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小学英语课堂教学设计表教师姓名学 校上课年级课题名称上课时间徐舒诸暨市浣东街道双桥小学五年级Unit 4 What can you do?2015-10-30教学内容PEP小学英语五年级Unit 4 What can you do? B Read and write教学重难点 教学重点:能够熟练地听、说、读、写本单元的主要句型、词汇和短语,能正确运用。教学难点:文本材料中一些词句的理解,以及从短句到长句的朗读、书写、用词等。教学目标定位1. 能够读懂简单的电子邮件,能用I am. / I can. / I cant.介绍自己或他人的特点和能力。2. 完成判断对错、完成图表、填写词句等活动,理解和正确朗读:Try me! Send me an email, robin等生词和短语。3. 能够掌握并运用本单元的重点内容,在阅读理解的基础上交流讨论,表达和交流自己个性化的看法和想法,完成句子或短文的书写活动。4. 乐观积极地看待自己的特点和能力,尝试用英语交朋友。教学设计说明 本课时为本单元的第六课时,以Friends(Play together, help each other)为主线,本课时的子话题是Find a friend to play together。Read and write分为读、写两部分:第一部分要求学生阅读机器人Robin的一段交友启示,完成判断句子正误的活动;第二部分为个性化的书写活动,要求学生参考电子邮件,写出三个关于自己能做什么或者不能做什么的句子。新课标主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实的语言,并在此基础上进行学习和运用,以学生为主体,通过有层次地阅读,学会提取本文关键信息的能力和掌握在语境中猜词义的阅读策略,在阅读中增强思考和语言表达的能力。最后,以文本欣赏的形式顺带欣赏Story time部分,激发学生阅读Story time的兴趣。板书设计 教学步骤教师活动学生活动建议说明Warm-up1. Sing a song: WHAT CAN YOU DO?课前与学生一起唱本单元歌曲。I can sing this English song. Can you?2. GreetingsT: Hello, Im Susan. Im your new English teacher today. I am friendly and kind. I can sing English song and play ping-pong. I like playing games. Do you like playing games?OK, lets play together.3. Lets play T: Stand up and make a sentence with CAN or CANT as quickly as you can. (课前分成AB两大组计分,并表扬。)Sing the song together.GreetingsSs: Hello, Susan.Ss:Yes.Ss stand up and say the sentences one by one as quickly as they can. (I cant cook. / I can play ping-pong. ) 学生边做动作边说句子。 课前通过与学生一起唱本单元儿歌,活跃学习气氛,并直接切入本课主题。 新教师自我介绍,引出单元重点句型。利用游戏的形式复习单词,提高了学生学习的积极性,为进一步学习作铺垫。在说说做做中活跃气氛。 Presentationand practice1. Lead-inT: We can play together. We are so happy. And we know Zhang Peng and John can play ping-pong together. They can do kung fu together. Mike and Zhang Peng can draw cartoons together. They are happy, too. But look at Robin the Robot. (板书Robin) He is not happy. Why? Please listen and figure it out.2. T:Robin wants a new friend. So he says TRY ME! Do you want to be Robins friend? How do you think about Robin? Whats Robin like ? Hes _. Do you know what he thinks of himself? Shhhh, Lets have a look . (e-mail 对话框出现Robin 打字,学生通过眼睛读Robin对自己的评价。) Robin says: I am friendly and funny. Who can be Robin? ( Good, youre so funny. )3. Tick or cross.T: Now we know Robin is friendly and funny. What can he do? Open your books, read by yourself and tick or cross. (每一小题进行指导,让学生在文中找到关键词句。完成后,板书) 4. He can speak English and Chinese. He can do some kung fu . He can play ping-pong, too. He is wonderful.If you want to be Robins friend, you can send Robin an email. 直拼法教学send, email, 并强调和指导send的爆破音。5. Email adressT: I want to be Robins friend. How to send Robin an email?This is Robins email address. 出示文本中Robin的邮箱地址,简单教学邮箱地址的读法。6. Listen and repeat.7. Read along.8. Lets say Robin is so friendly and helpful. Do you like Robin? Do you want to be Robins friend ? 根据PPT板书: Me, too. Now talk with your partner.9. Lets writewrite down the sentences. 引导孩子完成书本上的回信,I can, I cant,写完后如何写信给Robin。教师板书、示范。将三句话打上框,改成一封email。T: Is this an email? Lets make it an email.T: OK. Here is an email for Robin. Lets send him the email. 在QQ邮箱点击发送。Robin is happy now.10. Story timeT: (收到信件的提示音)Oh, an email for me! Lets open it and read. Dear Susan, Thank you for your email. We are friends now.We can help each other and play together. Lets share a story with friends. Robin(T: Look at the picture. This is Snake. That is Rat. Are the friends? ) 猜测为什么Robin会不高兴。Ss listen to the tape and figure it out: Because he wants a new friend. (Who can be my friend?.) Ss say: He is .Ss talk about Robin.学生默读文本片断。Ss imitate.学生跟读模仿本句。Read the sentence, then choose tick or cross . 学生模仿Robin说: Please send me an email.学生可以用中文说。学生尝试读邮箱地址。Listen and repeat.(Twice)Pair work:Dear Robin,I can be your friend. Youre friendly. Im friendly, too. 学生写三句话给Robin,在教师的示范下改写成一份电子邮件给Robin.Ss enjoy the story and answer the question: Can Snake and Rat make friends? 回顾上节课,并设疑导入新课,看图讨论,读前预测文本信息,建立阅读兴趣。 初步感知文本,听音感知语篇。学生听录音找出答案,在完整的情境中,整体感知语篇。 默读,找出相关信息,在获取语篇相关信息中,分析语篇。 细读文本,找到关键词句,完成练习。在训练阅读策略和阅读技巧中,学会阅读语篇。 跟读模仿语篇中,培养语感。 在写之前,先让学生说一说。 仿写句子,以给Robin写一封电子邮件为情境,循序渐进地进行语境化书写。 由于教学制度改革后,英语课时减少,故事教学一般不单独作为一课时教学,而是有机地整合到本单元的某个课时中去。因此,本课时最后,只让学生欣赏一遍,初步感知故事,引起学生学习英语的兴趣,扩大学生阅读量。Homework1. Listen and recite the passage.2. Send an email to Miss Xu. ) 学生学以致用,课后真的用所学英语知识写一份email给老师。 让学生在真实的运用中巩固新授知识。附件:作业纸Lets write:Word bank:


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