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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-浙江工商大学考前自测提分卷(含答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题The school authority ( )professor Watson that he would get one million in 5 years.问题1选项A.ensuredB.assuredC.insuredD.sured【答案】B【解析】【试题解析】考查动词辨析。A选项ensure“确保,保证”;B选项assured“使确信;弄清”;C选项insure“确保,保证;给保险”;没有sured这个词。缺谓语动词,由主语The school authority“学校当局”和professor Watson和that he would get one million in 5 years 的关系可知assured“使(某人)确信(某事)”符合题意,句意为:校方向沃森教授保证,他将在5年内获得100万。故答案选B。2.单选题 It was 1961, and I was in the fifth grade. My marks in school were miserable and, the thing was, I didnt know enough to really care. My older brother and I lived with Mom in a dingy multi-family house in Detroit. We watched TV every night. The background noise of our lives was gunfire and horses hoofs from “Wagon Train” or “Cheyenne” and laughter from “I Love Lucy”, or “Mister Ed”. After supper, wed sprawl on Moms bed and stare for hours at the tube. But one day Mom changed our world forever. She turned off the TV. Our mother had only been able to get through third grade. But, she was much brighter and smarter than we boys knew at the time. She had noticed something in the suburban houses she cleaned books. So she came home one day, snapped off the TV, sat us down and explained that her sons were going to make something of themselves. “You boys are going to read two books every week,” she said. “And youre going to write me a report on what you read.” We moaned and complained about how unfair it was. Besides, we didnt have any books in the house other than Moms Bible. But she explained that we would go where the books were: “Ill drive you to the library.” So pretty soon there were these two peevish boys sitting in her white 1959 Oldsmobile on their way to Detroit Public Library. I wandered reluctantly among the childrens books. I loved animals, so when I saw some books that seemed to be about animals, I started leafing through them. The first book I read clear through was Chip the Dam Builder. It was about beavers. For the first time in my life I was lost in another world. No television program had ever taken me so far away from my surroundings as did this verbal visit to a cold stream in a forest and these animals building a home. It didnt dawn on me at the time, but the experience was quite different from watching TV. There were images forming in my mind instead of before my eyes. And I could return to them again and again with the flip of a page. Soon I began to look forward to visiting this hushed sanctuary from my other world. I moved from animals to plants, and then to rocks. Between the covers of all those books were whole worlds, and I was free to go anywhere in them. Along the way a funny thing happened: I started to know things. Teachers started to notice it too. I got to the point where I couldnt wait to get home to my books. Now my older brother is an engineer and I am chief of pediatric neurosurgery at John Hopkins Childrens Center in Baltimore. Sometimes I still cant believe my lifes journey, from a failing and indifferent student in a Detroit public school to this position, which takes me all over the world to teach and perform critical surgery. But I know when the journey began the day Mom snapped off the TV set and put us in her Oldsmobile for that drive to the library.1. We can learn from the beginning of the passage that ( ).2. Which of the following is NOT true about the authors family?3. The mother was to ( )make her two sons switch to reading books.4. How did the two boys feel about going to the library at first?5. The author began to love books for the following reasons EXCEPT that( ).问题1选项A.the author and his brother had done poorly in schoolB.the author had realized how important schooling wasC.the author had been very concerned about his school workD.the author had spent much time watching TV after school问题2选项A.His mother worked as a cleaner.B.He came from a middle-class family.C.He came from a single-parent family.D.His mother had received little education.问题3选项A.hesitantB.determinedC.reluctantD.unprepared问题4选项A.They were afraid.B.They were reluctant.C.They were indifferent.D.They were eager to go.问题5选项A.he began to see something in his mindB.he could go back to read the books againC.he could visualize what he read in his mindD.he realized that books offered him new experience【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:B第4题:B第5题:B【解析】1.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。定位到文章第一段“It was 1961, and I was in the fifth grade. My marks in school were miserable and, the thing was, I didnt know enough to really care. We watched TV every night. 那是1961年,我在五年级。我在学校的成绩很糟糕,问题是,我还并不在意我们每天晚上看电视。”可知选项D符合题意。2.