dreams 实现梦想make ones dreams come true7. have nothing against doing sth/sth 一点也不反对8. the other day=a few days ago 前几天9. have an opportunity/ a chance to do sth/ of doing sth. 有做的机会 10.be (not) serious enough about doing (不)够严肃11.stay up until 11:00 pm熬夜到晚上11点12.reply to回答,答复13.succeed in doing sth 成功做某事14.sixteen-year-olds = sixteen-year-old boys and girls 16岁的孩子 grown-ups 成人(= adults)15.get ones drivers license 驾照16.at that age在那个年龄段17.get to class late 上课迟到18.at the local hospital 在当地的一家医院19.a good experience for me 一次对我很好的经历20.be a real mess真乱21.an old peoples home 敬老院22.need to do/ need doing(被做=need to be done) need do( 情态动词)23.instead of sth /doing sth 代替,而不是24.stop doing( t停止正在做的) stop to do ( 停下来做) stop sb. from doing sth.(阻止某人做某师) 25.be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格 be strict in sth 在方面要求严格be strict with sb in sth 在某方面对某人严格26.learn a lot from 从处学习到许多27.clean up (相当与及物动词) 大扫除28.fail (in) a test 考试不及格29.pass the exam 通过考试/考试及格30.take the test 参加考试31.look smart/ clean 看起来很时尚/干净32.an English-English dictionary 英英词典33.at least 至少 at most 最多 34.eight hours sleep a night 每晚8小时的睡眠35.take time to do sth =spend time doing 花费时间干36.primary schools 小学37.have Friday afternoons off 周五下午放假,休息38.part-time jobs 兼职工作39.get noisy 吵闹 (系表结构)40.on weekends 在周末41.on school nights 在上学期间的每个晚上42.on Friday nights 在(每)周五晚上 43.be good/bad for 对有益/无益44.study in groups 小组学习. Sentences:1.你认为16岁的孩子应该被允许挑选他们自己的衣服吗?Do you think six-year-olds should be allowed to choose their own clothes?2.在那个年龄他们还不够稳重。They arent serious enough at that ages.3.他们聊天而不是做作业。They talk instead of doing homework.4.我认为不应该允许12岁的孩子穿耳孔。I dont think twelve-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. 5.我们也是。So do we. We, too.我们也不是。 Neither do we. We, neither.( So + 是情助+ 主语/ So + 主语+是情助)6.他应该停止戴那个看起来傻傻的耳环。He should stop wearing that silly earring. 7.你知道什么使我担心吗-Larry 似乎没有很多朋友。You know what worries me-Larry doesnt seem to have many friends.8.也许如果我解释了所发生的事情,她就会理解了。 Maybe if I explain what happened, shell understand. 9.父母不应当对青少年要求太严格。Parents should not be too strict with teenagers。 10.问题是我的同学们都认为校服态难看了。 The problem is that all my classmates think the uniforms are ugly.11.我们的老师认为如果我们那样做的话,我们会把更多的精力放在衣服上而不是学习上。Our teachers believe that if we did that, we should concentrate more on our clothes than our studies.12.那将会是一个让老师和学生都高兴的好办法。That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy.13.对父母来说,允许青少年在晚上小组学习也可能是一个好办法。Its also probably a good idea for parents to allow teenagers to study in groups during the evening.14.较长的假期能给我们时间做一些象志愿者工作一类的事。Longer vacations would give us time to do things like volunteering. 15.我们应该被允许更加经常的花些时间多做这类事情。We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often.16.你认为学校的哪些制度应该改一改了?What school rules do you think should be changed? 17.我无法决定买哪条牛仔裤,(因为)这两条我穿着都合适。I cant choose which pair of jeans to buy. They both look good on me.18.应该允许一些学生星期五下午休息自愿去帮助他人。Some students should be allowed to have Friday afternoons off to volunteer and help others.19.应该允许我自己做决定吗?Should I be allowed to make my own decisions? 20.但是有时这些爱好会影响他们的学业,而且父母可能为孩子在学校能否成功而担心。But sometimes these hobbies can get in the way of schoolwork, and parents might worry about their childs success at school.21.应该允许他们对业余爱好想练多长时间就练多长时间。They should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want. 22.他不得不理解只有极少数人能成为职业运动员。这是一个太难实现的梦想。He has to understand that very few people can become professional athletes. Its a very difficult dream to achieve. 23.我的父母总是教我努力学习的重要性,而不能只去做我喜欢的事情。My parents have always taught me the importance of working hard and not just to do what I enjoy.只有这样我才能实现我的梦想。Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.Unit 4 What would you do?I. Words:II. Phrases:1.what if 如果怎么办2.notin the slightest = not at all 一点也不3.let sb down =make sb disappointed /frustrated 让某人失望e up with sth提出= think up5.hide sth. from sb把藏得远离某人 (hide-hid-hidden)6.by accident= by chance 意外;偶然7.have experience (in) doing sth 有经验做某事8.be confident of sth 对很自信/have confidence in sb. 对有信心9. offer sb sth= offer sth to sb 给某人提供10.plenty of = a lot of =lots of 相当多的e out 出版; 出来;开花12.the rest of +n.复数/不可数n. 13.ask sb. for advice 寻求某人的意见take/ follow sb. advice接受某人的意见14.a small/big circle of 一小/大圈子15.medical help 医疗救助16.medical research 医学研究 17.put it in the bank 把它存进银行18.give it to charity 把它给慈善机构19.feel nervous (of) doing sth 做感到紧张20.hurt oneself 伤到某人自己21.give advice on提出关于的建议 22.the danger of doing sth做的危险性23.with/ without permission (没有)经过允许 24.ask for sb.s permission 请求某人的允许25.represent sb. to do 代表某人去做某事26.cover sth with sth 用盖住 be covered by 被覆盖 27.press sth hard 用力压28.fall downstairs 摔下楼29.ask you to be in a movie 请你演一部电影 =to be an actor in a moviee top = become the top student 成为优生31.a first-aid book 一本急救书32.on a nearby shelf 在一个附近的书架上33.the burnt area烧伤的部位34.running water 自来水35.be friends with sb 和某人成为朋友 make friends with sb 与某人交朋友36.hurry to do 匆忙做某事37.make/give speeches 演讲 38.an internet friend 一个网友39.get pimples 长粉刺40.the company of other people其他人的陪伴41.sharewith sb 与某人分享42.would rather do sth than do sth=prefer to do sth rather than do sth = prefer doing sth. to doing sth. 宁愿做.而不愿做( rather than/ instead of )43.get along/on well with sb 与某人相处得好44.let /make sb.(not) do 让(不)做某事45.in public= in a public place 在公共场合46.everyone else 别的每一个人47.wait for sb. to do sth.等待某人做某事48.the solutions to 的解决方法49.help you relax 帮助你放松50.take a long walk 长时间散步51.introduce sb. to sb. 把某人介绍给某人III. Sentences:1. -如果你有一百万美元,你会做什么? What would you do if you had one million dollars?-我会将它捐赠给慈善事业。Id( I would) give it to charity.2.他不知道是否该带礼物。He doesnt know if he should bring/take a present.3.你不应该考虑别人说什么。You shouldnt worry about what other people say.4.如果我是你,我会穿西装打领带。If I were you, Id wear a shirt and tie.5.要是别的每一个人都带了礼物怎么办?What if everyone else brings a present?6.我太累了,没考好。Im too tired to do well in the exam.7.你吃的食物有助于解决这个问题。The foods you eat could help with this problem.8.如果我是你,我会和某些看起来友好的人说话。然后你就不会感到害羞了。If I were you, I d talk to someone who looks friendly. Then you wont feel so shy.9.狗会带来很多麻烦。Dogs can be a lot of trouble.10.你是什么样的人?What are you like? 你长什么样?What do you look like?11.自信的人们不害怕在公共场合说话。Confident people arent afraid to speak in public/ of speaking.12.假如你的老师要求你在全校面前做一个演讲你会怎么办?What would you do if your teacher asked you to give a speech in front of the whole school?13.你兄弟不经允许就借了你的衣服,你咋办?What would you do if your brother borrowed your clothes without permission?14.有时候你会惹怒他人,因为你太自信了。Sometimes you might annoy people because youre so confident.15.你宁愿待在家里,读一本书,也不愿意去一个派对。You would rather stay at home and read a book than go to a party.You would like to stay at home rather than go to a party.(instead of going to a party)You prefer staying at home to going to a party./ You prefer to stay at home rather than go to a party.16.如果你的一个朋友说你坏话,你会马上找他理论吗? If a friend said something bad about you, would you talk to the friend right away?17.我在众人面前讲话时感到紧张。I feel nervous talking in front of many people. 18.她不愿让朋友失望。She doesnt want to let her friends down.19.你总是能找到解决人们问题的办法。You always come up with good solutions to peoples problems.20.认为我应该告诉其余的学生们什么? What do you think I should tell the rest of the students?21. Martin Robinson是一位在处理青少年问题上有着丰富经验的著名医生。Martin Robinson is a famous doctor who has a lot of(much) experience dealing with teenagers.22.它给了我们在许多不同情景应该怎么做的建议。It gives advice on what to do in lots of different situations.23.你应该用一块干净的布盖住割伤并用力压住。