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。定位到第一段“My older brother and I lived with Mom in a dingy multi-family house in Detroit. 我和我的哥哥和妈妈住在底特律一个昏暗的多户人家共同居住的房子里。”可知作者家境并不好,故答案选B。3.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。文章第二三段描述了作者的母亲回到家关上电视要让他们开始读书,每周读两本并写报告,家里没书就开车送他们去图书馆等等,由此可知母亲是下定决心让儿子们读书,因此答案选B。4.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。定位到文章第四段“So pretty soon there were these two peevish boys sitting in her white 1959 Oldsmobile on their way to Detroit Public Library. 所以很快就有两个坏脾气的男孩坐在她的白色1959年的奥兹莫比尔汽车上,在去底特律公共图书馆的路上。”可知他们不情愿去图书馆,故答案选B。5.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。定位到文章第六段“It didnt dawn on me at the time, but the experience was quite different from watching TV. There were images forming in my mind instead of before my eyes. And I could return to them again and again with the flip of a page. 当时我并没有意识到这一点,但这段经历和看电视完全不同。在我的脑海里形成了一些图像,而不是在我眼前。我可以翻过一页,一次又一次地回到他们身边。”可知作者爱上读书是因为书能给他全新的感受,让他浮想联翩,而不是因为他能反复地读这些书,因此答案选B。3.单选题He uses color, light and form quite differently from the conventional style of his( ) .问题1选项A.descendantsB.predecessorsC.successorsD.ancestors【答案】B【解析】【试题解析】考查名词辨析。A选项descendant“子孙,后裔”;B选项predecessor“前任,前辈”;C选项successor“后继者,继承人”;D选项ancestor“祖宗,祖先”,分析空格前后的句子成分,是一个所有格短语,充当介词from的宾语,意思可以理解为“前辈的传统表达方式”,句意为:他在色彩、光线和形式方面,做法完全不同于他前辈的传统方式。故正确答案选B。4.单选题Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind their desks, ( )themselves.问题1选项A.expandingB.stretchingC.prolongingD.extending【答案】B【解析】【试题解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项expand“扩张,使膨胀”;B选项stretch“伸展,张开”;C选项prolong“延长,拖延(延长时间)”;D选项extend“延伸,扩大,推广,伸出”。stretch oneself固定搭配的意思是“伸懒腰,伸展身体”,句意为:做完早上的工作后,职员们从桌子后面站起来,伸展伸展身体。故正确答案选B。5.单选题Alan Patton found that in such a quick-fixed society, some people even dont bother to read a masterpiece( ) .问题1选项A.in the detailB.in the detailsC.in detailD.in details【答案】C【解析】【试题解析】考查固定搭配。C选项in detail“详细地”,介词短语能做状语;D选项in details“逐个地”,一般和动词搭配使用,表示一部分一部分地处理。根据关键词“bother to read a masterpiece辛苦地去读著作”,可知空格部分in detail符合题意,句意为:阿兰帕顿发现在这样一个快节奏的社会,一些人甚至懒得详细地去读某部著作。故正确答案选C。6.单选题 Hawaiis native minority is demanding a greater degree of sovereignty over its own affairs. But much of the archipelagos political establishment, which includes the White Americans who dominated until the Second World War and people of Japanese, Chinese and Filipino origin, is opposed to the idea. This islands were annexed by the US in 1898 and since then Hawaiis native people have fared worse than any of its other ethnic groups. They make up over 60 percent of the states homeless, suffer higher levels of unemployment and their life span is five years less than the average Hawaiians. They are the only major US native group without some degree of autonomy. But a sovereignty advisory committee set up by Hawaiis first native governor, John Waihee, has given the natives cause a major boost by recommending that the Hawaiian natives decide by themselves whether to re-establish a sovereign Hawaiian nation. However, the Hawaiian natives are not united in their demands. Some just want greater autonomy within the state-as enjoyed by many American Indian natives over matters such as education. This is a position supported by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), a state agency set up in 1978 to represent the natives interests and which has now become the moderate face of the native sovereignty movement. More ambitious is the Ka Lahui group, which declared itself a new nation in 1987 and wants full, official independence from the US. But if Hawaiian natives are given greater autonomy, it is far from clear how many people this will apply to. The state authorities only count as native those people with more than 50 percent Hawaiian blood. Native demands are not just based on political grievances, though. They also want their claim on 660,000 hectares of Hawaiian crown land to be accepted. It is on this issue that native groups are facing most opposition from the state authorities. In 1993, the state government paid the OHA US $136 million in back rent on the crown land and many officials say that by accepting this payment the agency has given up its claims to legally own the land. The OHA has vigorously disputed this.1. Hawaiis native minority refers to( ).2. Which of the following statements is true of the Hawaiian natives?3. Which of the following is NOT true of John Waihee?4. Which of the following groups holds a less radical attitude on the matter of sovereignty?5. Various native Hawaiians demand all the following EXCEPT( ).问题1选项A.Hawaiis ethnic groupsB.People of Filipino originC.The Ka Lahui groupD.People with 50% Hawaiian blood问题2选项A.Sixty percent of them are homeless or unemployed.B.They are the only native group without sovereignty.C.Their life span is 5 years shorter than average Americans.D.Their life is worse than that of other ethnic groups in Hawaii.问题3选项A.He is Hawaiis first native governor.B.He is leading the local independence movement.C.He has set up a sovereignty advisory committee.D.He suggested the native people decide for themselves.问题4选项A.The Ka Lahui groupB.The Hawaiian nativesC.Office of Hawaiian AffairsD.American Indian natives问题5选项A.greater autonomy within the stateB.a claim on the Hawaiian crown landC.more back rent on the crown landD.full independence from the US【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:B第4题:C第5题:C【解析】1.【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。定位到文章第一段“Hawaiis native minority is demanding a greater degree of sovereignty over its own affairs. 夏威夷本土少数民族要求更多处理本地事物的自主权。”和第二段“This islands were annexed by the US in 1898 and since then Hawaiis native people have fared worse than any of its other ethnic groups. 1898年美国吞并夏威夷岛后,夏威夷岛的原住民情况比其他种族的情况变得更糟糕。”故由此推断这里的本土少数民族是指夏威夷岛原住民,正确答案选A。2.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。定位到文章第二段“They make up over 60 percent of the states homeless, suffer higher levels of unemployment and their life span is five years less than the average Hawaiians. They are the only major US native group without some degree of autonomy. 他们占该州无家可归者的60%以上,失业率更高,他们的寿命比夏威夷人的平均寿命短5年。他们是唯一没有一定程度自治权的美国主要土著群体。”选项A、B和C描述均过于绝对,故正确答案选D。3.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。定位到文章第三段“But a sovereignty advisory committee set up by Hawaiis first native governor, John Waihee, has given the natives cause a major boost by recommending that the Hawaiian natives decide by themselves whether to re-establish a sovereign Hawaiian nation. 但是,夏威夷第一任本土出生的州长约翰怀希,设立主权咨询委员会,极大地促进了夏威夷原住民的发展事业,以此建议夏威夷原住民自己决定是否建立一个主权独立的夏威夷国家。”由此可知选项B文章中没有提到,故正确答案选B。4.【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。定位到文章第四段“This is a position supported by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), a state agency set up in 1978 to represent the natives interests and which has now become the moderate face of the native sovereignty movement. 这一工作得到夏威夷事务办公室的支持,此机构1978年成立是为原住民服务,现在成了本土主权运动的温和派”,由此可知夏威夷事务办公室在自主权问题上态度温和而不激进。正确答案选C。5.【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。定位到文章第四段末“More ambitious is the Ka Lahui group, which declared itself a new nation in 1987 and wants full, official independence from the US. ”1987年夏威夷原住民中的一个比较激进的种族宣布脱离美国管辖,成立独立王国。故正确答案应该为C。7.单选题The Gymnasium was( ) by April 2014, but now the wall was still nowhere in sight.问题1选项A.to be completedB.to completeC.to have completedD.to have been completed【答案】D【解析】【试题解析】考查语法结构。这里考查的是非谓语动词不定式的用法。选项A是不定式结构的被动形式,表示被动或是逻辑上的动宾关系。选项B是不定式的一般式,和句中的主语形成逻辑上的动宾关系。选项C是不定式的完成式,表示动作已经发生。选项D表示不定式的完成式,并且含有被动语态,表示动宾关系兼完成状态。分析文章语义“体育馆2014年4月建成”了,选项D为最佳答案。8.单选题( ) is CORRECT in grammar.问题1选项A.Britain does not agree and neither do Denmark, Portugal and IrelandB.Britain does not agree and either do Denmark. Portugal and IrelandC.Britain does not agree. So do Denmark. Portugal and IrelandD.Britain does not agree. Neither Denmark, Portugal and Ireland do.【答案】A【解析】【试题解析】考查语法结构。CORRECT in grammar“语法上正确的”是 Britain does not agree and neither do Denmark, Portugal and Ireland,句意为:英国不同意,丹麦,葡萄牙和爱尔兰也不同意。故答案选 A。9.单选题( )that many travelers complained to the travel agency.问题1选项A.So frequently the guide took them to luxurious shopsB.So frequently the guide took them to luxurious shops doC.So frequently did the guide take them to luxurious shopsD.So the guide took them to luxurious shops frequently【答案】C【解析】【试题解析】考查语法结构。本题考查结果状语从句中的倒装用法。在“so/suchthat.”结构中,so和such连同它所修饰成分置于句首表示强调。主句需要倒装;根据句子后面的结构“that many travelers complained to the travel agency.”可知前面是so引导的主句,需要采用部分倒装结构,句意为:导游带游客去奢侈品商店太频繁,以至于许多游客向旅行社投诉。故正确答案选C。10.翻译题 No Englishman believes in working from book learning. He suspects all theories, philosophical or other. He suspects everything new, and dislikes it, unless he can be compelled by the force of circumstances to see that this new thing has advantages over the old. Race-experience is what he invariably depends upon, whenever he can, whether in India, in Egypt, or in Australia. His statesmen do not consult historical precedents in order to decide what to do: they first learn the facts as they are; then they depend upon their own common sense, not at all upon their university learning or upon philosophical theories. And in the case of the English nation, it must be acknowledged that this instinctive method has been eminently successful.【答案】 没有一个英国人相信从书本能学会工作。他们怀疑一切理论,不管是哲学理论还是其他的。他们是对一切新鲜事物持怀疑态度,并深恶痛绝,除非迫于形势,他们才认识到新的事物确比旧的事物更有优势。不管是身在印度、埃及或澳大利亚,只要可能,他们总是依靠他们自己的种族经验。为了做出决策,英国的政治家们并不参阅历史的先例,而是首先如实的弄清楚事实的真相;然后依靠自己的常识,而不是他们的大学学习或哲学理论。就英国民族而论,必须承认这种本能的处事方法一向是成功的。


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