You should cover the cut with a clean cloth and press it hard.24.先得到医疗救助,然后使她感觉舒适并和她呆在一起。Get the medical help first, then make her comfortable and stay with her.25.然后把受伤的区域放在冰凉的自来水下。Then put the burned area under cold running water.26. -如果你跑步时膝盖受伤怎么办?What would you do if you injured your knee while running?-如果我感到有些痛,我就停止锻炼。 If I felt some pain, Id stop exercising.27.一个朋友在聚会上给你提供烟。A friend offers you cigarettes at a party.28.你必须把药藏得远离孩子们,并且应该告诉孩子当他们准备吃他们找到的“糖果”时要问问父母。 You must hide medicine from children and you should tell children to ask their parents before they eat “candy” they find.Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.I. Words:II. Phrases:1.belong to sb.(宾) 属于某人(be sb.s) 2.an honest boy 一个诚实的男孩3.chase sb. 追赶某人=run after sb.4.escape from 从逃离=run away from escape doing sth.逃避做.5.pretend to do sth 装做做某事6.a woman with a camera 一位带相机的妇女7.use up/ run out of 用尽,耗完8.classical/ pop/ jazz/ country music古典/流行/爵士/乡村音乐9.be anxious about sb./sth. 为感到焦虑 = be worried aboutbe anxious for sth. 渴望得到=be eager forbe anxious to do sth.渴望做某事10.a lost child (lose- lost lost)11.get on the plane 登机12.strange events 怪事13.a drop of water 一滴水14.drop sth./ doing sth. =stop/give up doing sth.(dropping, dropped) 停止或放弃做15.the next door neighbor 隔壁邻居16.strange noises outside the window 窗外奇怪的声音17.in the symphony hall 在音乐大厅 18.be at your optometrist appointment 与你的配镜师约谈19.make/have an appointment with 与某人预约 20.get in(through)the window 从窗户进入21.run for exercise 跑步锻炼22.a hair band 发带23.the local school teacher 当地学校的教师24.the director of the local zoo 当地动物园的主管25.a strange smell 一股奇怪的气味26.attempt to do/doing sth, 企图做 attempt sth.27.late-night footsteps 深夜脚步声28.an ocean of paper 题海29.bark at sb. 朝.狂吠30.Oxford University 牛津大学31.polar bears 北极熊32.shop for clothes 逛街买衣服33.make me a good student 使我成为一个好学生34.joke about sth 开的玩笑 =play a joke on sb35.because of +sth. (n./ pron./ doing) 因为36.run/walk along/ down/ up the street 沿着大街跑/走walk on /straight (adv.不能接宾语)37.much too small 太小了/ too much homework 作业太多 too many snacks 过多的零食38.take care (not) to do 小心(不)做 be careful of sth./ to do 小心某事或做某事 39.one more question=another question 还有一个问题40.land on / take off降落/ 起飞 41.at the picnic 在野餐会上42.go for a picnic 去野餐43.in the neighborhood 附近/小区里44.final exams 期末考试45.in the hallway 在走廊上 46.make a movie 制作电影47.a big/serious/terrible bicycle accident 一起严重的自行车事故III. Sentences:1. -这是谁的排球?-那肯定属于卡娜。她热爱排球。 -Whose volleyball is this?( Whose is this volleyball? ) -It must belong to Carla.(=It must be Carlas.) She loves volleyball.2.她是唯一学习法语的人。Shes the only one whos studying French(定语从句). 3.这份家庭作业不可能是Carol的,她今天没上学。 The homework cant be Carols. She wasnt at school today.4.我想知道正发生什么事。 I wonder whats happening.5.有一个奇怪的生物出来了,它可能是一个外星人。 There is a strange creature getting out. It must be an alien.6.我想我是在听音乐会的时候丢的,所以可能还在音乐厅里。I think I dropped it during the concert so it might still be in the symphony. 7.这次考试很重要因为它占了期末考试总成绩的百分之三十,所以我不得不好好复习。Its crucial that I study for it because it makes up 30% of the final exam. 8.如果你知道它可能在哪里的话,请给我打电话。 If you have any idea where it might be, please call me.9.因为考试她很担心。 She is worried because of her test. (because of +n./pron./Ving; because+从句) 10.肯定是少年们在玩耍。It must be teenagers having fun. 11.每个人都有自己的意见。Everyone has his or her own ideas.12.肯定有什么东西来造访这个社区里的住户了.。There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood.13.团结就是力量。One finger can not lift a small stone. 14.仁者见仁, 智者见智。When an ant says “ocean”, hes talking about a small pool. 15.诚信为先,富贵在后。It is less of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.16.当心不说话的人和不叫的狗。Be careful of the person who does not talk and the dog that does not


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